The Most Popular Reads Of The Past Year

Showing posts with label ufo disclosure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ufo disclosure. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2010 - Orbs Above Australia Racetrack - Reader Reports

As you know, many of the reports at UDCC are outreaches by readers of their personal experiences... this is a very articulate report from down under and one would assume was witnessed by 1000's.... perhaps:
HI Rick,
In 2010 a friend and I saw 3 x Orbs identical to the one you viewed at Bathurst NSW Australia, below is the encounter.

Bathurst, NSW 
7th October 2010
Mt Panorama Race Circuit
A friend (K) and I (S) were watching practice and qualifying at the Bathurst 1000 car races at approx. 10.30am, 7th Oct. 2010. Cloud cover (Cumuli Nimbus) was fairly low, reasonably thick and occasionally broken. There was a break in the race program so I sat back on my chair and looked above from where we were sitting and noticed 3 Orbs above the centre of the race track. They were moving from south to north just below the cloud level and appeared to be following each other about 50 metres apart, occasionally moving at 90 degrees away from each other then back into line. I pointed them out to my mate (K) so he could confirm that I was not hallucinating. The Orbs were Torus shaped, clear to translucent in appearance, and appeared to have a darker pastel coloured vertical shape through the centre from top to bottom, (the centre was similar to a cat’s eye marble).To give an estimate of each Orb’s measurements I would say approximately 20-25 metres diameter. I compared the size of the Orbs to a helicopter that was in the area for TV telecasting operations at about the same altitude. We watched them for several moments and took a shot with my pathetic phone camera. I decided to get the attention of a professional photographer at the track side and pointed them out to him. I returned to my seat watching them again as they approached a break in the clouds. I then noticed in the blue sky at least 30,000 feet above (about jet ceiling height) a brilliant white object which appeared stationary in the sky. The Orbs at that point manoeuvred through the break in the clouds and ascended to the bright light and we watched this unfold until the cloud obscured our vision. We are still wondering to this day what we had witnessed and don’t know if the photographer caught any shots of the event. My camera didn’t catch the Orbs but the bright object higher was photographed but goes very pixilated when zooming in to view it.
The reader was talking about this report... from NZ and was featured here 2012 Post and featured this incredible video.
Here's the video link in the 2012 post Daytime Orb.
I thank the reader for their report. A Search did not yield any pictures.
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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

UFO Disclosure 2015 - Part Two

As Clockers know (regular readers are called Clockers by myself) - I've already had the `UFO Disclosure 2015' post ..... in 2014 ... when the search hits started to show up for the phrase. And, again as Clockers know, I told the newbies searching the term the hard cold truth.... so called UFO Disclosure happened already... in 2011... 2011 Official Answer To UFO Information Being Withheld And If Any Human ET Contact Had Ever Occurred..... the `answer' to both was NO... but that the search for other life continues. Bless them.

Yeah... it was a BS answer in many regards... the type of answer you get from TPTB on many matters of importance. So while the newbie comes to UDCC to find out when it going to happen... it has and IS... in the past. (Just a FYI... Searches in Bing and Yahoo generally return the screaming `they're here' types of UFO disclosure websites - so, UDCC in general only gets the big G's search traffic for the term UFO Disclosure.)

But in my original take on UFO Disclosure 2015.. in 2014 ... that you can read Here ... you find that perhaps it (the answer provided) isn't all that deceptive... as lots of UFO info... from the government is available... tons of it... and while the `answer' doesn't preclude `anomalous' .... has anyone yet... SHOWED an ALIEN? .... No. Of course not.

The whole issue of some `thing' in the skies... has the fallback of the answer the last time the issue was taken seriously.. back in the 50's when the phenomena `took off' so to speak. (yes yes I know 1947... with the slippery slope to the Foo Fighters).... and that answer... which largely seems to hold true until today is that whatever the phenomena is isn't at threat. Which was the bottom line of all UFO studies of a 1/2 century ago.

