The Most Popular Reads Of The Past Year

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Rare `Hopeful' YouTube Video

Generally it is thought that the world is falling apart at the seams with mankind's effects on the planet - some of which is probably true. That said, today UDCC presents the RARE video that should bring thoughts of hopefulness to mind when you view it. Indeed, can pollution truly be a threat to human life equal to progress in treating diseases? Ponderable. More UFO talk tomorrow. For now, today, UDCC brings you - Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes - The Joy of Stats - BBC Four

I have more on my daily Squidoo Webpage at -- Oh, and please visit the sidebar offerings before you leave today.

Have you noticed the improved loading time? I've limited greatly the number of posts for when you return with your bookmark so that the load time is QUICKER. See you soon.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

`Remembering' The Barack Obama Inaugural UFO - Could It Happen Again? Is That A Prediction?

One of the highlights, so far, for the UDCC blog has been when the AOL internal site called Politics Daily featured a UDCC link to `The Barack Obama Inaugural UFO' - - and as you can tell from reading the link - it was a farcical guess at what the phenomena could have been. The UDCC link was this - where I pointed out that I had somewhat `predicted' the UFO event at the inauguration.

At the link, your memory will be jolted that previous Orbs had appeared at previous Candidate Obama events (which will be upcoming assuming he will run again) - and my so-called `prediction' - was only stating the somewhat obvious.

Anyway, while the video at the PoliticsDaily video has been removed - the below is the exact same video:

So, in the interest of giving credence to patterns - doesn't it seem time for another Obama UFO to appear? LOL.

Keep an open mind and keep on truckin.

Oh, and enjoy these UFO links too:

UPDATE - To the `Hanging Jet' UFO - (from a link sent by a commenter) - - get ready to open your mind a smidgen more.

Meanwhile, An Open Letter to Alien Abductee Debunkers - - another advocate of `calling UFOs/Entities' via a flashlight at the sky. (Something I did as a kid with `saucers' in mind.) Some spooky stuff here.

Thanks for being one of the hundreds to visit UDCC today - your eyeballs have been appreciated -- if you still crave more UFO stuff - and paranormal stuff - go to my Squidoo page and have a look around.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Reader Of UDCC And Addressing His Concerns

Just a couple days ago I posted a re-print of the second post I did here at UDCC - called - What if it is all true - where I ran thru a list of things about the UFO `legends' and considered whether they passed the `it's certainly possible' level IMO. You can read the post for more if you wish.

But, today's post is in response to an avid commenter recently on UDCC `Muzuzuzus' - and some of his response via commenting that deserves at least giving my opinions to his questions. Here's his comment:And, my answers in Red.

Well ---I have not got any asnswers just ongoing speculations. I am trying not to jump to conclusions but am looking for patterns. I agree Muz, seems patterns offer at least some substance.

I remember that guy from NORAD who supposedly predicted the NYC 'UFO flap'--maybe not thjere specifically I dunno but on that date, though this hasn't been verified. I dont know exact date he 'predicted' 13th October? He did indeed predict that date in the book prior to the event. I believe his predictions were for more cities to be involved, though I think he `belatedly' explained why it was just NYC.

But....he said that these ETs would clean up our atmosphere in the near future. true or false--? Dunno He indeed says exactly that -- and, in all honesty - has a surprisingly TRUE ring to it when one looks at ANY chart that shows the Carbon Dioxide level on Earth and how it has changed.

What IF the powers that be propaganda IS that they have been in cahoots with aliens and have back engineered their technology? Thats what Greer calims and many think he is part of a disinfo group Again, these are my opinions only. Do I believe that the world powers are literally in-touch with the aliens and working with them in some manner ----- honestly, I have no F-ing idea. Gut feel, not likely, but possible - not probable, but not dismissible. As far as back-engineering the technology - again, just my gut feel - I think well funded physicists would NOT necessarily have needed help over the last five decades. That said, is it possible that some of these extraterrestrial craft have crashed and been found? Certainly possible. And would that finding have been back engineered? Of course. -- To me, it is largely a moot point until `the goods' are proven about this phenomena and the `crafts' that are used. And, again, to me, it is impossible to know WHO is operating unknown crafts in the sky and HUMANS must also be the prime suspect. -------- Now, as far as Dr. Greer ----- the first thing I'd say is find his tag in the sidebar as I have spoke of him before. My bottom line is that his is merging in with the `Orb Callers' I have referred to recently on this blog. His greatest claim, to me, and as far as I know never answered -- is that it was HE who was actually responsible for the aliens putting on the display known as the Phoenix Lights in 1997. Again, read his tags to find out more.

