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Showing posts with label orb calling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orb calling. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The `Fortean Switch'

I sure hope that most of you caught the real Fortean link yesterday on UDCC to my blog called The Heavy Stuff. In that link I explored a tale found on a social news site that suggested the `impossible' or what I often refer to as `the Fortean'. You'll have to dig down for that on this page, but, I wanted to bring to you just a kernel of further thought on the subject of `the impossible'.

You see, today I went to the latest MUFON reports as I often do - but, what I fail to report to Clockers on a regular basis is that occasionally NOTHING of value is there. NOTHING at all. And, then the thought hit me --- can `the Fortean' simply flip a switch to activate the perception structures that get reported to an agency like MUFON? Why would some days of reports be replete with tons of the impossible and yet other days - NOTHING at all.
The Slippery Slope Of Now And Real - The Phenomenology Of Actualization
My read of a lifetime about the reality structure.
The rest of today will be a mish mash of some links in the bin. First up - Could NASA Be Hiding Life on Mars From US? - I featured this blog a few days ago too. Lose yourself, it's Sunday.
Did you know that I also teach people to do the impossible? Learn To Juggle In One Hour - For Health, Fun and Profit
On occasion we talk about Dean Clark around here - the Kentucky Orb caller on occasion - he put some of his stuff on this YouTube Channel - bottom line, one great experience and video and the rest, well....... not so persuasive. 
Speaking of unusual lights - my best selling book since November:
Going To The Light At Death - The New Theories (The Heavy Stuff)
Speaking of going to the death - how about this for the FINAL post of a UFO blog in 2009 - Childhood Alien Contact.
And, finally, LM says that he had his alien contact at a very young age too:
Shaman Lujan Matus Has Answers

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2012 Asheville, North Carolina `UFO Skywatch' Yields AMAZING Display

Okay Clockers, I've been alluding to it for several days; that IF you went to my side UFO blog called North Carolina UFO's that you would see something amazing. I also alluded that I'd be bringing it your way - to UDCC - and you are in for a HUGE treat. Are you ready for the back story?

Seems that for FOUR previous nights to this February 10th 2012 sky phenomena event, that Orbs (UFO's) were being seen in the same locations near a persons home in Fletcher North Carolina. The person invited MUFON's North Carolina's Public Relations Director, Israel Curiel - who invited the persons who took the photo's. The owner of the residence that the anomalous sky phenomena was being seen from indicated that specific areas of the sky were the most likely to produce the phenomena and indeed the witness confirms that as being the case. There are a few more details Here For The February 10th Fletcher Orb Descriptions -- INCLUDING, the, what I call, the `reactionary military jet' phenomena too. Classic.

The person indicated that the photo lens was set at 30 seconds and took three shots - including the best Green Spiral phenomena I've ever seen (how much of this is the 30 second effect?) Similar to Dean Clark's sky phenomena too.
The second pic:
And, the third picture:
Oh, BTW, NOT ONE result came up for the links here other than my coverage at North Carolina UFO - some of the BEST PICTURES with one of the best stories - and NOT ONE website covered it at the time. ................. Folks, the quantity of potential real time info about the anomalous is so great that things THIS GOOD fall through the proverbial cracks. (Even with folks like myself and Ken Pfeifer and a couple others dedicated to taking a long look for data and info.)................. So, I'm proud to bring you one of the years best - look for it on the Top 10 of 2012 coming soon.
Please Check Out My Kindle Author Page
Or, Check Out The 100+ Anomalous Books In the UDCC Book Vault

582607_Free shipping 468x60

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Robert Bingham Phenomena Of 2012

About the only thing `wrong' with Robert Bingham is this (his) `association' with the Third Phase Of The Moon YouTube channel. IF you are not familiar with Robert Bingham, UDCC first covered him In April and his apparent ability to put Orbs into the sky during the daytime. In the below video, it is an update of sorts with embedded video of what supposedly happened on May 19th with a Robert Bingham `calling'. (He thinks he is calling Angels.)

The video was an issued challenge to watch the next RB calling session that was slated for June 3rd: About 16K views since May and only a 2/1 pos/neg ratio (Third Phase has some real haters of TP).

link -
So, the stage was set - come one come all to the Plaza on June 3rd to see UFO's called -- I mean Angels. (Which are really Orbs.) So, what do you think happened? Certainly this was enough lead time for the MSM to show up - don't you think? OR - ARE THEY SCARED OF COVERING UFO CALLERS?
Ready for a LIVE tease with witnesses and Robert Bingham on June 3rd? About 8K views and still the 2/1 ratio of opinion.

link -
Sold three more of my UFO books yesterday and the FREE UFO book download continues until 11:59 tonight on The 14% UFO Myth with SEVEN great chapters.
The 14% UFO Myth And Other UFOlogy Essays (Includes my UFO Experience)

Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2006 O'Hare UFO Airport Incident (The Heavy Stuff) (Just 99 cents, Top 30 UFO book on Kindle as of this second)

Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2008 Stephenville UFO Events (The Heavy Stuff) (The UFO Disclosure Showdown)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

`THINKING' False Flags - Is Fortean Phenomena An Example?

Today's post is IMO a `reflection' of the last post here on UDCC. In my post I touched upon Dan Mitchell's thoughts about an immanent `false flag' by TPTB (the powers that be) - yeah, the conspiracy stuff. Now, TPTB will stage this so-called False Flag in our very midst for all to see. A real reality event that is somehow orchestrated in complex and esoteric manners (some believe). Others, of course, believe the above and do NOT invoke the mysterious.

