The Most Popular Reads Of The Past Year

Showing posts with label Robert Bigelow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert Bigelow. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Finally Above Board - Bigelow And NASA Make Moon Plans

The man who is IMO the UFO connection to the public and government - is now working with NASA on building a base on the moon - and working with NASA on figuring out how the private sector can be more involved in space.
Bigelow Aerospace Moon Base
Or, how does the planet MARS sound for the 2030's? (the link to the story and more pictures)
Here's a video (from the above link) of Mr. Bigelow from 2011 - has about 4,800 views and a 28/1 ratio of positive to negative opinion. Obviously the video shows RB in the most positive of lights:
link -
So, Dr. Steven Greer finally `released' the movie/documentary `Sirius' to the public on the 22nd (Earth Day) and according to this link with 101 comments on Reddit --- you were probably wise to save that 9.95................... Still, worth the read to know what Greer showed everyone. (That said, the Reddit UFO community isn't the brightest of the bunch either.)
Looking for a UFO App? (Interesting website too.)
Oh - I found an update about the MUFON story I ran earlier this year about the 7 foot alien at the door (the one with the horrible pictures of ...... well, nothing really) - it's interesting and worth your read - but - that said, to me - it's beginning to be a bit drawn out if this guy has real Video Proof of Lizard Aliens and their `craft'. Oh, don't worry, these aren't mean or scary 7 foot aliens. Nonetheless, I like what this UFO blogger is doing.
My thanks to Alton at Before It's News at posting yesterday's link on their Facebook page - welcome to UDCC - UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock. Have a look around and dig into the sidebar for much more UFOLOGY.
MUFON Account of 1979 UFO Experience Involving A Close Sighting Of A UFO Craft - Great Description

AnomalyMan's UFO's And Time Travel Pictures
On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time (1893-1917) (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl - Collected Works)
Have a Kindle, then you can subscribe to this blog with a FREE trial period - so, to have UDCC appear on your Kindle for the next 14 days click this UFO Countdown Clock.

Friday, April 12, 2013

WOW - A Chemtrail Plane Filmed From ABOVE!

It's possible that other Chemtrail videos exist similar to this one that I simply haven't run across - but - this is the FIRST one I've seen to `catch them in the on-off act via the air from a private jet'. Indeed, make sure to watch the whole video - but, what you see at about the 50 second mark is the literal SMOKING GUN. ---- 40/1 positive to negative and about 13K views in 2 months or so. You need to spread the word on this video Clockers.
Oh, I finally re-came across a stellar post I did on Dr. Steven Greer in 2008 - it's my post that asks if ANYONE has ever seen the PROOF of his `involvement' in the Phoenix Lights UFO Incident Of 1997 --- seriously. And, it's the type of post you will probably be finding in the new books coming from digging into the old `content' postings on UDCC.
Thanks for all those Facebook shares yesterday - I don't think I've ever gotten as many views from the big F in one day before. (I assume sharing the UFO picture from Yellowstone Park yesterday.) I think this Chemtrail video is JUST as share-able.
Posted a real good discussion about Robert Bigelow on my blog called The AnomalyMan Listing very recently. Bigelow is not a stranger to Clockers of course.
BTW, so far over 100 of you have downloaded free books from my Kindle Author Page In April So Far - much appreciated. I bet something is there that you haven't seen before.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Obama Believers - `ufo' Disclosure and The Mainstream Media

As a Libertarian, I have little to nothing in common with the main underlying (note LYING) ideas of either party and literally see the BAD of each that is so hated by the `opposing' party. Yes, seeing the BAD of both as/is my main perception. And, one of the things that it seems Democraps believe is that `the government is good and there to help' - BUT, is always being restrained by the `bad guys' the Republinuts. Therefore, when Obama came into office the UFO Disclosure crowd - nearly all Democraps - were under the impression of some great wave of TRUTH was going to avalanche down upon us.

They had to be gravely disappointed - and their subsequent `UFO Disclosure Meetings With The Press', have slowly disintegrated into poorly marketed affairs - designed for little else than to show that the press has absolutely NO power compared to a stonewall government that they usually simply regurgitate the main power lines about. Indeed, the `last meeting' just last year - was supposed to yield a `big secret' - and, the secret,  was being revealed in a building associated with the Smithsonian or some horse-manure; like that building tie meant  anything.

So, the same group of losers will this time `Do the Peoples Work' once again - since the `secret revealed' didn't spark the discussion (lol, as there was no secret except in their minds) - and will do it all over again  at the National Press Club April 29th - May 3rd - at the same location where they have been ignored on repeated occasions. (Isn't stupid doing the same thing expecting a different outcome? A four day reveal is better than ONE? Or, is that to milk the event for all the dollars possible?) Hey, for rich dumbocrats - that is a beautiful time of the year to travel to D.C. for a little in the face `protest' of no value.

This event will be ignored as all the others have by a spineless, bought and paid for by political ads, mainstream media (what can we repeat for you sir..... I will have another one, sir.). 

And, as everyone knows EXCEPT for the speakers and attendees, - the event will be LUCKY to garner 30 seconds on CNN on Friday - and FOX will most likely give it a minute or two with the typical `it's aliens' stare into the monitor. BUT, if you are so innocent enough to believe in the miracle of a Free Press (oh please right?)  - you might want to check out their UFO Agenda At The Citizens Hearing website and then - gag me with a spoon. UFO Disclosure, (anagram) Ludicrous Foes.
Going into the bin today - ............. I almost put this video on Strange UFO Videos and I almost put it on BARF Stew - but, I decided to bring it to Clockers due to my and my readers interest in Orbs. Is this an Orb that actually `dives' into the water below Niagara Falls? And then re-emerges? Is the fact that the video appears on a gathering site a positive or negative? Are the 46K views and 5/1 ratio of positive to negative opinion meaningful? Has any other video ever captured this type of Orb movement? (That said, of course, Orbs or orblike objects have supposedly been seen emerging from water before.) Or, is the obvious - the answer - a bird or fish and an unusual pattern of light on the falls................... or CGI.
link -
It's also of interest to me that in the comments one of the five owners of this gathering site kinda outlines the channels manner of business. Supposedly the video has been marketed to begin with for a year before it's copyrighted purchase by the gathering site. Then it hit me, someday, when `TV' (of course it will be much bigger than TV) needs `content' for an endless series of paranormal shows - cuts like this - even if CGI - will have an actual value as a copyrighted item. An investment of sorts.
UFO blogger Joe Capp calls for the Robert Bigelow to release any UFO Information He May Have about two weeks ago: let's see, that is almost exactly 3 years after I did the same demand in this essay UDCC piece called - 

Should Mainstream Media DEMAND To See The Outcome Of FAA UFO Reports Given to Robert Bigelow?

