The Most Popular Reads Of The Past Year

Thursday, August 9, 2018

"Celestials In Our Own Solar System"

(I wrote this blog post in 2016 after shutting down the blog for new posts - it's about the WikiLeaks documents of 2014 concerning broadly the UFO Disclosure movement. It was unfinished, but reflected a lot of work putting it together and it seems UFO Disclosure and Space Force's are back in the news - it is. Thanks for your interests in my UFO blogs...much more in the sidebar...I have a couple other unfinished unpublished posts too...)

As regular Clockers know - I discontinued regular updating of this blog in May 2016; updating just once since. (I am still doing a bit of UFO blogging that you can find in the feeds in the sidebar.) But until that grand final post I've promised you all - I will on occasion blog about `special things' related to all this mess called UFOlogy; and one of them is the recent WikiLeaks involving John Podesta - close confidant of Hillary Clinton. The leaked e-mails from the stash uncovered from Podesta, by Wikileaks, IMO, had an interesting sentence or two worth looking into. This was the article that brought the leaks to my attention - and as you will see... I will dig deeper and give more analysis below than you will find in this "out of this world" titled article. Nonetheless, you may want to read their take first to compare it to mine.

Each of these very special comments involved e-mails between Podesta and the late astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell (who was a person with a unique view of man's consciousness). Mitchell had long been one of the crux's, a spiritual leader if you will, of the "disclosure movement". That was all before that - the disclosure movement -  was all shut down in 2011 by the Obama's administrations UFO Disclosure answer - and interestingly, these Wikileaks e-mails are after that action. 

Indeed, below you will find some of the quotes and chronology - and the actual links to the Wiki documents - it will lead to a different narrative than found in the original story which seems to be talking A LOT about non-referenced material (I'm not saying the writer wasn't looking at leaks/links not given - but - what is given in the article does not match up to the original article narrative IMO.) - So again - I will talk about what I can find IN the WikiLeaks.

Here's The Actual Wikileaks Linked To In The Original Article - and as you can see, the first date is 7-29-2014 and it is indeed talking about earlier communications from Mitchell asking for a Disclosure discussion with President Obama (You can see the June 25th letter further down the Wikileaks). As you can's actually from a person named Rebecca Hardcastle Wright who as you can see from the e-mail is the Founder of the Institute For Exoconsciousness which was founded " to research and apply the abilities of human consciousness sourced in extraterrestrial contact." *Bridging Extraterrestrial Experience and Consciousness Science* This Is Her Personal Blog where in here latest posting she thinks of her organization as a Think Tank for DC's upper crust.

Obviously -right up Edgar's interest zone. And, frankly...showing the skewed interests (evidently known to the Disclosure folks) of Podesta himself.

Anyway, Rebecca was to go to DC to meet with Podesta and to link Edgar into the conversation via Skype. Then, next the Wikileaks memo is dated in July from Podesta's staff and they postpone any meeting until August and remove Obama from involvement until after Podesta's meeting.

Now all of the above was based on the June 25th e-mail to Podesta by Mitchell - which I paste below:
Dear John Podesta:
As we move into the last half of 2014, the need for extraterrestrial disclosure intensifies. Thank you for your kind consideration and response to my email.

 This 4 July weekend I will meet with President Obama’s friend, Ambassador Hamamoto, at the US Mission in Geneva during their Independence Day Celebration. While in Geneva I will also speak at the UN and the European Space Agency regarding why we must move forward with disclosure and specific programs such as manned moon missions, since some scientists and others are calling for moon colonization due to what they perceive is  happening on Earth.

John, with this email I am requesting a conversation with you and President Obama regarding the next steps in extraterrestrial disclosure for the benefit of our country and our planet.Fifty years ago Battelle, Brookings and RAND studies on UFOs convinced thegovernment to remove knowledge of the extraterrestrial presence from the citizens of our country. These organizations advised with their best information. However, today much, if not most, of the extraterrestrial reality they examined is known by our citizens. These organizations' resultant strategies and policies of 50 years ago no longer hold credibility or benefit.

Five decades of UFO information have dramatically shifted the public awareness of an extraterrestrial presence. And yet, our government is still operating from outdated beliefs and policies. These are detrimental to trust in government transparency, science, religion, and responsible citizenry embracing the next step in our country’s space travel and research.

