Indeed, she concludes that the OBVIOUS culprit in the Sky Noise Phenomena - is military in nature. Weapon testing. And that the ideas of believing that the sounds are some `Final Trumpeting' from God (which I also would give a VERY low probability to) or that the sound is linked to Extraterrestrials is nonsense. (Certainly a greater chance of ET's IMO than Trumpets of `God'. Then again, perhaps they are the same?)
Anyway, give this non-ordinary UDCC video a chance to provide what the `man on the street on Jan 23rd, 2012' might consider about the phenomena - especially IF the phenomena is far from over. Under 250 views in four months, 0/1 pos/neg ratio of opinion.
link -
BUT, the very next day - January 24th - came something that might suggest that the SNP (sky noise phenomena) WAS coming from ET's after all................ Oh............... Except that it was JM promoting it.............. Could something this loud NOT make the world news? Could there possibly been Alien Crafts in the sky at the same time and it didn't have any other recordings? --- over 79K views (just since May 8th) in this version - 10/1 positive to negative in ratio of opinions. Worth your watching.
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In my opinion, the word Trumpets is used to pull in the endtimers as the sound IMO sounds nothing like Trumpets. It DOES sound like something Industrial/Scary - and yes, possibly like a weapon. Would ALIENS choose this method for saying LOOK AT US?
So, just as you were about to take comfort in the fact that the above video was the ONLY recording of a strange sound in Hong Kong on that evening - and therefore MUST be a fake and full of crappola - comes this - via my extra effort to see if other videos existed in an independent fashion. This CLAIMS to be a self shot video and is in a one video account.
IS this indeed the confirmation video?
link - - 16 K views.
We're aliens in the Hong Kong Skies on January 24th?
Shouldn't the MSM dig as deep as a blogger?
And, to muck it all up, this was caught by a UFO YouTuber on Jan. 23rd in New Zealand supposedly - VERY similar sky sound. Yeah, I'd say the phenomena might have had a peak then.
So, I updated my `science' blog yesterday. The lead post is that they have found the OLDEST man-made Instruments. Over 42K Years Old. Can you guess the instrument? Picture of TWO of them at the link.
Thanks for your visit today; if you are a newbie to UDCC, please bookmark and return again soon. You may also want to check out our 500 plus posts in the archive. Also, in blogging news, - lol - I'm near completion on my newest UFO E-Kindle book on Amazon. That new book will cover the Stephenville 2008 UFO and more. In the meantime you can still buy my 1st UFO book and sure to become a collectors item (LOL) for FREE to 99 Cents - please check it out by clicking the picture below:
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