My essay is now part of one of my UFO books - shown below - read a sample:

52 Pages of UFO Insights
Easily one of the best thinkers in blogging, and one of the few trying to put together a fuller idea of perceptions and reality,  is the blog THE BIG STUDY. Recently he delved into the realms just parallel to UFO's - Ghosts, PSI and ETI it's a hefty read meant only for heavyweights. An example of what you will be missing is below if you don't read the above link:
These moments are telling us that there is more to Reality than the universal stage that we wake up to in the morning and spend our time absorbing and coping with. They are telling us that there is more to Reality than our simplistic models of Space and Dimension. There is something "bigger" about Reality than the physics and astronomy texts are willing to say. And, if we read the better ones carefully, even they are admitting that there is more. NONE of the forces REALLY operates "in" Space. All of them are "projected into spatial locations" from other aspects or dimensions. No actual "matter" exists sitting around and bumping into things like miniature pool balls. All "locations" that we call a "particle" are projections of forces from those same "elsewheres".
Perhaps I feature the above as it fits so soundly into my idea of multiple types of spaces within a continuum. As I feature in my Phenomenology book below:

The Eight Page Read Of A Lifetime
Hey Clockers, did you catch my update at AUS-SUV? It's about one of the very few cases of supposed Alien Abduction And Animal Abduction At The Same Time - interesting perceptions.
Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2008 Stephenville UFO Events (The Heavy Stuff) 

Beyond The Great Beyond


Thursday, February 16, 2012

UFO Photo Expert - MUFON Investigator - The Ken Pfeifer UDCC Interview

Today's post is with Ken Pfeifer, MUFON Investigator in NJ, and a man with perhaps one of the largest collections of `UFO' photos available in any blog on the web (now featured on the sidebar of UDCC). As Clockers know, I am now sharing selected offerings sent to UDCC by Ken too - something that may become a regularish feature around here on occasion.

But, a few days ago I asked Ken to consider some questions of interest to me and I hope UDCC readers. Both of those are below in this interview. My follow up questions are in RED - Look for Ken's follow up answers in the comments section.
First Ken, thanks for agreeing to give me your responses to the questions I have for a chief MUFON investigator of a state chapter. And, indeed, my first question has to do with that role - could you explain it for my UDCC readers?

question 1.....Chief Investigator duties include overseeing and assigning cases to investigators.  MUFON N.J. has aprox 12 investigators today.  When I started investigating for George Filer in 2006 , I was the only investigator.  People come and go because they think they want to investigate but find out its not for them.  After completing aprox 100 cases, George Filer wanted me to be the Chief Investigator and help him organize and streamline the investigating process. I also submitted articles to the Filer Files for Major Filer.

2) When Robert Bigelow was funding the what I call the `close encounters' reports - did anything change from your end? Are you more free or less free now that his money is not calling the shots?
question two ....when Bigelow was funding the deployments a few years ago, I was dispatched to New London Connecticut for three days. MUFON paid for my expenses and time. Now we do not have that luxury and I do not see many investigators volunteering for a deployment if it has to come out of theiir pockets. Gas alone is a big expense these days. We are all volunteers for MUFON.
I was referring more to the `type' of assignments? Oh, why would an investigation take three days?
question 2 .....Mr Bigelow was interested in high profile cases. MUFON would assign a "Star team" investigator to this kind of case. A ''star team'' investigator had to be approved my the State Director and also MUFON HQ. The Star team requirements was that an investigator had to have atleast 50 completed cases. Each case is approved by the State Director or the Chief Investigator. High profile cases included landings, abductions and cases that had many witnesses or high profile witnesses. An example would be the "Phoenix lights" type of case. MUFON HQ would determine which cases were worthy for this type of investigation.

3) What have been some of the most interesting findings you have had concerning NJ UFO reports - and, what patterns if any have you discovered potentially? What are people who see a UFO most interested in relating to you about their experience? Is there really a reason to `investigate' days later a temporal phenomena?

question three.....we have found out that a large majority of our ufo sightings are in the Hoboken area of New Jersey, including all of the towns in a radius of approximately 25 miles from Hoboken. The hudson river area between Manhattan and New Jersey is a hot spot.

Windy conditions are not very common in reference to UFO sightings. They are usually on calm days.
People are usually very serious about what they may of seen and they want answers. Most witnesses still feel funny about reporting a sighting and some are still afraid of being ridiculed. I usually tell them that its cool to see a UFO in todays world.
I feel its good to investigate days later and older sightings by witnesses. More people are coming out of the closet and reporting sightings from 40 years ago. We need to get this important information on paper and a case file created for the sighting. The more information we can gather, the better chance we have of figuring this mystery out.

4) Ken as you may know from reading UDCC I have deep views on the Orb phenomena - I like to hear your views on such matters as `are they crafts that are cloaked'? `are they `spirits'? `are they based on human intentionalities'? `have you seen someone `call an orb'? `what do you think of recurring Orbs in one location'?

question four............Personally , I feel that these orbs are unmanned drones for recon by alien spacecraft. I also feel some types of drones are paranormal. I do believe in the after life and have experienced a few strange incidents in my own home. Recurring orbs in one location is probably some kind of paranormal activity.
Ken, I also think that at least some sky Orbs are indeed some sort of recon by either alien spacecraft/entities or OUR own recon. Why do you lean `alien' on the drone/recon aspect?
question 4....I feel Orbs could also be our goverment spying on us or possibly be experimenting with this kind of surveillance for law enforcement purposes. Of course I do feel that most of these orbs are alien and used for recon and spying. Unmanned drones.

5) Most folks that get into all this have had a `sighting' of their own - if so - can you describe yours?

question first sighting was in friend and i was coming home from a club in south jersey around 2 a.m. I was in the passenger seat and we were heading south on interstate 295 in the runnemede area. We just drove under an over pass and was heading home when all of a sudden i looked up and saw a very large glowing disc just above the thin cloud cover. The color was turquoise and it glowed. The sighting only last a couple seconds and we drove around for a few hours to see if we could find it again. My friend did not see it but he did believe me. The next day in the papers , Woodbury Daily Times, there was an article about a UFO sighting in the Deptford area and the policemen who saw the UFO. Our sighting was next to Deptford N.J. I lost the news paper over the years and the Woodbury Daily Times went out of business years ago. I have been a star gazer all of my life and have always wondered about life on other planets since i was a child.