Today's post is also a reflection of the previous post from the comments too - as puurr gurrl checked in and offered up a different point of view about Luminosity's demise - including using words to the effect that some blogs are creative outlets. Indeed, some of my posts fit that category - especially on my blog The Heavy Stuff; but, also occasionally here - as this post about this subject is today.

You see, IMO, the whole `False Flag' is one of the most compelling `far out' scenario's of those who believe in a NWO and other such alternative, edgy, conspiracy bents. False Flags are always part of the manipulation of the masses by the elites into some final `power' seize and arrangement that TPTB desire via the evil within them. (oh, okay.)

As you know, at least TWO of the popular internet `false flag' ideas involve things UDCC at least talks about on occasion. One is that the elites are going to bring on a full fledged UFO event - perhaps a televised landing or coverage of a hovering huge UFO in the sky. Or a multiple city daytime UFO event for all to see via the internet and local media. Something that would SEEM to be indisputable; but would actually ONLY be Virtual. -------------- Not real. -------------- A perception event.

Now, of course, because of this very idea already being a part of the Global Consciousness we are all a part of - should such an event ACTUALLY occur, in real time with REAL aliens; then the COVER for such is already in place. Especially if that FIRST contact is NOT for an extended period of time (days or weeks in the sky). So, whether staged by the elites or staged by `the aliens' - it's very validity will be brought into question IMO. ----------- And, the one version outcome is that the elites take over (while in the other version, the aliens have come to rescue the working class from the elites ----------- OR -------- to destroy mankind for its failure). (yikes)

Talk about a fun thinking exercise to throw around and about, right? BUT, as you might suspect based on the headline today - this is a thinking exercise and involves the slippery slope of my own perceptions about phenomena and phenomenology; with False Flags as the theme. And, above I've articulated the most common and the ones often associated with TPTB who, of course, want to retain this exclusive power and hold over humankind. (Or, is it that they are eating our emotions for energy?)

And, of course - there is one other highly bantered about False Flag idea that the elites would use somehow, to  kowtow us all even further than already accomplished by control of the MSM and the off budget money of the world. (How am I doing so far?) - Anyway, the idea is the same, and it would be the `return' of the great or a great religious figure onto Earth - yes, the proverbial Return of Jesus. (Which would be a virtual Jesus of course of the elites. Perhaps even a giant Jesus in the sky.)

Now, I don't really understand how that is suddenly going to usher in a stranglehold of the elites over the masses - but - that is the idea; that somehow, THAT would be the moment that they would seize control. (From whom I would ask?) And, turn us into slaves of the system; which would then become Global I assume. (Which is indeed scary to a thinking person - at least at this point of time IMO.)

So, if I understand the conspiracy folks, one of two, staged, virtual, off world events - a UFO or a Jesus archetype - would be used by TPTB elites to finally control the human world. Yes, the slippery slope is under our very feet. ---------- And, getting back to the return of Jesus thing ---------- IF somehow that event occurred in some fashion, a returned Jesus,  that was NOT activated by TPTB, then TPTB would still be able to muddy up the authenticity and seize control anyway. After all, it's already a part of the motif of the conspiracy minded.

Which brings me to the `Thinking False Flags' part of today's headline and actually the one thing that I came into this post with a nugget of newness worth blogging about - the connection which often sparks real bloggers on any subject. And this connection was the Orb callers again.

Here's the nugget to flush out in my mind - if the elite is to pull off a False Flag virtual event, be it Jesus or a UFO, THEY WILL DO IT BY MANIPULATING THE PERCEPTION FIELD. ----------------- Yes, by manipulating the `perception field' by bringing something into being. Into existence; at least perceptually. And, folks,  once you can begin to control the very perception field, the sky is the real limit as what can be manipulated IMO. A real slippery slope.

And, Orb Callers - the provers of induced phenomena - are treading on the very same surfaces; but, doing so without the probable holographic science that would be used by the so-called elites for control (in the conspiracy theories it is holograms that would be the source of the UFO or Jesus). Indeed, IMO, Orb Callers are showing possible influence from beyond the time-cone - whereas, the elites, IMO, would be showing influence from within the time-cone (a projection from one location to another). Albeit, the Orb Callers could also be influencing from within the time cone - phenomena that is already within the time-come too.

BUT, to the powers that be, what IF Orb Callers are the slippery slope? What IF Orb Callers could `advance or evolve' their abilities or, god forbid, spread the power to others(?) (pun, satire, and tongue in cheek,  intended). Indeed, could an advanced caller `put jesus into the sky?' (how's that for a dangerous thought) or god forbid - a UFO? OR indeed, somehow SUMMON the few real UFOs that our government is probably aware of (which is my view on the sheer number of biological aliens riding around in crafts). That is IF real aliens are more mental attuned.

Because IF it is `alien entities' who are `in touch with Orb Callers' and who are `reaching out - or into our reality' - who knows that the real limit is to `calling'? It could indeed be UNLIMITED, based on levels of belief and developed methodology of the caller. (Are you beginning to see the connection of controlling perception fields?) Indeed, could the Orb callers who are convinced they are calling some species from Orion or such, actually `produce' some archetype entity or event - an event with certain perception characteristics? Would this, could this, be viewed by a reasonable person or reasonable person concerned with world security - as a `Thinking' False Flag? Would multiple Orb callers getting together have even  more power?

IF all of the IF's above are true (lol) - TPTB's interest in folks with the Orb calling capacity is a double edged sword. They only want to get close to discredit or bring into doubt the real callers with the fakes (that abound) or to point out, the obvious, that anything can be faked with today's technology. Anything. Indeed, for all anyone knows, LEGITIMATE anomalous phenomena may HAVE data associated with them that is anomalous - IS THAT SOMEHOW A SURPRISE? (IF someone is trying to compare an unknown video say with some known real number.) Does that somehow make it FALSE?

