The Most Popular Reads Of The Past Year

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Morphing Neighborhood UFO Captured On Film

As I go through my bin - I came across this one with a great description of the UFO motif of the 2010's and EVEN some pictures - ta da. A Ken Pfeifer suggestion:
Red is my emphasis.


I noticed a bright blue aura to the south of me (which would be my left). I could not believe my eyes. I pulled over at a turn lane that goes into a neighborhood.  I am surprised that no one else pulled over.  In great excitement I pulled out my cellphone and tried to record. The quickest thing that came up was to take pictures because I was nervous and excited at the same time. I watched the object for about a minute and snapped three pictures consecutively. This object consisted of three round hazy blue lights in a triangle formation when zoomed in. At this point it changed into a disc like or missile like object with the blue aura surrounding it. When it changed into the disc, it immediately emitted a secondary object above it and at its two o'clock position. As the larger ufo (I guess mothership) moved slowly, it went into an angular direction towards the sky.  While this was happening, the second craft dove down then up in front of the larger ufo at an angle also. They were both now flying in the same angular direction toward the sky. They were both in formation. They moved slowly for awhile then disappeared. I was embarrassed to report this until now because a few months back I reported a sighting that I witnessed in my neighborhood at five am. I decided to share this with MUFON because it is very important and I do believe we are not alone. 


And, the photos:
Photos Courtesy of Ken Pfeifer
ORBS are UFOs - simple as that.
Tomorrow (or Sunday) I will be bringing to Clockers some VERY DEEP thoughts about Orbs that I shared with an Orb Caller who was burned out by the whole process eventually. It's don't miss reading.
I put a new book into the mix above as even the title suggests what I've been saying around here - that Intentions - human or consciousness intentions - matter to the anomalous. Yeah right up the alley of the letter you will read tomorrow.
Need More?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Could The Authorities `Disclose Orbs'?

Okay, readers of this blog know that the USA `disclosed' in late 2011 via a memo by Phil Larson (who's he right?) - that there has NEVER been an interaction between a human and ET's and that the USA is NOT hiding information concerning the same matters. Yes, UFO Disclosure happened and you didn't even know it did you?

But, THAT SAID, I'd like to throw this oddball idea out there for consideration.... what IF the `authorities' eventually decided to acknowledge that `plasma entities' of some sort seem to have occasional temporal basis in different locations including `outer space' and even at near ground level.... and that these `entities' seemingly have `direction and possible intelligence suggestive of life' - but that they are of `unknown origin' and have possible properties of `morphing their own perception projection to humans'. How BOLD would that be?

Would a `truth' such as the above statements and ideas somehow `rock religion' or `cause panic'? 
Don't Miss My Landmark Essay On Entities Being Of FOUR Types - as what you see above is my best guesstimate of the real situation at hand. So what do you think --- could they disclose something as anomalous as I've described?
And in no surprise to me, Eric Wargo - blogger intellectual - found and commented on my best Esoteric post of the year Right Here the other day - he and I are of the opinion that the ETs are in some manner tied to the nukes of the 40's..... I am in no way done with bringing his blogging ideas here either.
You have still a few hours to grab an Amazon discount on my latest E-Book called The Heavy Stuff which is regularly 4.99.
Since I talk about `Plasma Orbs' around here - and we certainly have many MUFON reports about `bright orbs' traveling right by or over people - I thought you'd like to see something similar..... indeed, why is it we don't have great orb videos such as this? Just sayin..... (of course there are a few great orb videos IMO): - over 3 million views.
Other content that is mine:
My apologies to my MailChimp Mailing list participants about that screwed up mailing the other day ... I hope for better next time.
all of my books can be borrowed for free if you are an amazon prime member

Monday, November 4, 2013

Shawn Parry - Orb Caller - Orb Videographer - October 15th 2013 - Orb Splits Into Two

