You remember that song by Meatloaf where he was just about to get hot and heavy with his lady and she goes - STOP RIGHT THERE? -- Well, this is to inform Clockers, and more, that `additional information' that has been brought to my attention may greatly - no, almost for sure, reduce the announcement of Alien Disclosure via Extraterrestrail Messages, leaking out to the internet and more in the last few days, - to a non-story.
Thru back channels, I got clued into several things - mainly, that the paper yesterday is only part of an exercise of hypotheticals - nothing more. I'm told that the source of the post - UFO Digest - had removed the post (It was re-posted in Before It's News however today). And, I present tidbits of info to back up these words - ,
and evidently the person source of this intellectual exercise was Lambros Demetrios Callimahos
And, if you search hard enough - you may be able to come across these words of the possible document that set it off the excitment:
Communication_with Extraterrestrial Intelligence'
U~ified .. ··· . ; ......-
We are not alone in the universe. A few years ago, this notion seemed
farfetched; today, the .existence of nttaterrestrial intelligence
is taken for granted by most scientists. Sir Bernard Lovell, one of
the world's leading radio astronomers, has calculated that, even allowing
for a margin of error of 5000%, there must be in our own galaxy
about 100 million stars which have planetsofthe right .chemistry,
dimensions, and temperature to support organic evolution. If we
consider thatour own galaXy, the Milky Way, is but one of at least a
billion other galaxies similar to ours in the observable universe, the
number of stars that could support some form of life is, to reach for
a word, astronomical. As to advanced (by miserable earth standards>
forms of life
I have the full document above and IMO, it ends the idea that Aliens have sent the Periodic Table in code. --- And, while I was genuinely excited yesterday, with reservations, --- such as sourcing and context -- it is rare that UDCC can bring `possible explanations' so quickly. For that I thank my source.
And, unbelievably., on the SAME DAY - SETI telescope array suspends operations due to financial constraints - no, you can't make this stuff up. Did you know they only built 42 of the planned 300+ plus radars?
Thanks for you visit today.
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