The story interviews a lecturer named Ralph Ring - who along with Otis T. Carr FLEW a 45 foot man-made UFO --------- with their minds, in the early 1960's. And, in their journey they landed and picked up rocks, putting them in their pocket - something they didn't remember until days later. Yeah, this is the kind of UFOlogy story that is like candy for the mind - and even involves Nikola Tesla's Name. Find out the details of Otis T. Carr today.
I will be bringing a number of reading links today that have been piling up in the bin and others too - hopefully. Oh, a btw, the Department of the Interior stopped by yesterday for some FUN reads (I assume.). Wonder what the file is on Otis T. Carr?
Next up - MUZ. Most of you know MUZ as one of the lead commenters on UDCC - and others know him for his Esoteric blog with EXTREMELY in-depth ideas. And, while I will let you read the post for yourself - the idea of it is Investigating The Occult Elite - here's a tease:
In attempting to research what an occult elite are possibly up to it is easy often to find yourself metaphorically falling down a great bottomless well. In the doing of this I see also the utter complexity of the task because in looking at this occult elite, I am also having to look at the researchers looking at it, (including myself of course).
Anyway, I enjoy the CONCEPT - and I bet my heavyweight readers of UDCC do too. The Occult Elite - has a ring to it.
And, from our mailbag/comments section - this link was suggested to a story about the Rumbles UNDER a Wisconsin town - Mysterious Rumbles which today ends up somehow in the Politics (Green Subsection) section of the Huffington Post and dissed as nothing but Tiny Baby Earthquakes that a `scientist' they quote in the article says is unlikely to have been felt or to have produced the sound. Sheesssh.
Okay - are you ready for a Columbian TV report about a Daytime Saucer shaped UFO video? Perhaps the best `Saucer' video of 2012 with 17K views in just a few days time? With a 30/0 (yes zero) pos/neg ratio? --- Thought so.
link -!
Perhaps our bi-language friends who read UDCC can help us out? Or, is it a balloon? After all, the video is SHORT.
IF you read the first post today - Ralph Ring said they had people working in secret locations to re-create the UFO he drove - and in that spirit and because UDCC is committed to bringing Clockers the range of UFOlogy and source points to them - dig into Secret Hangar. Good blog to put onto your bookmarks.
And, finally - a bit different of a tangent for UDCC's science oriented crowd - did you know that Chimps Teach Young About Humans - To Communicate With US.
Thanks for your visit today - much more this weekend so make sure to bookmark and return. Oh, if you enjoyed this post - please feel free to share it on your Facebook page by clicking the `F' on the Share Buttons below. Much Appreciated.
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