What about the MJ 12 docs which Robert Hastings claims are disinfo? Muz, yes, there is disinfo - I know not who or what either. I have spoken of SERPO and others here and on my other blogs.

What about the OSI people who put the witnesses of the Rendlesham forest encounters through oppressive interrogation ioncluding injections and the one guy who the others think was 'got at' claims he saw the top brass talking with ETs. is that part of the propaganda to make out they are in cahoots with them? I have no special opinions about many specific incidents including this one.

Why would they do that? To make out they are powerful? To hide that the aliens are against their behaviour?

isn't it true that even in some seemingly abusive abductions these eliens whow graphic images of what we are doing to nature and others who are starving? Muz, you might like this answer - I recently gave what I consider to at least be an alternative to this whole experience on my blog called The Heavy Stuff - - A Twist To `Aliens’ Showing Us OUR Apocalypse

These are just some questions i am exploring. IF the psychopaths in power HAVE got this 'magical' technology we are f - It is possible that only Embracing Despair - will allow transcendence.

Finally, I want to thank the hundreds to occasional thousand or so folks that stop by daily to read about UFOs - many arriving via search engines. Please look around and get a feel for the place.

Here's another resource I've created about UFOs - on my Squidoo page -
The below company loves to buy your used books - it's easy to use and free. They pay quickly when you send in your books too.
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Thursday, December 2, 2010

ANOTHER `Hanging Jetliner' Reported Near Huntsville

Yesterday UDCC had a comment on an earlier post from Jan. 2009 that was well beyond a normal comment. As, once again, in what can only be considered the highest of high strangeness,  a Hanging Jet has been reported near Huntsville Alabama. (NASA has a major presence in the area also.)

While this `report' consisted of nothing more than the comment on this blog (shown below) and found below the first report - here -

"i saw the same thing today in huntsville, i live a mile from the airport. A 747 just sitting still in mid-air. Saw it for 15 seconds until the trees blocked my view. It was a perfectly calm sunny day today. My sister and I both saw it."

And, yes, tracing the name of the `poster' of the comment brings up a Page of a Mark Miller - but has no way of contact. So, I do ask Mr. Miller, or his sister, to contact me here at UDCC as I'd love to ask you a few questions.

Now, of course, Mr. Miller's statement may be nothing more than a Mind F - but, in the spirit of what is possible - it would be interesting to consider what may be going on - and here I will quote some material from the FIRST report coverage.

First, this is at least the THIRD time I have heard of the description of a `hanging plane' and since one experiencer had it happen to THEM before - four occasions of the event. And, looking at just the two Huntsville reports - each was in broad daylight under ideal viewing conditions. Not only that, in tracing the location of the first report and `being north of the airport' - would be in the general same area of Huntsville - both near the big Government Airport too.

Certainly, it is beyond `odd' that the same high strangeness event would happen in the same town WITHIN two years - to different people. Wouldn't it be wonderful for more witnesses in Huntsville to come forward if they exist? That said, can anyone sound like anything other than an idiot to say such stuff? As, obviously, even saying a hanging UFO would probably be `more believeable'. Perhaps other brave ones will come forward.