And, except in a few disturbing cases... that is largely the case at the individual level... and national and international level.

So, please read part one (the link above) but I'd like to add just a bit of a new twist now.... to the newbie.... your search was not in vain.... there is INDEED something anomalous occasionally in the sky... humans may also on occasion interact with these luminous spaces in some manner and that those close encounters may become `realish - new timelineish' - in the most rare of circumstances. Strange... yes. Alien... who can really say IMO?

Additionally and what the Official Disclosure doesn't mention of course... and what you will find on only the most serious of UFO websites... is that some individuals DO indeed seem able to `produce the miraculous' nearly `on demand'... but `the power' to do so also seems to be limited in nature. If you dig hard enough you can find my take on that part of the phenomena of the Unknown in The Danger Of A Million Magicians
Finally for today I'd like to tell readers of an award for best UFO website .... not to UDCC but to a website I've linked to repeatedly here in the past and is one of the very few worthy of your read... I have it in the sidebar.... Jack Brewers UFO Trails.
Thanks for your visit today... if this is your first time... and it may be just that if you are researching UFO Disclosure... take a look around.. visit the archive, etc.. you've missed the real UFO blogging of the last 8 years and have a lot to catch up on.
Freebooksy Gave Me An Authors Award For The Above Book

Does Green Laser Beams Call The Anomalous?

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Hanging The Chemtrail Tinsle For `X'- Mas - Top 10 Chemtrail Posts For 2014

It Atlanta the Chemtrail phenomena is nearly relentless... and MANY Saturday mornings in particular TPTB like to show their awesomeness for all to bath in the glory of.... the picture below on Saturday past:

You'll note that one `plane' had to do an abrupt turn (when I noticed it first) to make it all happen with a nice XMas flair... how... peachy.
In 2014 UDCC was about the only `UFO' blog that even mentioned the Chemtrail phenomena (making you wonder, where are you getting your UFO info) .... even if it is apparent that our skies look nothing like they did even in the 1990's.... NOTHING like them.
2014 Chemtrail Posts

And Today's POST
Now, most of you who are repeat visitors to UDCC know that I not only talk the talk, I walk the talk - as I have two manners for you to support the view that `The Good Old Days Didn't Have Chemtrails' - The Bumpersticker
A Christmas Day Picture in 2010 in Atlanta
I sell the bumper sticker here for 3.98
So, look for some Tinsle Hanging In Your Skies
Or, you can read my book for free if you are on Kindle Unlimited.
click above link to go to Amazon Page For Book And More Info
Thanks for your readership in 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

2014 - Anal Probing Aliens - Really?

As you might assume, being an U.F.O. blogger has its own range of beliefs that one encounters via listening to their readers and looking at what reporters of the phenomena report - let alone what you can find attributed to `aliens' on the internet (you know, Reptilians running the world - excuse me, shapeshifting Reptilians). And, BELIEF in what the so-called `aliens' are up to or even doing to humans is also very wide ranging, from the bringing of esoteric knowledge to warnings of mankind's demise,etc . To which - brings us to today's headline .... perhaps.

Because the range of ideas pertaining to the image projection of `aliens' in just the last 60 years - as to `aliens seen on Earth' has been incredible.... literally. They seemingly began projecting the phenomena of being `humanlike' to many of the early folks mid last century as you know.... Martians if you will.......then we all knew from those first pictures from Mars... that they weren't Martians ... or from the goddess of love, Venus (early aliens were from there too). 

Consequently, aliens perse , would be needed to be moved off our solar system ... for the ` human like alien idea' to work..... Oh, btw, none of these aliens of the 1940's, 50's, 60's etc.... were INTO anal probing..... inexperienced with humans I guess.......... And, the 50's aliens ... that humans saw... were hardly here to destroy us, some were tall blond and godlike - except in the movies.... they came with messages AFTER the nuking of other humans. (This is close to my best idea of Esoteric aliens.) And, unfortunately, none of these aliens from the 50's and early 60's hung around for any pictures or videos or introductions.