As readers of this blog know.... I have been saying all along that the real UFOs in our collective skies are the anomalous Orb activity that seems to be associated with certain locations OR specific human awareness(es)/consciousness (ie:a person).This dudes Oct. 15th video.. in which he talks about the Orb process (he knows this one will be splitting) is one of over 300 of a similar nature. Here's his YouTube Account - and the video below has all of 42, yes Forty-Two views as of this posting. That is the absurd level of interest in the possibly true anomalous in our collective skies. Anyway, here's the video:
As you can hear in the video... he talks about how these Orbs can change and morph as the experience comes to a closer location. Shawn, like other callers we've featured here at UDCC - thinks these UFO/Orbs are quite close to his location in reality... just teasingly over the next hill type of location. This video is one of those gems that yesterdays post `kicked up'.
I want to thank those that purchased my most reviewed book yesterday (love those Sunday shoppers) below:
4 stars - 2.99

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Escalating Orb Displays - Multiple Locations - What's Going On?

Okay, let me trace this one out just a bit. As readers of this blog know - I've positioned for quite sometime the Orb phenomena - including focusing on `callers', `videographers' and `recurring orbs (one location)' and `structured orbs' - which is the newest development in the last 20 months or so: - what is often referred to as a `UFO wave' if it makes it to the so-called mainstream media.

Again, as readers of this blog know - I've identified almost a `motif' these Orbs follow when the encounter takes a turn for the `immediate and present' - based on the location of the observer. This has been generating incredible perceptions that I call the `Neighborhood UFO Phenomena' (NUP) - a localized `display' of visual/virtual space that almost always is the morphing or transformation of the `light in the sky Orb' BECOMING something else as it approaches.. Almost always slowly to hovering and almost always SILENT.... as if the `scene' has an unnatural or unreal quality to it. These NUPs then drift out of the line of sight.... what are often described as HUGE and impossibly low..... and yet they are NEVER reported `downstream' if you will (well almost never... the Phoenix Lights come to mind).... seemingly making the experience itself be drawn into question for its reality structure IMO.

Now it seems that perhaps part of this experience is being caught by more and more folks - as the close up groundbased daytime Orbs (such as the Feather Orb of San Antonio) is increasing perhaps (One was filmed in the Canary Islands this year too) - as is the `catching' of the Orb phenomena putting on a show - whether it is `splitting' into multiple Orbs (even on command perhaps) - shooting beams - recurring nightly - having structure - SOMETHING seems to be edging into real fringe territory for human consciousness to be able to photograph perhaps. (All those cameras `going dead' at the imperfect moment, which still is highly reported, is easing up a bit.)

Or, is it simply the jokesters and hoaxters who now are able to rig up sophisticated light displays with balloons and such and THAT is what is being caught on film and identified as `alien'? Indeed, if the jokester does it nightly and someone who is close by but doesn't know the source.... a person could think that they themselves are `producing' this Orb show... that THEY are the ones in contact with something.... I'm not saying this is the case but certainly some folks who DO live close to callers might think this too.

And, on repeated occasions I've went through the list of reasons why various forms of release of Orb content is suspect -  as are the type of accounts, and the verbiage within. I will not do that again... simply always be suspicious of most circumstances of `over the topness'. All that said, today's headline should not be taken lightly as I have found a STREAM of STRANGE ORB videos and stories on YouTube - and NOT at gathering sites (although one name strikes of that). And all recently - it's hard to know where to begin first and I cringe at slowing down this website to embed more than one of them but - just hang in there for the load as it will be worth it. (I may even allow only one post as a default for loading instead of my usual 2 or 3.)
Want More Writing Like This? My Newest Kindle Book Was Released On Thursday - Check It Out - 2.99
I'm going to begin all this with where I encountered it - at a smoltzy sounding YouTube account `research4truth12' (often bad, seldom good) with this ONE video (sometimes good sometimes bad) - of which the guy gives a great write up and great close ups of an extremely short video for what it is purported to be - a close encounter. What is of interest... again with the caveat that hoaxers abound... is how much it looks again like the structured Orbs that are indeed being seen more and more seemingly.

But, this guy is articulate and a good storyteller - enjoy and then I will continue.... Over 67K views and with a 5-1 positive to negative ratio of public opinion - YT link for Port Huron Michigan Orb/UFO: (The video is a bit confusing in that it BEGINS with the close ups and then goes into a `Blair Witch' Real mode - the `explanation' clears it up a bit.)
His YouTube `About' (this video)
This is what happened on the night of Oct 27, 2013...