Can this be some sort of cloaking program? Or, is some alien technology hanging out in Huntsville for some reason? In my first post about this phenomena in 2009 I wrote this:

So, what is one to make of all this? That `space-crafts' can come in different shapes and forms? (Again, on my Squidoo page and again dated 1-18 is the report - with picture - of a `Blue MuscleCar' `ufo' - in this case perhaps an example of pareidolia - a quarter word I've learned lately.) Or, that `cloaking' can be in any form - from cloaking where nothing is seen - to a cloaking that fits the singular desires or perceptions of a particular individual (s). Perhaps it is only my opinion, but any race or entity that can `get' to Earth - in all probability has cloaking ability. The UDCC has long wondered why the skeptics wonder `where are' all the `crafts' - or `mother craft sized vehicles'; - easy, and, cloaking is the very simple answer.

Colin Bennett described his experience this way as I quoted in the first post (Colin is the other NON-Huntsville Hanging Plane experiencer):

Certainly my “encounter” convinced me that we live in a vaster framework of being and existence than we could possibly imagine. I had the sobering thought that this manifestation was the kind of thing George Adamski and many others saw. This kind of technology, not far removed from holographic TV, could produce a “man from Venus” at the drop of a hat. It would be an equally sobering experience for scientists to find that their discoveries were part of a multi-dimensional media/gaming entertainment system of many levels of focus, development, and application.

And, I summarized my ultimate take the first post this way:

Perhaps that is the final fear - that `it' - `reality' isn't real in a manner we are normally satisfied with experiencing - that perhaps it is some sort of giant entertainment system. But, perhaps it isn't a hologram - perhaps the `strangeness' lies somewhere in the ontology of consciousness compared to the ontology of beingness. Perhaps in that strange state - a suspension of what qualifies as time doesn't have meaning --- stretchingggg the moment into eons if needed.

So, what do I think if indeed this experience is replicating for at least one individual and in at least one location? My gut feel is that indeed some cloaking is involved - with `the source' impossible to know with the available info. More worrisome perhaps is that the perception of a jetliner is being PUT into peoples minds inadvertently in some manner - by who knows who.

So, Mr. Miller - please, more details - how high was the jet, where was the jet, what colors and details of the jet, etc.

Finally, as you can see, the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock gave up 15 minutes from it's late 10:30 PM setting in November - I'll explain a bit of that logic in an upcoming post.

first huntsville report -
my ufo archive that contained the above link and many more -

Digging into high strangeness:
High Strangeness - Hyperdimensions and the Process of Alien Abduction
Files From the Edge: A Paranormal Investigator?s Explorations into High Strangeness
Glimpses of Other Realities: High Strangeness (Volume II)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What IF It Is All True?


Indeed, what if everything we've read over the last 30 years is true to some degree about the whole UFO spectrum? And, I mean everything -- Roswell was a `flying saucer crash with dead bodies'; Jackie Gleason indeed saw those or similar dead aliens; Travis Walton indeed was abducted and lifted thru the air into an unidentified craft via a beam of light; `back engineering' indeed has produced a shadow government hiding it's secrets; the Phoenix Lights were real; a `craft' indeed DID hover over O'Hare airport in broad daylight in 2006; there are 50+ `races' of aliens `visiting' the Earth; Ufo's exist.

What is to say that it all isn't true? It's really not a big leap of intellect to see how just these limited examples may indeed be true (and have, of course, huge implications - the reason for the `cover-up') and form the basis for where UFOlogy is today for the media. In denial. (Seems everyone is doing these year end sum-ups too.)

It's fun to be a commentator on UFO's without having the burdensome need to write books or defend some `turf' within the Ufo spectrum. That said, I have specifically enjoyed being one of the most prominent voices about the O'Hare Ufo Incident in my blog -- that commentary specifically was picked up by even mainstream carriers. I try my best to put forth the common mans viewpoint.

So, back to just that -- how it may ALL be true.

First, - when the saucer crashed at Roswell - the government was less sophisticated about information management then nowadays. MUCH less sophisticated. To the point of even being truthful as a first response to new information. Those days are long gone, and indeed, ended, that very day - because as you know, one day later the story changed. OF course it changed. OUR society depended on it changing. Power structures too numerous to name were not happy with such an announcement - including religions; politicians; history professors and more. OF course the announcement was changed.