6) Your opinion on `aliens'?

question opinion on aliens.... I feel aliens have been around for millions of years. They have visited our planet countless times and I feel they have influenced our society in many ways. We are probably part of their d.n.a and I feel they could destroy our earth in a second if they wanted to. Alien abductions could be just their way of studying us and how we react to different things. I feel it is possibe that there is a evil race of alien visitors too. The Greys could be part of this evil alien race. This may explain the negative alien adbuction experiences many people have had over the years.
Here's my take Ken, I don't know if it will end up in a question or not, but feel free to respond. ---- Earth certainly has been an interesting place to visit for a few hundred million years and I would not be surprised if `aliens' have visited since then. On occasion. At least `representatives' of aliens such as recon craft. While I would NOT rule out the DNA connection - I think influence has been minimal at best, that most abduction experiences are perception structures, and that they COULDN'T defeat us in a day and that `evil' is a `type of space' and is unlikely to be ascribed to any `race of beings'. Just IMO stuff.
question 6.....I really feel we have been influenced by the alien presence for thousands of years. Reverse engineering from crashed alien craft has opened many doors and answered many questions about their technology. Personally I feel this earth has been here for a billion years and thousands of civilizations have come and gone from this earth. We are still digging up strange things that have been buried for thousands of years and findings things that are unexplainable. Crystal skulls, ancient batteries, large skeletons and enormous footprints that are millions of years old. The question is, when will it be our time to disappear.

7) Your opinion on if you think the UFO phenomena is `increasing'?

question seven....I do feel the UFO sightings have increased over the last year. I do realize that more people are coming out of the closet and admitting they have seen a UFO but I thing there is more activity throughout the world. I have seen an alarming increase of actual alien sightings.  (udcc emphasis) We may be very close to disclosure because our goverment is finding it hard to keeping the lid on the alien presence. Our news media seems to be coming around in reporting UFO sightings too. Personally I feel the News Media have been sequestered by the goverment in reporting UFO news. Maybe now, we are being prepaired, by our goverment, to hear the truth about alien existance.
Again, Ken, these are just my opinions - IMO we are not closer to disclosure and the `Phil Larson' disclosure was an attempt to SHUT down coverage of UFOs in being `alien' in nature. I have reviewed many times why it is not in the interest of the government to admit anything concerning UFOs and black budgets.
  question 7....deny, deny, deny. This is what our goverment has been doing for 60 years. There will come a time when they will have no other choice but to tell the truth. I feel disclosure will occur in the United States within 10 years and our world will change forever. We are being prepaired by our goverment for disclosure. I have read that some our our current alien movies has been backed by our goverment. In other words they helped pay for the production. 8) How are your opinions different from other NJ MUFON members?

question eight....My opinions are different from most MUFON members. Most investigators would rather call a questionable UFO sighting a "IFO" Identified Flying Object. This means they will classify the UFO as a plane, bird, bug, satellite, planets, swamp gas and superman most of the time. Instead of identifing an object as a ''UFO" Unidentified Flying Object , they would rather give the sighting an explainable ending. If I am only 90% sure it could be an airplane or satellite, I would be guessing. If you have to guess what an object could of been, it should be classified as a UFO Unidentified Flying Object. I feel there are too many debunkes in MUFON. I found one a few years ago and had that person fired. I cannot control the debunkers in other states but I can control them in New Jersey. I am the Chief Investigator for MUFON in New Jersey and I work for Major George Filer. George is an icon in the UFO community and he has given me the job of assigning cases and overseeing investigations. I work three to four hours every day on UFO cases and updating my three UFO web sites. Of course we do not get paid for doing this. I do it because I love this subject and I am still looking for answers.
I too have been a big fan of George Flier and was floored when he opened up about his childhood experiences - any comments?

9) What do you think was happening in Lee's Summit MO. last summer?

question 9...lee's summit sighting......There have been some very credible sightings in this area of Missouri. I know that Whiteman Airforce Base is aprox 44 miles east of Lee's Summit. Many different objects have been witnessed and I really do no know why the increased activity in Missouri. I do know that some sightings have been written off because of Whiteman AFB. Investigators guessing again. A few dozen sightings have been reported but most have been written off as IFO. The B-2 bomber is station at Whiteman AFB. This could account for some sightings but not all. I doubt that the training area for the B-2 bomber is over populated areas.
Just to ask, are you aware of the UDCC coverage of the `hanging jetliner' phenomena?
question 9 ....hanging jetliner article....I first saw this article on UFO Casebook. I did not know how to react to this event but I feel anything is possible in todays world. Cloaking device, military experiment or someone telling a tall tale. I wish I had more time to research all that is going on in the UFO community.

I love your web site and its an honor to be associated with someone who wants to find the truth. Thanks Rick for the opportunity to comment on a few questions we all have.

Again, my thanks to Ken for taking the time to answer my questions - I do hope he will follow up in the comments with further input.
IF you live in Atlanta and didn't come to Poem88 yesterday evening; you missed a good time. Book signings are trippy. You can still buy the Robert Cheatham book via the sidebar with my included chapter with the title `The Slippery Slope of Now and Real'. I want to thank those at the book signing and for their attention while I was speaking - appreciated.
A special thanks to the GLEE person who again watched it off of UDCC via Amazon last night. All your amazon purchases support the efforts of UDCC. You may have noticed I no longer have the donate button, indeed, took it off months ago - as those are for non profit organizations and not really just for people to throw money at bloggers - which almost never happens anyway - I don't think that most bloggers know that is for non profits. I will soon be including ways to support this website via the purchase of buttons etc.
Speaking of buttons - UDCC got at least 15 FACEBOOK folk yesterday thanks to you all using the Facebook button below - thanks. It's just as easy to use the Email button too. Thanks.
Finally, as you can see from the top of the sidebar - is now allowing UDCC to display their banner for UDCC readers. They are part of the Google Affiliate Network. Please check them out. Thanks.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Was Bob Lazar's Story: A Fraud for Bigelow Funding?