I live in a rural part of Michigan and the closest major city is Port Huron. I saw a very strange object up in the sky near my home. So, I jumped in my vehicle and followed it down a public dirt road. Then it suddenly turned so I ended up turning onto a private unmarked road which is probably used for farm equipment to tend to the adjacent field crop. 

At that point, I was running out of road to go any further. So, I got out of vehicle to take a better view of it. Then, suddenly, the object started moving towards me. It startled me so I ran like hell for a little bit. It was making a very strange low swirling, please try and turn up your speaker volume to hear it better.

Once I moved a distance back, I zoomed out the camera a bit more and noticed the object was hovering directly over my vehicle. Then it started to lower itself as it slowly rotated directly over my roof! At that point, it appeared to be shining a very bright green beam over it. Then suddenly, it shot straight up into the sky and the swirling sound disappeared at the exact time it vanished. This was a very eerie experience and even my hair was standing on end through the entire time and felt as if there was highly dense static electricity in the air!

What the heck do you think this is people?? This thing scared the bejesus out of me!


For the debunkers that come on here and type "FAKE" without doing any in-depth analysis or proof of evidence that it's a fake just tells me that they're prejudging the video before even watching it. 

Also, if they were sitting in my shoes at that time and experienced what I saw, they wouldn't be saying fake either. The video doesn't do this sighting any justice as the light intensity and the sound that came from the object was intense. Even my hair was standing on end at the time.


For me, the trail then begins with `Bob's' first referred video at YT - to this one of a similar nature - It's titled `UFO Orb Sighting 2nd Appearance' - this one is VERY similar to the one I put on UDCC the other day from Shelby Township in Michigan (who btw I heard from and he has more in the comments below the post I did about Shelby Township last week) ... simply a low Orb moving around and pulsing.. this one is supposedly from a Security Cam (sometimes good - but remember my recent post about folks, hoaxers, messing with such video cards - just a reminder) 
jcattera YT - Oct. 12th Orb/UFO Security Cam 67K views too, 7-1 positive to negative ratio of opinion - and it's a persuasive video IMO. I like how the exit of straight up is available. This Was The 1st Video - October 2nd and 13 minutes - same pulsating Orb
Oh, if you want to be a bit suspicious about the above - here's JCattera's YouTube Channel - ALL UFO videos and a gap between those and now the `Original' content.... after a 5 month haitus.... hmmm. Now, all this aside.. the commentors on this video make mention of seeing BEINGS at two points in the video for a few moments - like they are beaming up. I personally didn't see it and didn't go back after reading all the comments - hundreds of comments. Also interesing in the comments is the appearance of Whitney Strieber offering his services and this guy REFUSING to do it.
But, on JCattera's channel at the link to the 2nd Orb video are a number of comments that lead one elsewhere -- to others filming Orb UFO's:
I mean, could this REALLY be NASA tracking Meteors?
440 views - Septemeber Upload - 2 video account (but puts MUSIC to it?) you can read in his `about' that he found reference that this was NASA in the mainstream media - cover up?

That's quite a bit to chew on already and I bet I bookmarked 3 or 4 other oddities in the arena. ..... HEY, how about sharing this post on your Facebook Account or Twitter? Or, are you scared to show your interest?
Further Readings
Books Make Great Gifts
And One More

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Mind Control Takes Away Passion (MUFON Reports)

