I barely caught this MUFON report a few moments ago as it was in the 20th position and about to fall off the page of `recent reports'. And, this one, is worth all Clockers time today. First the report of the poster:
It started sometime between my birthday (11/22) and thanksgiving (11/26). I was sitting with my father on my couch watching TV and my husband was on the computer playing World of Warcraft. It was approximately 6 PM. We live in an attic apartment, so the windows are low to the ground. I remember looking to my left and seeing three strange looking lights in the far distance from the window. They were brighter than stars, making it impossible to not notice. My initial thought was UFOs, I've always believed in their existence. My father was positive they were airplanes and my husband really didnt care. That was when I grabbed my video camera and the first tape i could find, rewound the last three minutes (i was afraid to miss them, so thats why i only rewound that little of time on the tape) and filmed the lights until the tape ended. the lights would pulsate very lightly from extremely bright to extremely dull, as well as move in a triangular conveyor belt motion. They also would change from three lights to four, to five, back to three, etc. The lights were visible until the early morning hours, roughly 3ish is when we usually go to sleep and i can remember them still being there.
the next day, my husband went out with his father and thought to mention it to him, since my father-in-law is a valet at the Newark Airport. He told my husband that the lights were visible from the airport, but they werent able to identify them. He also told my husband that FEMA and the military had been called to the airport because of these strange lights. The lights appeared the exact same way that night, this time i watched them until 5 AM, sporatically filming them on the same tape. This was the first time I was able to see their departure, which almost resembled a lightbulb going out. Some of the lights would disappear behind some trees that were obstructing my view. This occured every night until we left for our honeymoon in January, which strangely, the person who was watching our apartment said he didnt' see the lights at all during the week we were gone.
on christmas eve, the lights were out during the day, roughly 4pm, and i grabbed my camera and started filming. this is when i was actually able to capture several shapes on film because it was still daylight. There were two distinct objects i captured on film. one looks like a shiny metal sphere floating in the sky. the second is actually saucer shaped with two bright lights coming from the center of the craft. when i first saw these shapes, i started freaking out and called my husband over so he could see them too. I filmed the lights late into the night. this was also the first night i noticed one of the lights release a much smaller red light that shot out of the center light and disappeared to the left (my right) of the craft. By the time we left for our honeymoon, i had an entire tape filled with footage, and i gave it to my friend so he could make the footage an .avi file for me. My camera is an older model, so its not USB compatable.
After we got back, the lights would appear for a few days and disappear for a few days, always hovering in the same location and repeating the same actions. About a month ago, the lights stopped coming. It wasn't until three nights ago that they appeared again. I thought it was strange because for a while they were scaring me so i wished they would go away, and three nights ago, i mentioned to my husband that i kind of missed seeing them, and literally 30 min to an hour later, they were out and have been ever since. The lights still behave in the same way, with the pulsating light and in the conveyor belt motion. Also to note, when they're out, you can always see airplanes flying much higher than these lights, or in strange directions that you wouldn't see planes normally fly.
the videos im attaching were the most intriguing parts of my footage dressed up using Windows Movie Maker for youtube. the original file from the tape is 58 minutes long. Email me if you are interested in seeing the whole thing. (my red emphasis)
And, now for the provided proof - with one tape literally called `proof':
The report also includes TWO videos - make sure to `stop' the `proof' video from time to time for some amazing still frames of what appears to be a morphing craft of some sort.
The Proof
On my other UFO blog yesterday `Strange UFO Videos' - I featured a collection of supposedly FAKE UFO videos (that said, I do not know for a fact that all were proved fakes) - and want you to go take a look as in the video at about the 50 second mark it is a near dead ringer for the Jerusalem Craft video. http://strangeufovideo.blogspot.com/2011/04/this-is-how-real-fake-ufo-video-can.html
And, as some of you know, I live in Georgia - and when surfing around for the latest `news' today - I found THESE resources:
http://www.mufonga.org/mufongasighting.html - Has about 60 reports most from 2009 AND - http://uforna.net/georgia-ufo-sightings.php - with reports into 2010. If you'd like to get a feel for what UFO reports `sound' like - these are good choices.
Finally - I hope you are aware that your Hometown Newspaper only gives you a sliver of the news - and - that online resources such as Reddit - offer much more and much more in the way of comments and opinions about stories. With that in mind, let me present http://morningredditheadlines.blogspot.com/ - which today has a science story about the oldest trees ever found, find out where and how old (8K years, spoiler) and WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO ONLINE POKER - BIG news.
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UFO Sightings over Flora Jackson Author http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICM7Q4kPpY0 It would be interesting to hear all the cops witness reports. But here we have the claimed multi-witnesses, and the claimed landing evidence