I was once in a restaurant - a `make it in front of you' Japanese restaurant - with my late father in law - when all of a sudden, quite loudly he said, `this is crap'. It turned out that they had forgotten to put the sugar in the dessert. --------- And, indeed, it tasted like crappola. (Initially this article was going to have the word crappola in the title.) And, today, I will not be bringing sugar to the table of UFOlogy.
No; this post will not be `sweet' like the last few days of tracking a most interesting `perplexing' anomalous `UFO' (technically to me an Orb) event that happened in Jerusalem last Saturday early morning. All of the links so far of interest are in yesterdays post, so just go down this page. When you do that you will find the very first thing of interest - the FOURTH video, with different angles, of the `event'.
Even IF you were lucky enough to have been here yesterday - please go look at the video again. -------------------- Pause --------------- So, what do you think of THAT! --------- Someone or something has chosen - to declare the original soundtrack as some kind of hoax, only to replace it with NOTHING and say that essentially nefarious evil forces were messing with the video soundtrack. BTW, nothing seemed `unusual' at all in any of the original soundtracks to me (except for a misperception I had on the timing in the first video).
To me, the removal of what sounded like real reactions, makes the video more one dimensional, and, would bring `into question' the video portion, right? - hmmm, I wonder why? So, does that make the Fourth video fake? (The fourth video, btw, busted the idea that close up views of the event, ie: the first video, was a video of a Wikipedia page and therefore the first video close up was a fake.)
As I said, I compared side by side the video to the Wikipedia picture and FOUND DIFFERENCES -- anyone can say the opposite of the `perception apparent' data - evidently. (This person may not do well in those find the difference games you find at the doctors waiting room.) One can SAY they are identical, evidently, even if they are not -- and use THAT as a claim to refute the first close up `evidence' ( via the videos). And, as I said in response - anyone who wanted to bring doubt to the whole video data could `create' a fake video to say SEE, IT'S FAKE. ------------- One, when writing up these cases, literally has to form judgements about entire circumstances to keep a sense of clarity.
I also find it amusing that in these `rebuttal' pages already up to `counter' the analyzing of `data' by bloggers on the internet (especially after MSNBC did do the video) -- a little tiny stupid point being made is the one videos `tourist' saying something along the lines of `I seen one in Mississippi' - when indeed they don't use the word Mississippi - but - I believe `Midlothian' -- I guess saying the word `Mississippi' and `I seen one' made them sound stupider (but, why would that matter if the video was a video of a Wikipedia page - isn't that stupid enough).
I also find it amazing that the rebuttal is so well organized - it hasn't even been a F-ing week. Oh, I haven't really even gotten to the real rebuttal - the above `Wikipedia' stuff came from nowhere on the internet but the comment section here. Yeah, the `re-buttalists' are out in force dedicating some time to this within a week. (For all I know, the commenter here got it elsewhere, I assume.)
But, frankly, you almost can't blame them, the rebuttalists. Some folks in the Exopolitics camp are seemingly about to come to orgasm over this event - indeed the religious aspect is like some Frosting on the cake -- triple fudge chocolate by death with molasses - bonus - in the whole UFO Disclosure saga. Here's a brief description on TA today: (The Anomalist)
Gary S. Bekkum makes some key points about the supposed presence of aliens and the believability of the many videos alleging to portray an alien visitation. Bekkum highlights the presence of people he calls "the Cyber Tricksters: Shadowy Avatars tracing their thoughts into your home as a play of light and shadow." Be careful what you believe, Bekkum says, for those who are leading the dialogue may very well not be who you think they are, as he notes in the words "Some are artists; some are cons; some are, apparently, quite clever." Alfred Lambremont Webre has a link to a December Wailing Wall UFO video in his report on the Jerusalem/Temple Mount event as a fulfillment of a now deceased UFO prophet's vision, as seen in..."
Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe
Ufo Conspiracy Theorists: Donald Keyhoe, David Icke, Travis Walton, Milton William Cooper, Alfred Webre, Paul Hellyer, Bruce Barrymore Halpenny
Not here.
Can't draw, not a con, cautious (clever,? - perhaps?).
Lead the dialogue - perhaps.
I'd like to believe that the 103 followers this website has gathered in the last year (when I put the widget up) is partly due to the wording I use in nearly every instance -- almost always a qualified answer - it is simply a part of being a market research analyst and part of writing up data and significances. It also is part of responsible UFO blogging as no one has the answers to the anomalousness that occurs. It's why this week I showed you up to 7 SEVEN things the Jerusalem event might represent. (Based on a previous `orbs' dropping from sky event' in 2009 that was also impressive - especially if some folks - like ME - take ORBS very seriously -- I do NOT make assumptions about Orbs - which is what I saw in the video, I did NOT see alien craft.) I also hope my analysis positioning was a reason why the respected website TA used UDCC's post as it's headline yesterday, Groundhogs Day, (my favorite movie) http://www.anomalist.com/ on the whole Jerusalem UFO event.