As you can assume, many reports seem to be hoaxes or jokes at MUFON simply to see if they can get a rise in someone... or... some are attempts are writing something scary or anomalous... and some... seem simply crazy.... not sure where this one from California fits in:
there here in the foot hills and deeper into the mountains of ojai calif 93023 there has to be some way to report themojai ca 93023
4 and a half years studdying the ufos in and around ojai. they are still up there in way more abundence of what they are. i dont even have to serch hard for them they are everyware. for some reason everyone lost there pashion for them but not me , my pashion runs deep. about a month ago i got hit by something in the nigjht were i lost my thought my pashion my some kind of artafishal telepathy weapon and alot of other people have been hit by the same weapon. its realy scary and there is no defence against it. and i know who is useing it on myself and others and i know why.those people that know about ufos or that are doing wrong in the eyes of the people that are useing the weapons and that is so wrong cause it takes away peoples pashion
I can feel my passion waning... how about you?
Seems that perhaps not ALL governments are shutting up UFO investigations - as Peru Has Announced A RE-Opening Of Investigations.... hmm. Makes you wonder if Bigelow found something out.
One of the legendary stories in UFOlogy is that the great comedian Jackie Gleason was allowed to see alien bodies on an Air Force Base.... the story was re-told by his once wife a number of times too -- here's a good flow to the whole Timeline. Worthy of a few minutes on a Saturday.
Got some great Orb stuff tomorrow - Don't miss it.

Friday, November 1, 2013

What Do You Think The Aliens Are Up To?

In the last 24 hours I received another mailing from NJ MUFON investigator Ken Pfeifer of him being interviewed by a mind oriented internet magazine called Viewzone - which if you check it out has a lot of interest to science/paranormal readers of the UDCC. Indeed, Ken is asked a number of questions and the headline is one that he answers... including another question being the BEST case he has investigated - It's This One He Says.

The case involved a guy who saw one of the proverbial close Triangle crafts in extreme detail directly above him - all the normal Neighborhood UFO characteristics Clockers are now familiar with are in his close encounter.... but, this guy was very articulate and was a great observer. Oh, if you didn't read the above link... he saw beings inside this Triangle... he drew the picture you see below:
Then, less than a year later the craft supposedly came back and this time (2007) the guy was ready with camera in hand and took what you see below:

And then this picture as it got closer:

Here's a close up blowup I assume:
Now, I'm immediately struck by at least two things - the `same craft returning' IMO - LOOKS NOTHING AT ALL LIKE THE DRAWING OF THE FIRST PERCEPTION BY THE WITNESS. So, the question becomes - IF it is indeed the same... WHY then does it look DIFFERENTLY? This is of course the same thing that many Kansas City area residents said about the recurring UFO there too - the pictures looked nothing like the objects they were seeing with their eyes. Or, is it that THIS is what it really looks like - and that the PERCEPTION was simply a `creation' that was presented for the eyes to perceive.

BUT, what really struck me about the 2007 photo was HOW SIMILAR IT LOOKED TO the 2011 KENTUCKY VIRGIE UFO that Google claimed was their `loon' - Loony To Believe Google? Remember? The Virgie UFO picture is below:
The strange unidentified aerial object over Kentucky. (Credit: Allen Epling)
or this one from 2008

Or, even the Kansas City area UFO:
But, back to the answer that KP provided to the interviewers question as to what he thinks that aliens are up to here on Earth - KP's answer:
Ken:“Personally I think the Aliens are investigating our Earth for a possible place to live or for our resources. Even though we are a very unique planet, I feel there are thousands and possibly millions of planets just like ours are spread throughout the universe. The aliens must of found some way of reaching far destinations in a short time.I also feel our earth has been here for billions of years and we are only one of a thousand different civilizations that have come and gone over the centuries. The big question is, when will it be our turn to disappear?  December 2012 could be the date but I really do not think so. We will still be here, killing our brother and slowly destroying this beautiful planet.
My Response To Ken And The Same Question
IMO, only one of the four possible types of `entities' `visiting Earth' are phenomenological biological aliens (PBA) - and that the other three if not the PBA's themselves are very involved in `presenting their impressions of what their space looks like' to the human consciousness. 
IMO, since the science shows that their may be 4.5 BILLION `Earths' In Habitable Zones In JUST The Milky Way - the idea that the aliens are scooping out our planet to `live here' - IMO, is simply not the case... it's not `millions spread throughout the universe - it's multi-BILLIONS in our Milky Way. (A HUGE difference in factoring or perception.) I also HUGELY doubt that `1,000's' of civilizations have come and gone on Earth over the millennium. Now that said, it would NOT surprise me in any way that `man' has indeed arisen before in the last 65 million years. I also am not in the cum-by-ya mode of mankind is somehow descending into some more evil state than previously or that our planet is on any verge of catastrophe based on pollution. But, that's just me - I feel it is all in a balance that is hard to displace into other balances - with the only out of control thing being the CO2 increase. (Only tangential to pollution in the way I look at the world.)
So, with my views stated above - if I were answering the question what do I think the PBA's are doing here - my answer would be that I believe that the PBA's are extremely limited in numbers - and may be more machine-biological hybrid than anything else. Smart... but in an extremely detached manner in comparison to humans.... and most likely studying our `progress' or lack thereof..... with more probable concern about the Planets welfare than ours. (or our warfare - except for the nukes IMO).
Real UFO Blogging
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Thursday, October 31, 2013