One of the very murky streams to the `aliens on Earth' - `aliens on Area 51' STORY - is the Bob Lazar Area 51 tributary. So, I am very glad to have run across this month old post that recounts many parts of the `near legendary' tale - and puts much of it into perspective with some thought out analysis. And, yes, once again, the name Robert Bigelow is connected - I kid you not. Dig into the multi-layered and underground thinking on one of UFOlogy's most interesting legends.
Great Christmas Gift
Staying on the outer edge of UFOlogy today - Erich Kuersten - digs into the idea, rumor, belief - that some of the political figures and MSM talking heads ARE REPTILIANS - and provides a number of YT videos those into such Conspiracy Talk use as Proof. Eric is a great writer, and thinker - if you are not familiar with his posts and blog - Consider This A Good Time To Check Out His Work.

And here you thought that ORBS challenged your worldview.
NO, UDCC is not done with OrionIFO just yet - more background material - such as another of his blog called The Pine Bush Zone will bring more insights into how elusive `the aliens' evidently behave (cough) --- (don't they know there are 100's, or is it 1000's of them underground working with government agents? Who are they kidding, right?). Really folks - lets not forget that the anagram for UFO Disclosure (is) Ludicrous Foes.
Digging Deeper:

I hope you are enjoying this collection of `deeper' UFO reads this Sunday. Indeed, this is one of the BEST UFO experiences with aliens I have EVER READ. It's called Observers from Another Dimension -
And, here's a tease:
It was a glowing circle or sphere about the size of a Volkswagen beetle, still the “black light” color. This sphere was transparent, and inside of it we saw what looked exactly like two humans – a male and a female – sitting facing one another. Yet there were no visible seats beneath them. ........ The sphere rose to about 50 or 60 feet, and we could see that both the male and female were looking down at us; we could see their heads turn and look down in our direction. Shortly after, I’d say five to ten seconds, the sphere took off quite rapidly. It got smaller and smaller, ascending maybe 20 feet every couple of seconds. It took off directly toward the constellation of Orion, which was visible in the clean night sky, until we could not see the sphere anymore. It seemed to have faded right into the third star in Orion’s belt.

And, yes, the above phenomena happened in NEW YORK - Phil Coreski beams with his smile. OH, btw, the main writer of the above account of high strangeness was a Sheriff.

Speaking of ascended beings - have you heard of Braco? Can you really experience enlightenment for 8 bucks? Find Out Here.
And, if you were wondering just how esoteric UFOlogy can be - check out this post by Bruce Duensing called - Part One: The UFO of Modeling and Myths in Atmospheric Anomalies - Deep Into The Event Horizon - Clockers, are not lightweights.
Has UDCC blown your mind yet today?
 LIGHT, For The Coming Winter
How to top such great links above? How about an ORB video supposedly shot in Arizona in October? One that shows an Orb (or Helicopter) moving THEN HOVERING - eventually one sees the signature Multiple Orbs surrounding the main one. 864 Views.

Thanks for stopping by again - please bookmark and return often as UDCC is updated nearly daily.
An ARCHIVE of material is available via the Sidebar.

Monday, November 7, 2011

11-11-11 Approaches

So far I know of movie premiers, Ron Paul's money bomb, and the Thrive Movement that has staked out 11-11-11 as an important day on Earth. (Today's date of 11-7-11 ain't bad either.) Appropriately, we've had `news' about Huge Asteroids passing closely and unusually placed large Earthquakes as a backdrop - such as in Oklahoma within the last few days. Oh, and the world financial markets seem to be especially nervous - as more and more we see ex-President Clinton's face on the TV more and more. (World President?)

As high strangeness is seemingly abounding near Lee's Summit Kansas and Rick Perry degenerates into a comic bookish character along with HC and his compensated accusers. All while the OWS demands for a bank boycott on November 5th were as ignored  by the MSM as their lack of interest in the connection of Robert Bigelow to the UFO mysteries that abound. Meanwhile the D word begins to bubble about the coming economic bubble burst caused by worldwide `debt' (to the landlords of money).

So, IF worldwide concern; so IF numerology means ANYTHING; so, IF mega conspiracy folks are to have a date to cling too forever; so, IF the aliens want to choose a MEANINGFUL DATE to announce their presence; ---- IF any of that means anything - it could be an interesting week.

You might want to stock up on toilet paper.
See you Tomorrow.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Prepping A UFO `State Of The Union' Address

Welcome to UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock) and welcome to the first full day of Fall 2011 - a great day for a UFO State of the Union speech. And, like anyone making an address, I've got realms of stuff to potentially say - but - also want to adapt the information to the `audience' too. So, today's post will give you a bit of insight as to my probable approach to my first public appearance as a UFO `speaker' - a `popular' blogger (as described by The Anomalist yesterday, one of my all time favorite websites.  LOL.)

As I said, yesterday in my post here at UDCC - My State of the Union offers to be one of the most independent viewpoints one can hear about the UFO phenomena - as my analysis will not be tainted to support a theory I have in a book I'm selling or UFO Group that I represent - as I have neither, ... currently. LOL.

Anyway, I ask Clockers - those 100 plus of you that a familiar with the UDCC `dialogue' the few years - how would you present this UFOlogy mish-mash? What would you focus upon if you had only an hour or so to put it into an understandable whole? Is it even possible to condense the whole spectra or describe it in TWO hours? I will find out tonight.

So, this is what I am thinking.

That despite one of the topics of most `Widespread Recognition' in America, 95% - (Gallup poll 1973) - that the term `UFO Disclosure' is only searched on the big G - 18K times a month on the big G. by Americans? Alien Disclosure over 50% less! (Google Adwords figures as of yesterday).

That the above suggests a takeover by the cultural image/entertainment industry of the `alien motif'? And that it also suggests a true LACK OF INTEREST in UFO-Alien Disclosure by the public? --- I will explain my best guesses why all this is so - including the term Ludicrous Foes - the anagram for UFO Disclosure.

Which will lead to an overview of the `information control' about the UFO subject - and how info is reaching the public generally. The current role that the Government is playing, the MSM is playing and, perhaps importantly,  the Internet is playing. Blogging sites in particular.

In describing how you access UFOlogy - one would have to discuss the serious Jadedness that descents upon anyone having any ONE interest in UFOs - be it the exciting new UFOs of the 1940's and 1950's era - when UFOs were `crashing' and Washington D.C. appeared to have been buzzed? Or, be it the `current era' of what appears to be an escalation of `anomalous events'? Jadedness also cause by the constant predictions of UFO Contact from above!

AND, such a presentation must include that an escalation possible `nefarious' phenomena is just occurring the last year - including seemingly more brazen UFO events of show by the `aliens' (for lack of a better word) - `house hoverings by small translucent objects' - or the recently eerie Sky Noise Phenomena - RIGHT?

