For at least a couple years UDCC has been BIG into the multiple and splitting orb phenomena as any of the readers around here know. Indeed, the `changing orb' is PART of the UFO motif that has been emerging according to witness reports - again, over the last few years - and sometimes involves the orbs becoming `structured' as in almost craftlike. And, as you will again see by the Ken Pfeifer report below - this one again has all the new UFO characteristics.
It was Dec 14th, a typical cold Michigan night. I came outside to meet a family member who was dropping off a down payment for a T-shirt order. I do costume Designs and while I stood outside waiting for them to pull up, I noticed a really fast object to my right darting by in the sky. I thought it was something like a shooting star but was not sure because it shot by so fast. It caught my attention and made me extremely alert and I immediately began to comb the night sky in search for anything strange or sudden movements. There wasn’t alot of stars visible that night but a few none the less, so as I was doing my observation, another object caught my eye and it appeared to be a bright star much more brighter then anything else in the night sky. I noticed it starting to flicker and make some slight movements and change colors from bright white to a darker blue then a reddish color. I was shocked and excited by my discover. I waited and watched this object another 2 mins before for my family members pulled up and I proceeded to observe this object as I walked from my front yard, where I was standing, to the drive way. I rushed into the house grabbed my video recorder and came back outside. This time I approached the drive way to get a better angle and clear shoot with my camera and then proceeded to start shooting as much as I could. I zoomed in closer on the object and I was able to witness something I never seen before in my life. This bright star had morphed from one bright light into two distinct points of light and two different colors and they started to make movements like two orbs colliding and dividing separating and joining again changing patterns and growing in size. I observed the erratic activity for several mins then something else stranger began to happen.
The one star or orb multiplexed and grew from two points of light to 3 then 4 then ultimately 8 to 12 different orbs was seen at one time or another. They increased in colors as the patterns and movements became more rapid and more complex in directions. They all seemed to move as one unit flashing and changing colors and and going from one to several at speeds of light they would move so fast and jump out of frame and then come back into my frame even when I tried to zoom out I could only see one object that appeared to be flickering then when I zoom in again it would start to build up and make more balls of light or multiply in size and grow bigger and became more evasive in this movements. I stayed and observed it for around 15 mins or so before the freezing cold forced me inside. I went inside to warm up and charged my battery and decided to go back outside after around 20 mins or so and captured similar activity in segments of 15 mins for a total of 40 mins to a hour. The object was visible around the 4th segment of me coming back out to capture more footage. It moved out the reach of my cam and I wasn’t able to record anymore. I’m attaching a few still shoots from the actual video footage. Let me know. I’m curious to have a expert analyze my recording and get some answers.
And the pics:
How about another read from Ken? Another one with a photo:
Approximately 11:30 am, I arrived at home from work in Socorro, NM. I had gone home to paint my garage floor during lunch. After talking to my wife she went outside to play with my 2 yr old son. Within a few minutes she called me and I went outside to investigate. She pointed to an object in the sky. I looked up and saw what appeared to be a well defined globular object of a whitish color with a brightish tinge of bluish purple. At first I thought it must be a high altitude balloon or maybe a satellite. It appeared very distant but sizable and at first appeared to be hardly moving. Its relative position was away from the sun with a clear sky and thus could be clearly seen almost directly East to NE. At this point I ran back inside for a camera and took a picture using my personal phone camera. The object was strange enough to warrant further observation. At this point I thought I’d better get it on tape, so I scrambled to find the camcorder, at this point hoping I would be quick enough to catch it when I got back No issue the object had planned to stick around! I began taking footage with my camcorder, and notice that other similar objects also show up on the camcorder screen besides the one that was visible with the naked eye and would appear to go from a globe shape to a diamond shape (probably artifacts I thought). At this point I wanted to know what it was so I grabbed my telescope. The object still stuck around, now at a position almost directly overhead but appeared to be far far away.
My first observation when my telescope was focused on the object was that of what appeared to be a perfect sphere with a bluish purplish hue with what appeared to be perforations or little dots (Imagine drawing a circle on paper and filling out the circle with dots). As far as I know this could have been a planet. However the telescope was removed from looking at the object and refocused several times from different positions in our backyard with the same result. We thought, well, strange object and stopped recording, since we already had it on tape and it didn’t do anything new but continued using the telescope. The object then transitioned to the SSE within the next 10 minutes, but now at a faster rate than it was moving previously. While I was looking at the object through the telescope, I saw a bright green flash in the scope and my wife yelled that the object hadseparated into two, what appeared to be identical objects. When I looked up from the scope, I saw now two, what appeared to be two almost identical objects moving in unison with each other. My wife mentioned that during the separation there appeared to some kind of smoke trail and a long cylindrical object that fell earthwards in a wobbly pattern during the separation (I hope someone finds it, whatever it was). When observed again in the telescope, the initial bluish purple hue, object was still there, but now seemed to have a smaller black object in front that obscured a portion of the purplish bluish sphere. The objects then appeared to transition together at a lower level across the SSE to Eastern horizon and now appeared even more distant and was no longer visible to the naked eye. I am sure there is some logical explanation. One is that it may have been a weather balloon test; not to mention atmospheric turbulence and tricky sunlight. Times we saw the objects clearly visible: 11:35 AM Mountain Time to 12:50 PM Mountain Time. Wish I had camera attachment on my telescope, this was the most amazing!

Surely you're not ready to do this one more time are you? Perhaps tomorrow!
Some Amazon Reads Are Below