NEW UFO Book`UFOs `What If' 2008-2009'

2.99 - 64 Pages
Good Morning Clockers - your visit today is much appreciated. I've put together a new book as you can see from the book cover above - it consists of 21 great essays that were once part of this blog (they have been removed for some time already as I put this book together). The book closely follows (via the `Clock update summary') what was happening in those heady UFO times of the Exo-Politics crowd push for UFO Disclosure.

Yes, this is the book that covers the probable FAKE `secret UFO meetings at the UN' - that were so promoted by the internet. Yes, this is the book that covers the crazy prediction of aliens in the skies on Oct. 14th, 2008 seen by a psychic over Alabama for three days - in the very midst of the fall economic crisis in the USA. And yes, this is the book with the insanely popular post `What If It's All True' (the first post in the book) and its namesake..... oh, and don't forget the INCLUSION of the `answers' by an alien contactee to a series of questions about the ETs.

Please click the book cover above and go and read a sample of the book - you will be able to see the chapter titles and a bit more too. This book also does have some FRESH writing too and includes background to some of the UFOlogy and some additional analysis with the advantage of hindsight. I thank you for checking it out this Halloween day --- and indeed - bits of it are a bit scary too......
your support of independent blogging is appreciated

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

New Book - Tomorrow

Today's UFO blogging time has been preempted by my publishing of my latest UFO book based entirely on previous posts you used to be able to read for free here at UDCC. More on all this tomorrow; your readership is appreciated. Oh, the books name is...................... `UFOs `What If' - 2008-2009' ..... catchy, right?

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

An OMG Orb Video From Shelby Township Michigan On 10-27-13 (Latest MUFON Reports)

I had already written up one of the MUFON reports today as the `lead' story... that will have to wait as then I dug further into today's reports and found this rare gem of a video (at 40X magnification) taken this week in Shelby Township Michigan. It's of an Orb that the videographer says is frequently seen by himself in different versions of color play. I think your reaction may be similar to mine when you watch this FIVE Minute video - what the H?.... Now, could it be something NOT nefarious or anomalous... of course it could.... but, this one is of interest. This is the short Report That These Are Seen Frequently.
I wish the person would have spoken a bit with their impressions and comparisons to seeing the object before; and, I wish they would have changed their physical location one more time for a better view as the light approached the ground-horizon. And, it would have been nice to have a fuller description of how long the orb phenomena has been going on and other details.
A couple of you have found my book about Shaman Lujan Matus in the last two days and purchased it - thanks.
2.99, 4 Stars
currently (7AM) TOP 50 Worldwide For UFO's

Monday, October 28, 2013

Albuquerque UFO/Light (Pictures) - Last Night - MUFON Reports

Good morning Clockers. From what the articulate Report indicates it was around 8 PM last night.... the person got a number of `light' shots... but the one below was the most distinctive:

Heck Of An Enlargement Too
Again... the light according to the report was so bright.. it would be surprising if this is the only report IMO.
July 4th 2013 - Lake Stevens Red Flashing `UFO' Video

It doesn't look like much to me... short video.. recorder is pretty surprised but could be anything from a Robocopter (somewhat unlikely) to simply a LED light attached to a balloon. I don't think this is one of the `real anomalous' of firecracker fame.

