Now, just to let Clockers know, Eligael of the Jerusalem Orb event has posted the Israel TV `Investigation' on his channel and starts with a statement that what is found in the `investigation' was nothing new and lies. - judge for yourself - http://www.youtube.com/user/eligael#p/u/0/Bf8YbU8lcKU
Speaking of Orbs - Lujan Matus brings his enlightened point of view about his experiences here - Orbs and the Three Treasures - http://lujanmatus.blogspot.com/2011/04/orbs-and-three-treasures.html - here is a tease of LM's words:
This strongly indicates a shift into a fourth-dimensional matrix that will be three-dimensionally accommodated as this transitional phase increases. The inter-dimensional aspect of the third eye will be awakened.
As our consciousness increases, it is vitally important to strengthen a web-like aspect of our luminosity that sits within the human body that correspondingly reaches out inter-dimensionally interconnecting all aspects of the matrix simultaneously that will be our new forum of connectivity that our attention will function from.
Just a reminder, LM's words are his perceptions - UDCC encourages all to readers to increase theirs in some manner.
The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception: The Living Tapestry of Lujan Matus
Amazing UFO Report and Sighting - April 14th, 2011 in Florida - Metallic Object Seen Hovering in Sky Then 4 Black Objects Fly Erratically Across Sky - http://www.ufosnw.com/sighting_reports/2011/ocalafl04142011/ocalafl04142011.htm
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Hey Rick and others, take a look at this high strangeness
ReplyDeleteStrange Alien Stick-like creatures caught on security camera above Fresno in Yosemite (Video Tests)
compare with this one
FRESNO, stick-like creatures caugh by CCTV: Aliens, interdimensional beings or what???
FYI, Rick: Eligael has removed the video.