As I sit here pondering today's post it is slowly EXPANDING in my minds-eye. What began by trying to figure out if a MUFON report forwarded to me by Ken Pfeifer some time ago contained a real or a Photoshop image, (the MUFON report is less than clear and Ken simply included it) - but, since in the report the person makes no statement of taking a photo I am assuming a manufactured image.
That then evolved into should I bring this already saved Pfeifer MUFON report (Clockers only get the cream of what is sent - since I am more into the `find content' mode) onto the blog - after all - the report had already passed my standards for saving and bringing to Clockers.
I will present the report at the end - but, suffice it to say that it is one of those very few, super close, of course silent, beautiful craft observed doing the impossible, MUFON reports - not exactly a dime a dozen on MUFON. (Let's also remember that Ken has access I believe to a different set of content too.) OH, and with picture and a length of experience, verified by clock, of something beyond a mere hallucination - that was also covered by the reporting person verifying his mental drug related state of mind.
All the elements? ---------------- Or, all bases covered?
But, one doesn't have a UFO blog attempting to bring viable plausible material and content to readers, ----- without huge skepticism. `Bells go off' when something is a bit too perfect on occasion. -------- Such as close up reports of fantastic craft in populated areas that somehow escape EVERYONE else's attention. (And additionally - none of those people had a video capability via their phone or such.)
Now, here's the other thing about the `perfect' sighting you will be reading and seeing below - by being two minutes in length and being so low - it does limit the total of `possible confirmation locations on the ground'. You know, perhaps only at most a few hundred in the immediate area could have had a chance to see this event and perhaps none of them were outside. It is on the edge of plausible without dismissing the perfect report.
But, the kicker, is for me, the ambiguous photo `ownership'; - is this a rendering or not. Let's assume my stupidity in demanding such and that someone will say it obviously IS. That's cool - but as we all know these days ANYTHING can be rendered including near perfect CGI.
So, I think we might need a UFO Grading Report System - (ok, a UGRS for those that love acronyms) something at least a bit objective and perhaps only being rendered this time for fun; but, let's explore what I feel might be worth consideration.
*= loosely used
Reports with `multiple objective proof via multiple confirmation witnesses'!
You know, be thinking, The Jerusalem Orb - The Phoenix Lights - or the daylong NYC event of Oct. 13th, 2010.
Reports with single `objective proof*' such as video or pictures!
Sourcing - How did the content come to be on this particular internet page? Did the sourcing come from a site known for `promoting' this type of content? IF YouTube video, is this the original uploader? IF so, how many videos of a similar nature has this been uploaded as original content? Does the uploader have an original content suggesting an interest in producing videos?
Reports without `the proof', but with witnesses for confirmation!
Question To Ask - Can you compare the reports of multiple witnesses?
Reports without the proof or confirmation witnesses in an unpopulated area!
Reports without the proof or confirmation witnesses in a populated area!
SO - looking at it THAT WAY - this report is a `second level' or `the lowest level' of report. But, using skepticism as a guide, let's look at those key questions for those providing `objective proof'.
In this case, without confirmation in the report of taking a photo the assumption is that it IS a generated image - as such the report falls to the lowest level of attribution. BUT, let's play futher and say the picture was legit. --- Well, the sourcing came from a site known for `promoting' the idea MUFON as an anonymous report. (This is not a newspaper report with names and such or other media that is citing a specific real person.)
Now, that is NOT to disparage this report - I've already said above that it was possible to lack confirmation or other witnesses even in populated areas in our day and age. Real reports of UFOs certainly are not and have never been dependent on such attributes, as I know from my own close up sighting. (Now exclusively inside one of my UFO Kindle books - that was once a post in this blog.)
But, in this day and age of `UFOlogy' and fame from hoaxing and hoax entertainment - and from just the ability to pull the wool over so many eyes at once with a cleverly crafted tale - that ONLY skepticism is the correct mode of thought in the connected world.
And, with that I present the May 21st, 2012 MUFON report with permission to use the picture and report from Ken Pheifer:
On my way home from work on Monday, May 21, 2012 at about 9:40 PM, I was driving west on West Line Street just past Barlow lane, heading to my home which is north of Bishop. It is a fairly dense residential area. Suddenly, through the trees to the north, my attention was drawn to a very bright red light. It outshown every other light in view. Since it was low, no more than a hundred yards off the ground, I was confused by what I was seeing. At first, I thought it was a light on top of some radio tower, but there isn't any such tower in the area. Then, I could see it was slowly moving in my direction. I thought it was too low to be an aircraft, and I have never seen such a bright red light on an aircraft. I slowed my car, and watched intently as the light passed over the trees and into the clear sky above me. It passed slowly over the two-lane road on which I was driving, no more than two or three hundred feet in front of and above me. I would estimate its speed as no more than ten to fifteen miles per hour. What had first appeared as a solid red light wasnt solid at all. It was a spherical object, made up of a geometric assembly of very bright red lights, each apparently identical and equally bright. The lights didn't blink on and off, and did not vary in intensity. I would estimate the size of the sphere as no more than ten or fifteen feet in diameter, about the size of a small car, and as it moved, it was quite clear that the lights were evenly spaced, geometrically all around the sphere. I counted five lights on one hemisphere. It looked like some kind of huge lighted Christmas ornament. And it was beautiful. I was amazed and completely awe-struck by what I was watching. I pulled the car to the side of the road, stopped and rolled down the window, which provided a clear and distinct view of the sphere, which was by now no more than 200 feet away. I was able to estimate its height and distance by comparing it to trees alongside the road. It was completely silent, seemingly floating in the air. It continued its southward course, and as it passed by, the rear of the object came into view. I was struck by how evenly spaced the lights were all around the outside of the sphere. The red lights had an intense, radiant quality. They were very bright, and I could make out each individual light. It was like a ball of evenly-spaced red lights. My view to the south was completely clear, unobstructed by trees or buildings. I watched the sphere as it continued slowly south for perhaps a half-mile, clearly silhouetted against the dark night sky. The red lights remained on. Then, it accelerated abruptly, and moved up so quickly that it disappeared in the darkness. There was nothing left to see but the stars. The entire episode lasted about two minutes, perhaps less. I looked at the clock in my car when I first realized what I was seeing, and again after the object disappeared. I wasn't drinking, or under the influence of any substance. I have never seen anything like it. I am convinced that it wasn't any kind of aircraft; not an airplane, or a helicopter, or any kind of balloon. There was no wind, and absolutely no sound whatsoever. NOTE: The above image was submitted by the witness.
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