Recurring 3 Month UFO/Orb In Fredricksburg Texas Caught on Camera 10/25

This Picture, again from Fredricksburg, indicates an Orb/UFO VERY similar to the famous Dean Clark orb calling events:

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Moon Plasma Field?

As Clockers know, ... within the past year or so (2012) I brought to your attention some Moon photos that Ken Pfeifer had uncovered that suggested... at the very least... structures on the moon. UDCC has also brought to your attention the amazing images that might suggest that one of the moons of Saturn has `plasma' orbs near its surface - (see picture below)
So, now what I've come across are these weird pictures of the Moon, ... yes our Moon.... with something at least similar IMO: (supposed original)
So, here's the full analysis of the above picture at the source site - plasma (life?) Is UDCC the only blog tying all this phenomena together?
How about a non-MUFON UFO account... this one given at Reddit about `lights' that seemed to always be around some folks and that even seem to Follow Humans ... prom...pting 36 other comments and some other experiences. IF you enjoy Reddit... some of you I do a version of it tied to my `Sub-Reddits' Here... so IF you like politics and a strong male libertarian point of view... check it out too.
And, I've referred to this link before but I don't believe run it as a video.... it's a MSM report from our friends in Canada about the UFO report count for 2012 - THE MOST EVER, and nearly double the record - and in the background of the TV station video as they do the report is a series of UFO clips.... Clockers will like this (I especially like the Orb/Airplane thing): 8K views, 11-1 positive to negative ratio of opinion. Direct YouTube Link (Gathering site but doesn't matter as MSM is legit)
Giggling seemed avoided overall....
BTW, UDCC is well on the way to it's goal of 80 private readers of this blog. When UDCC goes private.. will you be on the private listing? You can join the mailing listing (which I do through Mail Chimp) And Be An Insider Too.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Noömass Hypothesis: Is Dark Matter Made of Knowledge? (Eric Wargo)

If I am any judge of the intellect of my audience... and I'm speaking of the Clockers out there (repeat users of this website).. then I'm sure you have been enjoying the newer writings of Eric Wargo at his blog called Nightshirt. Indeed, I'm sure many of you have dug down into Eric's blog and found the gem... the very next one down from yesterday's post.

Eric's logic ... again... overlaps what I have also been saying about the phenomenology and indeed with the anomalous. Indeed, my simplest manner in explaining my Phillips Phenomenology is that `space' is defined by the `information' within it.... I think you will see the parallels that Eric's mind is following. Th
at said... lets look at just a few of his kernels of useful thinking about the BIG picture.

First.. here's his post directly and as you can see the FIRST thing that Eric does and what I `argued' with Joe Capp the other day is that `aliens' are to be thought of as `multiple types' --- entities is a far better word for the general encounter with the anomalous IMO. Eric say's it like this..:
Yet if we confine interstellar “expansion” to the expansion of the noösphere, the enlargement of knowledge of the cosmos, then a more realistic picture emerges, one that conforms not at all badly to the long history of human interaction with seemingly nonhuman technology (leaving aside humanoid visitors—I’m referring mainly to orbs, spheres, and other technologies that don’t seem like they have little pilots inside).

And, as Clockers know... I stress as often as I can that orbs are the real UFO's.

Folks, Eric is just starting to up his thinking in this post as he next ... again... goes on to point out a paper that shows that `PROBES' unmanned space science essentially ... have been shown mathematically (in July 2013) to have been able to `investigate' the entire Milky Way with below speed of light platforms that are FLUNG around stars to gain momentum to go ELSEWHERE in the universe... so, as I've said and Eric and the logic concludes that PROBES are simply HERE in some manner or have the mathematical probability of being here. (I'd still say this is a bit optimistic - as IMO, slinging probes around stars over and over, to gain speed, is a bit iffy.) Anyway... that probe link from Eric's post is Why Self Replicating Probes Could be Abundant.
And his post is just beginning to lay it out.... he then gets into the noosphere thinking and as Clockers know.. I have a book about that, well actually two that touch on it:

                          99 CENTS                          1.99
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UDCC Bringing you REAL thinkers about Esoteric Thought.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Thinking About UFO's

As I indicated yesterday - one of the bloggers I most enjoy reading.... who has been absent from the intellectual scene for since 2011... has returned for at least a series of posts. Yesterday I brought your attention to the extensive post he did that reasoned out WHY alien E.T.'s may look remarkably humanoid. And, today I bring to light a few more of his latest postings.