The other edge of the sword is, of course, the IGNORING of such phenomena by the MSM. Indeed, Orb calling, since it was shoved into the MSM's face by the Prophet Yahweh, is truly off limits and forbidden to be shown or taken seriously. To the MSM, Orbs are to be those little dust bits that can't be seen in photographs --- and ORBS are NOT to be `alien entities with which some humans seem to be in some limited communication with'.

And, finally, the Fortean Phenomena connection (however slight) to this post today. 

My understanding of Fortean Phenomena, real Fortean phenomena, is that it is FOR wonderment to be part of mankind's existence. A phenomena that literally HAS NO `a-priori' ontological structure. That simply `occurs' with an end result. Almost like a `time-stop-age' with a `replaced frame' which includes and will include the Fortean material of the fortean event. And, yes, this probably includes `religious miracles' of a physical nature. And, yes, these are ONE time, events.

So, it is indeed possible, that the Fortean itself, in the region of spaces that the Fortean commands - views Orb Callers as a chance to spread wonderment into the world. Something better than having fish fall from the sky or a golden ring to appear under a pillow. Something for our modern age and the development of the alternative culture - that sees their words and ideas as too (so) important - that a conspiracy from beyond can bring them down.

I have purr gurrl to thank for this creative mind exercise.
So, another person bought that Unabomber book from UDCC the other day, making two total. Indeed, when you go to the link and see the scholars praising Ted's words - it is a real eye opener. It is for thinking folks only so, I bring you the Amazon link again:
Technological Slavery: The Collected Writings of Theodore J. Kaczynski, a.k.a. "The Unabomber"

As always, a big thanks to the person who buys the Glee episodes from UDCC. Again.
Today's post was going to be about --- well, stop by tomorrow and find out. I've got another axe to grind. One that I've made pretty sharp so far, but now I'm over the line. Yes, it's about another too good to be true UFO video being promoted. At least tomorrow's UDCC will have a UFO video (barf bag please).
Up above I talk about `perception structures' - to me, the best read about such is:
The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception: The Living Tapestry of Lujan Matus

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Do It Yourself UFO - The Clark Effect

So, in this 2009 `UFO' called video - the man who is producing the Dean Clark UFO pictures - uses the `Dean Clark Effect' to produce UFO footage of his own (evidently). Somehow, it's all a bit less than convincing for me except for the one bright Orb and what appears to be an Orb cluster at the end of the video presentation. Easy enough to watch with the Alan Parsons Project keeping beat in the background. Spacey Man. Groovy too. All of 176 views in just under 3 years on YT.

link -
The above video would imply that `Orb Calling' is nothing more than having good photo equipment. H..mmm.
Finally for today - a long one. As Clockers know, UDCC has a special relationship with Ken Pfeifer of the MUFON Star Team from N.J. ----- and here he provides an interview about UFOs and more. It's always good to know backgrounds of the good guys: Ken Pfeifer Interview - April 2012 so, put your feet up for a good listen.
Thanks for your visit today - tell a friend about UDCC - thanks. Please look around the sidebar today or further down the page for lots of content about UFOs. IF you want to see the page that has been saving the best of the best of 2012 on UDCC - 2012 UFO Videos And Pictures.
The Phenomenology Of Actualization read a sample and be blown away.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sacred Geometry - `UFO's' ON DEMAND - The `Caller' Phenomena

Only a few Clockers probably remember my coverage of Dean Clark in the 2008-2009 time-frame (although I have referred to him with some regularity). DC was/is a Kentucky Orb caller who has been invested by MUFON and was determined to be producing some sort of atmospheric spiritual phenomena. Indeed, eventually in 2008 it resulted in one of the most amazing blog posts ever about Orb Calling - With Dozens Of Pictures Of Anomalous Sky Phenomena - that was basically `on demand' via a methodology that DC used of a religious nature. (Think Prayer Times Two - A Real Belief).

Indeed, check out these beyond amazing film captures:
And, at the above links - one can also see some of the more typical Orb shapes such as Octagons and such. Indeed, today's post was inspired by someone finding UDCC when searching for Dean Clark videos on YouTube. So, I decided that perhaps that was a good idea as I didn't remember any videos attached with Dean (but I could have forgot). And, lo and behold, I found a few of note. Such as this called UFOs on Demand 6. (Yes, there are others.) 
It's uploaded on the YouTube account `TopSecretStuff' and is from 2009 with just over a 1000 views. It's set to music and has a 3/0 pos-neg rating. IF you are very cool you will watch it to the very very end. 
Oh, this is the description by the uploader:
A video collection of images that reach beyond UFOs and into the next
crop circle type messages given to the human race on camera

link -
One thing that always interested me as having possible `paranormal' connections is Geometric Shapes as they might represent Math Truths. So, if someone with consciousness was `requesting a show of `truth' ' - one might get some sort of Phenomenological representation such as what we see. It also would be a way for `aliens' - entities really - to `show' as something that represents a truth too. IMO. How's that for a connection?
Oh, BTW, this was the ONLY comment below this video:

friends let me make one thing clear not only do i know dean clark but on several occasions i have personlly witnesses the events you have seen i have seen these and much much more than you can imagine i have had dean at my home in kentucky ion my property and sttod among what you see"""
thank you dean my dear friend im a believer"""

Consider this Part One.
Please share this post if you think it's worthy with the Facebook button below. You can also Email it or use your Twitter account to help spread the real word about real UFOs.

Friday, February 10, 2012

UDCC Mailbox

As Clockers know, on occasion I print communications I receive about the UFO phenomena. Today's post will be that as I have had several communications with Pam who has sent to me pictures and videos she believes are anomalous in nature. I've featured her YT channel before openyoureyes10 before as she was convinced she was filming recurring Orbs.

