Did `aliens' make a mistake with this person when she was a child? Or, just a sleep walking incident of some sort? The MUFON description: (Pennslyvania 1968)
This is what I can remember: About 7 years old, in a neighbors basement. Home owner comes down the steps, husband right behind her. "When did you come in here?" Questions just kept coming. "How did you get in here?" "Everyone is looking for you!" I look up at basement window. Dark out. Panic! I'm supposed to be home before dark! "Go right home, your mother's very worried!" I never said a word to these people. I just run home as fast as I can. And I'm terrified of the dark! Upon arriving home, I am confronted by my Mom. She is beyond upset. Starts hitting me with a yard stick. Mostly I remember her words: "We've been looking for you for hours!" I was sent straight to bed. A 7 year old little girl, in complete confusion about what had just happened. I don't remember any follow up questions. The events of that evening tucked away in my memory. And life just went on. However, unexplainable experiences and sightings of UFO's continue to this day. Finally needed to get this out. Just telling it now makes me feel shaken inside. I've known they are real since childhood. My question now is "What are their intentions?" You don't need to contact me. Proof dosen't matter anymore. That they have always been in some of our lives is a given. It isn't easy to live with though
Clockers have probably noticed the increased postings on UDCC of `the far out' lately. Yep, just to make sure this element of the phenomena is not ignored on UDCC. That said, nearly all `alien abductions' IMO are subjective and subjective realities. And, THAT said, subjective realities that have realness to the observers/humans. ------------ But, this is what the `alien abductees sound like when a group of them come together and are encouraged to talk - (main link at Barf Stew today - http://barfstew.blogspot.com/2011/07/penn-teller-alien-abduction.html
Just move your cursor over the pictures for more info.
My newsblog is up today - http://morningredditheadlines.blogspot.com/2011/07/reddit-headlines-july-17th-2011.html - guess what candidate for President leads for donations by the military?
You know how the NYC and the London UFO's of 2010 and 2011 had `people on the street looking'? Well, I have two more just like that in the bin - perhaps tomorrow.
Thanks for your visit today, really. Oh, thanks for the Amazon purchase by someone yesterday of a `Phoenix Lights' book off this or one of my blogs. Appreciated.
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