So, for the plurality of folks - `other worldly things' are `things/beings that happened in the past, worth considering' --- OR -- big ideas not normally considered as worthy of a constant investment of one's time and efforts. After all, where does one begin? As readers of this blog know, even the `look into UFOlogy' (my looking at other worldly) that UDCC tries to bring to everyone - quickly dissolves into MANY variations of `unknown-ness'; be it UNKNOWN Orbs, UNKNOWN Craft, or even UNKNOWN Beings, that `are seen coming from our skies'.
And, as readers know, the `UNKNOWN' is hardly restricted to just our skies - `Ghosts' appear or make noises, Ouija Boards entice paraNormal, EVP machines hear the dead - and so on and so on. Almost ANY variation about the UNKNOWN - can be found on the internet, - including `conspiracy theories' that suggest everything from Shape-Shifting Aliens in control of the World Government, Underground Humanoids set to break out, - ect, ect,......... And, of course, much of it is totally NUTS.
Or, imagination. Or collective imagination. Or Hypnosis. Or, perception structures.
And, then you have the `one-time, sometimes more' PERSONAL `paraNormal' experience that many if not most folks who read UDCC have had in their lifetimes. That spurs an interest into the unknown, into the `ParaNormal'. But, how much time - how much space - can one invest in the UNKNOWN? In beckoning OUT the elements of that perception structure or existence structure? Can too much of an interest `trigger' additional personal experiences of the Unknown --- and --- is that even desirable?
I'm of the opinion that to those that seek out this `paranormal' information - that some `return is gained ' in having a `broader understanding' of the possible structure of our REAL human situation. But, that is the question of the day and of this 501st post - how much time do you have for paranormal? Should you spread your time around, or focus on a niche of the Unknown? Do you consider your dabbling in reading UFO blogs an escape, a guilty pleasure, a necessity, a waste, or meaningless?
Oh, and do I have a MUFON picture for you - taken in Alabama at the end of 2011 - from directly under the
`3 light UFO/Craft' - at about 50 feet off the ground. UFO Disclosure 2012? Yeah, I thought that would get your interest - here's the full report - Close Up UFO Photo - Alabama Triangle.
And, the large original picture is at the link.

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