In this one he speculates that UFO's may be as interested in the planets animal life as much as the humans -- which we make the assumption they are here to visit. In The Post he references a drone used in a woods and the reaction of a Moose. Cool stuff...... (don't miss in this post his reference to UFO's being science gathering experiments) .... Then, last week his post was called Does A Flying Saucer Have Buddha Nature?..... yeah, this stuff is not for lightweights. I've included a bit of his post below:
For Vallee, the absurd and even ridiculous “meta-logical” quality of messages and scenarios reported in the close encounter literature suggest UFOs are a kind of “control system” that is manipulating our consciousness and history—either deceiving us or trying to elevate us or some mix of both. I’ve always liked this idea of treating UFO reports, and our own UFO experiences, as koans (and I think, whatever “their” intent, just following the remarkable chains of thought inspired by UFOs, or the paranormal in general, can be a gnosis,
And then:
I think it may be necessary to go through this “nuts and bolts” phase—thinking about where UFOs come from, their propulsion systems, government coverups, etc., producing all our clever, logical speculations—in order to wash out our own minds. Once we do that, the pointlessness of our conceptual thinking may finally hit us and we will finally be able to just quietly, smile, and nod, like the disciple Kashyapa when the Buddha wordlessly held a flower up—the origin of the Mind transmission that eventually became Zen.
As Clockers know - my beliefs include multiple types of `aliens' or `entities' and certainly some of them are tied into the human consciousness cortex. IMO.
I'm probably not done with Wargo yet.
Yesterday I also found some good historical stuff about UFO's... just preceding our own era of UFO's.
The Ghost Rockets Of Sweden In 1946 - it's a Wikipedia link and very interesting. Documents released in 1997 indicated the USA was thinking `extraterrestrial' even then.
Thanks for your readership again today - dig into the sidebar for MUCH more content.
IF you have 15 minutes... why not listen to one of my Podcasts?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Nightshirt - Eric Wargo Returns

I mentioned yesterday that I'd run across some posts that I'd like to comment upon... and actually all but yesterday's post by Joe Capp .... that I wanted to comment upon was written by a returning blogger of some strong thought level who's thinking has been missed - Eric Wargo. Indeed, I will probably feature a few of his thoughts about the whole of UFOlogy over the next few posts. The first I will comment upon he just put up today - and it's about the reasons why in the full universe that `aliens' may very well look - `humanoid'.

Dig His Logic And Extremely Thought Out Positions by clicking and reading his articulate link as sample of which is below:
There is the important, often-heard argument that in our attempts to think about extraterrestrials and extraterrestrial intelligence we should not be anthropocentric—that aliens will be alien, maybe so alien that we have already encountered them and cannot even recognize that fact. This is one of the arguments against the extraterrestrial hypothesis for UFO encounters—that our visitors are universally humanoid in appearance, and thus surely originate somewhere (or somewhen) more local—like another dimension, or our own future, or the collective unconscious.
Indeed, my comment today is that it's hard to argue with Eric or Star Trek perhaps - I'd add that it probably takes also a specific population level (to have enough `people' in roles to fulfill an outcome of sophistication) to produce the abilities of being space faring beings - whatever that throws into the logic mix.
Thanks for your readership.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

UFOs: "The Times Are a Changing" (Joe Capp) - And, My Viewpoint!

Hello Clockers. In the last couple days I've run across a couple `UFO' or esoteric posts on other websites that I'd like to bring to your attention and to respond to..... the first is from Joe Capp and his blog `UFO Media Matters' .... and indeed it (MSM) does matter as Clockers know. Anyway, I link directly to Joe's UFO blog but this post is on top and dated Oct. 1st.... as I said, I'd like to comment on particular points that Joe makes (btw, Joe and I are BOTH witnesses to what appear to be similar UFO's but many years apart - mine in 1991 as an adult, Joe's was as a teen I believe).

