Indeed, make sure to watch AT LEAST the first 6 minutes or so; as it gets especially interesting about the 2:05 second mark when a `flash' occurs near the traveling Orb. It will result in what appears to be `an explosive release' of sub orbs - mini orbs/probes. Eventually Orbs are seen combining and traveling together - moving about. I don't know what it is about Mexico City and Orbs (remember the famous Orb videos before) but this Christmas Display is amazing IMO.
Now, the `kicker' (of course) - the guy who videoed this is - of course - ANOTHER UFO?ORB video man - caller. JMHZ71 YouTube handle. He has literally HUNDREDS of similar and not so similar vids - all up to DAYS ago. ------------------------- IS it THAT easy folks? What happens if MORE and MORE of the common folk go `out' and simply record this stuff in our collective skies? Who `believe' that it may just be this easy with an investment of time and interest? ------------- Time will tell I guess.
The video has 128K well deserved views since Christmas and a 20/1 pos/neg ratio - a must see.
link -
JMHZ's Channel -
BTW, the feather video hit 30K views today. IO9 eventually picked the story up too. Welcome to their readers. And, please make sure to look around today and UDCC has over 500 posts to explore. Some of the best are in the sidebar and down below the post section. You can also share today's GREAT Mexico City post via the Facebook button below in the Share Button area - you can also easily E-Mail this post to anyone using the same buttons - try it out.
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