Additionally, Pam is a fan of UDCC - perhaps even gaining some insights within this very blog (pats on back). Anyway, this morning Pam sent to me some video she has on YT and some pictures - I responded back and then Pam sent me this:

I appreciate your view on "actualized space" but I must differ due to my own experiences and my daily reality. The fact is, as I've told my Mufon friends, I sense or "see" objects that streak by(I'm on 3rd floor) either next to balcony railing or just in sky generally..

My goal is that people realize that there are "objects" in our skies, UFOS, that are not just Alien Crafts, that what they see as ordinary may not be ordinary at all. For people to become aware in their daily lives to their surroundings..

People speak of "fake planes" caused by Orbs imitating planes but I believe thats not all they are imitating..

Either I've come into this late and it has been going on for some time or "Change" is happening, for reasons that I'm not aware of.

What is STRANGE is that after not being able to find and film Orbs or the strange objects for some time, after I ahd been stating that I ALWAYS film something strange - and had for many many months, that after I had read your article about perhaps someone other could be calling the Orbs and such to appear, that I started mentally calling them this past month--pleading for them to come and show themselves. Well, I believe They have come. In my first film 4 days ago, the sight of a small Orb caused a real happiness for me...and then, the actual, what I believe to be a Real Probe to be visible(I've seen one other during my first sightings, so it isn't jut the camera)

And, for something even more strange, I am now wondering, after my months of not filming or "seeing-sensing" anything and now being able to, could it be due to a strange, flickering "light" last week that I could see with my naked eyes one night or because of my pleading? I even filmed it not that it shows well on film. it was Sooooo strange.Just a thought...AND, the two articles, one of which you provided, that helped me reaffirm my previous sightings way back when. I feel there is a reason I just need to discover what it is..

This isn't about me, I just wanted to share that... LOL (CRAZY)

Please remind people to really LOOK at their daily surroundings and sometimes just taking a moment to pause and reflect while staring out at the sky, to "look" but don't really "see", not focusing on any one thing, and I bet they will see something....
I don't know how familiar that Pam is with Carlos Castaneda's guru Don Juan - but he spoke endlessly about `seeing' as opposed to `looking'. Indeed, awareness/intentionality's - IMO - can be a `trigger' for `the unknown' to actualize. I'd also direct Pam to where I covered a Kentucky man who brought MUFON to his property and literally `produced' a light show of Orbs in front of them. MUFON eventually said that he produced a `spiritual' phenomena. (as opposed to alien I assume)
Readers are welcome  to contact UDCC via the comment area or at . I am still hoping to have that interview with the MUFON special investigator of NJ. And, I still have in the bin a great in depth lookback at one particular UFO case of 2011. So stay tuned. I also want to remind my readers that I will be `signing' books at the book release party at Poem 88 in Atlanta next Wednesday evening at 7:30 PM with Robert Cheatham. IF you are a resident in the Atlanta area (alexa suggests I have about 150 or so Atlanta readers) please come out and shake hands - I'd love to meet you.
How to Summon and Command Spirits, Angels, Demons, Afrit, Djinns. 3rd Edition. (Instructions and techniques on how to communicate with spirits)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Speaking To An Orb: "There You Are My Friend"

Welcome Newbies and Hello Clockers (Clockers are the weekly and daily visitors to UDCC). I've got a good MUFON report for you today from a bit back (proving that not all reports vanish). It involves one of these Orb spotters or Callers that seemingly are growing in numbers. Here's the report:
I was outside sitting in my Lawn chair Monday night at 6:30pm just enjoying the night air and trying to get some relief from the kids as I am a single Father. I do this every night that conditions allow and at the same general time. I waited for nearly 15 minutes to see them again, but I was not really in the mood for the visit. I have a feeling they can sense this, so I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths as to slow my heart rate. I was starting to focus better in my mind and heart. With my eyes still closed I began to.... Well... Pray. Yes I know this sounds a bit odd, but that's the truth of it and that's what I do when I'm alone and things are quiet. Seconds passed and I felt them, from a distance. I opened my eyes and the first orb was to my left which is due South. The orb was visible through the trees, but was physically right at the tree tops and moving slowly towards my position due North. The intensity of the object was great and constant as it hovered towards me nearly at the edge of the tree line and out into the open. I'v seen this sight before, but every time is like the first. It Never gets old. The thought then crossed my mind that another one was watching me so I took a visual and mental note as to the exact location of the first object, then I turned to find the other one. Right away I was able to locate the position of the second Orb directly over my head at about 5000 feet up, dimly illuminated and slowly hovering towards the South. I thought out loud the words "there you are my friend" and immediately upon thinking this the object intensified in illumination at least 10 fold. This was just a bit frightening because as the object illuminated, He also grew in size as if instantly appearing overhead some 3000 feet closer in less than a second. Both objects were Illuminated to the same intensity and so I took my high powered LED Flashlight and flashed one time at the object overhead. The Object in-turn flashed one time. I then flashed Two times. Then the object in-response flashed back two times and then folded in on itself and completely disappeared. I then turned my attention on the first object which was now appearing in open sky and very low. I took my flashlight and shined on it one time and the object immediately folded in on itself and disappeared. (udcc red emphasis)
So, here's another multi-time, caller and another using LEDs. I love the description of it `folding in' on itself.
And, a big welcome to all the Corey And Jay Show fans who found the link to UDCC today - take a look around.
Oh, two follow up links to the `UFO Disclosure' `answer' given by Phil Larson the other month about human interactions with alien entities; first, a link to a Wall Street Journal article that quotes a survey done of 300 users of a UFO Website that doesn't believe Mr. Larson. Then, we have this follow up link with the UFO types that literally think that asking the RIGHT Questions of the government will somehow Produce Different Answers - it's a Huffington Post article. Yeah, right.
Thanks for your visit today to UDCC - please look around this place as the sidebar has lots to share. See you soon if not tomorrow.
Call your own Orb!

