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Showing posts with label disinfo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disinfo. Show all posts

Monday, April 6, 2015

1-17-2010 Unpublished Drafts #1 ...... AND Alien Craft On Mars! (not)

Hello Clockers.... how about a journey into the bin of the unpublished..... this post... the full post, eventually saw the light of day in a long long post.... but first... what never made it.

Hello, welcome to the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock (UDCC) - thanks for having an inquisitive mind and for finding this site and article. If you are new to the whole `UFO Disclosure' gig, or, even if you are a veteran - I want you to clearly think about some points that I am about to make regarding our government, UFO's and Robert Bigelow; the current headman of BAASS. Yes, this is the same Mr. Bigelow who is the wealthy visionary putting the first `hotel' in space.
However, the actual post is now in one of my E-Books
Yes, some `UFO' websites presented you with a `Crashed UFO On Mars' picture in the last month or so..... and here's how Ken 

The latest UFO find on the Red Planet was reported on March 27 by two YouTube anomaly hunters, Mars Moon Space Photo Zoom Club (MMSPZC) and Paranormal Crucible.    According to MMSPZC, the UFO flying saucer was discovered in images of the Martian region of Aram Chaos — 2.6°N, 21.5°W — near the canyon Valles Marineris and Ares Vallis.

Pfeifer covered it Alien Craft Discovered
Doesn't pass the sniff test around here.... sorry. I mean WHAT ABOUT ALL THOSE BUILDINGS IN THE LEFT OF THE SCREEN?  The undented crashed UFO...... (LOL) (cough) As Clockers know... the disinfo agents are desperate to continue the 2012 Folly in any manner they can. And often... one UFO website feels obligated to cover what others are touting as the new truth. Be wary.
My thanks to the person who bought mega amounts of things on Amazon yesterday using my blog links. Thanks. And, an on-going thanks to the person at North Carolina UFOs who keeps interacting with that blog too.... your efforts are noted.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

UFO Flashback Saturday - George Van Tassel 1964's `Alien Formula' For A Time Machine - F=1/T

Why not shamelessly put three broad keywords into a blog post title... right? Anyway... I had to name the post for yet another trip into the bin for intellectual, and less intellectual, material and content for readers and searchers about the UFO phenomena and UFO topic in general. Glad you are here... for most of you... Google Analytics says you are NEW to here... thanks for hitting a link to arrive today. Don't cheat yourself.. there is a depth of thinking about the UFO phenomena in these pages that need your exploration.. and I hope you will take some time this weekend to dig deeper into the archives here.

Whew... bet you are glad that's out of the way, right?

So, what's to be featured in UFO Flashback Saturday?... Let's go to the bin to find out. Well lucky us... let's use our own time machine to relive what was available on TV in the 1960's and hear the words just as they were.
Posted in 2013 to the account UFODisclosure2015 - 20K Views and 197/1 Positive to Negative votes

Is this guy a slick talker? BS'er of the first level of disinfo? Or, telling aspects of the truth that did indeed occur to him?
The `time travel' machine formula comes about about the 15:40 mark in the video. Make sure to at least watch the first 6 minutes or the first 10 to hear the description of the very humanlike aliens. (5'6" with a good tan). OR are these indeed what UDCC refers to as `esoteric' aliens. 


Implanting of `aliens are among us' meme

Time Machine Formula

Two (humanlike) Alien Contacts

One upon waking from a sleep.

One that arrived in a Cadillac and did impossible parlor tricks in front of 19 unknown, unnamed witnesses.
UFO Disclosure = Ludicrous Foes
How about some other material?

The next link was pointed out on Facebook by the intellectual based Bruce Duensing (read his explanation of Unidentified Ariel Phenomena) about what `Mysterious Universe' was carrying on their website about a comment by NASA that certain `light' near or on the surfaces of two NEO's (one being Ceres) is `unknown' - Is NASA slowly admitting that the Orb phenomena in space is real?
An Amazon Read Below

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Predicting An ISIS UFO

Whether it is a real or CGI UFO `it will be a bright light in the sky' - let UDCC predict an upcoming ISIS `UFO' - with coverage just about only at the internet level. Further, let UDCC predict that IF the `UFO' (read Orb/Craft in the sky) is of a CGI nature that......(ISIS will not promote)  whereas IF the `UFO' is of a real Orb in the sky nature - the ISIS folks will use it as propaganda of some sort - a signal from God if you will. Even IF it doesn't happen, someone will claim that there is an `ISIS' UFO soon, as the words are too tempting for those that simply manufacture UFO disinfo. (PLEASE read the link in the top banner as to how UDCC `outed' a totally fake `Ukraine UFO' hoax/disinfo campaign most probably began with nothing more than a light-bulb  going off in someones head - hey lots of folks are searching for Ukraine info, let's just add UFO.) Let's predict....say.....17 days from now.
I've also uncovered, perhaps, something going on with the reports at MUFON.... as on 9/12 there was a rash of Pictures of some sort of `orb with a halo' effect being seen all over California - I got two of them onto my page over at Reddit called Strange State UFO. Click Here to go to one of the comments. Oh, what I uncovered is that the REPORTS ARE NOW REMOVED from MUFON's search listing. Too hot? You can see the report in the sidebar too at California UFOs. Or The Mammoth Lakes Pictures Here. Or is this all the RC hoax?
I want to thank those visiting from the  `Exposer 4 All' twitter fed - I see you in my stats.... please take some time and look around at UDCC, over 1000 blogposts await - and please check out my Kindle E-Books Too, beginning at 99 cents for those without Amazon Prime. (Go get Amazon Prime in the FREE trial at the top of the left sidebar. Then check out my books.)
a bit of reading for this final Sunday of summer?
Here's some different Amazon Choices

