This will be my second report. I have been observing these objects this month and also during the month of august. I hope this report will be taken more seriously. These objects can be seen most nights. Unless it is stormy or too cloudy. Using 7 x35mm wide angle 9.5 degree binoculars to look at These objects. On this night they moved lower and close enough that i was able to photograph them with my cell phone. They made no noise. They hover for long periods of time moving in an pendulum, zigzag, anda sort of figure 8 pattern. Then they will move closer or further away.periodically in the manner i mentioned above.they also emmit balls of light. They are ejected at very fast speed. These object at times then emit a flash of light simular to a flash grenade. There is a farm across the street. If the orbs are ejected over the farm the cows sound like they are screaming. These craft also change their attitude. One night there were at least15 - 20 of them in a circle several miles in diameter. And they were all flashing their lights like a strobe light On the 6th of september at about 3:30am i sat up in bed to close the window. And there was a round obe across the street above the neighbors back yard. It dropped straight down from several hdred feet to behind the trees i think it landed somewhere behind the neighbors in the woods or a field. It decended so quickly i didnt have time to photograph it. And to tell the truth it kinda rattled me a bitto see it that close There have been several reports of ufos in the tri-state area. Several of them being in ohio. One in salem ohio just this week. And there was an incident in Pa that was seen by not only rhe wittness. But several police as well.the objects are hard to describe. I think i will let the photos speak for themselves . |
Some Of The Cellphone Photos

I cover this story more with pictures at Strange State UFO.
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