First, hello and welcome to the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock (UDCC) - I hope you are ready to be amazed today. The reason is that a FOURTH video of an unexplained event has surfaced. IF you are just catching up on this coverage - on the morning of Jan. 29th at about 1:00 AM in Jerusalem, Israel - and then again about three hours later in Salt Lake City, Utah, in the United States - what can best be described as a Glowing Orb was videotaped above Jerusalem - that after hovering for a bit of time, descended to near the ground for about 20 seconds, and then, with a burst of light preceding, shot up into the sky - finishing with about a dozen or so blinks of a reddish or white color (one could imagine a craft if one wanted) and then vanishing in a `pop'. Three hours later a similar but NOT identical event was captured on a cellphone in Salt Lake City - this `video' was covered by at least one local TV channel.
In a nutshell, you are up to date on the basics - however, for the Jerusalem UFO event - videos are continuing to surface and today I bring you a video that when I found it an hour ago had less than 400 views and is now up to 4,300:
This is the fourth video angle above - and from this angle you can see that the the UFO moves when near the ground also. Below, is a video that when I found it this morning had 50 views -
You may also want to check out the comments on this blog too as at least one other reader has come forward to say they have seen similar phenomena. Indeed, in other comments, a man suggested that the FIRST close up video was nothing more than a `video' of the Wikipedia Page of that area of Jerusalem - and while the video did look mighty similar - at least to me and my perception - was NOT identical in a number of ways (that said, one nighttime picture of a town, will look similar to the next as they will have the same streetlights, and lit-up storefronts, etc. Even many homes or apts. that are up on one night are often up the next. Anyway, I viewed the video and the picture side by side and to me - not the same.
And, now, it may be a moot point with the newest closer in video of the event - from a totally different angle than the Wikipedia picture too.
Here's the first video:
Here's the first close in video:
Here's the Utah video:
Here's the first two distant videos co-ordinated:
And here's the first three videos co-ordinated:
So, take some time to digest that the Earth may finally have the type of video `proof' of UFO activity, or, at the very least, very nefarious human activity going on in our skies. And, as I said, yesterday in my analysis at Barf Stew -- it would seem unlikely that humans would want to draw this much attention to their special status.
IF the Oct. 13th UFO event in NYC was the tip of the iceberg - we may be starting to see, indeed, especially if this is REAL - the expected `progression' of `contact'. NYC provided an `on-going' UFO that allowed the NYC media to literally be in the street, interviewing folks about `are we alone'? The event, not as close-up, involved lights in the sky and lasted hours.
Whereas, this event - provided `the short term close-up' -- and -- the PROOF of differing `angles' LONG MISSING IN THE WHOLE `I filmed a UFO' saga. This one is NOT balloons. NOT skydivers. And, allowed a close up view.
Thinking of a logical progression from here would be -- LONGER near ground `contact' --- an evolution of the LIGHT near the ground INTO an object --- the continued `confirmation' via `other events' in a similar timeframe (what Utah was this time).
One of my readers supposedly sent a contact e-mail to one of the YouTube posters of these videos - it will be interesting to see if UDCC can get any scuttlebutt from the ground. Finally, if you also would like to provide your UFO experience - especially if similar in any details, please do so.
I will continue my analysis tomorrow or at Barf Stew later.
I continued at my AnomalyMan blog - What IF The Jerusalem UFO Event Happened Over The Super Bowl? -
IF you enjoyed my fiction above about the what IF about UFOs and Super Bowls -- please conside this `fiction' (I'm almost afraid to draw attention to this as the Exopolitics Folks might think it is real) book by a fan of my blogs. His name is Philip Chen and this is his first book. Indeed, below is a review by a top reviewer:
following recommendation from a charter member of the National Book Critics Circle, Alan Caruba:
It is rare when a novelist makes his debut with as powerful a novel as Philip Chen’s Falling Star ($15.25, available from, softcover and on Kindle). It begins in 1967 and concludes in the Oval Office in 1993. In between Chen introduces you to an array of characters, all of whom have unique talents, some of whom are U.S. Navy officers, some with the FBI, all devoted to the protection of their nation. They are a handful of people who know about mysterious entities far beneath the surface of the waters surrounding the U.S. Others are members of a rogue KGB unit, moles who lived among us, but whose mission ended when the former Soviet Union collapsed. This novel stands out for the way you are introduced not just to the characters, but the physical reality in which they live, the sights and even the smells. Slowly and then with increasing intensity, the mysteries are unraveled, the enemies identified, as life and death often hangs in the balance. Drawing on his own life as an ocean research engineer, attorney and banker, Chen brings an authenticity to the novel that provides a heart-pounding reality that forces you to ask “What if?” What if Earth was under observation by those from another planet that is circling a dying sun? What if they intended to colonize it? What if the year for this was 2013? If you read just one novel in 2011, make it Falling Star.
Wish we all got reviews like that:
Falling Star
Number 4! This is getting good...
ReplyDeleteIs there any connection with the UFO spotted in Utah?
A nice video from Cheltenham UK, 30th January 2011
ReplyDeleteThis is a very interesting event - I will have more today later.
Alexandre - The quick answer is I don't know - but - I will see if the timing was close. Also, thanks for that video, I looks very much like one I had on my AnomalyMan Blog here -
thanks for your help.
All of the videos are fake, they are a prank being pulled by people who laugh their asses off when they fool UFO believers.
ReplyDeleteAnd, BTW, the NYC UFO 'event' was balloons.
what if stanley fulham was wrong about location? Jan 28th 2011 they did make there appearance did they not? in a matter that almost seemed fimilar to them and to us, as if they descended from heaven like a angel.
ReplyDeleteHello Rick, I like your title. I have been following this UFO event and I found your blog very resourceful. I just saw a CBS News blog on this Jerusalem topic. I hope we all get some good explanations soon.