Indeed, as I've said in this blog before, the one thing `non-believers' (or skeptics) in/of the alien phenomena have on `believers' is that - NEVER has one been publicly on display EVER. Period. ... (yes I know of the one or two... WOW one or two.... seemingly legit alien videos... skinny bob etc.) No one has ever trotted them out for money or fame clandestinely - no one has even promised yet to do so.... (unlike the fraud filled Bigfoot marketing). So again.... no one with HARD evidence of real phenomenological aliens. Something that UFO bloggers simply don't repeat often enough. ..... I'm talking Biological aliens, living in crafts, here to check out the humans. All we have are EXTREMELY limited `verified' abduction stories... with perhaps Travis Walton being the only known case IMO. (Digging deep into the internet reveals my knowledge of Walton's veracity with locals at the time.)

So, I've come to the conclusion via my blogging research and anal-ysis that biological aliens in crafts are EXTREMELY limited in scope and that almost NO interactions (not none but almost none) with those biological aliens ever happens with humans. BUT(t) that is NOT to say that `different' types of `aliens' may exist... and again... those that have been a reader of my blogs know that I suggest the word `entities' is more appropriate and that IMO up to 4 differing types of `aliens' may exist near or on Earth - at least possibly (and only the aliens in crafts with Earth based phenomenology are ONE of the four),

Butt rearing back to the ass-tributes.

A Freudian would have a field day.... people fear anal probes... people fear aliens.... put two and two together in a fantasy phenomenology `space' and lo and behold... aliens are probers. But, could it be that simple? .... Perhaps. IMO.
It also begs a few questions into my mind.... do the folks that experience the `nighttime-bedroom' aliens... in their full glory... are they even aware that those `same alien shapes and activities' are also involved with DMT.... ? That the `aliens' are simply a `stimulation' of a particular sequence of space within oneself? Or one that can be reproduced at the bare minimum. Or, is THAT not a good enough explanation for those that experience so-called `real aliens' interacting with them?

But, it also begs other questions. IMO.

IF humans are the pinnacle of `development' (big believers in `aliens' are heralding a new age and new age agenda) and humans have crossed some sort of threshold via going into space (as the new agers, and disclosure folks say) .... all the way to our own moon (wow, like 100 times further than California from where I sit in Atlanta) ....... then MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of human like civilizations -  `just barely not at our level of electronics' --- are out there in the universe.... are waiting and evolving to develop into advanced humans like us on Earth... shouldn't aliens be guiding THEM to avoiding our pitfalls? Are aliens evangelists? I doubt it.

And, wouldn't `aliens' already have conducted ENOUGH anal probes - elsewhere - over the last billions of years - even before Earth existed - to answer any question still existing in the universe about the rectal system? I think so.

As the doubters and skeptics of the very existence of ANYTHING anomalous in our skies... despite very strong evidence that some humans are interacting with some visible orblike phenomena.... like to point out..... `why would an alien travel across the universe to flash lights at humans?' Indeed, why? ........ Likewise, why would an alien travel across the universe to put a probe up someones anus? (Now humans in so-called UFO's with perversions.... wellllll).

Lastly, IMO, the near amazing phenomena and phenomenology that some humans seem to be able to create in locations close to them is something near miraculous... and certainly rise to interactions with entities well beyond `human perversions' of  the body.
My above essay reminds me of TWO books - one my own and the other, the book that began my own intellectual journey back in the early 70's



IF it's saturday in America - you'd be advised to go to my Author page - IF not tomorrow (I'm posting this on Friday in the USA) you want to make sure to go to my author page on Christmas Day for your gifts under the Kindle Tree.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Just The Facts Mam - Private Eye's UFO Encounter In Hawaii `This Is Who I Am, And This Is What I Can Do'

I love the way the report below is filed... and indeed, if true, reeks of the range of what the Orb Phenomena may possibly be able to actualize... responding to intentions and awareness.... as we've seen in report after report over the past half decade.
Reported To MUFON on Dec. 3rd - Event Was 10/26