His statement:
Well people, if  UFOs are not spaceships from other planets that means  to me Star Travel has never been achieved - Period!

My statement:
Total overstatement for a variety of reasons. One, the `entities' that are anomalous and observed may be of multiple types - some of which can be related to human consciousness. Indeed, most if not nearly all `spaceships' IMO are not `Star Travel' related.
His Statement:
Fermi's Paradox says :"if there is other intelligent life where are they?"

What could the answer be?; They are not as technological? They are very far away? We are alone in the universe? There is no way to get to other stars?

The universe is ten billion years older than our star. Some of the stars around us are billions of years older than our sun.  Now they have discovered hundreds of planets around these stars. So where are they?

My Statement:
If the observations of our science experiments and theories are correct - the `sun' is closer to 9 billions after the BB - and what really matters in all this are `second generation' stars which can form the seeds of life -- they are less old of course... but... thinking this further... the EARTH has only had a SOLID surface for a smaller fraction since the big bang etc etc... there is plenty of reason to think that unless the probes are plentiful and everywhere that they aren't focused on our planet or WEREN"T until our own radiowaves. MY Calculations show that there may be only 200 advanced (radio level or more) civilizations of radio level or more in a concurrent fashion in the Milky Way (our galaxy 120,000 light years in length) -- that means that we are indeed VERY spread out most likely and that unless travel can be done beyond the speed of light... is very likely to only be done by non biological entities/crafts. 

So, like us -- who can't get to there --- and only 200 similar civilizations exist - who may only have a few that COULD get to here EVEN below the speed of light -- the answers to Joe's questions are.... only a few are even as technological... yes they are FAR AWAY in every sense of the word.. it means nothing as far as being alone and finally .... it may indeed be impossible to move biological beings beyond the speed of light.

His Statement:
The answer, in my book is: everywhere you look! 

It seems they have been here for some time. They don't seem to want us to get to know them. The scary part is they seem to interact with us in private most of the time. What would keep a intelligent species here and not communicate.

My Statement: Everywhere?...... And, Joe, IMO there are at least the possibility of FOUR distinct type of `entities' that are of an anomalous nature..... and to the point you are about to make.... Communicate with whom?

His Statement:
One of the answers may be the history of the human species. We rarely keep our contracts or promises. We have almost wipe out hundreds of species off the planet. We go to war at a drop of a hat. Our scientist have egos compared to rock stars. And people are afraid. The next time you go to You Tube or read a blog with comments. Notice the vicious attacks on anything UFO. It is relentless and violent name calling at best and or sexist and raciest at it's worst.  The only time that humans attack like this verbally and with no regard for discourse is fear. The fear that this  be true.

My Statement: I don't see quite the attacks except perhaps at UFO subreddit - but there are probably others.....(perhaps conspiracy sites which I rarely go to)  I don't ascribe the attacks so much as fear as simply being `played out with the antics and beliefs of UFOlogists' ----- they are a SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE folks... not looking at what may occur within anomalous phenomenologies.

His Statement:
The fear of the past becomes the investigations of the future. (Joe has a Dr. Michio Kaku video with the caption `Do You Believe - oh please') After all these years they are taking notice. 
Finally it's up to us in the UFO Community to take the higher ground. We will never reach the fear but we can reach those who can see mature behavior. As you just heard the "Times they are a changing" and the next few years should be astonishing. 
Joseph Capp
UFO Media Matters
Non-Commercial Blog

My Final Statement:
Personally, I'd be astonished IF there was ANY change about the idea of aliens on Earth in the next few years... ESPECIALLY WITH THE `2011 USA DISCLOSURE' - ANY change.... That said, there is a BIT of movement about the idea of Orb Entities that is cool... IMO. To me, having a broader idea of `spacecraft' even to those who have seen them,.... like Joe and I is important. Neither of us have any idea if the crafts we saw were human based or not. I also do not place faith in the `speakers of science' such as Kaku to convince someone of something with no concrete evidence,..... yet.
Rick Phillips
Commercial blog
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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition

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