Just remember Clockers - Ludicrous Foes = UFO Disclosure. OKAY, where do I begin. This morning on http://thedebrisfield.blogspot.com/ (one of the featured UDCC links in the sidebar) I became aware of a post from UFO Digest written by one Kevin Smith, http://www.ufodigest.com/article/official-et-disclosure-nsa-document-admits-et-contact-kevin-w-smith?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ufodigest%2FrLZd+%28UFO+and+Paranormal+News%29 who is a UFO/Paranormal writer and Radio Show Host. He also at the above link gives his impressions of this NSA release, and again, goes over the details that I am presenting here too.
In his post he indicates that thru FOIA requests by Peter Gersten (on the SHORT list on my TAL blog) has resulted in CONFIRMATION of Alien Messages - evidently decades ago. This information was scheduled for release in 2004 but the NSA fought the court system to keep it on the sidelines - evidently releasing it just days ago on 4-21-11. BTW, this is Peter's webpage http://www.pagenews.info/
Here is the NSA document - http://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/ufo/key_to_et_messages.pdf - and yes, note that you will be going to the NSA website to become informed directly on this matter.
And, yes, these are the words that seem to confirm A.D. After Disclosure: The People's Guide to Life After Contact
`Extraterrestrial Messages' as they come from the document titled Key ToTheExtraterrestrial Messages - where it LITERALLY IS A KEY that unlocks the message from the Extraterrestrial. Oh, these messages were supposedly aimed at the original SPUTNIK, were saved, and decoded later (at an unspecified time) by a team of cryptographers - and presented to the NSA by supposedly a famous cryptographer Dr. Howard H. Campaigne. From the UFO Digest link:
He started his crypto career for the government during World War II and has been a key and integral part of our U.S. security and intelligence ever since. In other words, he is part of a very small, very select group who are considered the cream of the crop in Cryptology.
That said, I couldn't find info about him here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cryptographers - or, here either - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Modern_cryptographers.
But, none the less, a briefing was given to the NSA that indicated at least 29 Extraterrestrial messages were decoded or partly decoded (out of 31) - and here's the topper:
They sent the Periodic Table of Elements!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Below are the actual words that end the NSA paper on page 20 of the 23 page document: (ends with the codes themselves)
.... any civilizations capable of sending a message across space must have many things in common.
But, without the details, exact details, like who, what, where, when and why - this all occurred - or considering that this could all be disinformation directed at the Sputnik satellite by who knows who in those heady times. Or, even disinformation today; can one know for sure?
Indeed, is it any more persuasive than the half dozen of so `soft ufo disclosures' that various countries have done in the last few years. Even those soft disclosures have plenty to suggest humans are dealing with either aliens, or one heck of a hologram dream device stimulating human imagination. (Yeah, right?)
I guess humanity should be happy the NSA info wasn't released on 4-20 or we'd be calling this a stoner dream - or, was it released on THAT DAY? And, is it possible that the MSM hasn't heard about this?
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