I was on my morning walk before dawn on Kilohana Street in Kailua Kona, Hi. 
Conditions-70 degrees, dark, no clouds, 5:30 AM HST, sky filled with stars. 
Observed a yellow star in the SW sky, altitude-approx 3000' above sea level. 
Observed it slowly pacing me. I shined a 1300 Lumen flashlight on it in the quick strobe mode. It jerked, got brighter, and "Here it comes!" Condition of observer--very frightened. When it got right above me, at an estimated 250-500', I flashed my strobe on in again, and it stopped. It's light closed for 1.5-2 seconds. It appeared to be a brushed stainless steel or aluminum ball, best guess 15-20 in diameter. It's yellow light resumed, and it took off at a tremendous speed, crossing the entire horizon to the north in 1 second before disappearing. Time of observation- 8 seconds. Observer description-55 yr old male cauc. I wear corrective lenses. Profession--Eye witness identification expert--licensed private investigator, 32 years. No history of making unconservative or false statements. No-mental illness, drug abuse, hallucinations. Medical condition--I take a statin for high cholesterol. Opinion--I accept the idea there could be UFOs but don't believe anything until I can examine it. I can say what it wasn't--not a balloon, a bird, an insect, a drone, an airplane or helicopter. My immediate impression--there goes my understanding of our world. The object exhibited intelligent control, operated beyond our technology of flight, was silent. I am not making an accurate determination as to distances, size, and speed, but only approximations. Best guess--It was a solid obect. It behaved outside our current understanding of physics and propulsion. It (could have been) a probe, a spacecraft, military secret, alive. My impression--that it's message was--"this is who I am, and this is what I can do."

I want to emphasize once again that IF you don't see an update here... doesn't mean I'm not blogging UFOs (or interacting with readers about) at Reddit (Strange State UFO - now followed by over 500) and in the State UFO Series.... which as you see in the sidebar I updated at Florida UFOs in the last few days... you can see it Here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

My Reaction To The Holts Summit UFO Reports

Yesterday I provided an in-depth look at one of the UFO hotspots... Missouri .... and the experiences recorded by one gentleman..... I wrote to him my overall view about his thoughts about the UFO phenomena that I had been able to discern via  scanning his writings about his real experiences. He has also indicated to me that the LACK of viable links to his videos and pictures at Dropbox is being investigated on his behalf - he indicated that some of the material is on his twitter account too.

Anyhow, this is a part of what I wrote privately back to him:
Hi Tye. First, I thank you for reaching out to my blog and blogging efforts. Not knowing how familiar you are with my blogs - specifically UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock - it's hard to gauge where to begin with your UFO phenomena experiences. I guess the first thing to say is that I covered the UFO phenomena in Missouri BIG TIME a few years ago and have tons of material-stories similar to your experiences. In just reading a dozen or so of your pages - several things stand out and connect directly with my analysis in my blogging about the phenomena. One is that - like it or not - you are one of about 2 dozen `Orb Callers' that I've identified so far - a search of my website under Orb Callers will yield MUCH reading for you to see how similar or dissimilar their experiences were. I can tell you that some are nearly identical... even some have similar `theories' similar to your own ideas (that I've read so far). 

My Missouri coverage highlighted some of the experiences around the Lees Summit area - very in-depth - right down to interviewing the airport manager. What stood out about that flap and others I've been following since 2007 via the MUFON reports - is how the Orb/UFO phenomena projects one image/perception and yields yet another `photographic' image of itself completely different - often to most of the time the pictures look nothing like the perception. Also, the CLOSER the phenomena - the more distorted (potentially) the experience and phenomena is. I've even described a MOTIF for such encounters as the Orb phenomena seems to be `developing'.