35 of 35 people found the following review helpful
By Abraxus on September 22, 2005
Format: Paperback
Reading CWL is like walking onto a cloud or getting lost in a dream. He literally takes you in alternate universes of thought and once you wake up, you are never the same again. Leadbeater is a must read for every occult student and this book is a good one!
and way off the path
This book is awesome. Eye opening. Must read for the entire nation. They should make this book a "Must Read" for Junior High School aged kids. It would really help open your eyes to the world.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Jack Brewer Nails Another Disinfo/Satire Website Believed By The `Alternative' Sheeple

Sometimes it's hard to judge the near nutty alternative conspiracy scene - which as I demonstrated in my DESTROYING of the idea of a Ukraine UFO - is often based on TOTAL FABRICATIONS parading as `the underground truth'.

Well, it seems that Jack Brewer of UFO Trails has done it again, simply with real blogging - you know, trying to look under the surface of things... do a bit of analysis. And JB did exactly that to a supposed Wyoming Institute Of Technology - who is the `source' for all kinds of TOTAL MANURE that one has to assume is bad satire/lousy fiction. All under the guise of having that `science proof' behind it all.

And what is really funny is that JB then did a bit of further blogging and was able to identify one of the pair (husband and wife) of `alternative insiders' - who then go on to peddle the BS as REAL....... yeah, really sick that is IMO. As then, the gullible sheeple of the alternative crowd simply go nuts and multiply the `research' into something of legend..... like what set Jack Brewer off... the research done by the WIT that showed 30% of all folks in the USA were already embedded with the RFID chip................... CRAP that was picked up by:
Nine For News - In The Netherlands  and by the Truth Seekers Journal and by Prepper Chimp and PSC News In The UK which copied the story from Inquistr.Com then VeteransToday.Com takes the link further into the muck by saying the RFID will be controlled by wi-fi connections..... all based on the same story. (That Veterans Today is a known conspiracy favoring website.).... Then It Was Translated And Put Into This Forum --- then Newsblaze.Com was the next in line. But let's not forget Seirnews.Com .... yes, not ONE of the above investigated the incredible story.

BTW, here's the ORIGINAL STORY AT WIT Make sure to read my comment at the end.

Now, JB's digging into the WIT satire website and his conclusions were based on the absurdity of various parts of their website .... like the visitors needing to take iodine before visiting the `Hall of Plutonium' exhibit.... etc... you really have to read JB's piece for more goodies like that....

But, Jack could have been overlooking more of the obvious from WIT --- like some of their newest stuff such as:
The Effects Of Wind Turbines On Earth's Rotation Or 95% of Homosexuals Are Catholics as just two more examples for the sheeple of the alternative/conspiracy crowd to gobble up.

So, chalk up the Wyoming Institute Of Technology to the satire website bin - and thank UFO Trails - for real blogging.
I think this post is worthy of being shared on Facebook or Twitter or any of the buttons below - don't you?

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Share Believe Question Dismiss

Today's post is a repost of something from The AnomalyMan Listing I wrote in early 2011 - explaining .. well, read it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The ParaNormal Blogger Dilemma - Share, Believe, Question or Dismiss

Hello, and welcome to The new AnomalyMan Listing - now on Blogspot. Yes, I've started another new blog with the focus on the strange and unusual; and, I've got about 30 posts for you to enjoy if you dig into the site.

As many of you know, I have  multiple `paranormal' sites/blogs. One, my first, and dearest to my heart - is my phenomenology blog -- -- it has all of four posts. I have pages upon pages of original 1970's phenomenology notes (none of which are on the site) that were seemingly sent to my brain in a type of `channeling' - I literally have no idea where the ideas came from -- only later did I discover that I was writing Phenomenology. Of those original papers I literally don't know whether to share, believe, question or dismiss them.

That phenomenology however became a sieve for myself on how I view the `paranormal'. However, internally, I KNOW that even phenomenology is only PART of the `so called answer' being sought by many involved in the `unknown' side of reality. The paranormal side. The able-to-not-be side.