A Review:
This review is from: Nebo Redline Tactical Flashlight Strobe S.O.S 220 Lumen #5581 (Tools & Home Improvement)

If there was any lingering question, this Redline flashlight from Nebo is a testament to how far LED technology has come. Gone are the days when LED flashlights put out only a fraction of the light of incandescents. This compact flashlight, 4 3/8 inches long and 1 3/8 inches in diameter, puts out 220 lumens of white lights and has 5 modes. You can use it at 220 lumens, 110 lumens, 22 lumens, SOS mode, or strobe mode. The SOS (Morse code) and strobe might be handy for emergencies if you carry the flashlight in the car. At 220 lumens, the flashlight produces an amazing amount of light that can illuminate my entire living room. The 22-lumen mode is good when you want to find your way without disturbing everyone around you with a blinding light.....
 The flashlight takes 3 AAA batteries (included). It will last 4 hours at 220 lumens, 8 hours at 110 lumens, 15 hours at 22 lumens, and up to 72 hours in strobe or SOS mode on full battery power. The body is waterproof and made of anodized aircraft-grade aluminum. It does hold the temperature around it well, so it can get pretty cold or hot in your glove compartment. The back end of the flashlight is magnetic, which allows hands-free illumination in some situations. The LED bulb will last 110,000+ hours.

Once you are at this amazing Amazon product, you will see other similar ones to check out too.

Monday, November 14, 2011

MUFON Reports Take Plunge Into Ultra High Strangeness

Here's the first report:
I was watching TV in my room, my parents were already asleep, when I heard this loud, hovering sound directly over my house. It sounded almost as if an extremely heavy wind was coming down right on our home. I then got this terrible feeling and got too scared to get out of bed. I started calling out to my parents who are usually very light sleepers and whose room is only about ten feet away from mine, but they wouldn't respond. I continually yelled for them when suddenly the noise over the house got even louder before suddenly zooming off with a swoosh-like sound. As soon as it zoomed off, my parents suddenly awoke, saying that they only heard me call them once, when I actually called them about fifteen times. I then started shaking from head to toe for some reason. I kept shaking for about ten minutes, I have absolutely no idea why I was so frightened, it was almost as if my body was reacting to instinct or something. My parents then told me to sleep in their room because of the terrible condition that I was suddenly in. I eventually stopped shaking and fell asleep. Then, when I awoke in the morning, my parents told me that about 45 minutes after I went to sleep, they were awoken by a strange screeching noise in the distance that seemed to sound similar to the noise that I described. I'm usually a skeptic and I look for logical explanations, but I couldn't find any explanation for the event. It definitely wasn't a helicopter or a jet. The only thing I could compare the noise with is with some type of huge hovercraft. It was especially strange that my parents didn't wake up when I first called them and the reaction that my body had to it. I felt jittery and sick to my stomach for a short while after the event. It didn't seem to give out a friendly vibe, that is for sure. The vehicle was so loud that I'm sure someone else in town must have heard it.
Source -  happened yesterday in California.
Here's yesterday's second report of high strangeness:
I was outside the front of my house waiting for them to show themselves as they always come out when I come out. It usually takes anywhere from two to five minutes for them to show up. I'v been doing this for one year now, ever since I got my first green laser. It was also in the evening around 6:00p at this time of year. By mere coincidence my son pointed to the sky where I had previously pointed the device and that is when we saw our first UFO's up close and just at tree top level. Ever since that night I, along with others have witnessed odd things in the sky above my home. Things like a flying triangle the size of three Airliners and balls of light that come straight down to the ground or shoot perfectly parallel to the ground. Great flashes of light and orbs that emerge from some type of portal after the flash. Most of the time these objects keep some distance but on occasion they come too close for comfort. Also on occasion - well actually quite frequently now , they communicate or react to my initial laser or flash light signal. Last night was such a night. I was outside for no more than 2 to 3 minutes when I took my laser and shone a direct beam upwards. As usual, a medium intensity orb appears directly overhead traveling south to north. As usual, I froze. Oddly enough They still frighten me even though I'v seen quite literally hundreds of these things since my first sighting a year ago. The orb proceeded as usual at a steady pace, although sometimes they travel at many different rates of speed including, slowing, accelerating, stopping and hovering. I let the orb pass me for a little bit so it would not be directly overhead, then I took my laser and directed a beam directly behind the craft (NOTE: I DO NOT and IT IS NOT advisable to train a light beam of any kind directly at a person or craft as this could lead to retinal damage of the pilot and compromise the safety of the craft). As soon as I released the button, the craft responded with an intense beam of white light right back at me. I used to think that they were either coming straight at me or they illuminated so bright that it appeared that they were coming straight at me, but now that I'v been seeing them for a while, I think their just retorting with a white beam of light back at me. Immediately after this first Orb was out of sight, Two orbs, one in front of the other came from the north where the first orb went. Again I watched these two orbs pass directly overhead but I did not train my laser until they were away from me, partially because I was afraid and because there was an airliner passing through the line of sight. After I had a clear line of sight I trained my laser to the rear of the trailing orb with the knowledge that If they were some type of human craft, this angle would not allow them to see the light source. Immediately, both Orbs began to either Intensify in Luminosity or train a beam of light right back at me. I was so excited because, although I'v been seeing orbs in pairs lately, this is the first time they simultaneously illuminated.

source -
More reports -
And, here's an interesting MUFON video of an Orb in Louisiana - Bright Orb Vid From Mufon.
And yes, a MUFON link to ANOTHER Atlanta Ghost Plane On 11-11-11. WTH?
Finally, I doubt you will see `this' the first time around - indeed, you will probably need to go to the description of this video to see the `legit' UFO: 230K views.

link -
See you soon?