But, that `lie' only places the 'aliens' as `arriving' -- not as part of our history -- and NOT as anything currently ON the earth (just trying to get here). And, that folklore lived sufficiently well for a decade or two or so. But during that very time frame, mankind was moving off our planet - and the `thoughts' of the public turned to the notion again that `they' might come here to explore. UFO's took on a new realism to the media while the media still poo-poohing any notion that `occupants' of these crafts might be in `contact' with authorities or even with the common folk. Slowly, Roswell again emerged via research as perhaps being a story with merit to the media. Indeed, stories began to emerge like Jackie Gleason's authorized permission to see `bodies' (and secrecy about Area 51) - and - at about the same time -- the abduction of Travis Walton seeped into world consciousness. (Were these indeed aliens who could defy physics by levitating a body?)

So, then, by the 70's, we had a real existence of non-humans allowed (in a sense) to become part of the consciousness of America - we even had a President not doubting the possibility. The movie ET came out. And, with that, and at about that very moment - the government/media silence began in earnest. The whole subject was to be treated as entertainment ONLY.

It was obvious that IF the stories were true; more questions would need to be asked of the powers that be; and indeed, answers would need to be forthcoming. Instead, the media stuck their collective heads in the sands (by pressure?) and decided that smirking would constitute their involvement with the UFO issue. FOR nearly TWO DECADES.

Then, came `The Phoenix Lights' and the Black Triangles in the skies. No longer was it JUST little saucers `exploring' our planet. SOMETHING much larger (no pun intended) seemed to be going on than just exploration by another species. THE DISPLAYS were getting much more hard to ignore -- folks like Greer were organizing (he says he motivated the aliens to do the Phoenix event in his book). Suddenly, the threat from outer space (and the awe) was coming back into consciousness - the whole seriousness of the matter. (Asteroids smashing into Earth was hot too.) Meanwhile, the worlds whole need for answers to the need for more energy was also becoming apparent.

As the late 90's continued, other things became obvious - that were not being spoken of - contrails for one. The deception was now right in the peoples faces almost daily about things of a WORLD nature. Daring even the weathermen on TV to speak up about it. But, somehow, the media stuck with the power structure regardless - squelching all contrail stories. Maintaining the level of high strangeness reported - except during the `rating sweeps'.

Now, really folks and dear readers. Is it really so hard to fathom other civilizations? NO - to most of us. Who, because they may have been thinking and civilized an additional BILLION years beyond humans -- might have abilities or machines capable of what seems to be miraculous to our understanding? NO, to most of us. Or, is it really so hard to fathom that mankind indeed could back engineer a UFO craft if they found one? NO, to most of us. Is it really so hard to fathom that 50+ civilizations in this part of the universe may have figured out how to `master light speed/travel'? (Somehow it even seems like a likely number.) Is it really so hard to fathom that a civilization millions to billions of years more advanced may NOT be interested in formally `speaking as God' to a race of beings? NOT to ME. (I always laugh when newspaper writers or TV spokesmen go "they may be hundreds of years advanced beyond us -- hundreds is laughable.) Is it really so hard to fathom why the government DOESN'T tell us that these beings could destroy the Earth if they chose to ? NO, IT 'S NOT HARD TO fathom at all.

Imagine if the world governments ADMITTED `they' were here BUT that the governments HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO ESTABLISH COMMUNICATION. What would THAT SAY?

Could this be the actual case folks? That the government knows that they are here, knows they are Superior, but also knows, that `they' have no overall intention of helping us out of our collective stupidity. Only being useful to the aliens as some sort of biology subjects before our extinction - not very encouraging at all - and, a little bit frightening. Especially to an invasion force now willing to do the obvious with events like O'Hare and Phoenix (others would say Mexico City and the many more of recent times too). An invasion force challenging our very idea of the power structure. Someone who thinks the government is going to come forward if that is the situation is - IN denial.

Finally, I hereby publicly admit to seeing a `saucer' close-up in 1991. A totally silent `craft' in daylight (just before dawn's full light) - that changed my outlook on information about anomalies. Personally, I have NO IDEA who was `driving' that craft - or if it was even being driven. I have no problem thinking that mankind has secretly back engineered some alien craft for military advantage. The secret budgets are there and so is the will and intelligence.