All that said, I also see that you've been strongly considering the `ideas' of the `UFO Disclosure' crowd - something I call a dog an pony show. I have major differences with many of their opinions and `proofs' of aliens.... and I know you aren't a UFO researcher per se -- but the UFO Abduction phenomena (as far as BEDROOM experiences) has been largely discredited.... though that idea is only strong among some UFO researchers that I admire and communicate with. Oh, btw, that does not diminish your `intuitions' about when and where the phenomena may actualize. (you might want to look up Feather Orb on youtube or my blog - my blog may have directly inspired that experience of another).

As you may have gathered even from my wording of this e-mail back to you - I look VERY closely at the phenomenology of the experience(s) - and have a view only a phenomenologist might have.... (and if you think UFO experiencers are rare - phenomenologists are almost non existent). Oh, btw, I've had `anomalous' experiences, with others, while fully conscious, that I refuse to relate to my readership - so, nothing is impossible in a fortean, phenomenology based world IMO. You can share any experience and I'd have a one up with a completely different explanation. Just sayin.

Now, all that said, I mentioned some overlap - eerie overlap and NOT for the first time... and that is the #2 pencil lead below the skin acquired as a child and in my right hand below my middle finger and still visible. With a FULLY remembered experience of acquiring it that my father told me never happened. (My memory is of stabbing my hand at the age of 5-7 in a liquor store that I was in with my father.) - I've seen other photos by other experiencers that looked nearly identical to mine. Perhaps yours too.

I have not looked at one bit of your `evidence' and honestly don't need to - you are preaching to the choir. That said, of course I will look at at least some of your video and picture proofs. I've seen many structured Orbs videos and pics - they are bamboozling. Especially if you are caught up in their web of influence (like my Feather Orb reader in San Antonio.)..... You are also in need of seeing what Dean Clark was able to `bring forth' into the skies around his home in Kentucky in front on MUFON in 2008-09, eventually it was called a `religious display'. And, finally for now - the influence of Robert Bigelow on just about everything anomalous since the early 1990's is the most undertold story in `paranormal' and UFO's are front and center.

Rick Phillips -  Feel free to continue this conversation if you wish.
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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

UFOCoin - Yes - UFOCoin

Introduced today to the Trading World - The UFO COIN - called the UFOCoin at
This is not an offer or solicitation for investment advisory services, brokerage services, or other products or services. Any views expressed are provided for informational purposes only and represent only opinions and should not be construed in any way as an offer, an endorsement, testimony, or inducement to invest.
—UFO Team
So, I took the plunge and bought 16,000 coins in support for about 70 cents USD (about 0.0025 bitcoin). Hmm.
Interesting Positioning Statement
Check it out.

Friday, October 31, 2014

UDDC The Quantcast Demos

Who are the readers of this blog? I will provide an analysis of the graphics I will share with you - just to provide a sense of what's up using their criteria:

Top Cities (index over 200) AUSTIN TEXAS winner, Runners Up - Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Grand Rapids, Boston 
Top Cities Raw - Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston
Most Impressions (digging deepest via index) - Raleigh Durham
(Index) - State with most Unique visitors - Michigan
(Index) - State with Most Impressions - (digging deepest) - North Carolina (Erwin)
SEX - 69% Male 31% Female
AGE - 34% 34 and Under, 61% 35-64 (5% older)
Highest index income - 50-100K household
Education 67% some college or beyond - index highest for Grad School
Race 81% white
Politics - 50% Independent, 27% Republican 23% Democrat
Any surprises?
I'd like the USER or USERS in Erwin to contact me at
my heaviest book is FREE today only
happy halloween

Thursday, October 23, 2014

1958 - And The Memories Of That Special Boy Scout Camping Trip

So a man in his late 60's has stepped forward to an amazing UFO (Multiple Orb) experience in Oklahoma in the late 50's (when young boys still dreamed of Martians before the first pictures of the surface).
Anyway - it's a great short articulate report worthy of your time.

