Today's post is also a reflection of the previous post from the comments too - as puurr gurrl checked in and offered up a different point of view about Luminosity's demise - including using words to the effect that some blogs are creative outlets. Indeed, some of my posts fit that category - especially on my blog The Heavy Stuff; but, also occasionally here - as this post about this subject is today.
You see, IMO, the whole `False Flag' is one of the most compelling `far out' scenario's of those who believe in a NWO and other such alternative, edgy, conspiracy bents. False Flags are always part of the manipulation of the masses by the elites into some final `power' seize and arrangement that TPTB desire via the evil within them. (oh, okay.)
As you know, at least TWO of the popular internet `false flag' ideas involve things UDCC at least talks about on occasion. One is that the elites are going to bring on a full fledged UFO event - perhaps a televised landing or coverage of a hovering huge UFO in the sky. Or a multiple city daytime UFO event for all to see via the internet and local media. Something that would SEEM to be indisputable; but would actually ONLY be Virtual. -------------- Not real. -------------- A perception event.
Now, of course, because of this very idea already being a part of the Global Consciousness we are all a part of - should such an event ACTUALLY occur, in real time with REAL aliens; then the COVER for such is already in place. Especially if that FIRST contact is NOT for an extended period of time (days or weeks in the sky). So, whether staged by the elites or staged by `the aliens' - it's very validity will be brought into question IMO. ----------- And, the one version outcome is that the elites take over (while in the other version, the aliens have come to rescue the working class from the elites ----------- OR -------- to destroy mankind for its failure). (yikes)
Talk about a fun thinking exercise to throw around and about, right? BUT, as you might suspect based on the headline today - this is a thinking exercise and involves the slippery slope of my own perceptions about phenomena and phenomenology; with False Flags as the theme. And, above I've articulated the most common and the ones often associated with TPTB who, of course, want to retain this exclusive power and hold over humankind. (Or, is it that they are eating our emotions for energy?)
And, of course - there is one other highly bantered about False Flag idea that the elites would use somehow, to kowtow us all even further than already accomplished by control of the MSM and the off budget money of the world. (How am I doing so far?) - Anyway, the idea is the same, and it would be the `return' of the great or a great religious figure onto Earth - yes, the proverbial Return of Jesus. (Which would be a virtual Jesus of course of the elites. Perhaps even a giant Jesus in the sky.)
Now, I don't really understand how that is suddenly going to usher in a stranglehold of the elites over the masses - but - that is the idea; that somehow, THAT would be the moment that they would seize control. (From whom I would ask?) And, turn us into slaves of the system; which would then become Global I assume. (Which is indeed scary to a thinking person - at least at this point of time IMO.)
So, if I understand the conspiracy folks, one of two, staged, virtual, off world events - a UFO or a Jesus archetype - would be used by TPTB elites to finally control the human world. Yes, the slippery slope is under our very feet. ---------- And, getting back to the return of Jesus thing ---------- IF somehow that event occurred in some fashion, a returned Jesus, that was NOT activated by TPTB, then TPTB would still be able to muddy up the authenticity and seize control anyway. After all, it's already a part of the motif of the conspiracy minded.
Which brings me to the `Thinking False Flags' part of today's headline and actually the one thing that I came into this post with a nugget of newness worth blogging about - the connection which often sparks real bloggers on any subject. And this connection was the Orb callers again.
Here's the nugget to flush out in my mind - if the elite is to pull off a False Flag virtual event, be it Jesus or a UFO, THEY WILL DO IT BY MANIPULATING THE PERCEPTION FIELD. ----------------- Yes, by manipulating the `perception field' by bringing something into being. Into existence; at least perceptually. And, folks, once you can begin to control the very perception field, the sky is the real limit as what can be manipulated IMO. A real slippery slope.