 Your nightly mind vacation has arrived.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Interview With Orb Caller OrionIFO - AKA Phil Coseski

Hi Phil,

I trust that you have had an opportunity to view my website at - and while I'm sure you haven't become familiar with it - as I haven't with your website - at least you can get a flow of how I've handled your June 30th video. As I've said, I've covered at least one if not more of your videos before on UDCC.
Anyway, thanks for agreeing to answer a few questions for UDCC readers. You can answer directly to my personal e-mail at -- I will copy and paste from there to my website. If you answer pretty quickly, I will put it as today's post.
Ok, my first question is - if the craft/orb appears near the same spot every time - why not set up in that location or walk towards the orb as it is out/on?
1) the craft generally appear in the same area which is right over some heavily forested woods, and to walk back into those woods at night is not cool, because there are coyotes back there! so I will not venture back there for that reason. what you see as orbs around the craft are a result from the molecular plasma light and clouds generated by the core of the ship's drive.

2) How is it you are in contact with the entities that display to you? Is it all mental or is some indeed a physical contact?
2) My contact is generally of a telepathic form which includes lucid dreams and sometimes OOBE's (out of body travels) to meet with the ET's within the astral dimension. at other times I have rare brief physical encounters where the ET's let me see them physically on the streets. and I have a mode of real time physical contact with them through a technical means which I'm not allowed to reveal for security measures. from this mode I'm given answers and explanations in the form of written descriptions. 3) Are you familiar with the idea of Fortean Events?

No, I'm not familiar with the idea of Fortean events, although I've heard about it.4) What do the entities you are in contact with say about the Greys?

4) My Orion contact has told me that the greys consist of several different species, one species if from the Zeta Reticulum constellation and these are short greys and they are5) Are you being told by these entities that Alien Disclosure is going to occur?

generally benevolent and will not cause serious harm to human. other species of greys are from Orion these are taller and they can be somewhat rude in their interactions with humans, they will abduct humans and perform examinations on them against a human's will. and still other species of greys are clones by the taller species of grey, these are like robots or androids and are usually very hostile towards humans.

5) They have made a form of disclosure through me, but on a universal scale as far as disclosure from the US military in an official form? I was told they will not admit this right away and may never admit it. 6) Please give a link to what you feel is the best recording you have made?

6) 7.) Have you contacted local or national media? Do you have videos with lots of friends observing at the same time or videotaping at the same time?

7) No have not contacted local media or national media, neither myself or the aliens want8.) Why do you feel you are having these displays made for you?

a lot of exposure, the ET's have told me they do not want to be known by vast numbers
of earth people at this time.

8) I'm having this displays and contacts for very personal reasons which have to do with myself and the ET's. which I'm not allowed to explain further than this

9.) When was the first display?
9) my first recorded display of unusual alien UFO activity was on June 16-200910.) Do you meditate? Are you religioius?

10) Yes I practice deep meditation and have for years now, and I consider myself spiritual not religious.thanks very much - your answers will NOT be altered.

How about THAT Clockers? I will hopefully be able to ask Phil more questions; - if you have questions, please use the comments. Make sure to check out the links Phil has provided too and his blog at
Thanks for your visit today - how about turning a friend onto UDCC today?

UPDATE: The first reader reaction is in the comments - my response was SO long that even breaking it up into two parts wouldn't work in the comment section ------SO ---- I've taken the liberty to transfer the comments of SOL a regular around UDCC below and then to put my comment below his - enjoy the read.
(sol's words from comment)
Sorry Rick just too much to swallow. This interview raised more questions than likely ever to be solved. We have “The Galactic Federation” and “The Andromeda Council” along with Alfred Webre all producing contradictory ramblings. So now we add this guy to the list. What I find amazing is that there is no verifiable evidence apart from the odd vid of an object that usually is only seen by the one person.

Rick, if you know the exact location of Phil’s regular sightings check out Google Earth, it will give a bird’s eye view of the woods (excluding coyotes) and will show the topography of the land.

I bet if you or I or in fact anyone else had a regular sighting we would have an army of mates and friends in attendance to share the experience.

It’s all about proof, tangible proof that will swing people’s opinion and the above don’t seem to be grasping that.

Still Rick I enjoy your blogs (even if I don’t always agree with them) looking forward to the next instalment.
November 5, 2011 10:43 PM