I was twelve years old in the summer of 1958. While on a Boy Scout camping trip we (all four or five Scouts and our Scout Master)observed an object that looked like a star but it was moving slowly from the Northeast to the Southwest in a straight line across the sky. As we lay there watching it thinking it was "Sputnik" one of the Scouts shouted there's another one! Sure enough coming from the opposite direction (from the Southwest to the Northeast) but far away from the first, was a second object, also moving about the same slow speed and in a straight line on a collision course with the first object. As we watched we picked sides each saying "My ship is going to destroy your ship" etc... Just as the two came within what appeared to the eye to be 3/4 of an inch apart a flash of light was transmitted between the two objects. It was impossible to tell from which object the flash came. However, the second object (the one on the left) disappeared and the first object continued it's course without change of direction or speed.

At first we were stunned, then we all began shouting at once. Our Scout Master seemed as shocked as the rest of us but refused to talk about it. I would be interested in knowing if other people witnessed this event.
So, of course - I searched MUFON for such a report - nothing from Oklahoma in 1958 came up - the oldest Oklahoma report was from 1969 when the man would have been 23. Story or experience? The behavior of the Orbs certainly is within the phenomena characteristics we commonly see reported. 
this is my subreddit where I moderate - please check it out
proving UDCC has smart readers - yes, this is the FREE Bitcoin link above.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

DarkSkyWatcher 74 Interview

I have a feeling that DSW74 is only tied in with some folks because no one else will take it seriously.... I'll explain in a moment.... that said, this is a good example of Intentionality UFOs IMO on this video. Listen to the interview until at least the 5 minute mark to see some exceptional footage over the Alien Inn.

The reason I say my comment above  that is I found the material above Here At DarkSkyWatcher and up in the sidebar corner - who DSW probably has to use as a way for exposure (IMO) is SUSAN DUCLOS who I outed as almost certainly promoting fake material Right Here (totally constructed fabrications) in the Ukraine UFO saga earlier this year. Which all ties into the loonies in the exopolitics movement.
UFO Disclosure=Ludicrous Foes
How about a little bit more - a bit more spooky - hey it's October!
BTW, `stories' in the Reddit category of `No Sleep' (where this link came from) can be fiction. Just sayin.
I've made the comment before - similar to this - that shouldn't we as the human species - hope or pray that the Universe has a mechanism to respond when that many souls parish via the hands of others INSTANTLY?
Much Thanks To Those Purchasing From My Author Page Recently

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Flushing The Spam

Unless you were one of the dozens on UDCC's private entry blogger list - you didn't have access to the best UFO blogging on the internet late yesterday into this morning. I simply had to shut down the .RU traffic for a half day or so - may shut down again to reject the spam too. All that said, let's get to a bit of blogging.
It's the old `watch a chemtrail' and see the anomalous stuff.

Orbs interest in Chemtrails is well known to Clockers - that said, this one seems more suspicious than nearly all - the `red light orb' `appears' and `interacts' - a bit too much for my tastes in what I've seen orbs do in videos. That said, who knows.
As a sidenote, I often get material from `UFO' websites that purport to proclaim the TRUTH about UFOs via oldtime MILITARY men ... the so-called insiders. The so-called insiders who NEVER almost have others collaborating their stories..... and who all seem to be a part of the `exopolitics' movement of 2005-2012.... (when common sense folks should have stopped listening to them). Folks - OLD MILITARY STORIES are NEVER going to convince ANYONE anymore.... the military has little credence anymore - I simply don't believe the military NOR those that exaggerate to make the military look bad. At least to those with Libertarian views - that is the view.
The NEW Format Kindle Author Page

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A What The Hell `UFO' Picture From Kansas (10-3) Latest MUFON Reports

As noted in the report itself - the SAME day as the Breckenridge Colorado phenomena..... too over the top to believe? Would have to be others that saw this, right? And, you gotta love the x marks the spot Chemtrail lines.... right? (Orbs have been shown to be partial to Chemtrail lines.)

