But, today, UDCC goes the MUFON route with our mailbag and the special offerings and selections of Ken Pfeifer - NJ's Chief MUFON Investigator. First up is this GREAT picture and UFO account from just a few days ago - March 25th:
I was on the phone and walked outside when I noticed a blueish ring of light in the clouds. On further inspection it was clear that the ring had equally spaced balls of blue light. After getting a few photos and for a minute or so the objects and the ring increased luminosity substantially. That did not last very long and after 20 minutes total, it had faded away and I went back inside. About 10 minutes later my father told me that it was back. I went outside and observed the same ringlike formation and more glowing spots in the clouds much higher than the initial ring. Within a minute or so another ring much higher above it had formed. This ring appeared to be made up of 6 seperate balls of light which seemed to be moving slowly and steadily in altitude and direction formed a semi circle. then 3 lights moved more east and the other 3 went west creating a gap and their positions appeared in tandum forming a ( ) pattern. All this time the original ring had reapearred and over the next few hours would dim out then randomly gain luminosity. Sometimes there would be no change and appear to "hover" for up to 20 minutes before dimming or changing into unidentifiable formations. During form changes the light was too dim to effectively be caught on my camera. I walked a few blocks to get a better view and after a couple hours the objects seemed to form a pattern resembling a parachute with beams that went below my sight due to tree cover. All colors were either blue or blue with a hint of white. The beams of light appeared to be gathered at a cental ground point. This lasted about 10 minutes. The objects did not seem to me to be farther away but were dim during this time. My first reaction was "did I just get duped by an elaborate light setup?" I found this unlikely as this was the only period during which any illumination went towards the ground. The weather had a mild cloud cover. a short light rain began after witnessing the initial "ring" and stopped before the event ended. The lights appeared to move much higher in elevation and some would move farther outward from view. There was always a noticable central ring of at least 6-12 clearly seperate orbs. Very shortly before the parachute formation with "beams" I watched a lower flying dual jet aircraft heading straight towards the objects parallel to me but the same trajectory. The aircraft got to a close enough to think "This is about to be interesting" when It made an immediate 180 flew for several seconds, made a right turn flying for a minute or so then another right. This aircraft clearly gave a wide berth to the objects. Sometime between 330am and 339 the "Ring" formation faded away completely. Prior to this even when no orbs were visible and the ring had significantly faded out, the area of the clouds it had been stayed obviously illuminated to some degree. The maximum time between the "fading" before a "fade in" was no longer than 15 minutes. My camera was insufficiant to reliable capture anything other than when formed in a ring as any other activities reduced their lumination below the capability of my camera. There are a couple pictures that were able to capture the beginning of formation changing. Albeit they are not that great.
Thanks to MUFON CMS system.
And one great MUFON report deserves another
This account is taken from notes I took, after the fact, and with additional modifications as details resurface in my memory of it. I know this area well, because when I was a kid, I used to hike all over the hills around here. The site where we parked are pickup truck, now has two houses there, and the field around the road is now much smaller and with some small trees in it. This sighting occurred approximately three and one-fourth miles west-southwest of Syracuse, NY. I am about 90 percent date certain as it being Wednesday 8:35 pm or so, June 15, 1996. I picked my wife up from work, at around 8:30 pm, or so, in the evening (still light out, blue sky, not hot or humid out and no sun or sun glare). While, driving home, on Fay Road, heading toward the Taunton area, my wife sees a small bright light in the sky. I look up and see it also. It was traveling from the Northwest (Fairmount Area). I quickly turned off on a side road called Henderson Place, where I could park, avoiding parking in front of someone’s house, next to an old overgrown field, that was maybe ten feet lower in elevation than we were. This object was traveling slowly, as well as coming down altitude. I jumped out of the car and it was still slowing down and then stops in mid-air maybe 1500 feet up in the air and maybe one-quarter mile west-northwest of us. It seemed to be directly over a wooded Drumlin, just across Terry Road. It was a small Spherical-shaped object, exceedingly bright. It was now motionless and silent. If I had to guess it’s size, and it was a small object, I would say that it was less than 15 feet in diameter. I became so excited, I had to get it’s attention. I started to shout up waving my hand, down and pointed to the field saying, come on down, a couple of times. I knew that they would probably not do something like that. My wife became terrified and told me to stop waving my hands. I got the impression that I did get it’s attention. There could probably be only one or two ‘persons’ in it. I did not think that it was unmanned. I just had this feeling I was looking at them and they were looking at me. I could not understand what kind of energy it was using to be able to just sit there in mid-air like that. Then, after what seemed about 30 seconds or more in this position, it began to slowly, toward the southwest, at like a 20 degree angle, begin to accelerate upward increasing in speed. It flew at such a precise straight line-ness, while remaining silent, all the while, that this stunned me. Then it started going really fast, like nothing I had ever seen. I got scared and my hands started to shake, and my stomach got out of sorts, alittle. Just when it seemed to be up at in the high ionsphere, now looking like a pin prick, almost- it stops and then sped up so fast, it looks like a streak and then it just disappears. Like the warp speed stuff on the science fiction television shows. That night, we were watching the local Channel 5 news, and the weather woman at that time, Kathy Orr, told people that their station was receiving reports on the telephone about lights in the western suburbs.
