I was watching TV in my room, my parents were already asleep, when I heard this loud, hovering sound directly over my house. It sounded almost as if an extremely heavy wind was coming down right on our home. I then got this terrible feeling and got too scared to get out of bed. I started calling out to my parents who are usually very light sleepers and whose room is only about ten feet away from mine, but they wouldn't respond. I continually yelled for them when suddenly the noise over the house got even louder before suddenly zooming off with a swoosh-like sound. As soon as it zoomed off, my parents suddenly awoke, saying that they only heard me call them once, when I actually called them about fifteen times. I then started shaking from head to toe for some reason. I kept shaking for about ten minutes, I have absolutely no idea why I was so frightened, it was almost as if my body was reacting to instinct or something. My parents then told me to sleep in their room because of the terrible condition that I was suddenly in. I eventually stopped shaking and fell asleep. Then, when I awoke in the morning, my parents told me that about 45 minutes after I went to sleep, they were awoken by a strange screeching noise in the distance that seemed to sound similar to the noise that I described. I'm usually a skeptic and I look for logical explanations, but I couldn't find any explanation for the event. It definitely wasn't a helicopter or a jet. The only thing I could compare the noise with is with some type of huge hovercraft. It was especially strange that my parents didn't wake up when I first called them and the reaction that my body had to it. I felt jittery and sick to my stomach for a short while after the event. It didn't seem to give out a friendly vibe, that is for sure. The vehicle was so loud that I'm sure someone else in town must have heard it.
Source - http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=view_long_desc&id=33339 happened yesterday in California.
Here's yesterday's second report of high strangeness:
I was outside the front of my house waiting for them to show themselves as they always come out when I come out. It usually takes anywhere from two to five minutes for them to show up. I'v been doing this for one year now, ever since I got my first green laser. It was also in the evening around 6:00p at this time of year. By mere coincidence my son pointed to the sky where I had previously pointed the device and that is when we saw our first UFO's up close and just at tree top level. Ever since that night I, along with others have witnessed odd things in the sky above my home. Things like a flying triangle the size of three Airliners and balls of light that come straight down to the ground or shoot perfectly parallel to the ground. Great flashes of light and orbs that emerge from some type of portal after the flash. Most of the time these objects keep some distance but on occasion they come too close for comfort. Also on occasion - well actually quite frequently now , they communicate or react to my initial laser or flash light signal. Last night was such a night. I was outside for no more than 2 to 3 minutes when I took my laser and shone a direct beam upwards. As usual, a medium intensity orb appears directly overhead traveling south to north. As usual, I froze. Oddly enough They still frighten me even though I'v seen quite literally hundreds of these things since my first sighting a year ago. The orb proceeded as usual at a steady pace, although sometimes they travel at many different rates of speed including, slowing, accelerating, stopping and hovering. I let the orb pass me for a little bit so it would not be directly overhead, then I took my laser and directed a beam directly behind the craft (NOTE: I DO NOT and IT IS NOT advisable to train a light beam of any kind directly at a person or craft as this could lead to retinal damage of the pilot and compromise the safety of the craft). As soon as I released the button, the craft responded with an intense beam of white light right back at me. I used to think that they were either coming straight at me or they illuminated so bright that it appeared that they were coming straight at me, but now that I'v been seeing them for a while, I think their just retorting with a white beam of light back at me. Immediately after this first Orb was out of sight, Two orbs, one in front of the other came from the north where the first orb went. Again I watched these two orbs pass directly overhead but I did not train my laser until they were away from me, partially because I was afraid and because there was an airliner passing through the line of sight. After I had a clear line of sight I trained my laser to the rear of the trailing orb with the knowledge that If they were some type of human craft, this angle would not allow them to see the light source. Immediately, both Orbs began to either Intensify in Luminosity or train a beam of light right back at me. I was so excited because, although I'v been seeing orbs in pairs lately, this is the first time they simultaneously illuminated.
source - http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=view_long_desc&id=33337
More reports - http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=latest_reports
And, here's an interesting MUFON video of an Orb in Louisiana - Bright Orb Vid From Mufon.
And yes, a MUFON link to ANOTHER Atlanta Ghost Plane On 11-11-11. WTH?
Finally, I doubt you will see `this' the first time around - indeed, you will probably need to go to the description of this video to see the `legit' UFO: 230K views.
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfHqvSc5Ja8&feature=player_detailpage
See you soon?
Your nightly mind vacation has arrived.
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