Three disclosure issues are prominent: 1) planet sustainability via next generation energies such as zero point energy, 2) galactic travel and research undertaken as an advanced species aware of the extraterrestrial presence, not as uninformed explorers who revert to colonialism and destruction and 3) the example of a confident, engaged government who respectfully regards the wisdom and intellect of its citizens as we move into space.

I respectfully receive your response to my request for conversation on disclosure.

The article also links to an April 30th, 2015 Wikileaks which I copy and paste below:
Hugs John,

I write on behalf of Dr. Mitchell to request your Skype talk with him ASAP regarding Disclosure and the difference between celestials in our own solar system (red is my emphasis) and their restraint by those from the nonviolent contiguous universe.Edgar recently closed Quantrek due to health reasons. His talk with you, John, is of great importance given the alternative of your not being aware of these key distinctions heralding either intergalactic warfare or peace.It is also imperative that after your talk with Edgar, he then speak directly with President Obama via Skype for historical purposes, about the same issue, while the President is still in office.John, Edgar has consulted on consciousness matters for American presidents in the past, has addressed the UN General Assembly twice. He is not in need of a personal experience, wishes only to serve.

Thank you and Eryn for letting me know dates and times for your availability so I can relay that to Edgar.

Now - the above communication for Edgar to Podesta was written by Terri Donovan Mansfield
ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Peace Task Force Director

Hmmm. (Clears Throat).... Oh, btw - here is how Snopes did their own evaluation of Podesta meeting with Edgar;
CLAIM: Wikileaks’ dump of John Podesta’s e-mails reveal conversations he had with a former NASA astronaut about the existence of aliens, alien technology, and space warfare.
They called the claim a MIXTURE (of truth) and said: ORIGIN:On October 9th, 2016, WikiLeaks disclosed thousands of e-mails from the personal account of Hillary Clinton campaign director John Podesta, also a former counselor to President Barack Obama. Among those files were two e-mails signed by former NASA astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell from the e-mail address

Snopes citied these additional Wikileaks to support their conclusion of MIXED...such as this Jan 18th 2015 Email - Found here and pasted below
Dear John,
As 2015 unfolds, I understand you are leaving the Administration in February.It is urgent that we agree on a date and time to meet to discuss Disclosure and Zero Point Energy, at your earliest available after your departure.My Catholic colleague Terri Mansfield will be there too, to bring us up to date on the Vatican’s awareness of ETI [extraterrestrial intelligence].Another colleague is working on a new Space Treaty, citing involvement with Russia and China. However with Russia’s extreme interference in Ukraine, I believe we must pursue another route for peace in space and ZPE on Earth.I met with President Obama’s Honolulu childhood friend, US Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto on July 4 at the US Mission in Geneva, when I was able to tell her briefly about zero point energy.I believe we can enlist her as a confidante and resource in our presentation for President Obama.
I appreciate Eryn’s assistance in working with Terri to set up our meeting.
Best regards,
Edgar D. Mitchell, ScD
Chief Science Officer & Founder, Quantrek
Apollo 14 astronaut
6th man to walk on the Moon
And then this one: From August 18th 2015
included a brief introduction and a series of links to articles that primarily discussed the militarization of space. It bore the same signature as the first e-mail:Subject: email for John Podesta c/o Eryn re Space Treaty (attached)
Dear John,
Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk.
Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.
The following information in italics was shared with me by my colleague Carol Rosin, who worked closely for several years with Wernher von Braun before his death.
Carol and I have worked on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, attached for your convenience.
Best regards,

Snopes then goes on with a detailed look at the various concepts explored in the Mitchell e-mails to Podesta, including Zero Point Energy and Mitchell's lifelong interest in the anomalous and consciousness. Stuff I've covered in this blog on multiple occasions about the beliefs of the so-called Disclosure Movement.
(This was the end of my post - you have to wonder how the actual UFO Disclosure that Obama made in 2011 isn't even mentioned.)