LOL. Perhaps that is why the followers are here - they dig the Orb talk too.
Ok, all that said, I do NOT back off, yet at least, the possible significance of this event. Again - IF it is not an elaborate hoax. (I'm reminded that what gave `credibility' to the Georgia Bigfoot hoax a few years back was the fact that the one man was a policeman. Which would be laughable, to some, but not in the MSM. -- In this instance `the number of videos' is what gives it significance. Credibility can be easy to buy is all I can say - so, who is to say at this moment - time will tell and time we have.)
But, I promised you crapology - and you know - UDCC tries to deliver. And, depending on how much you `believe' the `debunking' using technical terms you are unlikely to know - will influence you on how you feel about what you saw in those videos of the last couple of days. So, you ready? http://blogs.howstuffworks.com/2011/01/31/the-jerusalem-ufo-at-dome-of-the-rock-on-january-28-2011/ (or, http://miragemen.wordpress.com/2011/02/03/star-over-jerusalem/) (EDIT-Sat.2/5 - they came out in force yesterday - http://news.discovery.com/space/jerusalem-ufo-almost-certainly-a-hoax.html --- DISCOVERY wanted DOZENS of videos to have proof - OMG. AND NPR declared it a hoax or an illusion - http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/02/04/133493963/a-ufo-over-jerusalem-only-if-you-believe-in-those-sorts-things - talk about unreal.)
In just checking again, I see more of the originals are `vanishing' -- someone sense they have a goldmine for rights? Someone about to announce the end of the hoax? Someone worried that the truth may get out? (See, as an analyst, I present choices as part of any analysis.) Or, just part of the Crapology of UFOlogy.
But, I'm not alone in my analysis as the blog NightShirt by Eric Wargo has posted - http://thenightshirt.com/?p=960 which is appreciated, as I think NightShirt presents very readable far out stuff that is well written too. - Oh, btw, here's how CosmicLog handled the Jerusalem UFO - http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/01/31/5962284-jerusalem-videos-stir-ufo-buzz - the sum-up from them - I think this is going to be one of those shaky-camera sightings that will live on in UFO lore without making much of an impact in the wider world.
I'm not exactly sure how many `shaky' cameras are needed for a proof level. My guess is CosmicLog is hoping no more arise.
(I guess I must have missed being distracted? I mean WTF, all of the videos were quite legible visually to me IMO. So, is `shaky images' the reason for his rejection/questioning? As I said up on top - one can swear that two pictures are identical - even if they are not. And, one can swear the videos are shaky.)
Finally, one reason for the near utter lack of response to what COULD be a significant event, is the LACK of a `voice' of UFOs - other than perhaps MUFON - even 60+ years after the Foofighters (please look in my sidebar for the label Bigelow and Robert Bigelow) - MUFON being a shady bunch of old white men perhaps - don't believe me? read this - http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2011/02/new-contention-at-mufon.html --- indeed, Lon and I were some of the first ones bringing real spotlights to the power within MUFON.
Yeah, Crapola.
More to come, pending developments - a final review and positioning at the least. Thanks for all the comments too.
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A ufo on Super Bowl Weekend? http://theanomalymanlisting.blogspot.com/2011/02/what-if-jerusalem-ufo-event-happened.html
We should remind every person who spots an UFO in the sky to quit recording it on camera unless they have a tripod. For example, if you see a large UFO descending on your backyard run to the shop first and buy a tripod. Then, and only then, you can start recording it otherwise it would not be accepted as real.
ReplyDeleteWhat about this video:
It says it's an unedited footage of the Temple Mount event.
Seriously? There is no conspiracy, these are just clever fakes (perpetuated more than likely by one person). Has anyone stopped to look at the fact that NO witnesses have come forward, no one is claiming these videos, there is no source of these videos even on YouTube, and there was NO news of this on any Jerusalem news papers online or otherwise except for the faked videos.
ReplyDeleteThat is a good point. Where ARE the people that took them? That saw them? Why didn't the guy supposedly from Tel Aviv reply to my personal message to him about this...?
