It could be a very interesting conversation as I personally am not even an Atheist; most likely being closest to an Agnostic. That said, as a Phenomenologist (the way I view myself in those realms) - I have LOTS to say about SPACES (of which I assume a God would be?) - so tune in.
This appearance came about when I sent a link about my book `Going To The Light At Death - The New Theories' to their webmaster Deborah and was immediately asked if I'd like to be on the show (which seems to be on a summer break for the last month). I'm not sure if she liked or disliked that my two theories on the LIGHT are NOT religious. I'm sure it might ruffle a feather or two with it's NON Godness.
That should be about 10 minutes of the show I assume. LOL. I will be discussing all kinds of paranormal stuff including UFOs - and even my book about 9/11.

Book Description
Esoteric writer H. R. Phillips brings to readers the first book made up exclusively of posts from his blog The Heavy Stuff. This book focuses on one of Phillips' most original ideas about two new ways of thinking about what the LIGHT is - which is being seen and recalled by patients who have near death experiences.
BOTH ideas are compelling and strike at the very heart of human consciousness and phenomenology in the so-called `death state'. And, perhaps most importantly, NEITHER idea is religious; - but both ideas offer possible outcomes of what happens to our `death space'. Describing exactly what the LIGHT is that is being seen - and it turns out that one of the ideas - describes the ultimate life giver on Earth itself.
But, with the religious element removed, - and some possible `freewill' remaining while seeing the LIGHT for the first time - it brings up the ultimate question one may face within our limited time within existence itself - `Should I Go To The Light'? ------------- The answer is important because you may have some options. Some options that would continue your existence.
This is a book you will want for your E Library and will share with others.
BOTH ideas are compelling and strike at the very heart of human consciousness and phenomenology in the so-called `death state'. And, perhaps most importantly, NEITHER idea is religious; - but both ideas offer possible outcomes of what happens to our `death space'. Describing exactly what the LIGHT is that is being seen - and it turns out that one of the ideas - describes the ultimate life giver on Earth itself.
But, with the religious element removed, - and some possible `freewill' remaining while seeing the LIGHT for the first time - it brings up the ultimate question one may face within our limited time within existence itself - `Should I Go To The Light'? ------------- The answer is important because you may have some options. Some options that would continue your existence.
This is a book you will want for your E Library and will share with others.
#33 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Religion & Spirituality > Occult > Near-Death Experiences

Book Description
Welcome to the first in what will be a series of books derived from previous posts on the blog called `The Heavy Stuff’. All posts on The Heavy Stuff are written by esoteric blogger – author – lecturer, original thinker and Phenomenologist H. R. Phillips. Indeed, many posts within the blog The Heavy Stuff are written based on what Phillips calls the Phillips Phenomenology; a system of original thought `about spaces’ similar to great thinkers such as Edmund Husserl and Sartre.
Book one in this `best of’ series, is the information that Phillips came across on the internet concerning random number generators that forced him to create the blog The Heavy Stuff. Phillips did so - so that he could share what he believes to be his unique insights into some mysteries of the random data collected on September 11th, 2001 via linked computers at Princeton University. `Random’ information data that has become the crux of what is considered to be possible proof of a Global Consciousness called the Noosphere – an ongoing research project to see if random number generators worldwide may be influenced by human events and emotion.
The Noosphere of global consciousness is a bold idea which uses `irregularities’ in randomness of data overlayed to the timing of great human events. The idea that if `randomness’ can be affected, perhaps the world consciousness is indeed responding to human consciousness. But, other aspects of the irregularities of the random number generators on that day suggest an even deeper explanation. An explanation so deep, that it is involved with human intentionality’s and expectations. With a mystery that may be solved by thinking in terms of Phenomenology itself – the Phillips Phenomenology.
Book one in this `best of’ series, is the information that Phillips came across on the internet concerning random number generators that forced him to create the blog The Heavy Stuff. Phillips did so - so that he could share what he believes to be his unique insights into some mysteries of the random data collected on September 11th, 2001 via linked computers at Princeton University. `Random’ information data that has become the crux of what is considered to be possible proof of a Global Consciousness called the Noosphere – an ongoing research project to see if random number generators worldwide may be influenced by human events and emotion.
The Noosphere of global consciousness is a bold idea which uses `irregularities’ in randomness of data overlayed to the timing of great human events. The idea that if `randomness’ can be affected, perhaps the world consciousness is indeed responding to human consciousness. But, other aspects of the irregularities of the random number generators on that day suggest an even deeper explanation. An explanation so deep, that it is involved with human intentionality’s and expectations. With a mystery that may be solved by thinking in terms of Phenomenology itself – the Phillips Phenomenology.
both Kindle books are 1.49
And, no, I will not tell you what the two new theories are unless you listen to the show.
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