Will keep it simple today.
Quick read - funny conclusion - The UFO Myth - again, a great website to waste away your Sunday reading.
TAL updated again today - Halloween Spooky House Picture - And, a Gorey Lane From 1939. Fantastic Website.
UDCC strives to keep you connected to the full range of the esoteric, at least occasionally - Hidden Experience - Another Top Quality Blog Read For Sunday.
Lest we all forget: The 2007 UFO DRONE California Hoax(?)!
Short YouTube review of the Drone stuff.
You say you'd like to watch UFO videos for the next half hour? Here's the Website To Use.
Thanks for your UDCC visit today - now, for something really spooky:
Amazon Book:
Phantom Voices Ethereal Music & Other Spooky Sounds: Musical Ear Syndrome: Unravelling the Mysteries of the Auditory Hallucinations Many Hard of Hearing People Secretly Experience