To the degree that it is possible, I avoid the `consciousness' issues that arise for individuals who perceive the anomalous of the world phenomena surrounding us all. But, as regular readers also know, my feeling is that a lot to most of all anomalous phenomena may be occurring within a special consensus of space or perception of such. What I refer to as the ontological side of things - actualization's and such.
Now all of this above talk arises because someone yesterday purchased the `lucid dream machine' technology that I have available via Amazon in the UDCC sidebar. The person also purchased two `lucid dream' books -- my sincere thanks to you for your purchases off this blog and - my best wishes for you to be very successful in your quest for the lucid dreaming experience. (I've experienced controlled lucid dreaming about 7-8 times when I was actively pursuing such mental endeavors. I can say that without question that the ontological landscape that is available for perception is of a nature unlike our ordinary spatial-phenomena. A very compelling landscape.)
The Product
Product Description
The REM-Dreamer uses infrared sensors to detect when you are in REM (dreaming) sleep. At that point the REM-Dreamer gives you sound and light cues (beeps and flashing lights) to remind you that you are dreaming, unlike the old Novadreamer. Thus, external world stimuli are transferred to the world of your dreams, and it becomes easy to achieve lucidity. The REM-Dreamer kit comes with a very comfortable sleeping mask with a small printed circuit board tucked inside that detects REM sleep, giving cues in the form of flashes or beeps. The kit also includes an LCD display device, which allows the user to adjust all settings very easily. The user can use any of several simple presets, or can customize the number of sounds and light flashes, their volume and brilliance, frequency per second, and duration. In addition, the REM sensor can be set to accurately track your personal REM eyeball movement. The device comes with the 36-page user's manual. The REM-Dreamer has given many people the opportunity to experience lucid dreaming, and the opportunity to use this natural state of consciousness to program their subconscious, influence their behavior, explore the world of the mind, and work with habits of body and mind, depending on their own needs and desires. The REM-Dreamer consists of a circuit board tucked inside the mask and an LCD display. There are two lines in the LCD. The upper line shows the menu entry (for instance: 1. Delay time), while the lower line shows the value of the parameter of the menu entry (for instance: 00:10:00 of the delay time).
It's an impressive technology with a specific consciousness objective - what's not to like.
Except, perhaps, the world it connects to?
Are `alien abductions' the ones reported out of someones bed after going to sleep - connected to the realm of lucid dreaming?
First, I'd make a strong suggestion that there is a quantitative AND qualitative difference between even lucid dreaming and controlled lucid dreaming - as great as the difference between regular dreaming and lucid dreaming - and as great as NO DREAMING vs regular dreaming.
AND - that the `jump' to `alien abduction' would be as great a difference - perhaps - `above/beyond/under' the controlled lucid dreaming state. I am also of the opinion, which is all anyone can say about such matters - that the state I'm describing is similar to IF NOT IDENTICAL to - the `mutual hypnosis states' that Dr. Charles Tart used in the late 1960's - to induce - mutually available landscapes for multiple people to perceive and experience as local and now - at least for a portion of their `space as a human'. (Which I maintain is larger than the normal consciousness we see and experience constantly - but - is also `represented' by the consciousness that we see and experience.)
Books By Dr. Charles Tart
evidently his first two books are out of print and out of availability
(two of my bedrock books I read in the early 70's - SOC is available for about 16 bucks, a steal)
Now as someone who has experienced `missing time', with others, in a seamless experience in normal reality - I am not willing to make any final judgments on what is going on within some special state of consensus that others indicate experiencing - such as an alien abduction experience within some contained reality state of being. The real question is - is that a contiguous space with our normal reality or is it indeed using `our other space' - what I call our `able-to-not-be' space of which we are always part of being too. IMO.
The `part' of our space - that perhaps is `where our doppelganger is'. A `space' that is nearly always in our own `super present' except - when we sleep or alter on purpose our consciousness level (state of being). (Through meditation, drugs, or other means - even technological means IMO.)
Because, what folks seem to suggest when they experience this night-time alien abduction, is that it is THEY who are being transported to the other location. (Almost without exception in a catatonic state of being - just a space being transported - that has awareness as being that space.)
Or could there be a dream doppelganger and a `real doppleganger? LOL.
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(if you are one of the 70% finding UDCC for the first time today - please bookmark and return as you will find no better UFOlogy blog around IMO - LOL.)
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