Good morning Clockers, and welcome newbies to UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock) - you arrived on a very good day for an entertaining read about just how anomalous the whole UFO saga really is. IF you are just catching up on this newest UFO Disclosure incident, (potentially), get ready to be blown away by what seemingly happened a week ago in the Kansas City Missouri area, - an event most often seen in the Lee's Summit area near interstate traffic.
But, I get ahead of myself in this review.
And, actually, as reported on UDCC a few days ago - unusual `craft' incidents have been going on in the Lee's Summit area for at least a few months - with a TV report in July and other independent citizen UFO videos too in July on YouTube. (Just dig into the UDCC coverage below on this blog for that info as I have covered this story now the last four posts.) And, as exclusively reported in UDCC - the manager of the Lee's Summit Airport indicated that citizens have been calling for WEEKS about things in the sky - both at dusk and around 1:30 in the morning.
So, SOMETHING has been going on in the skies, in and around the Kansas City area - the Heartland of America. In Missouri - THE SHOW ME STATE. With the big SHOW TIME event on 10-4! (Have we got the message, the transmission?) And, all of it seemingly fitting into the general progression of possible `blatent' displays of UFO's in 2010-2011.
But, as I mentioned, something has been `building up' to actualization level in the Lee's Summit Area for sometime. There are specific indications that the 10-4 event began at least the day before in a sense. What I've done below is what I've worked on for several hours in an attempt to clarify, as best I can with scant data, - a timeline and attributes of the event. And, to provide some on-going analysis related to such.
The first thing to say is that MULTIPLE PEOPLE claim to have seen something anomalous in the skies on MULTIPLE DAYS. This is EXTREMELY rare in the UFO saga and seemingly only happens to the very rare `UFO/Orb callers' that UDCC reports about on occasion. Nonetheless, MORE than one report of the handful I examined off of the MUFON database had the multi-day experience.
And, while this COULD suggest that various individuals are or were being targeted - it could also be nothing more than the result of the EVENT happening in the local area and congruent with these folks schedules. (Let's believe the later to keep from slipping too far into the rabbit hole.)
Indeed, on 10/3, - at least THREE reports exist. On 10-3 two reports is of a UFO, very low, with flashing lights - and one report had the UFO `hovering over houses' ----- and a separate report mentioned the LARGE size of that particular UFO (seen at 7:50 on 10/3). And, at 8-9PM a couple in a car (most of these reports are by car riders) reported a UFO `very low', 7-8 lights, blueish-white lights on the bottom, sped away and CAME BACK OVER THE CAR.
Then came the big day.
In my notes I have about 12 MUFON reports and 1 UDCC report for 10-4 - so that you have an idea of the level of these attributes reported. And, many of the `attributes' stand out as `defining' what made the sightings say UFO, I will review those shortly. (That said, a couple didn't perhaps.)
UFO Attributes:
Each in `parenthesis' is a different report.
HOVERING or Floating Slowly - `extremely slow' `floating or hovering' `hovering' `very slow' `slow moving' `moved slow' `hovering' `floating' `hovering' `hovered' `without much speed'
Yes, 11 of the reports specifically mentioned the lack of motion speed and another I didn't list is of the `dropped down over them' nature, which would also indicate a hovering, - but, I will be treating that attribute separately.
HUGENESS - `extremely large' `very large' `huge' `very large' `enormous-size of a football field' `huge giant' `huge' `size of large cargo plane'
Eight specifically mention the size of the object, a few observers mentioned being a mile or two away - perhaps limiting that notion.
BRIGHT (BANKS OF) LIGHTS as part of craft - `bright lights' `12 or more lights' `orange not blinking lights' (not all colors will be noted in this listing) `multiple lights' (I will also not be noting where on the craft lights were seen as some were on the top, bottom, and sides.) `red and blue lights' `bright rows of lights' `beaming bright lights' `very bright lights' `green and white lights' `line of lights' `lots of lights'
Yep, at least 11 reported them on the craft and all over the craft. Some reported the lights to be blinking in a NONrandom pattern and at least one man tried to communicate with the object - RESULTING IN IT VANISHING.
ELECTRONIC Malfunction - `Sunroof wouldn't open' `Picture Wasn't of Object I observed'
V Shaped - Triangle Shaped - `V' shaped over Longview Lake' `Triangle Shaped Object & Triangle WITHIN The Triangle' `V shaped craft' `Triangle'
Note that a few witnesses didn't know the shape until they were UNDER it, and the outside shape to many, without this underneath perspective, was somewhat varied as you will see below too. Still, it's a bit surprising that only about 4 specifically mentioned this shape.
