Those of you here yesterday know that I did a YT search for UFOs associated with Arkansas - and, that I alluded to finding some flipped out material too. What I found was a person with HUGE claims and very very strange `UFO' videos on his channel. Indeed, you want clear `saucers' (?) - got em. You want ORBs that react (?) - got em. And MUCH much more. First up; a clear daytime UFO he caught on camera while camping:
Second up; his flipped out self description:
Channel Views:
Total Upload Views:
Aug 10, 2010
Last Visit Date:
1 month ago
About Me:
i have filmed and been in alien ships and have been to mars and the moon and im speakin for the first time so if you wanna hear the truth talk to me and if you've been there too then lets talk and try to let ppl know whats goin on there not gonna hide the truth forever from us 2012 is almost here Hometown:
i was born in an underground base on the moon (my emphasis)
United States
gettin the truth out to people
Project Camelot
well i made this account to share with you some of the ufos i've cought on film in the last few years i hope you enjoy
STAR TREK!!!!!!!!!!!!
theres to many great singers rite now between lady gaga and hanna montana i cant decide
i dont read books im too busy lookin for the truth on the internet
Now, don't get me wrong ---- but, wouldn't you think that someone born on an underground base on the Moon would have a clue about what is going on - without looking for truth on the internet? And, the mention of Project Camelot is enough to make your sane mind run for the door. But, just check out a sliver of what he has on his YT Channel.
Such as:
UFO Landed in my backyard - --- OR
UFO I went to Mars in -
The Arkansas YT UFO Search was one productive gig.
Oh, Clockers will enjoy the post I did at SUV yesterday, it's a REAL audio clip of a newscast from 1942 the night of the Battle of Los Angeles - real compelling -
Thanks for your visit today - you'd enjoy the archive posts you find in the sidebar I bet too.
Go Solar - While The Government Is Still Paying For It

Run your cursur over the pictures for the first description - click for more product info.

Such as:
UFO Landed in my backyard - --- OR
UFO I went to Mars in -
The Arkansas YT UFO Search was one productive gig.
Oh, Clockers will enjoy the post I did at SUV yesterday, it's a REAL audio clip of a newscast from 1942 the night of the Battle of Los Angeles - real compelling -
Thanks for your visit today - you'd enjoy the archive posts you find in the sidebar I bet too.
Go Solar - While The Government Is Still Paying For It
Run your cursur over the pictures for the first description - click for more product info.
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