I was next motivated to begin the blog The Heavy Stuff - when I ran across what I considered and perhaps still consider - to be the most INCREDIBLE DATA that I had ever seen - on the Princeton Noosphere site. It was the data that happened in random-generator number programs on 9-11-01 - more specifically the morning of 9-11. I did three posts. Patrick Hughye of the printed the third one (after telling me he just couldn't digest the first two) - and suddenly I was a blogger (in my mind). My words were reaching hundreds and the `review' was reaching thousands. I was `sharing' my phenomenology - believing it slightly - questionning it totally - not dismissing it.

What I sought to explain in that third post was how the worldwide linked computers `began to show anomalous data' WHEN THE HIJACKERS CLEARED SCREENING. I sought to show, intellectually, thru phenomenology, how data set eggs could change via INTENTIONALITY'S. AND, what the actual `change' that happened was,  to bring about the data anomalies. I was an `explainer' of the paraNormal. I knew I was out on a limb.

Yeah, that heavy.

And, then, the O'Hara UFO event happened - reigniting my interest in sharing my ONE personal UFO experience. (But what an experience - a close up sighting of a saucer.) It also brought out my `book knowledge' of UFOs - as I had devoured all that I could find after my 1991 event. I knew that the `field' was ripe with disinformation - and that the `UFO phenomena' itself was a MULTITUDE of `paranormal' things. Including strong doses of politics.  Indeed, if one was looking for an `answer' to paranormal - via UFOs - good luck - as in my estimation - at least 4 (four) types of `entities' may exist. 

I needed to separate out the UFO from the paranormal - and started where I try to confine myself to UFO and sky issues (chemtrails). Okay, I let a bit of the 2012 nonsense in too on occasion. Indeed, most of that `nonsense' (to me) has to do with all the `channelers' of galactic info (even while being channeled once  myself perhaps, no, I am NOT certain it was a channeling).

Indeed, now, we are starting the REAL talk about the ParaNormal. 

The `area' (space) that `lies beyond the senses'. Insert spooky or New Age sounds here. Because indeed, myself, and others I believe - have experienced that which is `beyond sense', beyond cause. Often in the presence of others or even with others.

And, then, with the experience, the dilemma arises.

It's almost like the Ouiji board - one KNOWS that one should NOT mess with inviting the paranormal. Should NOT mess with disturbing ones own common-consensus. Should NOT spend excess time even thinking about it - as the A influences demand nearly our attention. 

Indeed, what `gains' are paranormal bloggers to expect for their attention to the paranormal phenomena.

Is it that `we' will enlighten the world? Has PSI being proven, in the aggregate, done anything? Are more people being interested in the paranormal bringing a new consciousness to humanity?

The hard `answer' is NO. IMO. 

So why do it?

(Indeed, my next blog was Barf Stew - where I expressed and express my being overwhelmed by the whole ParaNormal saga - is it Barf or is it Stew (worthy). So, here I share, question and then dismiss often.)

After one has literally pounded away on `possibilities' of the paranormal for any length of time - most bloggers - begin to burn out. Words will not express the impossible. Theories are just that - theories. Indeed, eventually, one isn't even as `fearful' of the unknown - but the desire to say `look at this' to others - fades.And, it especially fades when one provides the words with little to no feedback -from what has become a jaded `paranormal' audience. 

The desire for the smoking gun in a world of camouflage seems no closer today than in the days of Gurdjieff and possible real C influence (schools of higher, real higher, learning). That said, perhaps the `brain modulation' machines are today's individual schools.
The Reality of Being: The Fourth Way of Gurdjieff

Finally, paranormal `exists' in such fleeting phenomena (that runs off) - and is of such a huge range (equal to what CAN be believed I think) - that putting words to the subject is doomed to failure if one expects to be original or comprehensive. Perhaps the best a paranormal blogger, thinker, experiencer can do is to stick STRICTLY with personal experiences of the unknown and share them with other experiencers - something that some bloggers at The C Influence are trying to do - my latest blog effort, now in group form.

Thanks for reading.

This post was inspired by Bruce Duensing - co-founder of TCI.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

UFO `Document' Dated Sept. 23rd, 1947 - Early Conclusions

As with all so-called proof offered in the UFO saga - the supposed early documents are perhaps of the most interest - simply because you would hope it would be before `the spin' was put onto every word of it perhaps.

Evidently called the Twining Letter (written by a Twining) - here's the direct link to read it yourself - Twining Letter (from the nicap files) - yeah, there's a lot of old letters about UFOs but look at what this one doesn't say.... for instance... the lack of ANY crash is specifically mentioned.... was this a disinfo to deny Roswell? or the real truth about the incident.... and the statement that the possibility exists that these objects `are of domestic origin' (earthly I interpreted it) -- indeed, plans to build such craft in 1947 even. Use the above link to look closely at the letter below.

UFO Disclosure
Ludicrous Foes

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The OFFICIAL DOD Position On UFOs! - And, Reading Between The Lines?

Simply during the course of being an U.F.O. blogger one comes upon `stuff' that directly relates to the `issues' at hand - in this case... what are and how dangerous are the UFOs in our collective skies... and what kind of logic is being used by the military about the phenomena and what is being told to the `citizens' by the same military. Nice and concise, right?