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Mysterious Morning Light Show Caught On Morning TV News Program

Hello Clockers...what's it been, 9 months? After waiting that long one would hope I'd deliver a good one for you...and I think this might qualify. Evidently, during a morning telecast on live TV in Milwaukee - some very strange lights appeared out of nowhere in the sky as they were cutting to a commercial break (a view overlooking the cityscape). Suddenly...and long enough for the newscasters to react...many MANY mysterious lights - looking much like fireworks (but without any up trail) appeared over a large swath of the sky...AND MOVED...each and every one of them. I first saw the link here on a website for a local Milwaukee FM Channel - and found the YouTube link you see below...already with over a million views in a couple weeks. Please watch this one a few times with an open mind...even as you listen to the newsreaders surprised voices.

Unidentified Lights On LIVE TV 2018  with 1,788 comments available to read....many suggesting, jokingly...that what we see is sperm and that Earth is a big egg...and we've just been fertilized...hmm.

So..what do you think...has the Fortean decided to communicate once more...with a new twist? Has some nefarious government or non government entity identified a manner to provoke fear or wonder into the populous at will? Has some prankster figured out how to drop fireworks from the sky in an unnoticeable manner? Or... is this simply a new development in fireworks that obscures the flight trail upwards (which would be a damn cool firework attribute)? OR...something VERY close to the camera that seemed to give the illusion of being in the sky (of course...if that was the case...this would be at least a semi common occurrence on live morning TV..which it isn't)?

Or...aliens, as suggested by the female reporter?

Let's simply assume for argumentative purposes that what was caught on camera WAS something anomalous as opposed to nefarious. Let's at the same time rule out my other suggestions above so we can focus on the anomalous..... Of the past we've seen mysterious displays of "multitudes" of orbs in the sky simultaneously...such as in Mexico. We've also seen Orbs move in the sky...but not quite like this - absolutely a "look at me" action/activation/actualization. 

Those who have read this blog for the past 11 YEARS, know that before all the BULLSHIT of CGI and clickbate "UFO" websites/YouTube channels - it was not difficult to find seemingly genuinely strange "lights" in the be exact...the same kind that have been seen for decades by humans, if not forever. 

An anomalous spontaneous generated moment of wonder for consciousness to find and discover. It just might be cranking up again for all to observe.

As Bruce Duensing's last post 

Is UAP A Quantum Detection System?

 before his death suggests - the anomalous may all be about a relationship between consciousness and being (takes you to Duensing's post)... and I'll let readers with this quote from Bruce ...his final comment:
Bruce DuensingMay 12, 2015 at 7:01 PM

I dont think for both pragmatic and perhaps metaphysical reasons there are no singular and definitive answers that could be narrowed down to any coherent narrarive in terms of the causes of UAP but it serves as an intriguing platform for exploring relationships such as stimulous and response as a singularity....drama as a reactive Zen Koan...I suspect there is no anthroporphic purpose as we define it in UAP..rather..relationships...without a heirarchy...Yet the questions mutate the answers...What or whom is detecting what or whom defies linear causation.

Or...was the video of nothing but Birds? With the OBVIOUS question...why has this NEVER been seen on the screen before?
Thanks for reading and having an open mind
you are rare.
Hey...there's tons on this webpage for true lovers of the anomalous...dig into the archive and page for more.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Wisconsin "UFO" Pictures

As some of you may have noticed on my Steemit account - I've blogged about "UFO" pictures from Wisconsin (and my UFO blog for Wisconsin) - I hope you will visit both. In those posts I featured the rare "ufo" pictures of interest...all from Wisconsin...from the daytime Orb to the night-time craft - enjoy... (I do posts here to keep you aware of other posts too).
March 2014
(camera flare?)
Dec 2014
Silent Triangle
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
See more commentary about these photos and MUFON links too at Wisconsin UFO's Link.

Monday, May 8, 2017

How UFO's Fly - Theories Of Akhauri P. P. Sinha - UFO's MASKLESS

Hello Clockers - As you know, new posts are few and far between these days in the crazy world of UFOlogy at UDCC - as little on the internet is worth bringing to your attention. That said, I've had a video post cued up since mid April and simply haven't hit post - you'll like it.....maybe I'll give this post a few days and post again.

As you can see, a gentleman from India (English his second language, so communicating has been less than productive - I'm sure he means UNmasked for example) claims he has THE FORMULA for how a UFO craft flies. He's quite positive - and has been sending me one Twit after another as we try to communicate. Yes, I've sent him the formula that another reader/author had put forth to UDCC - but he seemed unable to respond..... So, I no particular order..some of my communications with him - you can read his ideas at his 
twitter account.

