Good morning Clockers, thanks for the return visit. If you are new to UDCC today via the world's internet search engines - welcome - you have reached a near daily blog about UFOs that you may want to consider exploring today - I'd be honored if you did. If you are new, the sidebar holds many links to previous important posts here at UDCC. (At least what I consider important lol.)
As you can see from today's headlines - and as I implied in my post yesterday - I'm ready to do a mind-excursion into my gut feelings on a phenomena I am going to use the term Spirit Orb to describe. Now, as Clockers know, quite recently I explored some more ideas of mine about Orbs that included a number of possibilities as to what the phenomena might actually BE. Some, or perhaps all of them were not mainstream ideas.
But, as extreme as the above post was, and how it would complicate any UFO `disclosure' in the traditional sense - today's post about a `Spirit Orb' - IMO - is a new and separate distinct phenomena possibility that I haven't touched upon. AND, in all honesty - others who know the bible probably will put this Gut exploration to shame - make sure to read the comments as I'm sure Susan Rennison will have some possible insights (from her understandings) to share (if she reads this post).
For the purposes of this post - the assumption will be that the Jerusalem Orb WAS A SPIRIT ORB.
What would qualify this Orb? --- Well, IMO, perhaps disturbingly to non-religious folks such as myself, THE JERUSALEM ORB was quantitatively and qualitatively DIFFERENT from the `endless Orb' videos I can find on the internet in sites such as YouTube DAILY. ---- DAILY, the orbs I referred to in my first post can be seen in the sky - daytime and nighttime. BUT - NONE - of those have EVER - `DROPPED in such an authoritative intentional controlled manner on video before' - NONE that I've ever seen and I've seen thousands.
That word `NONE' folks is an very important word. It means unique - and that folks isn't easy in this day and age of progressive change where seemingly nearly all possibilities have been explored. And, unique means, SOMETHING makes that ONE phenomena unique. And, could that mean that the Jerusalem Orb had `a special concensus'? A special formulation? A non- ordinary reality?
It could be important - IMO - that the timing of the Jerusalem Orb was NOT ARBITRARY. Let's NOT forget, that the Egypt riots were still at a tipping point with an unclear outcome. A movement of people that indeed may have triggered a outcome potentially much bigger.
Yes, I will sidetrack this one paragraph and say that perhaps the Jerusalem Orb was `human emotion triggered' (HET event)(remember, I made the same speculation before for the NYC event happenning during the Chilean Miner rescue, and I've even said it here before in UDCC when connecting the dots initially). So, with the acknowledgement that it could have been a HET event - back to the idea that the intentionalities didn't lie in the human emotional basket of potential.
Let's now return to `The Spirit In The Sky' Spirit In The Sky -
Anyway, the `Spirit Orb' I refer to could be either a permanent or temporary `BEING'. -- That `being' could be something like the `summation' of what some big concept means to the universe - such as love, or faith, or peace or freedom. I mean that. Literally a SPACE that in this case is represented to our perceptions as a glowing consciousness ball. One capable of literally JOLTING the perceptual understandings of beings who have the ability to comprehend.
And, while I'd be putting words into his mouth to say it - I think the above is pretty close to what LM was trying to describe when he speculates that it would be `perceptions of individuals' that would be impacted. (Obviously, LM takes it much further than that too.) AND, IF this were the case - the absolute unique timing of the Jerusalem Orb - the absolute unique M.O. of this Orb (with not only the controlled descention from a `normal orb' in the sky) including AN ACCENTION -- let alone the `signature ending'. Again unique.
Could that be what a SPIRIT BEING looks like to humans over a 35 second event?
As you can see, I've now crossed over the line. lol. Which allows me to continue with unbridled speculations that might build from the above scenario. lol.
Let's say that the Jerusalem event was a first in a couple thousand years - but - not the very first. You get my drift. Let's indeed tie it into some of the great miracles of ancient times that often cited `beings' (human image) who emerged from `light' - to give priceless human advice of one nature or another. So, what IF the Jerusalem Orb, INSTEAD OF shooting back into the sky - would have come down to the ground and materialized into a human form?
And, let's say that we ONLY had the `evidence' we have now via the videos and photos; (Again, for this purpose, imagine that during that 20 second hovering move - some humanlike figure appeared on the ground to observers - or even - talked with them.) but that the scuttlebutt --- was that a human form had appeared.
What kind of `proof' would you require? Can't you hear the overwhelming roar of those screaming hoax - even if such a video existed of the human form? (And, god forbid if the image wasn't humanlike.) Certainly you don't think that even a legitimate 20 second image would have more value to the MSM than the whole `Project Bluebeam' and that whole crapploa?
Certainly you don't expect the MSM to admit to `SPIRITUAL BEINGS' with a `message' for mankind? Do you? Do you really? A being that only shows up at important junctions of mankind? Oh, pleaaaassssseeeeeeeee.
And, let me remind Clockers that the Jerusalem Orb may very well have not been the first `obvious display' of this `being', as Toronto had that highly suspicious downtown Orb event prior to the Jerusalem Orb. Indeed, to fully flush out the theory - the LACK of MSM awareness of the Toronto Orb - could have `moved' such a `Spirit Orb' to go to a `significant spirit' location - LIKE EXACTLY WHERE IT OCCURRED.
Finally, above I laid out an idea that such a Spirit Orb might be the culmination and cumination of certain ideas or concepts - that physically come together into ONE SPACE for form. But, perhaps that is the interpretation of someone not religious like myself in the traditional sense - something easier for me to conceptualize and deal with. But, indeed, it could be more. Much more. It could be a SPECIFIC BEING.
An ongoing ontological being with a Spiritual phenomenology - and if you don't think that would upset the power structure of politics here on Earth - would you care to buy a bridge I have for sale?
FINAL EVENTS and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife
Spirit Orb Phenomena: Fact or Fiction?
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