And, how nefarious should be considered as being very serious (or even real) - such as alien abduction phenomena, cattle mutilation, - or even further out stuff of folks like David Icke or the Exo-Politics clan?

I mean, with stuff like the above, possibly important trends, - does one ignore part of that to `re-hash' OLD disputed (as every UFO event is) UFO Legends? How important, in this day and age, is it to convince people of the longterm nature of `UFOs' or `Objects' in the skies of Earth? How does one approach and analyse the seeming INCREASE since the 40's to NOW of UFO events?

All that said, it will be impossible to IGNORE one persons connection to nearly the whole UFOlogy/ParaNormal Saga - Robert Bigelow. Indeed, I know have an even broader understanding of how his money has been involved almost as a liason to bring forth information and HIDE information. So, I WILL be going in-depth into all that for sure.

Yeah, it's almost like - IF I have time - I'll get into a bit of history about the UFO Disclosure Movement and what kind of `players' are involved. (Does anyone have the time for any details of the disinformation or hoaxes?)

Indeed, all the above - it seems will easily fill the hour address this evening - with only bare minimums of times to isolated UFO events of noteworthiness - PERHAPS. LOL.

Such As:
NASA Astronaut Claims
Anthony Bragalia's Research
Barney and Betty Hill, Travis Walton
Robert Lazar
Hanging Jetliners
Bigfoots/UFOs connections
Blossom Goodchild, David Icke, Web-bot Clif High
Galactic Federation Of Light, Project Camelot
Dr. Steven Greer
All News Web, Michael Cohen, Dr. Salla
1897 Airships
4th Horseman During Egypt Riots on TV

Of course, I'll include tidbits of knowledge I found out while preparing the SOTU address - such as the FIRST usage of the term UFO -- it was pronounced U-foe. Or that in 1878 was the first usage of the term `saucer' to describe an Unknown Flying Object. Stuff like that for sure. Crowd pleasers. The first pilot reports from before the 1930's. etc.

And, I haven't even covered directly - the THINGS that `UFOs' in most probability ARE - (multiple things of course.). There will be time for THIS RIGHT? LOL. (Yes, there will.)

Finally, of course, I will cover the most important UFO MSM events such as the Phoenix Lights, O'Hare UFO, Stephenville UFOs, NYC's Oct. 13th Event, and the Jerusalem Orb. So, if you have the time tonight and if you are in Atlanta - please consider coming to Poem88 at 8PM, near the corner of 14th street and Howell Mill.

Details in the sidebar. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Citizen Sleuth Fits Possible Roswell Artifacts Into Place - Roswell Alien `Proof' One Step Away

Good Morning Clockers and Welcome to UDCC internet searchers for `UFO Disclosure' - you have arrived on a particularly good day concerning UFO Disclosure. You see, a high school teacher, who also teaches college level science, has put together a case that the event that happened in 1947 in the Roswell area was -  `off planet' - literally.

And, while you can read the fine details at the excellent link - that has excellent pictures, here's the gist as UDCC sees it. Using hi-tech means to search the EXACT area of the debris field sited in all accounts - he found bits of melted metal suggestive of not being native to the area (wait till you read about the findings in anthills) and again using hi-tech was able to get back findings that suggest the isotopes can NOT be from the Earth and HAD to be manufactured `off planet'.

Amazingly, the Bigelow name, once again, - pops up in this `investigation too' (and interestingly with a stonewall outcome) - big surprise there, right? Anyway, it seems that this citizen codger, doing simple science work the MSM could have funded for decades, may finally be the person who provides the proof of the pudding (which will be ignored by the MSM regardless). Indeed, to many folks, unless someone is playing in a nefarious way with data, - the proof is already in the refrigerator and ready to eat.

I can't recommend this story at a higher level - wow
The Roswell Mystery, v.1Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the Government's Biggest Cover-up (Revised and Expanded Edition)The Roswell Legacy: The Untold Story of the First Military Officer at the 1947 Crash Site
Roswell: Uncovering the secrets of Area 51 and the fatal UFO crashThe Roswell UFO Crash: What They Don't Want You to KnowLindberg Roswell UFO model kit
Run cursor over pictures for more info.
And, in another GREAT READ - Saucers, Lies and Audio Tape - - which highlights just how much you can `trust' the `trusted sources' - in regards to UFO info.

Celtic Mysteries Windows to Another Dimension in America's Northeast

Best conspiracy theory on MUFON today with pictures - - tells of the aliens being in control of the politics of the world and provides a picture of a UFO seen near the moon. - and
The post I alluded to yesterday may have to wait a bit as posts will be light from mid week onward here at UDCC (unless I can put together some in advance) - `normal' probably to return a week or so from now.
Thanks for your visit to UDCC today - become a leader by hitting the follower button in the sidebar.
UDCC Exploits It's Solar/Stellar Connection
Clockers as UDCC has been saying - now is the time to cash in on the government incentives to go solar or slightly solar - this again is that database of incentives listed state by state and number one in google for that search -
Sunforce 39626 160-Watt High-Efficiency Polycrystalline Solar Power Kit nice off grid, under a grand
Grape Solar GS-3680-KIT Residential 3,680 Watt Grid-Tied Solar Power System Kit grid tied - for less than you would think

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Crapology Of UFOlogy - Or - Making Sense of Responses To The Jerusalem UFO

I was once in a restaurant - a `make it in front of you' Japanese restaurant - with my late father in law - when all of a sudden, quite loudly he said, `this is crap'. It turned out that they had forgotten to put the sugar in the dessert. --------- And, indeed, it tasted like crappola. (Initially this article was going to have the word crappola in the title.) And, today, I will not be bringing sugar to the table of UFOlogy.

No; this post will not be `sweet' like the last few days of tracking a most interesting `perplexing' anomalous `UFO' (technically to me an Orb) event that happened in Jerusalem last Saturday early morning. All of the links so far of interest are in yesterdays post, so just go down this page. When you do that you will find the very first thing of interest - the FOURTH video, with different angles, of the `event'.

Even IF you were lucky enough to have been here yesterday - please go look at the video again. -------------------- Pause --------------- So, what do you think of THAT! --------- Someone or something has chosen - to declare the original soundtrack as some kind of hoax, only to replace it with NOTHING and say that essentially nefarious evil forces were messing with the video soundtrack. BTW, nothing seemed `unusual' at all in any of the original soundtracks to me (except for a misperception I had on the timing in the first video).

