Then, there are others - either on the right side of the political spectrum or the left side - who have a conspiracy about the Chemtrails.... THEY are for ultimately `population control' ... either to kill us off directly or manipulate us all in some zombie like state of mind. THEY are the direct example of TPTB (the powers that be) and the one world government. THEY are poison. They are EVIL.
BUT, what if it's not about either, perhaps. What if - in a strange way BOTH are RIGHT (and perhaps wrong) at the same time? Because isn't it possible that what is below - the graphic below - is at least a significant part of the reason for Chemtrails in our skies? What you see below is the REDUCTION in air pollution over the last number of years. Yes, reduction - and quite dramatic at that - as you can see:

map covers 2005-2011
Yeah, I was a bit surprised but not much - I had noticed it. Indeed, I've noticed the cooler summers here in the Atlanta area in the last decade or so. It kinda even makes one wonder if the reduction is somehow pulling in the POLAR vortex (appropriate music upswells).(?) Right? The map above is SUPPOSED to show we are breathing easier and better, right?
Is it so absurd that TPTB would go above `everyone's head' (pun intended) - in a beyond congress move - to authorize `making it BETTER' even if it meant BLATANTLY doing the obviously not approved? Oh, I don't think that is so remote a chance - do you? AND, could THAT be THE REASON why the Chemtrail phenomena is so focused on the CITIES and population areas? To reduce the Nitrogen Dioxide for us ALL?
It almost hurts to think of TPTB in a positive manner - but - it must be considered IMO..... All that said, I do believe that the reduction in the Nitrogen Dioxide levels might be only PART of the reason behind Chemtrails... or that NOW that they are part of our `unexplained reality' -- it allows for MUCH else to NOT be discussed in any serious manner. An advantage for TPTB, right? A side consequence of `doing good' for the lungs of the people.
Finally, while the world temperatures hover at their peak in millions of years (don't tell that to localized areas like the Eastern USA) .... the rate of increase has slowed a smidgen AND it has seemingly de-coupled from the rising CO2 rate. And, both of those bits of data are somewhat new.... (the rate of increases being less) they are BOTH new since the beginning of the Chemtrail spraying. All that said, it makes much more sense to believe that the Chemtrail spraying was started as a way to control the weather and slow down the heating of the Planet - rather than TPTB suddenly having real concerns over the lungs of the masses. Just my opinion folks.
Any Thoughts?
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