So, what if - it's all true? What then?
(This is a re-print of the second post I ever did on UDCC on Dec. 22nd, 2007)

The Phoenix Lights: Beyond Top SecretThe Phoenix Lights: A Skeptics Discovery that We Are Not AloneThe Phoenix Lights Mystery


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Horseshoe UFO? - Filmed From Plane

This is not the first and I'm sure will not be the last - an unidentified object videoed from an airplane seat. This one is particularly interesting in the shape it has. Some of the comments say it is a `Fake' Chemtrail Plane - what do you think? All of 230 views as UDCC posts it.

hattip -

Will you be returning tomorrow for the updating of the UFO Clock?
Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The ORB `Callers' - Is It A New Phenomena?

The idea, no, the reality of `Orb Callers' is to me at least - almost beyond refute if one does an unbiased search of the internet for such. Indeed, I'm not even referring to what is most probably the most common usage of the word `Orb' - as it seems that most folks associate the word with `balls of light' sometimes captured in pictures taken inside houses. (Graveyards too.) In fact, here's a website looking at the idea of calling `orbs' into photo's via belief - - the site has great shots of what most people have seen in pictures and refer to as Orbs.

BUT, I'm not talking about those Orbs - OR - am I? You see, using almost the same technique as above - other folks are calling these Orbs into the sky above - in broad daylight - and consistently. Indeed, part of the Orb Calling success seems to be based on that consistency of intentionality's.

Now, none of this is new to my readership of my blogs as I first tackled it in 2008 here - The Federation Of Light, Prophet Yahweh, Used Car Lots, And, The 72 Hour Guarantee - and then again about Dean Clark of Kentucky here - How To `See' -------- `Ufo's'? - in this blog - in addition to a few other times.

So, now, again, and not just for the first or second or third time - I present yet another daytime ORB caller - today's Shaman. Again, pure in intent - and able to produce a result that appears to be in our reality.

Just what is indeed being reflected in our reality?

Anyway, here is the latest Orb caller.

So, what do you think? Are the orbs of Graveyards the same as those seen INSIDE of homes? And, are the Orbs of the sky, something different or NOT?
Ufos and How to See Them
Admiral Byrd, the Hollow Earth Exploration and UFOs

The Orb's Adventures Beyond The UltraworldORBS: Their Mission & Messages of Hope
Thanks for visiting today - make sure to check out the sidebar for even more ideas. - my esoteric stuff.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

North Carolina Church Causes Charlotte UFO Concerns

A former TV anchor confirms that the UFO's were luminaires - --- to me they clearly look like candle balloons. Sure is nice for the MSM to infer than UFO's are simple things like this, right?

UFO'S? ORBS? Or What? Make sure to hang in there on this one past 1:19 - from a guy who routinely finds ORB's in the sky:

Oh, BTW, I changed the settings on UDCC this AM from 15 prior posts to TWO to speed up the loading times.

Thanks for visiting today.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Kentucky UFO Videos

Kentucky was much easier to find UFO videos on YouTube than for Alabama - indeed, UDCC may need to re-do Kentucky soon. Nonetheless, here's another UFO caught by a TV crew in 2001 over Lexington Kentucky. Kinda black, kinda Triangle shaped, daytime. Bag? UFO Device?

Next up is another citizen who during a lunar eclipse in 2007 (and one would assume seen by more than one) caught an object moving in front of the moon - a square object - dronelike.

Yep, I saved the best for last - one to send a tingle down your spine and perhaps up your nose (isn't that the alien way?) - from 2003 - alien abduction? hoax?

UFO and Bigfoot Sightings in ALABAMA: A listing and examination of selected sightings
The Fyffe Alabama UFO Blues
Alabama UFO's & Extraterrestrials!: A Look at the Sightings & Science in Our State! (Carole Marsh Alabama Books)
UFO Crashes on Florida-Alabama State Line: The Chronicles of Bobby (You Have to Believe) <- UFO Crash In Alabama?
Kentucky UFO's & Extraterrestrials!: A Look at the Sightings & Science in Our State! (Carole Marsh Kentucky Books)
The Wild Man of Kentucky, the Mystery of Panther Rock

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Alabama UFO Videos

UDCC continues its look state by state at the UFO phenomena as posted on YouTube --- here's a daytime UFO/ORB from 2006 - really an excellent example of the anomalous.

