You see, in the MUFON report the man walks about in the middle of the night doing his usual it sounds - bathroom, and getting a drink. Looking at clock as he begins. Then during the normal sequence of noting his circumstantial surroundings something is dramatically wrong and it's simply NOT the `same time' but is a time - hours later.
Now, yes; I too could think of many explanations for this guys experience - but - somehow - nothing seems to fit as `easily' as what this guy is suggesting - that `seamless, missing time' can even - evidently - begin as a phenomena in ones home. (Or, in your car or in the street. Perhaps I'll explain.) And, I want to once again acknowledge the obvious - anything can be fake - including MUFON reports.
(Speaking of the quality of MUFON reports - the what I call `delusional' - usually at `seeing things' in pictures or simply trying to mess with MUFON readers heads - does exist and I simply screen those worthless pictures out or `fantastic stories' without much detail - as those too seem not real.)
Read this guys account - couldn't be more realish: This is the full account and worthy of your read - January 13th - Missing Time and High Strangeness In South Carolina - because I use only the main highlight below:
I woke up on the couch, it was dark outside and I needed to get up and use the bathroom. My daughters bathroom is not 6 foot from the couch down the hallway. I got up and on my way there glanced over to look at what time it was on the oven clock. It was 2:15. Usually when I get up at this time of night its because something or every once in awhile my 6 year old daughter wakes me up jumping into our bed because of a bad dream which always makes me get up and go to another room. So I go in and use the bathroom which takes only a couple minutes. I walk from there to the kitchen and grab a mountain dew from the fridge, I notice my neck is killing me which is like what i call a CRICK and it hurts like hell. So I go to the couch set the dew on the floor in front of the couch and rub my neck for a moment. I reach down and grab the mountain dew. I pick it up and take a drink and think this is warm, what the heck. I figure something must be wrong with the fridge but thinking it was cold walking over. I noticed i had the use the bathroom and was like what the hell I just went to the bathroom a minute ago. Then I notice that my neck is suddenly feeling alot better, still hurting but not nearly as bad as it was. I keep my laptop on the coffee table and reach over hit the mouse and the computer comes out of sleep mode. This is when I freak the clock say 4:23 am
I look over at the oven clock and it says 4:24 am. All of this happening in less then 6 minutes at the most. I got a creepy feeling and started to get very upset and a little scared. I look out the doors which is next to the couch and out across the back yard, I look aand see the motion lights down by the barn some 400 yards away are on. Rarely do we ever see these lights come on and have to be triggered by movment of something. Things get worse for me mentally when I glance down and the door is unlocked and not all the way closed. I cannot explain the way I felt at that moment but I ran to my daughters bedroom and she was not there and turned and ran to ours and hit the light. Both my wife and daughter were in the bed asleep.
The reason I bring this experience to light - is that I also had - with two other people a similar `seamless missing time' experience while in total `awake' consciousness. Yeah, weird enough that I've never on UDCC dug into it. I have covered this in a sense on my blog when I wrote my unique esoteric take on such experiences in a blogpost titled `The Missing Space Of Missing Time Experiences' - it's still available and not in one of my e-books yet. (Indeed, I plan some VERY HEAVY books in 13.) In my speculations I throw caution to the wind to say the least.
Now let me add something that I found to also be at least another possible explanation that I found just a few years ago - and it's from a link that I've had on this page for years - it's about Instant Induction Hypnosis - Beyond Belief (this is not written by me). The hard truth folks is that the human mind and perception field both display modes that are able to be controlled either by others or other forces - evidently.
(And of course, their is the Fortean reason of `no reason other than wonder'.)
So, what are we left with - if we take ALL of the ABOVE into account - and assume that ALL of it is being told in as honest as possible for a human.
Is it more likely that a `person' with the extremely unique ability to induce instant hypnosis was wondering the rural landscape in hopes of flipping out an individual? Or, is it more likely that an `alien' or `alien force' is what induced all of these perceptions? And, perhaps even more importantly - could BOTH the `alien' `answer' and the `alien force' be TWO different things (or the same thing - much how like a human can use a remote control).
(The real ugly side IMO to these experiences on the human level - as someone who has had a major one - is that it makes the Peter Gersten `we are in a computer and we are software' `theory' even more plausible I hate to admit.Indeed once one is trying to prove the opposite - that we are NOT in a computer program - it gets more slippery slope-ish. But, who has a `corner' on real - is your real dream, real?)
As much as UDCC and I like to talk about perceptual events - this MUFON report does seem beyond that and at a minimum a bout of Fortean high strangeness. Indeed, just taking what we have `absorbed' about the whole `alien phenomena' over the past couple of decades - one has to wonder if it is more likely that `aliens' are involved or - as I wrote in 2007 in the above piece `Missing Space' - is it that `we somehow accelerate during that period. (read my link to know a bit more of what I try to say in a few words here).
And finally the `horror' of the story - could it be true that physical `aliens' enter our homes THRU THE DOOR?
Oh, what a `UFO experience' can bring forth, right?
(BTW, a pure skeptic, or perhaps realist, (not invalidating anything above btw) would be more in the camp of the experiencer on this one, I bet - an individual in pain who had a sleep walking experience.)
But, I'm not through as I strive to bring Clockers the best mix of UFOlogy on the internet - including looking for the LATEST reports of which to bring you the first and freshest analysis spin. Please bookmark and return.
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