And, Orb Callers - the provers of induced phenomena - are treading on the very same surfaces; but, doing so without the probable holographic science that would be used by the so-called elites for control (in the conspiracy theories it is holograms that would be the source of the UFO or Jesus). Indeed, IMO, Orb Callers are showing possible influence from beyond the time-cone - whereas, the elites, IMO, would be showing influence from within the time-cone (a projection from one location to another). Albeit, the Orb Callers could also be influencing from within the time cone - phenomena that is already within the time-come too.
BUT, to the powers that be, what IF Orb Callers are the slippery slope? What IF Orb Callers could `advance or evolve' their abilities or, god forbid, spread the power to others(?) (pun, satire, and tongue in cheek, intended). Indeed, could an advanced caller `put jesus into the sky?' (how's that for a dangerous thought) or god forbid - a UFO? OR indeed, somehow SUMMON the few real UFOs that our government is probably aware of (which is my view on the sheer number of biological aliens riding around in crafts). That is IF real aliens are more mental attuned.
Because IF it is `alien entities' who are `in touch with Orb Callers' and who are `reaching out - or into our reality' - who knows that the real limit is to `calling'? It could indeed be UNLIMITED, based on levels of belief and developed methodology of the caller. (Are you beginning to see the connection of controlling perception fields?) Indeed, could the Orb callers who are convinced they are calling some species from Orion or such, actually `produce' some archetype entity or event - an event with certain perception characteristics? Would this, could this, be viewed by a reasonable person or reasonable person concerned with world security - as a `Thinking' False Flag? Would multiple Orb callers getting together have even more power?
IF all of the IF's above are true (lol) - TPTB's interest in folks with the Orb calling capacity is a double edged sword. They only want to get close to discredit or bring into doubt the real callers with the fakes (that abound) or to point out, the obvious, that anything can be faked with today's technology. Anything. Indeed, for all anyone knows, LEGITIMATE anomalous phenomena may HAVE data associated with them that is anomalous - IS THAT SOMEHOW A SURPRISE? (IF someone is trying to compare an unknown video say with some known real number.) Does that somehow make it FALSE?
The other edge of the sword is, of course, the IGNORING of such phenomena by the MSM. Indeed, Orb calling, since it was shoved into the MSM's face by the Prophet Yahweh, is truly off limits and forbidden to be shown or taken seriously. To the MSM, Orbs are to be those little dust bits that can't be seen in photographs --- and ORBS are NOT to be `alien entities with which some humans seem to be in some limited communication with'.
And, finally, the Fortean Phenomena connection (however slight) to this post today.
My understanding of Fortean Phenomena, real Fortean phenomena, is that it is FOR wonderment to be part of mankind's existence. A phenomena that literally HAS NO `a-priori' ontological structure. That simply `occurs' with an end result. Almost like a `time-stop-age' with a `replaced frame' which includes and will include the Fortean material of the fortean event. And, yes, this probably includes `religious miracles' of a physical nature. And, yes, these are ONE time, events.
So, it is indeed possible, that the Fortean itself, in the region of spaces that the Fortean commands - views Orb Callers as a chance to spread wonderment into the world. Something better than having fish fall from the sky or a golden ring to appear under a pillow. Something for our modern age and the development of the alternative culture - that sees their words and ideas as too (so) important - that a conspiracy from beyond can bring them down.
I have purr gurrl to thank for this creative mind exercise.
So, another person bought that Unabomber book from UDCC the other day, making two total. Indeed, when you go to the link and see the scholars praising Ted's words - it is a real eye opener. It is for thinking folks only so, I bring you the Amazon link again:
Technological Slavery: The Collected Writings of Theodore J. Kaczynski, a.k.a. "The Unabomber"
As always, a big thanks to the person who buys the Glee episodes from UDCC. Again.
Today's post was going to be about --- well, stop by tomorrow and find out. I've got another axe to grind. One that I've made pretty sharp so far, but now I'm over the line. Yes, it's about another too good to be true UFO video being promoted. At least tomorrow's UDCC will have a UFO video (barf bag please).
Up above I talk about `perception structures' - to me, the best read about such is:
The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception: The Living Tapestry of Lujan Matus
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