ReplyDeleteThere's clearly stuff out there for which there is no earthly explanation (and that's even accepting that we have developed "triangle" craft with a hitherto unknown silent propulsion system). But I tend to be very hard on specific claims, and I want to be convinced before I accept sightings as likely true.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I think the Jerusalem Incident vids capture a significant, actual event. I beleive from the videos themselves that the event occurred NEAR the Dome of the Rock, not directly over it. You can see from the video in which witnesses speaking what I think is Arabic, that it is taken from a little different angle than the first vid, and you can see that the light is not directly over the Dome, but behind where it appears in the "original" vid.
However, if I understand you to say that you believe one witness overheard in the "original" vid says "Midlothian" instead of "Mississippi", you're mistaken. I'm from Alabama, and believe me, the people heard speaking in that video are from the Deep Southern US. In fact, the very first thing heard on that vid is a reference to "Alabama", which those of us from the US know is the eastern next door neighbor to Mississippi.
I think the videos are all legit, but I know that the people overheard in that particular video are from the South, and one indeed does say "We've seen 'em in Mississippi like this, but never like, never like this...".
Alexandre, - Good reminder - lol. There actually are some `orb callers' who do just that - doesn't matter to `critics'. As always thanks for sharing the links you find - as you know many of them end up on these pages.
ReplyDeleteBrian, first, thanks for your comments and opinions. Yep, certainly NO proven conspiracy that the videos are real or not real. Indeed, hoaxing is possible. That said, if you look in the `honors' area on YouTube - the details section - on some of these vids they are being highly searched in Israel. You are indeed correct that I also do not see mention of it in their MSM - are you really that surprised? Also, according to the comments section on the video I posted yesterday - one of the kids on the video is freely interacting with folks. As always, one should make their own judgements based on what criteria and what attributes you find to be most important to your understandings.
Now, that said, are you really 100% unaware of the ORB phenomena? If not, spend some time investigating that - and IF so, do you rule out an ORB on this at the 100% level?
MUZ - thanks for the update.
JUM - First I appreciate your comment. I've lived in the south (Atlanta, which admittedly isn't real southern accent normally) for over 30 years and have spent much time on business all over the south. Folks sound like th etoursit from Richmond to Louisiana - I will defer to your ears as they are probably younger than mine and have heard less rock and roll probably too.
Heh. Re the possibility that I have "younger ears" which may have "heard less rock and roll" - Well my very first Stones concert was July, 1972, after which over the next 5 years it was, among others, Led Zep, Who, Lynyrd Skynyrd and The Boss. So it's certainly not either younger ears or better hearing, because age and mega-decibels have assaulted both. It's just the recognition of the intensely familiar. Cheers.
ReplyDeleteImpressive indeed; my first `rock' concert was the Chamber Brothers in 67 from the side first row. Most recent, Them Crooked Vultures, in a smaller venue. Favorite band of the 2000's - QOTSA, 90's and 2000's Favorite is WP, and alltime personally seen is/was Robin Trower.
fun to share,
I bow before The Master! Time has come today for me to acknowledge an esoteric beginning indeed. I never got into the Queens, having tended more to singer/songwriter these days, but Bridge of Sighs has just about the coolest, most atmosphere-setting riff ever. My "proudest today to have been there" concert was probably the now-legendary Stones "S.T.P." 1972 tour; although seeing a 26-year-old Springsteen is very close; and a 1974 Steely Dan gig while Skunk Baxter was a member and before he became a Doobie and was lost to yacht rock forever ranks surprisingly high. My all-time best concert? A tiny-venue Warren Zevon show in 1979.
ReplyDeleteWow - excellent.
Duly noted is the CB hitsong as your opening line. Killer.
I was late getting into Queens of the Stone Age; but love when they sound like a souped up Cream. When Josh headlined Them Crooked Vultures (John Paul Jones, Dave Grohl)as the lead singer I about flipped as Queens had been the last concert I had seen before TCV - being reduced to about one real rock concert a year now -- I was LITERALLY the oldest person in the room at Queens out of 2,200 and I include the security - quite a flipped out feeling - that said, many many there were 30-45.
Yes, I loved BOS - loved it. Was known for playing it. Loudly. I have a very full Trower album collection and even a few of his things from 95 onward - love his blues stint in the 80's too. I've seen him about 7 or 8 times perhaps, but, it has been too long for sure.
Proudest to have been there - 1991 WP in the Roxy (Widespread Panic) - who I have also seen about 5-6 times - DINER is about as heavy a song riff as I've ever heard (and they pump it four times). Followed I guess by something like Iggy Pop in 78-79 (hazy) when he did the `Party' tour. With perhaps seeing Roxy Music touring with Jethro Tull in 72ish a third place show.
Yacht Rock - had me split a gut. Thanks.
Changing into a Werewolf now,