Hello Clockers and first time visitors to UDCC - I appreciate your visit today. And, today - I finally found the response that I beckoned from this blog a few weeks ago when I speculated that the Jerusalem Orb of Jan 29th was a `Spirit Orb'. What happened was that I checked my stats, and, in the referrals was something from Susan Rennison's website - upon checking I was able to see that she did respond to my inquiry for her to comment upon my speculation.
If you are not familiar with Ms Rennison - I consider her one of the very few grounded `wo-wo' people out there with religious leanings (well, actually very religious). Susan is however HUGELY in one camp that she and I share - plasma beings. Both she and I have lots of thoughts about the possibillity.
For literally HOURS of reading - make sure to trapse around Susan's webpages after this read below. Again, she is responding to a post I made here - http://ufodisclosurecountdownclock.blogspot.com/2011/03/speculations-about-spirit-orbs-and-why.html - a post with plenty of `meat' - and, as you can see by her response - she brings a substancial amount of thinking into her post that I re-print here from her blog: (about half way down this page - http://www.susanrennison.com/Best_oftheblog_UAP_traffic.html
Comment: I saw that Rick mentioned my name and I tried to post a comment, I don't know whether it was received or not but this is what I wrote:
Hello Rick,
I have to say I do worry when you start speculating... LOL! Well, I am of the opinion that Earth has a Shadow Biosphere but some of these entities that you are calling 'Spirit Orbs' are actually universal messengers and they enforce certain universal directives. Basically, they keep the show on the road and in my book I called them the Earth Management Team. Earth is a school and it is managed, we are watched over but there is not as much interference as some would believe. This does not mean that ET outsiders do not exist, but I think the UFO phenomena is much more complex than most ufologists are prepared to accept and the vast majority of what has been detected by humans in the past are the Earth Management Team going about daily business.
In September 2006, when I self-published, I was very nervous about talking about another lifeform on this planet and so the quotes I used were quite cryptic. These days, I no longer care what people think, so I have lots of information on my www.susanrennison.com website that elucidates what I think is going on. I don't care about traditional sources either so I have paid close attention to channeled sources who were up front and stated they were not human.
Yes, that is right, some of these whacko New Agers are channelling entities that state up front they are Magnetic Masters and describe themselves in such a manner that someone like me who is interested in physics does a little research and discovers that our scientists acknowledge the existence of magnetospheric or magnetic plasmoids that are free to enter and leave Earth's atmosphere at will. These days we have some great video examples that reveal the same information provided to the metaphysical community back in 1993.
My views are based on my understanding of the integration of science and metaphysics. Matter is inherently unintelligent but spirit is where the intelligence is held. We are spiritual beings that means that we have this same essence as part of our earthly existence and this energy is now being changed on the whole planet rather like changing the oil in a car. It's that time again and it has been predicted by many different esoteric traditions.
Rick, there is a lot going on, and the metaphysical community have been given a lot of information but it seems to have been like water off a ducks back. A lot of these people are not interested in reality and just don't get it. Hence, when I answered a question during an interview (Henrik Palmgren, from Red Ice Radio in 2007) I got an email from someone claiming to be a shaman that basically told me I was going off the rails.
I am sure this person is now embarrassed beyond belief, especially if they have been following my website with the substantial evidence that our militaries have been hiding the existence of the "radar angels" since the 1940s when radar was first invented. Today, many military officers retired and some still in positions of power are now talking about the existence of the bright lights. Quite simply, if this person was a true shaman they would understand that these objects have been known to exist because all the true shamanic types have always been able to see them when under the influence let's say.
Due to a massive increase of energies on this planet caused by Space Weather, Earth is being transformed into a high energy cosmic environment and that means it is no longer possible to hide the presence of this other lifeform on this planet but we must remember that on certain parts of the Earth these orbs have always been seen my humans and I will cite the existence of the Min Min lights in Australia. Of course, there are lots of questions about whether they are all good or whether they are all bad but briefly I will say, we were told that there were some nasties on this planet and they are being booted off. Let's say I am not believing everything I am told without some good reason or evidence.
Hence, I can't agree with your ideas that the Jerusalem orb was a special act, we have had lots of special acts taking place on this planet and I have been watching in some amazement. I imagine that the Jerusalem 'Orb' is a spiritual entity on routine business picking up the energy associated with people's prayers and delivering them to where they need to go for processing. The energy levels on the planet are now very unstable and the fact that orbs and UFOs can sometimes be seen is a factor of energy levels that are fluctuating wildly and explains all the other sightings in the past.
The orbs do seem to interact and react to humans and the more ethereal types seem to hang around humans and like to appear at special events. Emotions seem to be the language that is used to communicate with them. We are seeing a lot of new major arrivals (called "Master Entities") and my belief is that they are not really interested in humans but they are arriving because of the type of region of space that we are travelling through. If you do the research into ancient mythology you will see the same concepts presented about how they operate in a high energy plasma environment, most are not the 'divine' messenger types and seem to be here for their own reasons and have no interest in humans.
Whatever, Rick, I am glad to see that you are bold enough to re-think this whole issue but there have been ufologists in the past that have done the same but they were shunned for voicing an alternative opinion. However the times are a-changing and soon it's going to get really obvious that some of these critters are not cargo ships.
I make the joke that Earth is going to become a cosmic aquarium... lately, it's been looking more and more likely.
With love, Susan Joy Rennison
Wow, right Clockers? And, food for thought.
I hope that Susan has also read my latest on The Heavy Stuff too about this Orb Plasma stuff - Could THIS Be What ORBS ARE? - http://theheavystuff.com/?p=143
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