The long awaited `UFO's have Messed with our NUKES' - News Conference -- only moved the UDCC clock from 5 A.M. to 6 A.M. - still before dawn and NOwhere near a true public positioning of `alien disclosure' (as that would imply a public threat). Indeed, the `UFO world' (of the internet chatterers like me) is abuzz about how to interpret what the media actually reported on that day. Some, such as this link - look at the dribble at the bottom of the glass - call it half full - then tell us it is a `tipping point' - - while the opposite point of view can be found here - It's the Media that Can't Handle the Truth -
Indeed, in this article - the writer points out that:
ABC, NBC and CBS did not think even a streamed video clip was worthy of being included in any of their evening news broadcasts.I didn't see the news conference covered in the Los Angeles Times or the New York Times....(CNN) The anchorwoman laughed, was openly skeptical, invoked Fox Muldur and even managed to work in "little green men." ....(Washington Post) opened his coverage by explaining he arrived late and only came because they offered cookies.
Does that sound like a tipping point?
And, as I reported here on `the day after' - the Monday night football results had FOUR TIMES THE NUMBER OF links compared to the UFO/NUKES coverage by the average hometown/city paper. FOUR TIMES.
Does that sound like a tipping point?
Five days later does the media seem to be following up? Does the government seem more ready today to admit we are not secure? That `those missing children' cases so popular on 24 hour news channels - could be part of an `alien abduction'? (I love how no one ever mentions that if and when disclosure ever came -- and if such disclosure involved `abduction' -- that the built in `fear factor' concerning `children' would be an unprecedented `side consequence' of disclosure.
(Ignoring the cattle mutilations for now that they would suddenly have to give credence to.)
Oh, all of the above - is giving the MSM as HUGE benefit of the doubt ---- because - it was MUCH worse coverage than that (or have we already forgotten the M.Othman RUSE?) - as they allowed a fake story to claim top `UFO' priority for the day.
Tipping point? Give me a break.
Now to the underreported UFO reports that the MSM ignores daily - part of that tipping point evidently.
MUFON reports of interest - sighting - July 4th, 1968 - above is recreated image from memory.
Sighting 9-11 - Disk floats directly over downtown Portland -

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