And, as Clockers know, I generally try to bring a mix of those reports to UDCC (while now starting to focus more of those `decades old' reports at my `other UFO blog') including any videos that MUFON has that are of any real value; which as Clockers know are exceedingly rare. Nonetheless, nearly daily I look for such material for my readers - so that your curiosity about these matters is satisfied without YOU having to sift through the morass.
And, as Clockers know, UDCC used to frequently use YouTube ~UFO~ videos, but, as readers know --- those videos have largely become useless in many regards on a day to day basis. You see, as UDCC has been reporting and indeed about the ONLY UFO website to report ---- they are now useless due to `gathering sites' which routinely mix total CGI videos into the mix. These videos are then being `picked up' by the MSM of `anomalies' such as Huffington Post and the few truly traffic'd UFO websites. (Promoting almost clearly false videos with NO attribution nearly always.)
Makes for a very slippery slope as, of course, MUFON reports are highly suspect too. IMO. That said, the vast majority of MUFON reports IMO are what I call of `real UFO perceptions' - and I like to look for the similarities and differences in the reports in a aggregate manner. And, obviously, I try to pick the `best' most articulate reports to feature - when possible - as some reports are so atrocious in grammar and spelling as to be near parody's of themselves (and of course a few of each type, articulate and atrocious are FAKE and don't even represent someones perceptions of an event).
And, on occasion I will be fussing with my formatting of how I approach the LMR's for readers. Today for example and perhaps the start of a pattern - will be a `quick focus' on what happened and was reported WITHIN the last calendar day. So, with that in mind FIRST: These reports were of events on 5/8 or 5/7 - Today or Yesterday:
5/7 - Norman Oklahoma, 1000 feet in air, Boomerang Shaped Object With Lights on Wings - With NO Sound Quick read.
5/7 - Roann Indiana, On-going `Portal' in the sky at Same Location In The Sky....... And unlike most videos that are presented - and while this one takes just a BIT of imagination, perhaps, -- IMO -- this video indeed does show a somewhat strange Square Space Within A Cloud. Hmmm.
5/7 - Coon Rapids Minnesota, FOUR White Cylinder UFO's With Black Bands - traveling same path several minutes apart.... size of airliner fuselage ... multiple witnesses... I couldn't really get either of his two videos to play but maybe you'll have better Luck with this one.
5/7 - Waterlief Michigan, Multiple, Recurring, Hovering Orbs Scare Family - claims to have moving Orbs near ground on video,... wants help via MUFON.
5/7 - Texarkana Texas, Moving Strange Light In Sky observed by husband, wife for five minutes. Amusing description of husband by wife (who submitted the report).
Five `anomalous' perceptions reported nearly immediately in one day in a country with a population of over 300 million. To put things into perspective.
That said, there was some stuff that caused excitement that had a delay in the reporting - including a structured Orb Line or two in pictures: Like this one from Saint Albans, Vermont on 5/6. Slow moving silent lighted object for one minute - multiple witnesses, pictures and even a short Video in which the video guy says he can slightly hear it.
The video is less than persuasive and indeed this could be anything from LED's on a kite to a RC possibly. (just like the last 5/7 report IMO).
Lastly, a report on 5/6 from that UFO hotbed San Antonio where the submitter of this report goes to great length to suggest that it might be military in the area - the LOTS of military in the area. See link for list of military in the SA area.
Anyone else giving YOU an analysis of the daily gig at MUFON - a real analysis? ------------- How about a share of today's post (and the UFO PICTURE) onto your Facebook page? Much appreciated.
On days that UDCC is private - beginning soon - to have continued access you will need to have your name on the `private list'. Everyone is invited to provide me an E-Mail address for this upcoming transition. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP onto my MailChimp listing. It's FREE and takes 10 seconds.