Frankly, on some of the above, who is to say those that harbour the feelings are even wrong? One think tank in link featured on CNBC said that NEXT WEEK the world has a 65% chance of collapse financially - I mean it - I covered that on Nov. 9th on TBS Right Here. The logic was based on a scenerio of events involving Italy's debt problem and the Euro Crisis. Who knows, right?
Indeed, would `the vibes' of a pending financial collapse - send folks into the streets, even sub-consciously, ala the OWS (Occupy Wall Street) `movement'? Is the `world' looking for a `solution'?
And, as a UFO blog - UDCC is obligated to at least occasionally reach into the abyss of `The Lone Truthman' Theory of how information about the `unmentionable' `gets out' to the public in this modern era. With the first place to check - the internet - and one of the first places to check on the internet - YouTube.
So, with all that in mind - UDCC today brings A Lone Truthman - who in the video I am about to show and the `description' beneath the video that I will tease and link to - will explain how he used Goggle Earth to find DOZENS OF UFO CLUSTERS below the surface of the water in a specific/particular area of the map. AND NOW, THEY ARE GONE -- and in typical conspiracy mode - it must be a G conspiracy OR - Aliens are about to attack us all.
Clockers can sort thru this mess of stuff - but, that was just to get you all primed to sharpen your thinking skills today - as it is still early in the day when this post hits the cyberspace of human phenomenology. So, without further ado - and with 524 views in 5 MONTHS - I present:
link -
Description tease from above link:
..... If you enhance the photos you will find that these objects are not part of the water coloring in the area. This is a major Fleet of UFO'S and something is going to take place soon. It is however my point of view that it is going to be some type of Invasion or War !.......
Spooked yet? --- Well, how about another CLOSE Craft encounter in Missiouri? One of a 56 year old woman who was RIGHT UNDER the craft (which was a couple hundred feet up) - and her description of the craft will grip you - It Was FLUIDlike. --------------------- Isn't getting a bit odd that with all these reports of CLOSE UFOs that to my knowledge NONE has been videotaped at a decent level?
UDCC welcomes Anomalist readers and thanks The Anomalist for linking to UDCC posts and thoughts. - Oh, you can find easy transit back to The Anomalist via the sidebar link.
One thing for sure - the end is near for today's post. See You Tomorrow.
The Next two are books - the other two described. Click the pictures for more info on any of them.
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