I always enjoy your thought out opinions - and - ufo disclosure is NOT a popularity contest - with IMO no points of view having a corner on the `truth' - including my own. That is of course one reason why I provide a spectrum of views on UDCC. To me, it's as much to show that MANY ideas might be brnging bits of the truth to bare.
Now, to specifics of the interview. I wanted to have someone respond WITHOUT my influence and you have done that - thanks. I would have had to throw out my opinion of the `answers' if I didn't give everyone a chance to read the interview without my reaction.
First, like you, I find bits of the interview tough to swallow at face value. That said, I must be MUCH more impressed than you are with the sheer quantity of videos that Phil has. Nearly ALL of this same high strangeness Orb phenomena.
As you see and I bet guessed before ever reading my comment here - I am less than convinced that Phil is in actual contact with an ascended being from a particular location.
That said, I do NOT find it impossible that some entities could indeed be or ascend into states of mindfulness, before or after death, that might resemble the interchanges that Phil is having with a being of some sort. Additionally, the fact that Phil is a long time TM person also has traction with me; regardless if the majority of my UDCC `science' oriented audience might `believe'.
But, yes, to your point, the various Federations and Councils is LAUGHABLE to me too. I think I air out the Exo-politics folks laundry often here at UDCC and attempt in my own manner to bring a mockery tone to it. BUT, that said, I do think that the Exo-politics folks are role playing, at least some of them, and using the Exo movement to bring awareness to a multitude of `issues' the least of which is our out of control `defense' budget of the USA.
Next, again, you are correct IMO that NOT having an interest in `spreading the news' via friends or via regular news hounds -- lessens the `CONFIRMED' aspect of these sightings and videotapings. THAT said, I don't honestly think this guy is some scam artist putting up ..... well.....ART into the sky. I do believe that this guy thru obviously less than obvious means is `calling' willing or `intending' these perceptions or spaces into existence. I mean that.
I also have to say that the `reason' for NOT getting closer to the action OR for setting up nearer the action ----- sounded strange and not true to my ears too. In my understanding, coyotes would RUN from people unless one happened upon mothers nest or encoutered a rabid one. Which, compared to the advantage of getting closer to the action would seem to be a reasonable `risk' to take. I simple didn't ring true.

That said, maybe Phil didn't give the answer I suspect because it might sound too goofy. Like, maybe this arrangement (of distance) with the Orbs is one that Phil and the `Orb space' - have an understanding about. As weird as that sounds.
Next, your point is well taken that why doesn't SOMEONE ELSE in Phil's immediate area report or videotape THESE Orbs while they are occurring. But, while well taken, the actual location and serious limitation to occurring for only a couple minutes at a time - COULD preclude other vids or even seeing.
I'm with you also SOL that IF this was happenning to me, I would want the news into the media. BUT, that said, IF I really believed the voices in my brain and evolved external experiences that evidently Phil has been able to evolve for individual contact, then I would NOT go public - just like Phil --- so, to me, IMO, it is NOT weird and is understandable.
I also hope you compared Phils Orbs and the one from Russia on the day before post OR to most any of the ORB views of the past year or so. Something is seemingly developing at least for some folks.

Something that is able to display itself in relation to human intentions. Intentions that could have been cultivated by Phil's mindful TM states IMO. And, the `response mechinism' for Phil has adopted this `space identification' for Phil to respond to too.
How's that for a garble? LOL.
Indeed, no one has the truth and it's funny that so few realize it. However, IMO, Phil's experiences, especially with SO much PROOF and and so little interest to take it public - makes it even more likely that the events themselves are dependent on NOT having it be TOO public of a display. (IMO because so much is tied to Phil's intentions himself.)
Still with me? LOL.
Anyway, with some tongue in cheek, since Phil has ascess to answers from the Unknown - and seemed willing to supply at least some `surprising' answers to me - why not utilize this forum to ask the biggest of questions and see what kind of answer the Entities give to Phil?
I will speak to other answers and the post in specifics soon. Thanks for starting that process SOL. AND, I assume that Phil will address your points, but, perhaps not.
Finally, IF the aliens wanted to keep it all under the lid and in the backwoods - ascention to UDCC may have nipped that in the bud. Or, perhaps, two plus years of Phil'c contact has been `choosen' to go to the public via UDCC's ongoing efforts to get the Orb Phenomena recognized as the real UFO in our atmosphere in 99 percent of the perceptions.
Lastly, I know Phil `takes the heat' on nearly every post he makes - he walks the walk. And, I hope he continues his interactions here.
Oh, and thanks for enjoying my blogs - appreciated.
Stay Tuned.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

VERY Strange Orbs Actions Videoed By UK `Caller/Videoer/Observer'

Today's offering has 28 views as of posting - I believe it was filmed yesterday. As Clockers know, a search of YT has been revealing more and more `recorders' of Orb events. Whether the `recorders' are the cause of the the anomalous events (or in this case - can see the sky above a hoaxer generator) or the events are happening at such a frequency to attract `recorders' as a matter of `the way things are' - this video is of interest.

As I implied - who knows if this is extreme Orb `behaviour' or nothing but a hoax being filmed - but I do find several of the `actions' of interest. First, the obvious, one would think that something of this level of movement (by the orbs) and within a densely populated area - would have OTHER videoers who are nothing more than`city' of (it looks dense from where the video is taken) folks who are also outside, and  who also have a camera phone.

But, UDCC hates using the `no confirming videos excuse'.

Next, the literal `pattern' of the Orbs vanishing and then seemingly Reappearing very close to the previous Orbs `starting place' again and again - seems a bit humanly mechanical or something. Rings very strange for `typical' Orb `behaviour' (which could be expanding?). That said, I haven't dug thru this guys dozens of UFO/Orb videos - but - the 37 year old seems more normal than many.

In the video you will see Orb splitting and recombining, vanishing and reappearing, and `New' Orbs origination from seemingly one area in the sky.

link -
SuperBigtoe22's Channel on YT -
UDCC - Original Stuff you have seen nowhere before! (often, lol)
I updated my Reddit Newsblog today too - Covering Politics and Conspiracy Today as Highlights - when you simply need more mystery.
Finally for today - here's another UFO speaker (with a book) who will rock you if you want to read of Government Projects and Anti-Gravity - Here.
 - His Book.
More tomorrow.

Friday, August 19, 2011

`Psychological' UFOs

One of the endless `fun' questions that the MSM likes to `report' about `UFOs' is - what percentage of people `believe' in them.  With the word `belief' not misplaced in the question in any manner - as it is implied that ONLY believers - would see them. Or, even `believe' someone who said they did see an `UFO'.