Saw Craft Separate/Saw Craft Reform - `10/3, then saw separate and reform into one' `Broke into three triangles and one dropped down in front of the boat' `saw break into three parts' `appeared to break into three pieces and then rejoin into one'
WTH, right? Obviously, this is cause for deep speculation perhaps.
LOW Elevation/Easily Seen - `moving over treeline' `hovering over Raytown Water Tower' `200 feet high' `500 feet high' `hovering right over us'
The obviousness of this event was frightening to at least one witness. Others used the word blatant.
NO SOUND - `no sound, no wings, no tail,' `no noise' `silent' `not noise'
To some that were close enough to the craft - it was even more amazing. This is also only a characterist one would consider for those very close to the object.
More Oddities
Contacting Authorities after seeing - `called L.S. Airport and then KCI airport' `called KMBC' `called police dispatcher'
This event shook folks to the reporting level - at the TV station they indicated 4 or 5 had called before them. The L.S. Airport claimed no reports (HMMMMMM) and the KCI airport gave very strange info supposedly of their being an object that the airport `wasn't talking to' - then claiming the thing seen was a 747 that landed about 7:30 PM. The police dispatcher downplayed the event and said no one had called.
Two reports of people seeing - smoke or black smoke emitting from the object(s).
Of interest, is that the events didn't stop totally on 10-4 - and indeed, very similar reports are in the UDCC reporting database for both 10-5, and 10-6. In that sense, it's a lot like the Stephenville Texas UFO Events of 2008 - a string of events that involved sometimes a HUGE slow moving craft (or moving quickly) with multiple UFO type phenomena over a number of days. Including Orbs and strange light formations in the sky..
Indeed, in this 2011 event - on 10/5 a `fireball, 40-60 feet in diameter hovered 60 feet over a vehicle for 10 minutes' and on 10-6 a `huge, size of 5 747's, slow moving, with banner lights' (looked like an aircraft - and this was the vanishing banner and craft event). Showing that in some manner, the high strangeness simply has NOT played itself out in the Lee's Summit area of Missouri. (Is this why Robert Bigelow and MUFON were and are so interested in these over the top experiences - because some mechinism is allowing the actualization to recur?)
It's also interesting to note the ultimate takeaway of these witnesses - truly perplexed. Some thought for sure that it was a UFO not of humankind - whereas others thought that what they saw was some top secret military vehicle.
But, what ISN'T certain - is that everyone saw the same object - even those that saw IT close to the same time on the same day. Indeed, from what can be pieced together - if looked at as IF all was true and accurately reported - what can be said is that something HUGE and EXTREMELY Bright, who's shape was hard to tell unless one was underneath of it, was `nearly hovering' right next to an Interstate Highway, blatantly on display for anyone to see - and that it eventually moved, sped up, broke into three parts and recombined and broke up again into three pieces (one even described these as triangles too) - one of which hovered over a boat.
All of which has been part of an on-going several months of anomalous sky events in the area of which for several weeks has prompted the public to reach out for some answers.
Yet, despite the above, - multiple witnesses, HUGE craft on multiple days seen by same people, and house and car hovering UFO's - this event is still below the MSM's attention. (After all, was Micheal Jackson Killed? And, where is that 10 month old?) Is the lack of attention due to the lack of `video' evidence?
It is curious, no, VERY curious, that something hasn't appeared on YT with some clarity. The only videos are the one UDCC has posted and one link posted on The Examiner (btw, that YT video was now `private' - for all I know the one I posted is too).
Also, remember, this very strange UFO picture from Missouri also very recently:
BTW, note the above and the comparison to another `hanging jetliner' report from Jan. 2009 in Alabama and the picture that came out with that one - DESPITE the person seeing a FULL jetliner and nothing like the picture as it turned out.
Only number one is the Jet, others are car window glare
(for story)
Now, are you ready for a little trickster - a little Fortean Times? My wife called me on the phone about a month ago - said she just saw a `hovering jetliner' that must not have been able to land (near Sweat Mountain in Cobb County Georgia) she thought.
Yeah, that strange - I won't even go into my questions for her.
So, one week later, what are we to make of it all? Speculation is easy but nearly worthless. BUT, something occured that our MSM has avoided like the plague. Something that perhaps defies being photographed and is able to mis-represent what it's appearance actually is. Something that doesn't give a crappola if it is seen, with a possible interest in humans.
Is this the next step up in what UFO Disclosure is going to look like from those wishing to contact mankind or care for the Earth?
Or, has some human force attained the technological level of `producing the appearance of events in the sky'?
Bookmark and Return Again Soon
Oh, my thanks to the person that bought the book below off my blogs yesterday - appreciated.

Airships of the 1800's?