Link To Picture

Dear sir , I also saw a very lighted and motioned UFO in April - 1979 , at my home residence , Aurangabad , Bihar , INDIA at 6.30 pm . I have discovered Special Radioactivity on the FLYING METHOD of an UFO . The mathematical form of my UFO BASED discovery ( Sp. Radioactivity ) is M = - ev sq. , wh. M = motion , - e = energy , v sq. = Sound heat , which is a VARIABLE quantity and contains 3,00,000 kilo calories /° kelvin , which is equal in the ANTI form of LIGHT velocity 3,00,000 kilo meter / second . Here this is 100% clear , that we can get the velocity of LIGHT by connecting of both separate NUCLEUS and ELECTRONS of PLASMA of atom of Uranium 235 , because of Factor v sq. . This is not only greatest but also a wonderful IDEA for solving an UFO problem , which is the biggest problem for we earth livers at the present time . You can publish it in your blog from head line " UFO MASKLESS " Thanks !!
Dear sir , My UFO BASED DISCOVERY :- Sp. Radioactivity ( M = - ev sq. ) is the ANTI form of Einstein's Sp. Relativity ( E = mc sq. ) . 4th statial transformation ( PLASMA ) is the main key of my UFO BASED DISCOVERY , which is the ANTI form of Einstein's 4 dimentional continiuum ( x,y,z,t ) . You can not understand my UFO BASED DISCOVERY on the mobile . Pl. note that my UFO BASED eq. M = - ev sq. is the main FLYING METHOD of an UFO . Thanks !!
During our exchanges I asked him about this link - which is a post of a previous man presenting his theory about how UFO flies - you may want to read that too -

He didn't take too well to that persons ideas:
The ABOVE of your two kind of UFO'S theory are not only 100% wrong , also 100% basless . These UFO'S are 100% totally ZTOMIC ( PLASMATIC ) . Thanks !!
How about one more Twit?
Are you listening NASA? Earthlings?

An UFO or a ZTOMIC REACTOR space craft is a controller of an Electromagnetic or Light velocity and able to fly in the space with changing their shape in an " ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD " . This new kind of FLYING METHOD is very very interesting for we earth livers !! No , I have not written my theory into an E- Book . Thanks !!

Hi - An aliens are not useful for we earth livers . The FLYING METHOD of an UFO is the most important for we earth livers , for getting the velocity of LIGHT !!
So, for all you Earth livers out there - over and out for now. Comments are welcome.
Oh...if this post changes HUMANITY - you are welcome.
Oh..and world? If you would like to check out my own books - please click my author page

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Strange Light In Sky...Is Missile Test

Hey Everyone - Just Gonna Dig Into The Files For A Few
Let's Start Recent And Known
As readers of this blog know - one of the few voices I respect in the field of UFOlogy is Jack Brewer - it seems he gave an hour interview recently that you can find Here ....even if you don't have time to listen...the link takes you to the overview of the hour including topics and highlights...HIGHLY recommended
======================== I watched about 8 minutes of the video below which purports to be interviewing a skeptic of one of the UFO clickbait webpages 3rd Phase Of The Moon - and it starts out well...but...then...wellllllll....let's say when he begins to tout the UFO alien abduction phenomena and 30,000 missing per year as the dark side of UFOlogy...jeeeze. Just an example of how all over the place the UFO community is and how DEAD ON Jack Brewer's analysis is compared to these guys. What passes for de-bunking these days is one reason I don't update often anymore.
Finally - I've got a FREE BOOK on Amazon TODAY - check it out. (and for the next few days too)
it's about computer consciousness

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Constellation - A Fictionalized Account Of Seeking UFO Researcher

As I mentioned two posts ago - UFO researchers/UFO Bloggers - can be sought after for everything from their advice, to their ability to reach the public; and to simply serving as a soundboard for those perplexed by the phenomena. In the last post I reported a UFO/Orb caller who let it be known to this blog - ie:me -  what happens when one performs too much like a real life magician something I've blogged about in the past. 