When one digs just a bit deeper than what the MSM usually offers up - one finds that of those that DON'T believe - when asked to explain what they think people are seeing - a significant number of these folks think it's `in the peoples minds' or is a hallucination of some measure.

Is what is being seen in peoples minds?

Are all UFO experiences nothing than something slightly more than a fantasy? And, what parts of the UFO phenomena might be more likely to be `belief' as opposed to a real phenomenological event?

For example, lets speculate about ORBs, UFO `craft' sightings, and Alien Abductions.

And, before even going onward specifically - the deeper `answer' is that YES - some of the perceptual experiences are IMO `internal space events' - and let me try to separate the wheat from the chaff.

First, IMO, some people can literally `call' Orbs into their field of perceptions, and common perception, which would include others confirmation too. (These are not IN THE MIND per se, even if involved with belief.) Who knows what these very short-term `balls of conscious light'are `based' upon - but certainly, some of their actualization seems dependent on human conscious interaction with - for lack of a better term - the UNKNOWN.

Literally beckoning the immediate future with intentionalities and expectations. And, before you skoff, remember, the latest research shows that Light Can Be Made From NOTHING (go ahead, google light from nothing). Literally nothing.

I don't think that all Orbs are `made' by individuals however, as I'd also add that some level of `group belief/wonderment' can also do this - as maybe experienced by the recent coverage on UDCC of the ORB over the Vancouver Fireworks - groups large and small.

But ORBs, or the phenomena of ORBs, appears to be even more complex. Some ORBs simply seem to be `residents' of `areas' or power spots where they are seen in more frequency. UDCC covered this with the Arkansas Crossett Lights last month. These types of `lights' are seemingly on-going at least in some sense of the word and not so dependent on `belief'.

It also seems that ORBs NEVER ever go `onward forever' even ones very high up in the sky (which seemingly is very few of them) but, eventually fade out - as recently caught by the new Vancouver Cable TV service covered on UDCC. (part of the Vancouver link above covers this)

So, ORBs definitely CAN be IMO `Psycho-logical' UFOs.
But, not all of them.
Indeed, it is the `belief' of some that ones (orbs) high in the sky are `alien craft' showing US just a pinpoint of themselves, `cloaking' the craft itself. And, indeed, IF aliens cruise our skies and KNOW that `Psychological' Orbs do indeed get seen and actualized -- what a GREAT cover for them. Right?
But, cloaked craft are REAL craft. Right? So, that would NOT be a part of the `Psychological' UFOs were are in search for today.
However, we don't need to look too far to find in the UFO phenomena literature the famous story by Colin Bennett about hisAmazing World War Two Bomber Hanging In The Sky Perception That Also Was Seen By His Girlfriend event. (One of the very best reads on the internet.) And, if the bombers of yesteryear - and the Jets Of Today Seen Hanging In Sky actualize as some people insist happened to their individual phenomenology's -- THEN at least SOME `craft' type external perceptions (perhaps even transferable to video? and seeable by others within ones limited range of influence) --- could certainly too be considered - Psychological (craft) UFOs (no matter how real looking/actualizing) IMO.

But, IMO, that also doesn't mean that some craft seen may indeed be solid, real and ongoing --- like you and I. It just means that no matter how convincing the perceptions that one never knows the origin of perception structures. But, it does lend thought to the number of REAL UFOs to be even more limited than generally considered. (And, yes, it is a slippery slope that could slide easily to believing (that word again) that ALL UFO reports and sightings, even videos, are `of the mind' in origin.)
And, finally, Alien Abduction. I fully am of the opinion that nearly (but not ALL) all -- like 99.9% -- of `alien abduction' is `psychological' UFO in nature. (And you can make that 100% for in the bedroom abductions.)
It doesn't seemingly leave much does it?

But, even what it leaves is beyond nearly any government to admit about the structure of reality. Governments want that tax money and a tame obedient population. `Fantasies' about UFOs are NOT to be encouraged - especially when the immediate perceptions structures of individuals is actually so pliable (with other beliefs). Individuals are not to be encouraged to indulge in thoughts about the UNKNOWN. Or, the IMPOSSIBLE. (Because something just might actualize.)

And, mix that `special consensus' actualization - with SOME real interactions with `aliens in crafts' - and you have a can of worms that NO government will open up to willingly. Admitting to wonderment of unknowns is NOT governments. Real or NOT. Real Unknowns or Unknown Unknowns (as some would call them, lol).
But, when UDCC says it doesn't seem to leave much - it doesn't do any JUSTICE to the fact that `human intentionality's' seemingly interact with the reality of ones perceptual structure. Even the one you share with others while `awake'. Indeed, IF Orbs are reality interacting with HUMANS - that's pretty damn heavy. And is plenty to contemplate.

Finally, while I seemingly diss it above - IF the alien abductions are AGAIN the interaction with the UNKNOWN, via our own intentionality's - that also is unique and special - even if it is a special consensus, not shared with others. (Much like lucid dreaming perhaps?)
Oh, I posted a possible `spirit orb' on my North Carolina UFO blog today too.
Lastly, don't yet believe in the power of the mind?

Thanks to the person that bought Lawn Trimming Equipment (yes) from my blogs yesterday - appreciated. Contributes 4-6% (usually 6%) of the sale to my account, as do all Amazon sales to any associate, and is one of the things that makes posting new material and thoughts worthwhile from a writer standpoint. Indeed, if you support what this or ANY blog is doing in providing you entertainment or enlightenment - most have a Paypal secure Donate button - go ahead, any amount, it is greatly appreciated by the blogger.
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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition

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