Indeed, while I rarely link to ATS (above top secret) - a UFO photo and more importantly a UFO photo analysis has come into my perception horizon. First, the photo:
(See Original For MUCH Better Detail - Then Return)
Evidently, this photo was the topic of discussion on C2C last night (Coast To Coast). Literally breaking news on UDCC. In a nutshell, the person who took the photo was a woman photographer on vacation (photographer as in professional photographer, with access to advanced equipment and undertandings) - who the ATS folks seem to think the world of as NOT being a FAKE bs'er.
But, what really makes this ATS post of interest is the INCREDIBLE analysis provided of ALL PHASES of this photo - right down to the object showing itself to this woman because of her world orientation as an outsider to normal society and because of her other `interests' (such as Owls). Yes, it makes for an interesting read to say the least. A long detailed read about the above photo graph. ATS Analysis Of Crete UFO Photo.
The analysis even includes stuff about anomalous perceptions in rural or unpopulated areas - much like my post on The Heavy Stuff - that I linked to here yesterday on UDCC. Anyway, please if the above picture is of interest to you - as daytime UFO photos should be - make sure to read just how deeply an analysis of all factors about UFO's can be. Above Top Secret - Analysis Of Crete UFO Photo. Bottom line? This guys thinks this is legit.
I see the calendar has turned - and the time to evaluate just where the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock should be set for the month of October 2012 (based on September 2012 UFO `actions'). As Clockers know, a new `time scale' has been in use for the previous two clock settings based on our new Evaluation Scale established in August.............. Ready? Here goes:
The Phenomena Itself - July-65, Aug-50, Sept-40 Overall, my perception is a slowing of the phenomena, especially in comparison to the claims of the phenomena. That said, Myrtle Beach did have a multiple night Orb event and more UFO captures by Cellphone seem to be coming to light. MUFON reports show the continued increase in multiple orbs but Chinese Lanterns certainly continue to take a toll on reports to the point that ANY report with the words, `Glowing, Faded, or Drifting and Following the same path' are now suspect IMO.
The MS Media - July-25, Aug-9, Sept -30 The MS media showed interest in the FAKE Pink Google UFO and a bit of pre-event interest in the `UFO Secrets' meeting in Las Vegas by the UFO Disclosure crowd of ex-military and UFO book writers. Oh, there were NO new UFO Secrets in the pay to attend event BTW.
Governments - July-2, Aug-14, Sept-1 Seems in total shutdown mode and off limits in the 2012 Presidential Campaign. Phil Larson's statement stands as the official USA position.
Internet/Other - July-30, Aug-55, September-80 This extremely high number was earned with the TWO oddities that emerged on the Internet about the MOON - one was an unexplainable movement of 13 objects from the moon into space and the other was the WALL on the moon (walls actually says Ken) found in NASA pictures by MUFON Investigator for NJ, Mr. Pfeifer. Both events utterly ignored by the MSM. Some have suggested an October UFO Disclosure Surprise as part of the Obama strategy for this fall is possible - if a rabbit needs to be pulled out of the hat to maintain stability of government.
Overall analysis - Despite very unusual and mindblowing info about the MOON, the MSM stayed away, preferring simply to give a lip-service rehash to the UFO Disclosure gang. Suggesting strongly the MSM holds onto the power gig compared to the Internet gig concerning UFO's - allowing the Governments to go into shutdown mode concerning UFO's. (`Serious' things, like Ambassador Killings preclude any interest in the real unknowns.) And, unfortunately, September saw the advent of Quadrocopters - a new RV toy that is sure to confuse the public further on Lights In The Skies - as DRONES get ponied up for higher up in the sky concerns of the media. IF the phenomena itself wants to stand out in this environment - it might just have to step up it's `game'.
Nonetheless, the media did say the words `UFO Secrets' and the internet did pony up some amazing phenomena upon the Moon - so, the Clock moves a bit closer to midnight from it's previous 7 PM setting. How about 8:30 P.M!
I want to thank the person that bought the below book of my blogs yesterday:
And, I'd like to thank those that purchased off my Author Page too - The THREE Books have sold in the last TWENTY FOUR hours.
Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2006 O'Hare UFO Airport Incident (The Heavy Stuff)
OVER 600 BOOKS Again were downloaded for FREE from my author page in September - make sure you check it out often.
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