To me, the removal of what sounded like real reactions, makes the video more one dimensional, and, would bring `into question'  the video portion, right? - hmmm, I wonder why? So, does that make the Fourth video fake? (The fourth video, btw, busted the idea that close up views of the event, ie: the first video, was a video of a Wikipedia page and therefore the first video close up was a fake.)

As I said, I compared side by side the video to the Wikipedia picture and FOUND DIFFERENCES -- anyone can say the opposite of the `perception apparent' data - evidently. (This person may not do well in those find the difference games you find at the doctors waiting room.) One can SAY they are identical, evidently, even if they are not -- and use THAT as a claim to refute the first close up `evidence' ( via the videos). And, as I said in response - anyone who wanted to bring doubt to the whole video data could `create' a fake video to say SEE, IT'S FAKE. ------------- One, when writing up these cases, literally has to form judgements about entire circumstances to keep a sense of clarity.

I also find it amusing that in these `rebuttal' pages already up to `counter' the analyzing of `data' by bloggers on the internet (especially after MSNBC did do the video) -- a little tiny stupid point being made is the one videos `tourist' saying something along the lines of `I seen one in Mississippi' - when indeed they don't use the word Mississippi - but - I believe `Midlothian' -- I guess saying the word `Mississippi' and `I seen one' made them sound stupider (but, why would that matter if the video was a video of a Wikipedia page - isn't that stupid enough).

I also find it amazing that the rebuttal is so well organized - it hasn't even been a F-ing week. Oh, I haven't really even gotten to the real rebuttal - the above `Wikipedia' stuff came from nowhere on the internet but the comment section here. Yeah, the `re-buttalists' are out in force dedicating some time to this within a week. (For all I know, the commenter here got it elsewhere, I assume.)

But, frankly, you almost can't blame them, the rebuttalists. Some folks in the Exopolitics camp are seemingly about to come to orgasm over this event - indeed the religious aspect is like some Frosting on the cake -- triple fudge chocolate by death with molasses - bonus - in the whole UFO Disclosure saga. Here's a brief description on TA today: (The Anomalist)
Gary S. Bekkum makes some key points about the supposed presence of aliens and the believability of the many videos alleging to portray an alien visitation. Bekkum highlights the presence of people he calls "the Cyber Tricksters: Shadowy Avatars tracing their thoughts into your home as a play of light and shadow." Be careful what you believe, Bekkum says, for those who are leading the dialogue may very well not be who you think they are, as he notes in the words "Some are artists; some are cons; some are, apparently, quite clever." Alfred Lambremont Webre has a link to a December Wailing Wall UFO video in his report on the Jerusalem/Temple Mount event as a fulfillment of a now deceased UFO prophet's vision, as seen in..."

Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe

Ufo Conspiracy Theorists: Donald Keyhoe, David Icke, Travis Walton, Milton William Cooper, Alfred Webre, Paul Hellyer, Bruce Barrymore Halpenny

Not here.

Can't draw, not a con, cautious (clever,? -  perhaps?).

Lead the dialogue - perhaps.

I'd like to believe that the 103 followers this website has gathered in the last year (when I put the widget up) is partly due to the wording I use in nearly every instance -- almost always a qualified answer - it is simply a part of being a market research analyst and part of writing up data and significances. It also is part of responsible UFO blogging as no one has the answers to the anomalousness that occurs. It's why this week I showed you up to 7 SEVEN things the Jerusalem event might represent. (Based on a previous `orbs' dropping from sky event' in 2009 that was also impressive - especially if some folks - like ME - take ORBS very seriously -- I do NOT make assumptions about Orbs - which is what I saw in the video, I did NOT see alien craft.) I also hope my analysis positioning was a reason why the respected website TA used UDCC's post as it's headline yesterday, Groundhogs Day, (my favorite movie) on the whole Jerusalem UFO event.

LOL. Perhaps that is why the followers are here - they dig the Orb talk too.

Ok, all that said, I do NOT back off, yet at least, the possible significance of this event. Again - IF it is not an elaborate hoax. (I'm reminded that what gave `credibility' to the Georgia Bigfoot hoax a few years back was the fact that the one man was a policeman. Which would be laughable, to some, but not in the MSM. -- In this instance `the number of videos' is what gives it significance. Credibility can be easy to buy is all I can say - so, who is to say at this moment - time will tell and time we have.)

But, I promised you crapology - and you know - UDCC tries to deliver. And, depending on how much you `believe' the `debunking' using technical terms you are unlikely to know - will influence you on how you feel about what you saw in those videos of the last couple of days. So, you ready? (or, (EDIT-Sat.2/5 - they came out in force yesterday - --- DISCOVERY wanted DOZENS of videos to have proof - OMG. AND NPR declared it a hoax or an illusion - - talk about unreal.)

In just checking again, I see more of the originals are `vanishing' -- someone sense they have a goldmine for rights? Someone about to announce the end of the hoax? Someone worried that the truth may get out? (See, as an analyst, I present choices as part of any analysis.) Or, just part of the Crapology of UFOlogy.

But, I'm not alone in my analysis as the blog NightShirt by Eric Wargo has posted - which is appreciated, as I think NightShirt presents very readable far out stuff that is well written too. - Oh, btw, here's how CosmicLog handled the Jerusalem UFO - - the sum-up from them - I think this is going to be one of those shaky-camera sightings that will live on in UFO lore without making much of an impact in the wider world.

I'm not exactly sure how many `shaky' cameras are needed for a proof level. My guess is CosmicLog is hoping no more arise.

(I guess I must have missed being distracted? I mean WTF, all of the videos were quite legible visually to me IMO. So, is `shaky images' the reason for his rejection/questioning? As I said up on top - one can swear that two pictures are identical - even if they are not. And, one can swear the videos are shaky.)

Finally, one reason for the near utter lack of response to what COULD be a significant event, is the LACK of a `voice' of UFOs - other than perhaps MUFON - even 60+ years after the Foofighters (please look in my sidebar for the label Bigelow and Robert Bigelow) - MUFON being a shady bunch of old white men perhaps - don't believe me? read this - --- indeed, Lon and I were some of the first ones bringing real spotlights to the power within MUFON.