This account is taken from notes I took, after the fact, and with additional modifications as details resurface in my memory of it. I know this area well, because when I was a kid, I used to hike all over the hills around here. The site where we parked are pickup truck, now has two houses there, and the field around the road is now much smaller and with some small trees in it. This sighting occurred approximately three and one-fourth miles west-southwest of Syracuse, NY. I am about 90 percent date certain as it being Wednesday 8:35 pm or so, June 15, 1996. I picked my wife up from work, at around 8:30 pm, or so, in the evening (still light out, blue sky, not hot or humid out and no sun or sun glare). While, driving home, on Fay Road, heading toward the Taunton area, my wife sees a small bright light in the sky. I look up and see it also. It was traveling from the Northwest (Fairmount Area). I quickly turned off on a side road called Henderson Place, where I could park, avoiding parking in front of someone’s house, next to an old overgrown field, that was maybe ten feet lower in elevation than we were. This object was traveling slowly, as well as coming down altitude. I jumped out of the car and it was still slowing down and then stops in mid-air maybe 1500 feet up in the air and maybe one-quarter mile west-northwest of us. It seemed to be directly over a wooded Drumlin, just across Terry Road. It was a small Spherical-shaped object, exceedingly bright. It was now motionless and silent. If I had to guess it’s size, and it was a small object, I would say that it was less than 15 feet in diameter. I became so excited, I had to get it’s attention. I started to shout up waving my hand, down and pointed to the field saying, come on down, a couple of times. I knew that they would probably not do something like that. My wife became terrified and told me to stop waving my hands. I got the impression that I did get it’s attention. There could probably be only one or two ‘persons’ in it. I did not think that it was unmanned. I just had this feeling I was looking at them and they were looking at me. I could not understand what kind of energy it was using to be able to just sit there in mid-air like that. Then, after what seemed about 30 seconds or more in this position, it began to slowly, toward the southwest, at like a 20 degree angle, begin to accelerate upward increasing in speed. It flew at such a precise straight line-ness, while remaining silent, all the while, that this stunned me. Then it started going really fast, like nothing I had ever seen. I got scared and my hands started to shake, and my stomach got out of sorts, alittle. Just when it seemed to be up at in the high ionsphere, now looking like a pin prick, almost- it stops and then sped up so fast, it looks like a streak and then it just disappears. Like the warp speed stuff on the science fiction television shows. That night, we were watching the local Channel 5 news, and the weather woman at that time, Kathy Orr, told people that their station was receiving reports on the telephone about lights in the western suburbs.

LMAO...the ring is from Mistake Lake Casino....big ole spot lights thay move around and form a T PEE
ReplyDeleteHilarious. These lights are from Mystic Lake Casino - we see them every night from our back porch (since 2008). Everyone who lives in this area is aware of this.
ReplyDeleteUnbelievable you thought that was a UFO since it's a stationary set of lights. If you're skeptical, go to www.mysticlakecasino.com.
Enough said.
This is embarrassing. Those are the casino lights. There's no way anyone saw that and saw everyone else ignoring it and thought it was a UFO. There's also no way you didn't say to someone, "Omg! What's that?" to which a local would reply, "Lol, that's less from the casino", so the only way someone would let it get this far is to purposefully create fake news for attention. That makes you either a moron or a douche. Please leave the internet.
ReplyDeletesome never read the comments evidently