Oh, a HUGE word of warning - the link with the well written post is on a 2012 doomsday type of site. But, I bring you that original human message WE all sent into space as our greeting card - a reminder:

And the FINE Detailed Analysis (please read this)
As we continue with the ludicrous foes (anagram for UFO Disclosure, unless you prefer `lucid sour foes') - this article indicates some surprise that our friends in Canada - government-wise - are NO Longer Investigating UFO's - leaving it to the man UDCC features in the sidebar as the man who put together all of Canada's 2011 UFO reports. Link has video too.
Robert Krulwich is one of the best orators about science - here, interestingly, he rambles on in his unique voice about another do it your self codger who has built a `Solar Powered Death Ray'........ UDCC's readers dig science.
Oh, the wonderful world of perception.... is this a rock.... or.... a very small building for tiny tiny species of intelligence? Clockers Make The Call.
So, I made another UFO blogfind of note for Clockers recently - and I've already teed it up with the tag `UFO' for you - it's a Webpage you won't want to miss on this three year old UFO showcase.
And, remember - in 2012 - I put together a page on Squidoo.com that represented the very best of what UDCC offered - including videos and articles - you can catch up with the best of UDCC right here - 2012 UFO Videos And More.
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