Yeah, Crapola.
More to come, pending developments - a final review and positioning at the least. Thanks for all the comments too.
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A ufo on Super Bowl Weekend?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Best Videos, Stories, Events and Trends Of The UFO Phenomena In 2010

Hello, welcome to the first annual UDCC review of the Best Videos, Stories, Events and Trends associated with the UFO Phenomena in 2010 - it has been quite a year. And, unlike last year in 2009, when the Exopolitics folks put on their ultimate attempt at `forcing disclosure' - even predicting exact dates over and over ---- 2010 was strikingly different --- the Exo-politic voices have largely receded in importance and relevance; despite them thinking elsewise. That said, whether intentional or not - the phenomena seems to be moving towards disclosure.

As, indeed, in 2010 there was a seeming increase in BIG UFO stories - what UDCC is calling `Flash Stories' about UFOs - is rapidly increasing on the TV media; and with slightly less snickering. That said, either thru cohering or their own bumbling 8 year old mentality - the MSM remains seemingly clueless to the involvement of a fairly significant internet and alternative community that is following what seem to be evolutions in the whole UFO phenomena and implications.

Are the operators of these sky phenomena making themselves known in a more seeable fashion? Are different phenomena being lumped in with `Craft UFOs'? Is society any closer to getting a `beyond refute video' of anomalous phenomena?

Who knows, but here is UDCC'S top 10 of 2010

Number Ten - The UFO/ORB Callers-Videographers Trend

Really, it's been a mounting story for a few years and includes those who `call' the orbs thru prayer (ritual) - or simply do it with the ritual intention of videoing these objects. Different strokes for different folks.

That said, it is WAY too hot for the MSM to cover - this is Prophet Yahweh type stuff and the media has been burned before. Also, it is seemingly WAY TO CLOSE to being seen as a `miracle' in many ways. BUT - the idea of calling these orb phenomena has been around since at least 5 decades ago (I featured that that here Indeed, as these words say from the 1969 Rand Report - communication with UFO's/ORB's is not so outlandish:

"Sometimes the lights flash on and off or change color rhythmically. Several cases have been reported of the UFO flashing its lights in response to the witness flashing hand or vehicular lights. In other cases the lights winked off with the approach of another car or an aircraft, only to turn on again when the vehicle had passed…."

Anyway, for more speculation, UDCC covered this Orb Calling/Filming Phenomena here -


Number Nine - Strange Compelling Evidence of the UFO phenomena!

Now, please note UDCC readers that the word Phenomena is used. UFOs can be and most probably ARE `different things'. It is the range of those things that is what is most exciting. However, that said, some compelling evidence has been on UDCC's mind such as the Russian Fighter Jet video UDCC recently featured
Declassified Russian UFO Video - The best video clips are here

or, this `Triangle UFO' Picture snapped in Greenville, South Carolina - last spring - or this trailcam UFO photo - or this amazing story and photo or this Giant Metallic Tube seen over Vegas - --- and I know you can find links on the internet just out this week just as compelling to someone else who isn't me.

Now, the question - is all of this NEW -- or is simply the proliferation of recording devices the cause of the seeming increase?

The Number Eight UFO story trend is what UDCC calls the FLASH UFO `focus' event for MSM. BIG UFO events that capture the `aw-shucks' attitude of the MSM. 2010 had a number of them such as the China UFO `Airport' Event (the anomalous phenomena that shut down an airport) - the recent UFO Missile Event off of the California coast; the `Euclid Lights UFO Events';  The `Kremlin Triangle UFO'; NYC's Oct. 13th Events; The El Paso Lights - Blue Circle UFO's -- the list would go on forever if UDCC set the bar a little lower.

Many local events of lights in the sky or strange `trail-cam' photos of UFO's also rise to state, national or even international news. Indeed, as UDCC has found in its state by state search thru YouTube so far -- there is lots to find at the localish level.

It is all the classic `journalism' (small J on purpose) we see in this country - all surface and NO depth. Nothing about implications. Nothing about it being permanent....... UFOs are a subject to pull out when `news' is slow - OR - are to be used as entertainment value (often before the entertainment segment, something you will notice from now onward).

Indeed, the MSM has now been jaded beyond almost any hope of real journalism being applied to unusual phenomena now being `reported' by real citizens multiple times a day to organizations such as MUFON, YouTube, etc. No, the MSM needs BIG Events.

And, what are the reasons?

For one, the `implications' of UFO's simply do not fit the motif of the MSM's interest in selling deodorant to 9-16 year olds. (Yes, even implications such as alien abductions meaning that some reports of missing people could be alien related. Even if NOT true.) As the implications are much too staggering before giving the 1-10 Wizometer for tomorrow's weather score. Too much of a segway for the `science' portion of the news - the weather. (Which ignore the Chemtrails to boot.)

And while you can find most of the UFO Events above with a simple Google search, or searching this sites labels in the sidebar - here is an example of localized phenomena that gets local TV attention - the Horseshoe UFO Phenomena most recently

So, because the UFO phenomena can only be considered by the MSM in a `surface manner' - do expect this `Flash UFO Focus Event' coverage to continue - even if it has little to NOTHING to do with real UFO Disclosure. And, since the MSM wants the BIG show - perhaps humanity will get just that.


Number Seven continues to be the on-going existing trend of the EXTREME MainStream Media reluctance to take the UFOs seriously - displayed in many ways but best exemplified by their reluctance to Interview Robert Bigelow about the UFO reports and investigations of such reports given to him by the FAA (let alone his involvement in MUFON). ------ OR --- to have what is seemingly real UFO research done by Anthony Bragalia come to light OR be investigated by the MSM themselves. (Or other real researchers.) (Or, their now collective boredom with the soft UFO Disclosure being done by countries.)

By not speaking with Bigelow or Bragalia - by not pre-covering the UFO/Nukes press conference (and then running with the FAkE U.N. Ambassador story) - by not digging deeper and finding the Bigelow name even associated with the Euclid Lights - by letting the China UFO at Airport story fade - and on and on ----------- the MSM only proves itself to be IN THE POCKET of information control forces the general public only understands a smidgen about.

And, seemingly, could care less about - after all, `they' are TOLD all the time about our supposedly `free-press'. Sheeple.

Laughable if not for being so sad.


Number Six is the expansion of the Chemtrails/Contrails/Orb/Fake Planes(ufos) `story'. NO UFO story (after all chemtrail clouds are indeed in the sky or `flying' and they are certainly `unidentified') has been more shall we say -- IN OUR COLLECTIVE FACES -- than what has been happening in broad daylight for perhaps 15 years now.