Well, here's the link to what I will be discussing... it's short and won't exceed a total two minute read and is very worth it. Again the Department of Defense -
(if you don't have a problem going to such a site)

Perhaps NOT amazingly, the focus of the entire position of the military as stated by this official summary is dependent on the findings from the Project Blue Book - which officially told the public to fogettaabouuuuttttit in 1969. Now, while I mock the idea that the military would cling to an official finding of the government, let alone one decades and decades old ... it's not really as easy as that... as the findings are IMO... pretty damn honest in many regards, and, totally are in step with the Official Position by the Obama administration as shown by their official answer to the alien question in 2011 (via Phil Larson's statement).

Indeed, let's closely examine the `conclusions' that the military offer up for readers of such subject matter..... like you.
red as always is my emphasis

As a result of these investigations, studies, and experience, the conclusions of Project Blue Book were:
  • No UFO reported, investigated, and evaluated by the Air Force has ever given any indication of threat to our national security.
  • There has been no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as "unidentified" represent technological developments or principles beyond the range of present-day scientific knowledge.
  • There has been no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as "unidentified" are extraterrestrial vehicles.
Remember, The Obama administration statement and answer said NOTHING about UFOs... only about aliens - human interaction, AND, that nothing was being withheld from the public about UFO findings by the government..... the distinction is quite important... because in each of the cases you can read between the lines and compare them to what UDCC has been saying ALL ALONG about what he UFO phenomena is (Orbs and their structure) and what the UFO phenomena isn't - (like millions of individuals being abducted by 4 foot aliens out of their very bedroom - without nary a shred of physical proof ever).

But, back to the conclusions of the Project Blue Book. 
  • No UFO reported, investigated, and evaluated by the Air Force has ever given any indication of threat to our national security.
Yeah, I know there are a couple of examples of what appears to be human mutilation by unknown forces so to speak... let alone animal abductions.... let alone reports of suppression of our actual NUKE abilities (by UFOs in the skies - (peace will be forced upon you?)) 

BUT, other than the implied threat in the case of the Chicago O'Hare UFO Incident of 2006 - (violation of air space in public would qualify perhaps) - (and the by chanceness of the Stephenville UFO heading towards the Bush Ranch in Texas in 2008) - .... and the buzzing of the White House in 1952 .... have they ever really truly presented an `indication of threat to our national security'?..... IMO.... I have to say..... NO, overall.

But, that's a big hole isn't it? `Indication of threat' (You mean like sitting in the sky?)

And, what UDCC tells readers of this blog about Orbs is disturbing perhaps to a few .... but, is it really a THREAT? ..... At most I'd say only perhaps. BUT, it (the phenomena) could represent a danger to the power system and belief structure in many fashions.... so, in that sense it has an element of danger. But, a threat.... I'd have to agree with the DOD bottom line. Perhaps. NEXT.....

  • There has been no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as "unidentified" represent technological developments or principles beyond the range of present-day scientific knowledge.
Well, that's a PRETTY HUGE range of scientific knowledge potential, isn't it? `Or PRINCIPLES?'.... is that the `rub'...?... Whether within the range of HUMAN abilities ISN'T the fine wording at all.... simply, the level of criteria to be met ...... is this something that could be understood by humans and therefore we can say that somehow, somewhere, some one (a rogue group of humans?) can in someway produce the phenomena that one is witnessing in the collective skies. As long as humans can understand it... it isn't a threat....: (?)

  • There has been no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as "unidentified" are extraterrestrial vehicles.
Again, the `loophole' is pretty big... are they `Earth' vehicles then (if aliens live here too)? Does the statement simply mean that the sightings are NOT of beyond Earth connections? (Which could be in manners and methods not commonly thought about.) - And, once again, is this a possible admission of having such technology - somewhere in the black budget secret area?

Are the beings in such vehicles - more esoteric in nature? As I've asked before at UDCC. More related to belief systems and such? More related to even the structure of the very universe we live within - the actualization process perhaps?
Real UFO Blogging
UFO News
So, I watched and listened to the entire 50 minute presentation of `Time Traveler' video from Vero Beach's mystery man.... a bit over the top, right? Any comments from you guys?
UFO News
excellent read or disinfo too?
as it always is, right?

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Welcome To May! Circle May 29th? - The Sliding Reality Of Doomsday!