Anyway, the report:
front description
 orb in the air and a triangle ship to the left. same day as Colorado sightings I have a great pic
Long Description of Sighting Report
I got this pic from a friend that took it. The orb is the first thingyou see then to the left you notice a triangle shaped thing. This happened on the same day as the Colorado sightings. The pic is amazingly clear. Their is even some sort of designs on the ship that are visable.

And, the `stretching belief' picture
As I mention often - UDCC  loves to bring to you OTHER UFO blogs - this one UFO Society (dot) NET is yet another one devoid of any personality or analysis or even an identification with an individual - and - at least nowadays (blog going since 2010 regularly) on FLICKER as the source point. Hmmm.
a 1941 mystery?
5 Stars
5.0 out of 5 stars great read!!! October 13, 2013
Format:Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I tend to say it is an easy read about the author’s ongoing desire to solve a mystery in our skies. From her beginnings on her grandmother’s porch watching the sky for any unusual movement, to viewing a UFO first hand, to learning of possible family involvement in a secret operation, to researching government’s role in the ongoing question of evidence of extraterrestrials, this book takes you on an interesting journey that will make you question your thoughts.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The `Outer Space' Proof

My only question would be proof of what? That humans have this capacity? That ALIENS are in those vehicles? Or, that something nefarious or amazing is within the reach of the technology of today (telescopic night vision equipment) but has to be denied until the time is right?

As I continue the nostaglia farewell Squidoo.Com coverage I came across one of my earlist `heavy' links (2006) about a particle in physics that travels between our world and the world of anti-matter (when we humans create the right conditions) 3 Trillion Times A Second - a `thing' called B sub s meson particle.
get your Reddit UFO fix today
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Monday, September 22, 2014

Jerusalem Orb Transcript Started

As one of the few day to day UFO bloggers in the world and one with a bit of a history stretching back 7 years - I will be bringing my full UFO blogging efforts together for one last look at the UFO that changed UFOlogy - the Jerusalem Orb. In this Kindle book I will reveal what seems to be unspoken about the post-event `coverage' provided by both the MSM and by Eligael Gedalyovich (who as you can see via this link, I am connected with on LinkedIn Eligael.)

Some Clockers know that in the sidebar you can find Eligael linking to UDCC (I now discover the link has been removed) as the source for understanding what happened that Jan 2011 night. Considering what I've found in researching my upcoming book... I'm not surprised it is gone. More to be revealed with the release of the book.
I also joined The Alien UFOs Forum and introduced myself... I'd like to welcome any of those folks who investigated further and ended up right here.
And today's Squidoo Classic Involves The MSM - A TV Station in Huntsville covering a very strange UFO case in 2008 - when UFO cases were still on TV:

Here BTW is a second even more compelling account of the above event - indeed, this was my original link to the Story it's well worth your read.
Thanks For Your Readership

Thursday, September 18, 2014

From Pine Bush New York

Hello Clockers. So, a buddy from NYC visited earlier this month and brought with him some `letters' from some folks in New York,.... Pine Bush to be exact....yes, that Pine Bush (known for UFO's) indeed, one of the two letters brought was from a man name Butch who is a barber in town (has a mini UFO display too) - Anyway... one of those two correspondences I bring to you below:

How to be informed
 Study this subject, comprehend established and documented facts, research, Inquirer, question, examine, investigate, explorer, search, calculate and analyzed, and then review, review, review, 

