Morning Clockers. To those just visiting UDCC for the first time today - thanks for following that search link; you have found a near daily blog about the UFO phenomena, so get ready to expand your thinking on the subject matter.
As you can see from today's headline, I'm about to position (as I have before) that the main concern that governments have about the revelation of the whole UFO saga - is NOT that we have Unidentified Flying Objects in our skies (many of which are in all likelihood OURS) - that is known by the people and has been known. The ongoing `soft UFO Disclosure' by one government after another in the last half decade - that comes complete with EVERYTHING except for OFFICIAL CONFIRMATION of `aliens' on our planet. The hard disclosure = alien disclosure.
Somehow, it seems that mankind has been allowed to live with the knowledge of non-human activity in our biosphere - but not ON our biosphere. The proverbial `they' are OBSERVING us - NOT, living WITH us. - The `they entities' the governments refuse to confirm. And, for good reason. Perhaps.
Indeed, IF the population were to be told the `so called truth' - the TRUTH would be that `not all `aliens' are `physical beings' or permanent beings in the way that humans are `phenomenologically permanent'. All the stuff that to many would sound like verbiages bordering on religion. Such as `explaining' to the masses that visible sky ORBS are really `energized plasma beings'.
Governments would prefer to keep the whole UFO Disclosure issue separate, from the slippery slope of `alien disclosure' and the can of worms it opens, if society were to explore our paranormal perceptual horizons that we may have access to as aware human beings. It is in governments interest to keep as many humans noses to the stone as possible.
BUT, `alien disclosure' also involves one HUGE issue - the alien interactions that seem self evident in an open society - animal mutilations and indeed some extremely limited `human abductions' too. Indeed, the DAY that the `human abductions' was ever part of the OFFICIAL motif of the MSM about aliens - would forever cloud the `missing persons' cases. Indeed, could ANY species not of the Earth be ever looked at without at least a doubting eye by humans? ---- There simply is NO explanation that the MSM will ever feel comfortable with embracing in this area.
Therefore - I think it may be time for Clockers to begin to examine this issue more in-depth in your minds. The real issue is Alien Disclosure. Just saying.
A reminder to Clockers - word is I will be interviewed on this podcast on Wednesday evening after 10 pm Eastern time. -
A few UFO links to consume this weekend. --- Far out Exopolitics Folks - Far out blog on a list of a UDCC follower - Large ORB or What?
So You Want To Build the Naked UFO/Plasma Active Craft
Our Solar Connection
Recharge Mower PMLI-14 15-Inch 36 Volt Lithium Ion Cordless Electric Ultralite Lawn Mower
Solar Lawnmowers - Now A Reality.
So much is about control and keeping the ignorant ignorant for the sake of that control. Things will come out eventually, I have no doubt. Just a matter of time. I like the idea of calling it Alien Disclosure because ultimately that's what it is.