Hello Clockers, and welcome to those finding UDCC for the first time. Today I felt compelled to bring to you a quote from one of the mainstays of UFO reporting - no not MUFON - but a lesser known but long time man who runs the National UFO Reporting Center - Peter Davenport. Now, I don't claim to know alot about his organization - but - this was a quote from him in a recent newspaper article http://www.tri-cityherald.com/2011/04/13/1448543/kennewick-man-allegedly-sees-ufo.html who took the time to seek him out about a sighting in Washington State (where he is located) - here's the quote:
"My estimate is out of 20,000 Americans who see a genuine UFO -- and this is just my guess -- only one will report it," Davenport said.
Oh my. Where does UDCC begin with this? I guess, first, let's examine the words `genuine UFO'; as I certainly would like to know what is meant by these words. Would that be the solid silver crafts of 30 feet in diameter? Or, the many `lights' going across the sky reports? Or, orbs in the daytime sky? Or what?
Let's see, today, at 12:40 PM - the MUFON latest listing http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/manage_sighting_reports.pl?mode=latest_reports had TEN (10) reports for TODAY - one of which was for an object today, and FIVE (5) reports today - of objects spotted yesterday. A TOTAL of ONE report from today had a video or picture associated with it. Now, if the 20,000 to 1 ratio is to be respected - and if trends hold - today will be @20 reports of which about 10 will be of objects in the skies today or yesterday - and of which - two will have pictures or video.
Do you honestly believe that 40,000 videos of UFOs were taken yesterday? Or, that 200,000 saw UFOs in the last 24 hours but that only TWO of them were able to take a video or picture?
Yeah, it is a REAL EFFORT to sort thru the distortions that exist surrounding UFOs - here, we have a quote that is a pure source of fantasy or disinformation IMO. Now, this is an issue (over esitmates) I went into in Great Length before - such as the famous `14% of the American people have seen a UFO' --- MYTH! http://ufodisclosurecountdownclock.blogspot.com/2008/05/14-myth-about-ufos.html
Finally, as someone who has been literally TRACKING the MUFON reports for some time now - I can tell you that `almost NONE of the reports are about 30 foot wide saucer crafts; and that most reports seem to be describing ORBS (and whatever they are) with the occasional `interesting' report that I often feature in this blog. I also try to feature `trends' such as this one - THE HOVERING OVER HOUSES `UFO' - from today's MUFON page:
Description of UFO:
I was checking my computer, and i noticed a piercing light hovering over some houses 200 feet away. I originally thought it was a plane of sorts, until i went outside and watched it for 2 - 2:30 minutes just hover. As i was watching it started to glide right above me and i could make out a boomerang shape and some smaller colorful lights pulsating and flashing. When it went out of sight i looked at the original spot I saw it hovering and noticed a second object doing the same thing as the first, just without a very bright light. It circled my house as if wanting my attention and then flew away. I know this couldn't of been a plane because of its extremely slow speeds when gliding over my house, and it was close enough to rule out it seeming to be slow. I tried to take a video with my blackberry but i couldn't figure out how to zoom so its a pretty useless video.
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