One of the endless `fun' questions that the MSM likes to `report' about `UFOs' is - what percentage of people `believe' in them. With the word `belief' not misplaced in the question in any manner - as it is implied that ONLY believers - would see them. Or, even `believe' someone who said they did see an `UFO'.
When one digs just a bit deeper than what the MSM usually offers up - one finds that of those that DON'T believe - when asked to explain what they think people are seeing - a significant number of these folks think it's `in the peoples minds' or is a hallucination of some measure.
Is what is being seen in peoples minds?
Are all UFO experiences nothing than something slightly more than a fantasy? And, what parts of the UFO phenomena might be more likely to be `belief' as opposed to a real phenomenological event?
For example, lets speculate about ORBs, UFO `craft' sightings, and Alien Abductions.
And, before even going onward specifically - the deeper `answer' is that YES - some of the perceptual experiences are IMO `internal space events' - and let me try to separate the wheat from the chaff.
First, IMO, some people can literally `call' Orbs into their field of perceptions, and common perception, which would include others confirmation too. (These are not IN THE MIND per se, even if involved with belief.) Who knows what these very short-term `balls of conscious light'are `based' upon - but certainly, some of their actualization seems dependent on human conscious interaction with - for lack of a better term - the UNKNOWN.
Literally beckoning the immediate future with intentionalities and expectations. And, before you skoff, remember, the latest research shows that Light Can Be Made From NOTHING (go ahead, google light from nothing). Literally nothing.
I don't think that all Orbs are `made' by individuals however, as I'd also add that some level of `group belief/wonderment' can also do this - as maybe experienced by the recent coverage on UDCC of the ORB over the Vancouver Fireworks - groups large and small.
But ORBs, or the phenomena of ORBs, appears to be even more complex. Some ORBs simply seem to be `residents' of `areas' or power spots where they are seen in more frequency. UDCC covered this with the Arkansas Crossett Lights last month. These types of `lights' are seemingly on-going at least in some sense of the word and not so dependent on `belief'.
It also seems that ORBs NEVER ever go `onward forever' even ones very high up in the sky (which seemingly is very few of them) but, eventually fade out - as recently caught by the new Vancouver Cable TV service covered on UDCC. (part of the Vancouver link above covers this)
So, ORBs definitely CAN be IMO `Psycho-logical' UFOs.
But, not all of them.
Indeed, it is the `belief' of some that ones (orbs) high in the sky are `alien craft' showing US just a pinpoint of themselves, `cloaking' the craft itself. And, indeed, IF aliens cruise our skies and KNOW that `Psychological' Orbs do indeed get seen and actualized -- what a GREAT cover for them. Right?
But, cloaked craft are REAL craft. Right? So, that would NOT be a part of the `Psychological' UFOs were are in search for today.
However, we don't need to look too far to find in the UFO phenomena literature the famous story by Colin Bennett about hisAmazing World War Two Bomber Hanging In The Sky Perception That Also Was Seen By His Girlfriend event. (One of the very best reads on the internet.) And, if the bombers of yesteryear - and the Jets Of Today Seen Hanging In Sky actualize as some people insist happened to their individual phenomenology's -- THEN at least SOME `craft' type external perceptions (perhaps even transferable to video? and seeable by others within ones limited range of influence) --- could certainly too be considered - Psychological (craft) UFOs (no matter how real looking/actualizing) IMO.
But, IMO, that also doesn't mean that some craft seen may indeed be solid, real and ongoing --- like you and I. It just means that no matter how convincing the perceptions that one never knows the origin of perception structures. But, it does lend thought to the number of REAL UFOs to be even more limited than generally considered. (And, yes, it is a slippery slope that could slide easily to believing (that word again) that ALL UFO reports and sightings, even videos, are `of the mind' in origin.)
And, finally, Alien Abduction. I fully am of the opinion that nearly (but not ALL) all -- like 99.9% -- of `alien abduction' is `psychological' UFO in nature. (And you can make that 100% for in the bedroom abductions.)
It doesn't seemingly leave much does it?
But, even what it leaves is beyond nearly any government to admit about the structure of reality. Governments want that tax money and a tame obedient population. `Fantasies' about UFOs are NOT to be encouraged - especially when the immediate perceptions structures of individuals is actually so pliable (with other beliefs). Individuals are not to be encouraged to indulge in thoughts about the UNKNOWN. Or, the IMPOSSIBLE. (Because something just might actualize.)
And, mix that `special consensus' actualization - with SOME real interactions with `aliens in crafts' - and you have a can of worms that NO government will open up to willingly. Admitting to wonderment of unknowns is NOT governments. Real or NOT. Real Unknowns or Unknown Unknowns (as some would call them, lol).
But, when UDCC says it doesn't seem to leave much - it doesn't do any JUSTICE to the fact that `human intentionality's' seemingly interact with the reality of ones perceptual structure. Even the one you share with others while `awake'. Indeed, IF Orbs are reality interacting with HUMANS - that's pretty damn heavy. And is plenty to contemplate.
Finally, while I seemingly diss it above - IF the alien abductions are AGAIN the interaction with the UNKNOWN, via our own intentionality's - that also is unique and special - even if it is a special consensus, not shared with others. (Much like lucid dreaming perhaps?)
Oh, I posted a possible `spirit orb' on my North Carolina UFO blog today too.
Lastly, don't yet believe in the power of the mind?
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