Here's a real strange one - a 2009 daytime `egg' moving about - and unintentionally caught on camera I assume.

It was a little harder to find UFO videos for Alabama than some states - many videos were of the famous prediction that a UFO would be over Alabama on Oct. 14th, 2008 - that said, here's another - 2004 and `another' nighttime Triangle.

UFO's hottest book for Christmas:
FINAL EVENTS and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife

Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls: The Conspiracy to Genetically Tamper with Humanity


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Montana UFO Videos

The UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock continues its YouTube tour of the country - once again continuing on less populated states as we begin our journey. And, in every state we have visited so far, so to speak, we have come away with a bevy of mindblowing memories; once again, Montana will not disappoint you either.

Let's start off with what nearly each state has had so far - the guy who is making it a project to film the skies looking for the anomalous --- AND -- finding it, seemingly. (That said, the number of objects in the night sky that are moving that is simply debris is staggering.) So, let's begin within the PAST MONTH - for UFO's in Montana -- this is an entertaining snippet of loops:

This next one covers perhaps the most famous of the Montana UFO's - the 1950 event with two sky lights in Great Falls:

Great Falls Minor League Baseball Poster
Great Falls, Montana White Sox 2006 Baseball Season Poster

The same guy that filmed the first video during the evening - also recorded this event during the day in 2010:

Finally, an interview with Robert Salas about the tampering with our Nukes by UFO's in Montana decades ago:

His Book:
Faded Giant

Thanks for visiting UDCC Today! See you tomorrow.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Too Good To Be True? - The URZI Case

A day or so ago one of this blogs followers and frequent commentors left this link below - and, while I had seen it or a version of it before - it should indeed be seen by more as another over the top UFO video that is out there so to speak. The comment or two below the video states the obvious but true on these type of UFO videos --- daytime videos of low crafts over populated areas that appear as such repeatedly - certainly should have caught the attention of others and have other videos done at different angles to support such evidence. All that said, I leave it up to the UDCC audience - I welcome your comments.

The Urzi Case - A UFO Mystery In the Skies if Italy
The Urzi Case - A UFO Mystery In the Skies if Italy

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Interdimensional Universe: The New Science of UFOs, Paranormal Phenomena and Otherdimensional Beings

Since UDCC did the Ring UFO phenomena - could Square be far off? NO - so here you go:

First up - from above a square shaped something with dome - make sure to hand in there for the full video as by a minute and five seconds - it's pretty cool. With music.

Here's a nighttime something (looks pretty normal) that with four light points holds a square pretty good:

And, give this one some time too - while a little hoaxy in presentation it has something in the sky at about the 55 second mark that deserves a look:

And, along those same lines - lets not forget the super strange Pyramid UFO in Moscow:

Or, the daytime version of nearly the same thing:

Finally, while not as well known as the Norway Spiral - Check this one out in Russia too in 2007:

All shapes - All Sizes - The Anomalous.
UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record

Crash: When UFOs Fall From the Sky: A History of Famous Incidents, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups

UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Coverup, 1941-1973

The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991 (UFOs and the National Security State, Vol. 2)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Blue Ring UFO Over Centreville Virginia Begs For Explanation - As Does The Phenomena Since 2008

As you can see UDCC is moving on from the `missile event' off of the California coast that UDCC was one of the first websites in the country to bring you the video link. Indeed, I saw the story on Reddit as it was new and posted the YouTube video link when it had all of 301 hits - 24 hours later - over 600K hits. And, in the course of that 24 hour period the internet said the `missile' was everything from Ghost Rockets, Contrails, to a missile launch by the Chineese OR our forces prior to the G20 - to a rouge government group. Oh, I forgot to mention the idea that the object going straight up was an `illusion'.