So, I found a cool `Kentucky' blog that a couple years ago linked to a post I did here at UDCC - about a cool UFO  picture featured here.... anyway... while reading the blog in-depth yesterday I find about the Branch Davidians, who evidently moved to Kentucky a few years ago (remember them?) ... and their various predictions for the end of the world that keep changing and the logic that they use to promote the crappola... ready?..... So, in 2011 the `Unusual Kentucky' website did this coverage.... and how they moved the doomsday from Aug. 6th, 2000 to Oct. 20th, 2000 to 2012 (of course)... the post was done in 2008.... and so... I follow up yesterday and find this ,,, it seems that their entire front page is about the impending DOOMSDAY .... is this the SOURCE for a lot of the crappola? Anyway... as you can see if you went to the link... the `3rd 2300 day period' is about to come to an end on.... of course... May 29th, 2014 ... when `judgement' arrives after a fifty day period of horror.
The Sliding Reality Of Doomsday
Welcome To May And Mayday
2012 Lives On 
A quick thanks to all those who purchased my Kindle Books In April - the most in many months; including purchases from Europe too - much appreciated. You never know when I do the free stuff either at my Kindle Author Page so bookmark it please.
And, for over 100 great reads - check out page two of UDCC - you have done that, right? 
The Totally Anomalous Book Page - Page Two Of UDCC
Need More?
My Great Content On Squidoo.Com (UFOs And Such)
Oh, as you can see in the upper left sidebar - I've put on a PayPal button for the month of May to give those who wish a chance to say thanks for the efforts. When I had this button available before my Kindle books, occasionally folks would indeed donate to show appreciation, especially at the end of the year calendar date. I truly look for my regular readers to show such appreciation by buying my books - but not everyone is willing to even download the FREE software from Amazon to be able to read Kindle books. For those folks - here's your opportunity to support real UFO blogging.

Monday, April 28, 2014

UFO Disclosure 2014 - Again

The plan is to do some rambling..... to talk about the search terms of interest.... like `when will the aliens return the passengers of Flight 370'.. that I read today in my stats from Google Analytics. AND, wouldn't THAT be the `story of the century'?..... A bit like the show being promoted right now.... resurrection! There THEY would be - the passengers and the aliens! What an introduction to the world, right?

I'm quite surprised that the Susan Duclos, Paul Gilbert and the FAKE UFO disinformation folks haven't worked up a piece or two suggesting that this is all imminent.  IF you are wondering who I am talking about - you evidently didn't see my EXPLOSIVE piece earlier this month about the Ukraine UFO (that never existed and is a total complete BS lie by the forces of disinfo). - Think I'm kidding? The BS Of UFOlogy.....

So, the FIRST thing to say about UFO disclosure in 2014 is that you have to wade thru tons and tons of PURE crappola and be VERY careful the sources you use...... continuing........ and one would THINK that the folks within the UFO Disclosure Traveling Show would be it, right? 

You know, supposedly former military folks talking about UFOs stopping our nukes and stuff... with others in their crowd saying much more such as the ALIENS are here (if not multiple races of such)..... and yet others of the same crowd say they time travel and more.... ALL the same crowd of folks..... the same crowd of folks that had a successful (in a sense) `news conference' in DC a time or two in the mid part of our first decade of the 2000's.... and they slowly gathered steam as there was no pushback.  The question was (I think) to the MSM - how much of this is TRUE? A question they (the MSM) had no way to prove.

As the traveling UFO show grew near the end of that first decade of our new millennium  - and the year 2012 approached - the LOONIES came out in force... the `alternative thinking crowd'.... those expecting either Armageddon or to Ascend to some new higher mankind `vibration' -- think of the Project Avalon folks for this type of crappola....... MEANWHILE... the UFOs in our collective skies, along with the `carry in your pocket' technology to catch pictures and videos (cellphones)... seemed to change the very nature of what constituted what a UFO was.... indeed, things seemed to be developing on many fronts as the 2008-2009 (yea we have a new black president and America is changing euphoria).. the anti-war, anti-military democraps were waking up seemingly..... for one.... and lo and behold... the technology of cellphones was now capturing  and creating a new phenomena that I call here at UDCC  `Orb Videographers and Callers'....... 

You are only beginning to catch up. (New Readers To UDCC)

I haven't even mentioned Robert Bigelow... a person very connected to the strangest of the strangest UFO reports via the government and the public... who the MSM seems to treat as totally OFF LIMITS.... I'd need too much space for one quick post.... I'm giving you the overview to do your own legwork as a new user here who THINKS that UFO disclosure is STILL coming in some manner..... (IT ALREADY HAPPENED in 2011) - here's the links -   HERE and Here.... it can't come ... it already arrived and no one at any other UFO website is telling you; let alone the MSM.

But, what about someone like Dr. Greer you say?.... well, Greer it turns out, IMO, is now actually a `commercial Orb caller' (I'd let someone go so far as to say they are calling the space of an entity). A guru of sorts... but no different IMO than at least a dozen or two `orb callers' that I've identified on UDCC over the last 7 years. He's embedded within a faction of the Traveling UFO Disclosure Show and is a hero to the alternative crowd. 

Nearly ALL the Traveling UFO Disclosure show crowd are anti-war, anti-military, and supposedly anti-truth suppression (but, do they have or share the TRUTH?)..... all these folks IMO are using manipulations to keep their point of view being viable.

