Note the report from the Latest MUFON reports of an UFO event in 2006 in Saint Paul, Minnesota: Full Report Link
....Just then I recognized this massive object gliding straight for us. The searchlight was fixed right on it and just then I realized the lights were from the Saint Paul Airport. What I saw was this massive black triangle. It was as big as the entire block. There were lights fixed on the black mass, Orbs that glowed and changed colors, but more appeared to be multiple colors at the same time. This was more reminiscent of the Phoenix Lights than the Belgium Lights. The only thing that was different than the Phoenix Lights was that all these lights were connected or attached by this large blackness. When the UFO was passing and the Searchlight was fixed on it, you could not see what the blackness was. You could notice the beam of light as it passed under it but when the light hit it all you could see was just black, black like the night sky behind it.......after then, we kept watching the sky and we noticed UH-60 BlackHawks, and some types of Fighter Jets scrambling in the area for the next 20 minutes. During the Duration of the UFO it was really strange. There were no sounds from any vehicles, the UFO made no sound, I could not hear anything except for us breathing. It was really weird not hearing any vehicles since there is a very busy street just 1 block south of our location.
So, once again, we have the NO sound phenomena, the BLACK Triangle phenomena, AND, the `military response' and ALL in a metropolitan area...... right. Somethin....ain't ..... right.
Need more today? How about the BEST UFO video that I've brought to my website called The AnomalyMan Listing in perhaps a year? Seems that just the other day that Highway Security Cameras in Germany caught a UFO BEAM knocking over a Semi-Truck...... seriously. On VIDEO - and this is a TV report......... Semi Knocked Over By UFO Beam - this one's almost freaky folks.
And, over at Strange UFO Videos I have a report about a 1970's Abduction Of A Military Man ... great descriptions about the control panel inside the UFO craft and of the `aliens'.
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