Morning Clockers. (Clockers `follow' UDCC, one of the Internets few near daily UFO blogs.) We've picked up two new Clockers as you can see in the sidebar (under leaders) and one of them has a strong interest in one of the `side-shoots' of UFOolgy (like Exo-politics) - which you can see reflected in the headline today.
BTW, here is the definition of the word Hokum:
1. Something apparently impressive or legitimate but actually untrue or insincere; nonsense.
2. A stock technique for eliciting a desired response from an audience.
And, what could be more impressive that getting DIRECT MESSAGES from beyond about HUMANITY? So, today - for Clockers I bring the latest in such regards. First, the June 7th message on this website -
Greetings from the Federation:
Today we speak of the closeness of events which are about to unfold on your planet. If you were to see how many civilizations have sent their representatives to orbit around your planet, you would be convinced at how close things have come. Everyone wants to witness this most unique of events, when a civilization such as yours is given your invitation to become Cosmic Citizens. This seminal event will lead you forward towards Ascension.
The Illuminati have their doubts about Disclosure since they have seen other dates come and go, and have seen our messages to you fall by the wayside, in their minds, from coming to fruition. They do not want to be the first to “cross the line” into Disclosure for many reasons, all selfish in essence. They are truly not convinced that great mercy will befall them if they simply change their attitude towards one of cooperation and openness. We are here to reinforce our previous messages sent directly to those members of the Illuminati that your efforts to disclosure will result in a great deal of mercy when you are brought before the world courts to face justice. We have no intentions of lingering on guilt and punishment. Everyone deserves the same chance at Ascension. Your acts, even this late in the game, will have exponential effects on your judgment later. Trust that this is so and lead the way towards your own salvation.
Many have no doubt felt the quickening pace of time in these last years and months. Everything seems to be speeding up and moving along at every increasing intervals. Now, however, there is a peculiar slowing down occurring as we reach the final stage before full Disclosure. It is like being in an accident, where time slows down all around you as you experience the events of a crash. As you move from pre-Disclosure to Disclosure, from the darkest of the night to the dawn, this phenomenon manifests itself as a natural by product of your reality. Understand it for what it is.
We are shortly to be noticed and you are shortly to become Cosmic Citizens. Welcome home, our friends. We are delighted that we have been able to come this far. Be forever optimistic and your reality will bend around you like our energy fields curve around our ships. We now send you our Love in response to your efforts to send us yours.
Be at peace.
Channeler: Wanderer of the Skyes
UDCC comments - Remember Bloosom Goodchild? ...... Doesn't it always seem to these folks that mans `Ascension' is always only a few moments away? That time is always `accelerating'? That our release from our very being is just moments away? And, that only the Illuminati continue to hold the Cosmic Masters at bay? ............... Or, is it only me who notices that? (Oh, BTW, the above is available in multiple languages at the link.)
Please read the definition of hokum again.
But, UDCC isn't finished yet - how about a different source of the cosmic truth? How about this offering from June 8th
June 8, 2011
It is time to throw yourself fully into your efforts to bring Light to the Earth. There is clearly not far to go now, and you face the most exciting times as duality closes down. It will depend on how you see the end-times taking place, as they bring you to the point of Ascension. There has never been a better opportunity to really rise up into the higher vibrations, and move with the beneficial changes that are occurring. The distractions will still there that could take your focus away from your goal, but know that they will be short lived. Whatever is placed in front of you for the purpose of creating fear and confusion, will have no affect on you unless you empower them. It is no longer possible for anything that Man can do, to prevent the envisaged end of this cycle and Ascension.
Your immediate concern should be about Self by ensuring that you are approaching Ascension in the right way. That does not mean ignoring help to those around you, as indeed it is expected that those who are awakened help to spread the Light. It can be done in many different ways, and the more evolved you are the better equipped you are to be a mentor to your Brothers and Sisters. You are at the hub of all activity and who but you can appreciate what others are experiencing. You are the ones who in all likelihood came to Earth at this special time to offer your love and services to your fellow travelers......
I assure you, that is only a part of the June 8th call to action.
Here we see the code words, vibrations and end-times and duality. A wonderful mix of `science', `religion' and `physics' to all those enlightened in one area but not all areas (after all, they are not in touch with the Cosmic Masters like these folks).
The next site positions itself with these words:
These transmissions are for those advanced multidimensional souls on Gaia who are working within the frequency bandwidths of 13 to 33D. ---
A tease from the above site (1/6th of the post)
Real Action is upcoming, OUR journey through the higher dimensions is at hand, though many are not even aware of the present cycles, YOU ARE. The Opportunity is NOW, as you transition out of the last 6 months of Time, these next moons will be absolutely crucial. Final success is unfolding in duality to mentor other souls BEYOND, serving higher Self as one simultaneously serves Earth. Harmony, Peace, Love...IS. The Earth has transitioned to these next Light portal points to wakeup Those Who Choose, just in time to take back treasure-true inheritance within the New Earth manifestation experience. Legions of souls are helping, many many Light realm collectives are here in divine loving radiance to continue to assist in serving you, as you ask, and as YOU also serve others WHO ASK in form, as you calmly ground the positive love changes on earth. Time speeds up to then dissolve into all these wonderfully perceived creations. Universal One Love will be The Way. All else goes down Kali's drain. Stay away from all sucking energy holes in form lest you go ......
As you can see, more dimensions stuff, LOVE, New Earth, Light...... MOONS.
Sure is a more fun message than the old time Cosmic Masters which used to show Mankind's Destruction, don't you think?
And, you gotta love the references to time speeding up - a mainstay of the MSM's message of our busy lives and the information overload (such as the above messages IMO).
Now, a skeptic of my skeptical position might say - `don't you see how harmonious each of the above messages are?' `don't you believe that Mankind is indeed changing in some manner?' `do you really believe that information can't come from beyond?' `doesn't it FEEL like end-times?'
To which I'd answer YES to all four questions - but - probably with different answers than believed by those `into' the messages from the Galactic Federation of Light (and it's variations).
YES, IMO, it feels like end-times, somewhat - because the financial structure of Earth seems fragile, especially in countries dependent on American Money - (previous crashes of currency when empires collapse have been up to 90% - And, yes, the Banksters, (with the politicians help) may indeed change Humanity via an unplanned crash of the system itself. (Notice, self sustaining tribal folk won't even feel the crash.) --------- And, that is SCARY, which can easily turn folks to seek answers from beyond, - especially answers which promise LOVE and even A `new' Reality.
However, ultimately, it is possible that these `messages' are real in a sense. Other `mankinds' on other worlds, on other Earths, - have certainly seen the collapse of their civilizations. These thoughts/messages are NOT new in all likelihood, and, are probably `part' of the universe of `information' that we live within. And, yes, I believe that `information' (spaces are information IMO) can be `transfered' from outside of the time-cone to within any time-cone - including someones brain.
So, what I am saying is that these `desired' `intentionalities' of humans - can indeed - `produce' almost a daily message like you read above. But, is it real and referring to HUMANS on Earth - or - pure Hokum from beyond?
Your comments are welcome.
UDCC - Connect To The Stars
Pine Top 508-0011 Solar Address Number Night Light, Plastic, Black
Hi Rick There is an old saying "before enlightenment chop wood, after enlightenment chop wood". Whether you attain enlightenment through meditation or not or are swept up in the anticipated changes following the evolution of mankind after disclosure, if that ever occurs, our lifestyles may change but I suspect that we will all still be "chopping wood". My wife and I recently saw some UFOs on a camping trip (no photos)VIC Aust and while they were amazing to witness, it hasn't changed my lifestyle as yet. I'm still chopping!