As you perhaps know, this all became ugly as the UFOs caught by the new technologies continued to saturate the world, resulting in the multi-camera/people `Jerusalem Orb' in Jan 2011 - which took the MSM by storm after the predicted NYC UFO in late 2010 - it was the fourth `UFO' the MSM covered with the open ended question mark at the end (the Chicago O'Hare and the 2008 Stephenville being the other two). And a slippery slope could be seen developing..... by the powers that be (TPTB). (Also, such as the near immediate disinfo about the Jerusalem Orb.)

Meanwhile, the media, led by Miles O'Brien and Larry King (about 2008 being the peak) were giving credence to the voices of the aliens on Earth crowd. Even if only every other month in non-prime time on CNN. UFO specials were commonplace in other media during the sweeps (rating periods). They, the MSM, were even dabbling into the serious unknown of `alien abductions' .... but mainly the `sleeping dreaming' in my bedroom type of alien abductions.... (beginning the total confusion of objective and subjective aliens).

Hell, it wasn't even 2012 yet... and while anyone with any mind was pretty sure - no one knew if the ancient knowledge was going to come to pass.... for sure at least. Meanwhile in 2011 the Orb phenomena seemed to accelerate... much like the actual prediction of Shaman Lujan Matus in these very pages. 

And, as mentioned earlier, the Orb calling phenomena was in full swing - with copycats of Dean Clark moved into action by 2010..... could this be the proof the 2012 loony crowd might even  be right? Heck, even former astronauts were hinting Roswell was real.. was a can of worms about to begin crawling over everyone's skin? Was every `missing child' and missing person report to be thought of as a possible alien abduction?

Then, as if to cool the 2012 fervor..... the `UFO Answer' was given (link was provided above already) - by the USA government - delivered NOT EVEN IN PERSON - but by a letter issued by Phil Larson on government stationary. That answer was hardly what the UFO disclosure crowd wanted, indeed, it was the opposite; - the USA government not only said they were hiding nothing concerning UFOs, they said the totally all encompassing `no alien interaction between or with ANY humans': - aliens were NO LONGER REAL and NO LONGER TO BE CONSIDERED as ON EARTH by the MSM. It was simple to read between the lines the the MSM had been given its marching orders.

I've repeatedly called it Suppression Via Disclosure - and you have seen a TOTAL BACK OFF by the MSM since.

The total void was taken up by the nut crowd in 2012 - but, who have SINCE run into all kinds of `confirmation' problems of their own.... Oh, and the void also permitted a new phenomena of thought control..... the internet `UFO Gathering Sites' phenomena.... and fear and disinfo sites .... like Before It's News, Above Top Secret and such.... and the MSM decided, with pressure as I've already pointed out - to relent,, and to let the UFO story be just that ... a story. Not the truth. And, to leave the `coverage' to the manipulated alternative crowd.

And, things continued to `evolve' with `UFO Disclosure' the UFO disclosure traveling show lost steam and kicked out some members of their cabal. The 2012 NUTcrowd was humiliated by the no-show of Armageddon and at not becoming a higher vibrating human. And, the Orb callers nearly all found that their so-called `power' was limited in scope and timeframe. Nonetheless, bits of each continued into 2013 surviving and re-grouping... (as I mentioned just last post - the backtracking by some is beyond remarkable.).

Which dumps us all into 2014 in an attempt to catch you up with so called UFO disclosure....but, isn't the real question `what are UFOs'... and why is the powers that be so reluctant to talk about them? To that, the answer is IMO multifaceted as regular readers around UDCC know.... and is not the purpose of this mind excursion to satisfy the 80% of all visitors who are NEW everyday - and who are wondering about UFO disclosure 2014. Now, if you are new - go to the sidebar and enlighten yourself to a different point of view about the UFO phenomena and UFOlogy in general.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Bits And Pieces

Was it the Dave Clark Five? (Who did bits and pieces?) - Anyway, hope your weekend is going swimmingly..... And, a big thanks to Lon Strickler, Alton Parish and Jack Brewer for recognizing the value of a real UFO blogging post.... yeah, my most recent post that `outed' the crappola that passes for UFO coverage these days by the so-called internet.... a `coverage' that is dominated by just a few YouTube channels that generated the rest of the discussion for everyone else. (Instead of how it used to be when you could search YT daily and find new material of UFOs (99% of which are Orbs) uploaded by the average Joe.)

However, one major problem - the UFO Gathering sites are largely smoke and mirrors and tied to nothing but pageviews - dominating the SEO for UFO - and providing generally FAKE UFO videos to base it all upon. IF you read the post on Friday and understand the above - you will never look at UFO videos the same that you see on the internet.... that is except where you know what the real sourcing is. What I proved is that along with FAKE UFOs being reported in FAKE LOCATIONS - we have FAKE LINKS being created to attribute such FAKE VIDEOS to mainstream news sources. And, then, highly rated websites provide the `coverage' with no look at attribution in any manner. IF YOU MISSED Friday's post - it is a MUST read.