Now, here's what gets me. WTF happened to the `missile' as it kept on climbing? What did the helicopter reporter see? Did it vanish? Did it continue across the sky? Did it disappear? And, finally, to me, I see these type of chemtrail type `planes' going straight up ALL THE F'ING TIME -- can it possibly be that the MSM is JUST noticing this?

OK, enough of my on-going rant about the reporting of the Chemtrails/Contrails in our skies.

Indeed, a week ago yesterday, something happened over the skies of Centreville, Virginia -- a blue circle UFO in the skies captured by a citizen on his cellphone. And here I provide the TV report:

And, here is a link to the full 2 minute plus video -

Anyone care to say this was a balloon? Or, perhaps sky divers?

And, even while I ran earlier this week the LED kite links - I'd say the movement of this object rules out a kite too. But, more important that this is that THIS IS NOT THE FIRST `RING UFO' -- and I had a link as early as sept. 2008 to such phenomena on my Squidoo sites.

So, UDCC started to look for other such UFO's on YouTube. And, here's a daytime ring UFO from 2008:

(Update -

And here is a nighttime one from 2010 over Manhatten Beach California:

Here's a ring UFO from 1957 that turns into a cloudlike formation and another ring in Orlando in 1999 - here they look a bit more like smoke rings:

Back to nighttime UFO rings - 2009 from California and 2010 from New York:

And, is this one shot from an airplane seat?

And, here's another blue ring UFO - California 2008 again:

Another 2010 link - and here's a daytime one (balloonish) from 2010 and in Japan - and a 2010 one from Mexico -

Can't get enough Sky Rings? I'm covering the same thing today on my other blog Barf Stew -
UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record

Crash: When UFOs Fall From the Sky: A History of Famous Incidents, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups

Messages: The World's Most Documented Extraterrestrial Contact Story

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Unknown Missile Launches Into Sky Off California Coast

What in the heck is going on - this was caught by a TV crew in LA. California: (301 Views at time of posting link)

Thanks for visiting today.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Head Nod Results In Arrest For Flying LED Kite At Night

If you are like me, you have never seen a LED kite in the sky at night; but, that time is about to end as I will be providing the YouTube today of such a display. And, it was this story that brought the issue to my attention -

Here's a screencam look at more anomalous lights over NYC on Oct. 18th. is more on-going activity not being reported by MSM?

Thanks for visiting UDCC today - tell a friend or become a UDCC follower (in the sidebar).
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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Unusual Shaped Daytime UFO Video - Brooklyn NY

With the caveat that ANY video can be a hoax - this video is of an incredibly strange object - over Brooklyn (uploaded in 2007).

Again today I'm just clearing out links from October - the above was the best result of searching of NYC Ufo videos prior to Oct. 13th.

UDCC will also provide links like these to other UFO resources - this one is called 40 convincing blogs about UFO's - (yes, UDCC made the list) - - read about UFO's here too.

Here's a hot link - do aliens walk among us?

Here's a longer NYC Oct. 13th tape by a citizen:

Thanks for visiting today - check out some of these sun powered products. Great gifts and more.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Clearing Out Some Backlog Of `UFO' Links

Today's post will have some of the links that backed up during the focus on the NYC UFO Event of Oct. 13th.

Like these THREE lights (again) caught on camera near the Portland International Airport (this is all of a day or two after the same three light formation appears to the TV cameraman in El Paso) on Oct. 18th. - Good Pics. -

Here's a link to reports of a temporary small object hovering low over the treelines Oct. 26th of at least several eyewitnesses - - make SURE to read the comments.

A UFO Site from down under - bookmark for a different take than what you find in America and elsewhere -

One thing that Lon Strickler has on Phantoms and Monsters are great examples of `ground proof' about the UFO phenomena - here is a well documented UFO Landing Ring -

Here's one of the cool websites that carried the UDCC material about the NYC UFO Event - - look around this website for more and their podcasts too.

And, with all this talk above of NYC UFO's how about this balloon anomaly in the skies in 2006 there. If you stick with this video for the full time it does seem to have a different look about it quite often. That said, this looks far more like a balloon than what happened on the 13th.

