IF you are not familiar with the term Noosphere - think the idea of global consciousness and finding patterns of the phenomena in random number sets generated worldwide by linked computers. This on-going experiment has been going on at Princeton University for decades (the data is fed back to the university in packets that are analyzed for irregularities in randomness - some of which are, of course - to be expected). Indeed, it is the extreme non random data that sticks out because it often is associated with `human events' that evoke emotions in humans and connectedness.
Anyway, the data sets that came into Princeton on 9-11 were unlike any data collected before - and seemingly are strong evidence of a more Global Consciousness - literally an Earth consciousness perhaps. Or, is there yet another explanation - something phenomenological perhaps?
Because what would explain the non-randomness showing up BEFORE the towers were hit? Indeed, BEGINNING the non random data when the first terrorists cleared security hours before! What ideas about determinism and freewill does such data suggest?
Well, it was enough for me to begin my blog called The Heavy Stuff in late 2006, with THREE posts dedicated to talking out the ideas involved with the non random data of that historic day. Three posts, now removed and put into E-Book form, but now with even clearer reading and analysis (and removed typos too). SO, if this is all NEW to you, I invite you to please support independent bloggers and independent thinkers by clicking the picture below to sample the book. Oh, btw and fyi - the book will be FREE for ONE DAY ONLY - tomorrow, June 27th.
(don't have a kindle? you can download a free version for your pc - really)
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