And finally for today - be here tomorrow for a fellow that's caught TWO UFOs (seems legit) in Washington State on video in the past month or so.... One seems to be clearly an Orb situation the other..... who knows.
Need More?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Disinfo? And Ridiculous Predictions? A Connection?..... Latest MUFON Reports

So, as your dutiful webmaster I went to MUFON today to look at the latest MUFON reports and find this somewhat unusual one below - especially unusual in that it's `signed' with personal info - something MUFON rarely lets remain in the posted reports --- see the report Here  and below:
It was 11pm, my wife and I were star gazing,directly above us, approximately 15,000 feet heading due west was an immense spear like Black Triangular UFO, it had to pass over Mt Shasta CA enroute to us. it was at least three football fields in length. no lights no sound, flat black. it was so large that it appeared to be floating over us in slow motion, yet from about us to the horizon what about 7 seconds, amazing sight. I felt an overwhelming feeling of , wow, youre finally here, it was a good feeling, two nights later, my during my sleep I had a,,,, being come through me and was told, that it was a Pleadian Scientific Ship, here to counter the aftershocks of large Quakes, january 2010, one was filmed over Santiago Chile, the USGS recorded a quake of 8.2, there it was, as we were told. we have a lot of activity here, its the norm almost nightly, but this one was immense. the youtube video has been removed. I had posted it on my fb account numberous times. Geoff Faulkner
Yeah, it's a dozy of a report and supposedly he's reporting this spellbound experience nearly 5 years after the fact BTW. You see, a search of the name above lead me to this link:
Yes, to an interview with the KINGS of crappola from the disinfo and fear mongers of 2012 (the interview is from 2011 and includes TONS of predictions for 2012-2018 that already make it beyond LUDICROUS that this is the information from interstellar beings - seriously, for some good comedy reading.... well, let me quote a some of the predictions:
The Total Economic Collapse In February 2012
And, you remember China's 2012 Nuclear Attack, right?
Yet, he warns us in the same interview in 2011 to not by into the alternative hype.
(crap about waiting for ascension)
Christ Allmighty - can you believe this crappola? That he is still recycling in a cleaned up version? This is a perfect example of the disinfo agents at work IMO.
Now, why was his name not edited out?
Did you also notice that I updated Strange UFO Stories Today?
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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

UFO YouTube - The Competition - Part Seven

Welcome Clockers. Hello newbies... if you are truly new you want to make sure to catch other episodes of this series exploring the connection between websites that do well in Google searches for the search `UFO YouTube'.... what we have found so far is not very encouraging at all. IMO. Your comments about the series or anything is welcome as you know.

So, today's the net will dredge up WHAT out of the depths of the internet and the search term. Ready? is a UFO website that takes pride in only using the most authentic UFO videos. Each video is researched and analyzed to expose the legitimacy of the video. Obviously we cannot guarantee 100% authenticity, but we put the effort in to bring you the most real evidence out there! is mainly a video based organization with a mission to spread the knowledge on the UFO phenomenon. Frequently updated throughout each week, is a brilliant and trustworthy source of information to get your fill on the latest and greatest UFO encounters.

Global Rank 

Global rank icon363,142 88,840
Could just be another offspring of the disclosure crowd IMO.
A weird website IMO - No actual YT videos on the `real' home page - just some older video links and links to UFO documentaries that are available.
On the `news' page:
January 16th, 2014

Seems like they are getting tired of updating the YT side of things btw.... perhaps there is hope. Or Hype.
How about another website in our pursuit of UFO YouTube (the search term)?
NEXT up?

Global Rank 

Why not simply dispense with the premise of being a real video - right? So, PUT FAKE into your website name and link that with UFO and Videos - perfect SEO. All of TWO sites in the world that link in (both POSTER sites - buy your poster here folks).

So, real or fake has only 3 YT videos on the front page - one which seems to be positioned in a permanent manner in the upper right corner.

Oh, the website offers in-depth analysis of one of the 3 videos - the one I've linked to below - as you can see:
OK, I get it… this may be Fake because it looks so real. But, I just don’t know – What do you think?

YEP - It's crap hosted by a Gathering Site - about a 1-1 ratio of opinion.
The other video link was classic potential disinfo - about the government moving a aircraft through a small town on a truck - covered mysteriously and looking like a UFO saucer shape - see the link here if you Wish.
Bottom Line?
No analysis or person associated with this website. Cheese(y) - building more links in sidebar to state UFOs and world UFOs - oh, .... that may be fakes.
and none are over 4.99

Sunday, February 23, 2014

`UFO YouTube' - The Competition - Part Five

If you are a thinking individual you should be a bit concerned about the type of information the big G is supplying to you concerning your seeking of UFO (video) information. For what we've established so far is the utter lack of depth at 3 of the 4 channels/websites at least --- and a strange out of sync point of view about UFOs in general in total support of the 'Disclosure Crowd' and their shrinking band of Gypsy's (now having kicked out and to the curb the 'we're already on Mars and have Time Travel Machines' crowd and point of view).

