Then, last August, in Kiev Russia came the next variation of the phenomena - something LOUD and distinctively metallic sounding; something like two huge metal doors being shut together; or, the gathering up of an old drawbridge. And, from there, have come a variety of sounds of a more metallic industrial nature. All of these sky sounds being unprecedented. Guesses about what causes the phenomena range from `high levels of solar blasts' to `universe dimensional branes rubbing up against each other' to `unknown Earth forces' to `Gods final Trumpets' to `ETs' to the military's HAARP program. (OR, for conspiracy folks, the OWG wanting to take control. (who would want control of this mess, right?))
But, common sense says that previous solar storms would have created the same sounds and the same for unknown Earth Noises, right? (That is unless the Earth is indeed in some great imbalance looking to right itself.) And, while perhaps some God has also reached some limit of patience with mankind, - and who would blame the reality structure, - it seems a bit overblown to predict that the END is here within our life and times......... Without sounding like a freakball.
So, that leaves, IMO, two nefarious outcomes as having a greater probability of being weighted as being true, - HAARP and amazingly - yes, ET's.
Now, as Clockers and all Americans know, talk about HAARP in public, and folks will associate you with Jessie Ventura; who is now an outcast of the MSM and the political power players. A freakball. -------------------- And, talk of ET's - and you are going DIRECTLY AGAINST THE GOVERNMENTS STATED POSITION AS OF 2011 - namely, that is that there are NO credible reports of human and alien interaction AND the government is NOT withholding such info. (The irony of the so-called disclosures movement constant hassling for information.)
AND, if you listen REAL closely to the MSM nowadays, it is NOT referring to ALIENS anymore. See, you didn't even notice.
Indeed, `unknowns in the sky' are now more likely to be `Drones' of the police or military, (which we, as sheeple, do NOT need to ask about - it's not OUR business, so move along here, nothing to see) and no longer present a need for the MSM to bring out the ALIEN card - or the ALIEN Craft card.
Which leads to.........................
Now, as you know, UDCC's last post had a video which purported to be of the Sky Noise Phenomena in Hong Kong on Jan. 24th, 2012, - WITH AN ALIEN CRAFT in the sky. Indeed, there exists at least one `confirming' video too. And, as dramatic as the video was, and frightening too - UDCC has had at least one prior `anomalous light' video associated with these strange sky sounds that we've posted in the past.
Folks, don't you think, that the sounds are one helluva way to say hello? OR, goodbye...........
As it is very very easy to imagine that these Sky Sounds could be easily `turned up'. WAY UP. To the point of easily emptying cities or worse. It would simply be an intolerable weapon upon the people. An ultimate control. The ultimate pest eradicator as we have seen on TV. Just sound blast them out of your walls - in this case - your walls.
Now, it's of little comfort IF this new sound, and weapon ability, is something of the human military's of the world; at least in UDCC's opinion. Talk about the ability to herd or invade, - from above and with sound. Very 21st century. (And so non-lethal the powers that be would say.)
After all, the USA government says there are NO aliens. So the sounds MUST be human, right?
The Democratic Obama government wouldn't lie about an important thing like Extraterrestrials would they?
But, what if the sounds are the final card of the game? What IF the government knows that the aliens are increasing their presence for whatever reasons? And, that they have weapons we have never imagined; - that could indeed, wipe out population centers; if not humanity.
Do you really believe they would tell us?
Indeed, depending upon the actual interaction between such real aliens and humankind (IF it exists), or even interactions with governments, - the sounds may already be being used as anything from blackmail to manipulation of policies.
But, beyond everything, IF the sounds are ET in origin - it is an amazing way to literally `go over and above' the MSM in any manner that they wish to increase awareness at the individual, local, state and national level.
Once you, yourself, hear the hum go on and on and on and on (like I have in the wee hours in Atlanta exo-suburbs); - and you wonder why everyone isn't opening their windows and going `I'm mad as hell and I won't take it anymore', - you will begin to understand the power and the manipulation. BUT, at huge levels of sound could life itself be threatened?
It's funny that Hollywood, as of yet, hasn't given us an END OF WORLD flick with SOUND being the final weapon; don't you think? How would mankind fight such an enemy? Really? But, wouldn't it be ironic that all the various endtime Hollywood scenario's have us .................drowning, burning, or being crushed, starved or even eaten; ---- but, they never had us simply running into the streets gripping our heads and pointing at the empty skies. Freaking out until we mentally collapse in a heap ready to be collected in the still undisturbed garbage trucks. (Images of Invasion of the Body Snatchers). A nice non-invasive manner of taking over - less bloody, maintaining the structures.
MY point? Why would there be any limit to how loud a sound could be produced; - or - at how large, or specific, an area could be targeted? IF we are willing to ascribe to aliens the travel of the universe, and millions to BILLIONS of years of advanced science to ours; - a NEW sound in our skies is VERY suspicious and worrisome.
And yes, of everything going on in 2012 of an anomalous nature, the SNP is the ONE thing that is worthy of being labeled as:
2012's Scary What IF
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Sound as an attack is indeed scary.. I can barely take the rumbling of my dryer, and I doubt that is as high as the SNP seems to be..
ReplyDeletei guess invesnting in a good pair of sound proof headphones seems like a good idea.. lol...
good entry, scary indeed though... I've personally been hearing too much doom and gloom scenarios lately. which contrasts to a few weeks ago when all I was reading was about how good the future will be, and how ET's are protecting us (david wilcock) and how were entering the Golden Age..
with so much being said it's difficult to make up our minds as to whether we need to prepare for doom or anticipate future years of bliss... I guess the best is to prepare yourself emotionally for whatever may happen... still doesn't say much though :)
EduardoM - Well stated. Indeed, I don't make the post as an end of world post as much as a `look at this possibility' post. Because the snp is indeed new and indeed on occasion seems more related to very localized sound and now to possible visual sightings during the event.