Visit the UDCC sidebar for more significant posts and videos of unusual objects.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

October UFO Events Move UFO Disclosure Clock To Latest Setting Ever

As you know, recently UDCC changed focus from using this website and clock to monitor where the government was on UFO Disclosure - to one focusing on the media's involvement with the UFO subject based on events and on the reports of citizens about UFO's. Indeed, this re-focus has led to a re-evaluation on the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock to the tune of moving forward 16 and one half hours to 10:30 P.M. - one of the latest settings ever.

Indeed, October 2010 will certainly be remembered for a flurry of UFO Events and most notably for the Oct. 13th prediction and subsequent `Mystery' in the sky on that very day. But, the whole month immediately after the event in NYC was also filled with sky anomalies in many metropolitan markets that spurred TV coverage as did the NYC event which repeatedly used the word Mystery to describe the unfolding coverage.

For many UFO observers, key UFO books, the September UFO/Nukes News conference - and then the UFO events that unfolded in October - seemed to be a tipping point. And, despite the enormous move in the clock - I would still be quite hesitant to jump to any conclusions. And, my reasons are several fold.

Most notably, the lack of `legs' with the mainstream media of the news conference, or, the NYC UFO Event - which wasn't even on any of the next morning national newscast morning chat shows. While at the same time - trotting out quite weak `explanations' for the hours and hours event - balloons. Additionally, UDCC uncovered aspects of the NYC event that the media evidently thought too hot to report with any voracity - such as the `balloons' moving around - appearing and disappearing - reacting to jets. Or, the complete underplaying of the NYC airports and radar room being evacuated during the same day.

Indeed, it may signal that TV stations are going to be VERY careful in what they report IF indeed this is a real build-up and tipping point for something - such as intentional alien disclosure being forced on the population. Again, let me repeat, I'm not so convinced that is what is occurring ------- yet.

Finally, the ultimate clock setting will involve more than just anomalous phenomena that is reported EVERY day and has been for years on the internet -- and ignored 99% by the MSM. It will involve some REAL increase in the normal Joe's feeling about UFO's and Aliens - some increase that an acceleration is occurring. THAT I do NOT detect as the UFO community is still quite small as far as those seeking these types of answers from the powers that be.

Indeed, if and when the MSM interviews Robert Bigelow, will also determine how serious the recent flap and attention really is. And, finally, let me point out that with the Stephenville AND the O'Hare UFO events the government DID `officially' speak in a sense --- and as of yet, no one seems to be asking the `government' any questions about the NYC event at all.

(The first month or two of UDCC did have a later time setting as I was copying the idea of the endtime clock of nuke scientists that has been at like 10 minutes to midnight for decades - after it's reset in early 2008 - this time setting is the latest.)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

About That November 8th Contact Date - The Message

As you would figure, the very name of this website and the content that I have put onto it, drives a considerable number of people from search engines to UDCC. And, all of the supposed predictions of UFO contact in our skies has temporarily spiked the number of visitors here. So, I would be amiss if I didn't feature one of the more novel ways yet to provide the internet with such a date - that being - November 8th.

And, what I mean by novel ways is this website which is - evidently as far as I can tell - the source for the November 8th prediction. Well, at least we won't have to wait long - and this ONE sounds a bit more than just dots or lights in the sky.

Stay tuned.

Oh, and a recent message -

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Friday, October 29, 2010

What Is This In This Cult Film?

Could it possibly be an alien? Can cameras catch a reality we don't see? (All of under 525 views when posted.)

Oh, and here is an unedited video from CBS of the Oct. 13th NYC UFO Event. I posted this link before but wanted UDCC readers to have it easily seen too.

Thanks for visiting today.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Before You Accept The Weather Balloon UFO Ideas

Often ponied up as an explanation for UFO's - weather balloons - as one can see from this video - (which even shows one bursting) seems quite different than 99% of UFO videos out there so to speak:

And here are more `balloons' using the term loosely - this is a beautiful video:

Finally for today - did the NYC UFO's return on Oct. 15th?

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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition

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