Everyday UDCC features the ordinary folks experiences with 'UFOs' and the `anomalous' --- those in the Traveling Disclosure show have NO MORE PROOF (IMO) than the reports submitted to the MUFON boards on a daily basis.... yes, indeed, the important ie: military and such ALSO have had `experiences' and while NOT be written off - IMO, carry only slightly more weight when attempting to figure out the reality of UFOlogy. Without question IMO - they could be stool pigeons or disinfo agents - as easily as they are concerned citizens fighting for all of us. Sorry, that's simply my point of view.

So, as I said when I began this series - UFO YouTube - I bookmarked a considerable number of websites that came up in the first 10 pages of that search (as I was looking for UDCC) and we are going through that bookmarked list.....but, as you can see... especially if you went to the links..... the results leave you empty even as they show you the OVER THE TOP ufo thing that you desire..... ie: SOLID APPEARING UFOs on the ground with aliens walking around it (featured yesterday) --- because, when you dig just a bit deeper... your skin begins to crawl... is this simply disinfo for the `alternative low information' person? The BELIEVERS?

So, I may do a bit more grouping of these remaining sites as ... really.... you are not being helped IMO. I will still try to be fair but remember... I bookmarked this crappola and know what is still to come (which even if it was enlightening... would the average G searcher for UFO info dig 4 or five pages into the results?). So, here we go.... again.... ready?

UFO YouTube - The Competition - Part Five

Global Rank 

Global rank icon370,981 23,595

Rank in United States 

A Big Facebook Commuity At USH too.

KeywordPercent of Search Traffic
  1.  tall whites12.82%
  2.  the tall whites9.37%
  3.  baltic sea anomaly6.15%
  4.  ufo over historic barn4.35%
  5.  baltic sea ufo3.68%
Is it envy that I feel when I see how highly rated UFO Sightings Hotspot is? Perhaps. ..... Or is it that we SHARE some keywords? 
UDCC's Keywords at Alexa
KeywordPercent of Search Traffic
  1.  ufo disclosure24.58%
  2.  tall whites23.03%
  3.  ufo discography14.47%
  4.  ufo sightings 201311.63%
  5.  viral marketing6.88%
Interestingly, when UDCC had Alexa breakdowns by education the break at UDCC was always towards the College Grad and above - the OPPOSITE is true of USH.
Indeed, I guess one could say we are the opposite viewpoints about some subject matter..... the gullible viewpoint and the analytic viewpoint..... IMO of course....LOL. Anyway at UFO Sightings Hotspot I've linked to a theme that kept occurring at these `all the same' point of view websites - that the UFO videos are being removed by G and YouTube (same thing really as you know) as part of a conspiracy theory. Indeed, the post I've linked to for you above says that at least 13 million page views of UFOs were removed from YT in Jan 2014 alone. Highlights of the post below which showcase the point being made at UFO Sightings Hotspots:
YouTube account danielofdoriaa came up with a disturbing statement that over 13 millions UFO video views were deleted from his YouTube account.

Danielofdoraiaa: "After uploading a mainstream UFO video almost reaching into 1 million views within a few weeks, YouTube attacks again and slams two strike on the account again and deletes over 13 millions views... hundreds of video's are now gone again.

And not only danielofdoriaa is affected by YouTube's censoring, also seeingUFOsPA reports that they have deleted about 2 million total hits off of their video views.

They have done it multiple times and to all UFO and Truthers channels. They filter the flow of powerful information that can empower the people.

And at daniel of doriaa I found this:

Ufo Alien Truth "DISCLOSURE 2014" Greater Community Spirituality (Chapter Three) W…

649 views 2 days ago

Greater Community Spirituality presents a prophetic new understanding of God and human spirituality within a larger arena of intelligent life. This is a spirituality that transcends all boundaries of race, culture, religion and language, providing the foundation for recognition and relationship between people, nations and worlds
Now, despite the near obvious agenda of bringing 'the truth' to all of us mere humans..... I do sympathize with YT or the big G `shutting down' ideas... as some of you know... I had a male political blog shut down in November by G....... that said, are they shutting down the 'truth' or a fraudulent fantasy loop that feeds upon itself and half baked ideas and disinformation?
So, I decided to visit UFO Sightings Hotspot's front page and lo and behold..... did you know (posted yesterday) that there will be a `worldwide false flag event for April 2014?'..... Yep........ (Just like the dozens of FF that these types of websites have been predicting since 2010 at least.) ...... Oh are you ready for THIS - `they' plan to do this FF with ROBO-Copters (you can't make this stuff up).... I mean jeeessssssss.

But, just THREE YouTube videos on this front page - TWO of the three videos about a NDE... okay.....?
Finally at USH....  it has you covered with special pages dedicated to Flying Humanoids, Atlantis, Nephilim, Tall Whites, The Hollow Earth....etc........ You know, the truth. Right.
Bottom line
I'm baiting my hook for your brain right now.
now, go take a shower
So, did you notice that I changed up the books on the top of this page? Oh, and when you look at the specials I'm offering today at my Kindle Author Page I hope you'll balance a freebie, or extreme bargain pricing -  with a purchase or two too.








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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition