The Great Squidoo Clearout
One of the strangest of phenomena that UDCC has uncovered via MUFON reports and other sources is the `hanging jetliner' phenomena (something my wife saw within 5 miles of our home too @2010) - the report below was submitted with a picture and happened near Huntsville Alabama (remember that Huntsville has part of the NASA program too): Both the picture, an excerpt of the story, and the report link are below:
One of the strangest of phenomena that UDCC has uncovered via MUFON reports and other sources is the `hanging jetliner' phenomena (something my wife saw within 5 miles of our home too @2010) - the report below was submitted with a picture and happened near Huntsville Alabama (remember that Huntsville has part of the NASA program too): Both the picture, an excerpt of the story, and the report link are below:
1-9-09 (9AM)

Yesterday morning at around 9:00 AM when I was driving to Huntsville, I saw a stationary 747 or 737 passenger plane parked in the sky about 100 feet above a field just to the right side of the road. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me at first because the car was in motion and I was definitely driving towards the nose of the plane, but as I got closer I realized that it was truly just sitting there parked in the sky...
The exact location of the craft was approximately ½ mile north of the Toyota plant in Huntsville on Pulaski Pike Rd. I don’t know why it chose this location because there is only a field full of llamas, alpacas, some donkeys, horses and cows...Back in 2000 when we lived in Texas, the whole family (kids, me, hubby) saw the exact same thing! A large passenger plane parked in the sky, about the size of a 737 or 747, and it too was parked so low you could see every detail of its wings, engines, windows, paint job.
The one today was painted with a silver-grey bottom and orange on the sides (like a Northwestern Airlines plane). It had no “underbelly” rocket boosters or anything. There was no way in the physical world it could have been hovering because passenger planes that are made to stay in flight while moving simply drop to the ground if they are motionless.About 30 seconds after I parked the car, it started to go away (I guess the occupants saw me?). It went slow for about 5 seconds then Whoosh!, disappeared going in an upwards northeasterly direction very fast. Also, the sphere that was dancing around everywhere disappeared. The weather for the sighting was perfect, 100% clear sky, no clouds anywhere. 9:00 AM, broad daylight.
Carolyn Z.
Original Link To Story
Seriously, can a report be stranger, read stranger? Not only does the photo in NO way match the daytime perception - (like many many UFO reports) - this has happened to this person BEFORE!
Seriously, can a report be stranger, read stranger? Not only does the photo in NO way match the daytime perception - (like many many UFO reports) - this has happened to this person BEFORE!
In early 2009, Travis Walton Was Interviewed About His Alien Abduction
BTW, I knew a person who lived in Snowflake at the same time as this occurred - swears by the character of Walton.
This report contains several of the emerging motifs about the UFO experience in the 2000's (2009) and one is that the phenomena of Orbs is able to `transform' or morph into other shapes or objects - like triangle craft, from simply orbs - (or provide the perception of) especially when it gets closer in proximity to the individual. They somehow take on consciousness types of images.
Now these orbs in this report did not transform into a visual craft for these two men - but they did morph into multiple orbs and make formations - and, did have the effect of disrupting their vehicle ATV much like the old time lore about UFOs. Also, another common phenomena is = the pictures NEVER look like the description. Indeed, what's of additional interest is that these photos emerged to look like the `sky symbols' of the Stephenville Texas video of 2008. (one of the recent mental impressions out there for humans to consider for the UFO phenomena in 2009 - even unconsciously?).
Here's a sample Picture reminiscent of Stephenville and one of three submitted with the report.

There was some great investigative `Roswell' UFO research being done in 2008-09, as the lead-up to what was hoped would be UFO disclosure - this was some of it.
The 2009 Testimony Of 90 Year Old Roswell Firefighter
Here was more research uncovered
Scientist Admits To Studying Roswell Debris
And, perhaps more:
Hastings Uncovers More On Roswell
The 1976 Roswell Briefing With 46 Present
A 20 Minute Read About Roswell's `Witnesses' (including the 46 comments)
And, other research
Crop Circle Investigations In The UK
Here was more research uncovered
Scientist Admits To Studying Roswell Debris
And, perhaps more:
Hastings Uncovers More On Roswell
The 1976 Roswell Briefing With 46 Present
A 20 Minute Read About Roswell's `Witnesses' (including the 46 comments)
And, other research
Crop Circle Investigations In The UK
Some look for `UFO's' under the oceans, or in the skies, - but, some shift their examination to the realms of near outer space - and very occasionally a MUST SEE `in our atmosphere' video is submitted by those folks. In 2009, this video emerged of an UFO `moving' in deep space to avoid an asteroid going past at that moment. - link and video below. Some may consider this truly PROOF - or, as the link suggests, could it be a bug moving on the telescope at the perfect moment? Or, a hoax of course.
In June 2009 came one of the few close-up daytime `Triangle' craft (more like a wedge) photos from Greenville SC - Link To All Four Pictures And Story Of Photos and one photo below:

More From 2009
with a trippy `explanation' offered in the comments that says don't believe your eyes.

to those connecting the dots in 2009, the Vatican was getting in line for disclosure with statements like this
In 2009, Dean Clark was still calling UFOs into the skies... I did correspond with Dean too BTW.... Dean Clark Video Link.
Now, Dean Clark Was Not the Only One Projecting Orb/UFOs into existence in 2009 - either in the sky or ONTO photographs like Robbert van den Broeke:

And, finally, a background piece that ties nearly all of this together and even involves Dr. Greer.
How About Coverage On CNN For A Similar Video And Pictures To The Phoenix Lights?

Indeed, in 2009, the aliens seemed poised to break into our dimension at any time - beckoned or not. Here Lon Stricker conducts a long investigation with one person - and comes away perhaps with the power of belief:

Indeed, `aliens' were in focus in 2009 also because Robert Bigebow - the unmentionable name by the MSM in UFO politics - funded MUFON investigators for `special cases' - most of which involved entities on the ground. Here's some background about the first 19 Cases Involving The Rapid Strike Team To Get MUFON To Investigations In A Timely Manner.
(as an aside, the survey below from NIDS - Roper, in 2005)
(more at the link above)
When asked what they thought UFOs were:
25% thought they were alien spaceships
19% said UFOs are normal events that are misinterpreted by witnesses
12% thought they were secret government programs
9% said hallucinations
7% said travelers from other dimensions
25% thought they were alien spaceships
19% said UFOs are normal events that are misinterpreted by witnesses
12% thought they were secret government programs
9% said hallucinations
7% said travelers from other dimensions
(the above info on another `2012' UFO blog - meaning that ended in 2012 when the aliens didnt show up)
Pretty good overview of 2009 in UFOlogy, right? - I've still got part three up my sleaves (to tidy up a bit too) - and perhaps that too will be part of Labor Day Weekend - stay tuned.
Oh, the book that won me my Author Award from Freebooksy.Com is, well..... FREE Today - it's called `Beyond The Great Beyond' - hey, IF you download this FREE (usually 2.99 and rarely put into free mode) please write a review.... appreciated.
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Pretty good overview of 2009 in UFOlogy, right? - I've still got part three up my sleaves (to tidy up a bit too) - and perhaps that too will be part of Labor Day Weekend - stay tuned.
Oh, the book that won me my Author Award from Freebooksy.Com is, well..... FREE Today - it's called `Beyond The Great Beyond' - hey, IF you download this FREE (usually 2.99 and rarely put into free mode) please write a review.... appreciated.
Thanks for your readership - Take a look around for more to click.