Yesterday UDCC had a comment on an earlier post from Jan. 2009 that was well beyond a normal comment. As, once again, in what can only be considered the highest of high strangeness, a Hanging Jet has been reported near Huntsville Alabama. (NASA has a major presence in the area also.)
While this `report' consisted of nothing more than the comment on this blog (shown below) and found below the first report - here -
"i saw the same thing today in huntsville, i live a mile from the airport. A 747 just sitting still in mid-air. Saw it for 15 seconds until the trees blocked my view. It was a perfectly calm sunny day today. My sister and I both saw it."
And, yes, tracing the name of the `poster' of the comment brings up a Page of a Mark Miller - but has no way of contact. So, I do ask Mr. Miller, or his sister, to contact me here at UDCC as I'd love to ask you a few questions.
Now, of course, Mr. Miller's statement may be nothing more than a Mind F - but, in the spirit of what is possible - it would be interesting to consider what may be going on - and here I will quote some material from the FIRST report coverage.
First, this is at least the THIRD time I have heard of the description of a `hanging plane' and since one experiencer had it happen to THEM before - four occasions of the event. And, looking at just the two Huntsville reports - each was in broad daylight under ideal viewing conditions. Not only that, in tracing the location of the first report and `being north of the airport' - would be in the general same area of Huntsville - both near the big Government Airport too.
Certainly, it is beyond `odd' that the same high strangeness event would happen in the same town WITHIN two years - to different people. Wouldn't it be wonderful for more witnesses in Huntsville to come forward if they exist? That said, can anyone sound like anything other than an idiot to say such stuff? As, obviously, even saying a hanging UFO would probably be `more believeable'. Perhaps other brave ones will come forward.
Can this be some sort of cloaking program? Or, is some alien technology hanging out in Huntsville for some reason? In my first post about this phenomena in 2009 I wrote this:
So, what is one to make of all this? That `space-crafts' can come in different shapes and forms? (Again, on my Squidoo page and again dated 1-18 is the report - with picture - of a `Blue MuscleCar' `ufo' - in this case perhaps an example of pareidolia - a quarter word I've learned lately.) Or, that `cloaking' can be in any form - from cloaking where nothing is seen - to a cloaking that fits the singular desires or perceptions of a particular individual (s). Perhaps it is only my opinion, but any race or entity that can `get' to Earth - in all probability has cloaking ability. The UDCC has long wondered why the skeptics wonder `where are' all the `crafts' - or `mother craft sized vehicles'; - easy, and, cloaking is the very simple answer.
Colin Bennett described his experience this way as I quoted in the first post (Colin is the other NON-Huntsville Hanging Plane experiencer):
Certainly my “encounter” convinced me that we live in a vaster framework of being and existence than we could possibly imagine. I had the sobering thought that this manifestation was the kind of thing George Adamski and many others saw. This kind of technology, not far removed from holographic TV, could produce a “man from Venus” at the drop of a hat. It would be an equally sobering experience for scientists to find that their discoveries were part of a multi-dimensional media/gaming entertainment system of many levels of focus, development, and application.
And, I summarized my ultimate take the first post this way:
Perhaps that is the final fear - that `it' - `reality' isn't real in a manner we are normally satisfied with experiencing - that perhaps it is some sort of giant entertainment system. But, perhaps it isn't a hologram - perhaps the `strangeness' lies somewhere in the ontology of consciousness compared to the ontology of beingness. Perhaps in that strange state - a suspension of what qualifies as time doesn't have meaning --- stretchingggg the moment into eons if needed.
So, what do I think if indeed this experience is replicating for at least one individual and in at least one location? My gut feel is that indeed some cloaking is involved - with `the source' impossible to know with the available info. More worrisome perhaps is that the perception of a jetliner is being PUT into peoples minds inadvertently in some manner - by who knows who.
So, Mr. Miller - please, more details - how high was the jet, where was the jet, what colors and details of the jet, etc.
Finally, as you can see, the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock gave up 15 minutes from it's late 10:30 PM setting in November - I'll explain a bit of that logic in an upcoming post.
first huntsville report -
my ufo archive that contained the above link and many more -
Digging into high strangeness:
High Strangeness - Hyperdimensions and the Process of Alien Abduction
Files From the Edge: A Paranormal Investigator?s Explorations into High Strangeness
Glimpses of Other Realities: High Strangeness (Volume II)
I watched a video yesterday which was playfully playing with the idea that the universe is a virtual informational reality.
ReplyDeleteI personally think that it cannot be pinned down. That--yes you CAn say that and have that as your MODEL, if you like. Like you can have the Christian model, the Islamic model, the Hindu, Buddhist model--the materialist model based on 'science', but 'it' is not that---what it IS cannot be pinned down. Cannot be KNOWN!
Dr. Bruce Cornet found some interesting things about mimicked aircraft that he thought were AOP (aka UFOs).
"A Boeing 707-shaped craft without external engines, colored solid black, without any windows or identification markings. This type of craft can stop and hover."
"A DC9-shaped craft with T-tail and without external engines, colored solid off-white, without any identification markings. This type of craft can stop and hover."
I am sure there are skeptics that discount his work, but he gave a much more professional look to UFO research than you see which pervades the Internet today.
I was walking home from work Saturday when I saw a star in the sky, thinking it was jupiter I was trying to strain my eyes to see the moons when it started moving. This was after I had been staring at it for a few minutes. The star turned into an airplane & stopped again, just "hanging" there up in the sky. I was so amazed I called my boyfriend to tell him what I was witnessing. I had never even heard of hanging jetliners until I stumbled upon it this minute on the internet. This took place around 5pm yesterday in Hillcrest, San Diego, CA.
ReplyDeleteMUZ - Agreed - the uncertainty principle.
ReplyDeleteJ. I will check that out.
Kirstie - I certainly am not surprised that you have not heard of this phenomena. You have courage to even speak up about it IMO. That said, how did the experience END? Can you give anymore details such as how high off the ground or markings on the craft.
thanks for being a Clocker.