More area cleansing in North Carolina on Dec. 13th? Do `UFO's' cause some sort of instability to `areas'? Leaving portals open perhaps? -------- IF not, what does the military hope to gain by coming to an area AFTER the fact (generally - it's not clear in this case if the UFO was still there).
On Dec.13, 2012 @ 1:15 a.m. I stepped outside to watch the meteor shower taking place when I noticed right through the bare trees in my backyard, several extrememly bright orange lights that were stationary, hovering right above the treeline. At first I thought that my woods were on fire when the craft, after about a minute & a half began to move silently toward me (where I was standing), as it got closer, I noticed that it made no sound,it was triangular and black, there were about 6 bright orange lights underneath & no other lights, none flashing & it just moved slowly & smooth like. I continued to watch it and by the time it got to a 150 year old oak tree of mine, it turned completely on its side, showing the 6 orange lights under the aircraft. Once it rose slightly above the treeline again it leveled itself back out,and sped up just a little and flew off to the NW. About 3 or 4 minutes after I seen this, I heard another aircraft coming from the front of my home and upon running out to my front porch I noticed that it was a miliary helicopter flying quickly in the same direction I watched the ufo leave. I live close to Fort Bragg & I see military air vehicles all the time & what I seen that night was nothing military, however, I have a feeling they knew that this flying object was in the area. |
So, yesterday I brought to UDCC that the Newtown Conn murderer and mother may have been endtimers - the latest twist was that the mother was going to have him committed and possibly institutionalized. That indeed would make a lot of sense for killing his mom, but 25 others, not so fast.
The latest MUFON reports also had this UFO photo from the Columbus Ohio area (Grove City) on December 5th of two parallel objects in the sky, noticed days later by shooter:
Now, I believe that yesterday I promised some Ken Pfeifer photos from MUFON too (Ken scans MUFON daily, myself not daily, so I use Ken's eyes for Clockers too.) Ready?
November 20th, 2012 - Structured Orb phenomena of 2012:
Courtesy Of Ken Pfeifer
How about a nighttime ROARING object in Manchester Tennessee on Dec. 5th, 2012 that was watched for a half hour and had this Nikon Camera Tripod picture:
One more? A hovering and then shooting object - terrified an 11 year old boy who took these pictures in Haslet Texas on Dec. 14th, 2012:
BTW, did you know that the most recent President of Russia said these words - RECENTLY?
“Medvedev began, but then continued: “Aliens .. I can not tell you how many of them are among us at this time, otherwise it would trigger panic.
BTW, Clockers - the SYFY show that contacted me earlier in the month ran for the hills when I rebuffed their contact with a copy and paste of previous contacts from the SyFy channel to myself - these folks are BOZO's! Major Caution Flag.
A HUGE thanks to the person who bought a telescope or binoculars from Orion yesterday - THANKS. Orion is an affiliate of UDCC - thanks for showing your support:

You still have time for a fantastic gift!
Please visit my Kindle Author Page - 8 paranormal and UFO books. All priced 99 cents to 2.99! Read some samples.
Finally, I keep a `2012 UFO' page at Squidoo - the very best pictures and videos of 2012 that have appeared on this blog are transfered there -- you will NOT be disappointed - 2012 UFO Videos And 2012 UFO Pictures.