(I took this photo in Atlanta on Dec. 19th)

But, the phenomena is simply getting more nefarious in UDCC's opinion - as more and more people are seemingly becoming aware of -- shall we say -- something being UP. MORE and more people are finding `orbs of light' near Chemtrails or going thru them. (I have seen one myself a couple years ago.) I mean, like, WTF?

And, even the `planes' that disperse the `trails' are now coming under more scrutiny as more and more people begin to film the whole contrail phenomena. Some are being likened to `missiles' - and we had our recent `Missile Launch off LA Coast' story just last month - while other folks are making bold outrageous claims --- THAT THE PLANES ARE NOT PLANES AT ALL.

Some call them fake planes or fake UFOs: Other videos show JUST THE ORB and no plane or object at all. The video below is worthy of a freeze frame at about the 28 second mark:

COULD all of this fit into UDCC's number one story of the year?


The Number Five `story' for the UFO phenomena for 2010 in UDCC's opinion was Nick Redfern's - Final Events Book.

Will it be 2010 that the whole UFO `category' slipped over the `acceptable edge' of what to believe about the phenomena? Do those within the culture of `UFO believers' begin to verbalize a support for a `demon UFO' belief system? (That, of course, a secret government group is quite concerned about.) Does UDCC risk backlash for questioning one of UFOs mainstays?

Or, have bits of truth found a new level of shock value in spinning a new yarn about the phenomena? -- Even one with religious overtones?

Indeed, if one thought the MSM was reluctant to do its job in the investigating of UFOs - wait to see how far they can run from ideas such as Redfern's - nonetheless, Redfern's non-fiction ideas (supposedly) about the phenomena - or, a part of the phenomena --- adds one more layer why the government would be beyond reluctant to ever come clean about UFOs.

At its worst - if NONE of Redfern's ideas are true - I can only be reminded of Carlos Castaneda's adventures seeping into a new version of the UFO phenomena -- and that will be one heckofa slippery slope. Will a Redfern and Icke book be next?
FINAL EVENTS and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife
FINAL EVENTS and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife

Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More
Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More

The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy


The Number Four `story' of the UFO phenomena for 2010 is the examples of what UDCC calls `over the top - too good to believe - UFO videos' - could these examples have really been REAL?

That said, they look similar and both do `exit' the scene (as opposed to all fake videos that simply stop). But, what is it with rotating UFOs - could ANY being be INSIDE - if these crafts are real - can one assume they are not occupied?

Over course, the REAL UFO `proof' will seemingly come when some over the top video is provided by a minimum of two different people who have no relationship or hoax potential (or dozens) - and it will ONLY be at that point - that it will be hard to refute that something anomalous is actualizing.


The Number Three story is the seeming increase in the UFO `Ring' Phenomena - specifically the BLUE ring phenomena now seen on multiple occasions and featured in this TV report:

UDCC covered it here - - so what is the Blue Ring Phenomena? Sophisticated Lazar's? Some Alien or Government Experiment? Something paranormal?

And, what about the increasing reports of `Hanging Jet' UFOs?


The Number Two story-event in the opinion of UDCC was the long awaited official press conference in late September - where Military Officers talked of UFO interference with our NUKES. One side of the security issue of UFOs.

However, the possibly important press conference, was nearly totally sidetracked by a seemingly planted FAKE `Alien' Story of a UN Ambassador being named to be the Representative for humans if aliens made contact. Yes, a FAKE story on the very morning of the press conference. Co-incidence? UDCC thinks not - and covered it right here -
Digging Deeper:
UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites

UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record


Which leaves the Number One `Story' about the UFO Phenomena in 2010 - and - it was a dozy. Because on Oct. 13th what appeared to be an anomalous event unfolded over the skies of NYC - and thereby instantly made Stanley A. Fulham and his words - a famous man. As Mr. Fulham was the first of the so-called `UFO predicters', to get it right! At least partially.

What he got partially right was his BOOK prediction of a major UFO event over a major city on Oct. 13th. Well, er, actually the original prediction was for the event to be over major CITIES - and - in the opinion of UDCC - the `event' was close to, but, fell short of, a `major event'. Let's call it a moderate event (lol).

What was seemingly new was the events duration and `generated ground interest'. The on-going event described by TV crews as a Mystery and literally playing up the man on the street reaction to the idea that humans may not be alone.

Then, layer that with the `event(s)' happening simultaneously with the rescue of the Chilean Miners - a worldwide live TV emotion generating event. Layered finally with the book prediction (which was NOT mentioned by anyone on the street or TV casts on DAY ONE).

So, what ultimately happened?

Did a blind squirrel (the prediction) find a nut (event that occurred)? Or, blind chance that an `event' DID happen worthy of coverage on that day? Could some human emotion from the rescue set off some sort of anomalous phenomena?

OR, was it indeed AN ALIEN signal - if not to mankind, to people familiar with Fulham's Prediction? An alien signal of their stepped up timetable to address humankind and to clean up the Earth's atmosphere - before it is too late. (One of Fulham's main ideas about the aliens.)

In UDCC's opinion, the outcome of his bold prediction deserves to remain undiscarded - and his next predictions are on a rapid timetable - and indeed, runaway carbon dioxide is unlikely to relent.

Indeed, might Stanley be the one ultimately `right'?

That the aliens held off until they had to intervene for the PLANETS SAKE? (Humans always think of themselves as most important, so `we' would see this alien interaction in that manner - when it is possible that the `aliens' don't give a crappola about `us' - other than being polluters of a living system.)

The bits of seeming truth are quite tempting to put into some scenario that includes overt `contact' with the `public' - thru increasing `disclosure' of `their' presence.

All to a world public that has yet to have even one country VERIFY the existence of UFOs as an on-going phenomena - and yes, that includes the soft ufo disclosure of 2010 by a number of countries pulling out the dusty folders.

To a world public that has NEVER had the leading scientists be allowed to say that they have found life elsewhere - be it in small meteors from Mars that came to Earth, Experiments on Mars or even any SETI contact.

Indeed, the world seemingly remains in the final moments of thinking that only Earth contains LIFE.

And, the signs are, that, that thinking may only have only a few years, if not a few months or days remaining; - and that the balance will shift in ways that Mankind may not be seemingly ready for.

A cool time to run a UFO Disclosure blog..........Perhaps.

This was one of the better links UDCC did on the Fulham Predicted - NYC Oct. 13th UFO event(s) -

Mr. Fulham's Book.
(Stanley Fulham Died Dec. 2010)

UDCC wants your opinions of 2010 - please comment.

Amazing UFO Stories AND Strange UFO Videos

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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition

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