Congratulations reader with acknowledgement  of the above terms comes foreknowledge and inight.... tenants for which depart you from the unaware uninformed and mis-informed. Your intellectual reward advances you to the ranks of the inform. You can now challenge the company of the befuddled.... you have our best wishes and best of'll need it.
I totally concur and stress frequently the anagram for UFO Disclosure is `Ludicrous Foes'..... I often refer to official government misinfo of the 1950's that fits this term and the hoaxters about and around every corner to this very day on the subject.
One more piece of content from Pine Bush Soon.
Amazon Choices
My State UFO Blog Series Includes
How about another dip into the bin pool?
please take a look around
So, in the bin on my Squidoo Pages about to vanish I found the Original reporting of the `Chicago O'Hare UFO
At approximately 16:30 p.m. (Central) on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, Federal authorities at O'Hare Airport received a report that approximately a dozen witnesses were observing a small, round disc-shaped object, metallic in appearance, which hovered over Gate C 17 at that airport.
The object was first spotted by an employee, working on the ramp, who was engaged in "pushing back" Flight 446, departing Chicago for Charlotte, NC. The employee reported to his supervisors that the object appeared to be almost directly above his location at Gate C 17, it appeared to be perfectly round, and that its size was approximately equal to a U. S. quarter, held at arm's length. The object had a metallic appearance, according to the first witness, and it appeared to him to be spinning.
The first witness apprised the flight crew of Flight 446 of the existence of the object above their aircraft, and we believe both the pilot and copilot were witness to the bizarre object, as well. The witness also contacted his supervisors, who also witnessed the object, which was visible for approximately 2 minutes.
Book Below Is My Blogging Of The Event

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Predicting An ISIS UFO

Whether it is a real or CGI UFO `it will be a bright light in the sky' - let UDCC predict an upcoming ISIS `UFO' - with coverage just about only at the internet level. Further, let UDCC predict that IF the `UFO' (read Orb/Craft in the sky) is of a CGI nature that......(ISIS will not promote)  whereas IF the `UFO' is of a real Orb in the sky nature - the ISIS folks will use it as propaganda of some sort - a signal from God if you will. Even IF it doesn't happen, someone will claim that there is an `ISIS' UFO soon, as the words are too tempting for those that simply manufacture UFO disinfo. (PLEASE read the link in the top banner as to how UDCC `outed' a totally fake `Ukraine UFO' hoax/disinfo campaign most probably began with nothing more than a light-bulb  going off in someones head - hey lots of folks are searching for Ukraine info, let's just add UFO.) Let's predict....say.....17 days from now.
I've also uncovered, perhaps, something going on with the reports at MUFON.... as on 9/12 there was a rash of Pictures of some sort of `orb with a halo' effect being seen all over California - I got two of them onto my page over at Reddit called Strange State UFO. Click Here to go to one of the comments. Oh, what I uncovered is that the REPORTS ARE NOW REMOVED from MUFON's search listing. Too hot? You can see the report in the sidebar too at California UFOs. Or The Mammoth Lakes Pictures Here. Or is this all the RC hoax?
I want to thank those visiting from the  `Exposer 4 All' twitter fed - I see you in my stats.... please take some time and look around at UDCC, over 1000 blogposts await - and please check out my Kindle E-Books Too, beginning at 99 cents for those without Amazon Prime. (Go get Amazon Prime in the FREE trial at the top of the left sidebar. Then check out my books.)
a bit of reading for this final Sunday of summer?
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35 of 35 people found the following review helpful
By Abraxus on September 22, 2005
Format: Paperback
Reading CWL is like walking onto a cloud or getting lost in a dream. He literally takes you in alternate universes of thought and once you wake up, you are never the same again. Leadbeater is a must read for every occult student and this book is a good one!
and way off the path
This book is awesome. Eye opening. Must read for the entire nation. They should make this book a "Must Read" for Junior High School aged kids. It would really help open your eyes to the world.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

2007 UFO Video - The Last UFO Flotilla?

May 20th 2007

The Flotilla's are few and far between... and seem to be focused on daytime showings in Spanish speaking countries.
One of the best IMO.
The above is from my links once at Squidoo - and now in my bin. 2007 and 2008 (when I started this blog) was an exciting time for the journalism side of UFO's... as things seemed to be softening about covering such stories. .... This story below - covered by the MSM was very mysterious indeed - what crashed and how could the military be ready to retrieve it in under 20 minutes?
Seriously, read the above story - the co-incidence of the THREE citizens who saw this happen is truly rare to say the least. The story even involves potential MIB.
I'm still updating nearly daily on Reddit - hope to see you there too.
lots of recent UFO pictures and Videos too
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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition

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