For today's post, I fictionalize what could occur to movie/film/video producers and directors - when they reach out to a real UFO blogger, like myself - instead of bullsh%t hucksters. Remember, dear reader...believe what you want about this fictionalized account:

The Meeting

Could it really be by chance that the coolest station on Sirius XM, Channel 21, Little Stevens Underground Garage, ...was playing Telstar by the Ventures, followed by Calling All Occupants Of Interstellar Craft - on my way to the meeting at STARbucks? Would that even be believable to re-tell?

As it was, pesky clouds still hung low in the sky, despite it nearing noon ... WeatherUnderground (no not the 1960's radical organization, the great weather website) said that it was supposed to have cleared up by now. They're usually uncannily accurate at the timing of such things - much like they can pattern the future. And speaking of time, time-wise, I was running, somehow,  about 10 minutes late - despite driving this route often and knowing the time it takes at various times of the day in metropolitan Atlanta traffic.  I chuckled to myself...Missing time perhaps? The 20-22 minute trip was taking 32 minutes. It was a bit strange, as I had left nearly immediately upon hanging up with my "contact" seeking UFO researcher. 

Ah, finally, ...there was my visual marker,  the Chick-fil-A; I knew it was opposite the Starbucks in the popular upscale strip-mall that we were meeting at. Impossibly, Sirius XM was now playing the Byrds classic Mr Spaceman as my mind drifted to the fact that the word Underground was a daily and important part of my life. 

Hell, I thought to myself, real UFO information could also be said to be could, obviously, HELL itself. Simple human base intuition tells one to avoid the underground; as my mind infused momentarily with CHUD - that 1980's classic cult movie - Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers.

Having parked in the far reaches of the Starbucks parking lot, I approached the door from an obtuse angle, wondering suddenly if the young man who would enter the door only moments before me was "my connection". Somehow, perhaps preoccupied, he didn't see me; it was as if I was invisible coming from my unusual angle to the door. Of course, there was no way I could know for sure, as I would indeed momentarily be entering the restaurant myself and looking for him, assuming that he got there on-time.

Now, both of us were inside the door, our very beingness surrounded and infused with the aroma of coffee -  I was perhaps two steps behind him - as he moved into the restaurant, and not to the empty ordering line. He indeed seemed to be searching within the restaurant for the "man with white hair"; as I had self described myself. 

I followed him thru the maze of table ...also not seeking the ordering line - as I guess, I too was looking for someone if this wasn't who I was suddenly stalking; and when he turned around, not seeing anyone with white hair -  I was therefore - immediately upon him, much like the famous magic trick Metamorphosis, slightly startling him. 

His face became live - are you Rick?

He had the firm handshake and engaging face of a straight laced business man, with an odd retro slick throwback look reminiscent of the 1960's - like the characters on that Mad Man show. Indeed - his appearance was certainly out of sync with many of his generation even visually. Time-Traveler perhaps? But I get ahead of myself for how this contact and unique meeting was arranged in the first place.

Days before this face to face encounter we had spoken for the first time by phone, arranged from our LinkedIn connection, about the many aspects of the UFO phenomena - for over an hour - still not reaching probably even the halfway point. During the conversation we were seemingly nodding our heads on many points of agreement through the interaction - so - this quite unusual, only LinkedIN connected, face to face meeting about to occur - was something to be anticipated. 

Indeed, as alluded to, the set up for the "UFO" meeting was not quite normal, in that the initial contact was made via the business network - Linked In - a social medium, and being in my mid 60's,  I almost never use it. With his connection request, I took a quick look at LI  which revealed that we had no previous common business friends; why was this unknown local person contacting me - and indicating he wanted to get a message to me -  as I read deeper into his business profile, ... he seemed to be an important mover shaker for a large, .... no very very large, American company...but  even deeper down on his profile...was the kernel... the ah-ha connection we had...he was somehow associated with a film company that made a famous documentary about UFO's and Disclosure a few years ago, and it was named Constellation. Readers will remember the marketing hoopla of course - and overblown claims. it changed absolutely nothing.

"LinkedIn", I thought, what a strange way to establish the UFO connection with me,  especially when I had/have my personal Email right on this very page and have for years. Had he never seen my blog - why was he connecting? Why would he think this was the best form of initial communication with me?

Soon, as the new year began, I followed up on his outreach, and we "connected" on LI - as I was curious about this strange business reach out for an anomalous reason. And, I was to find it was indeed  about the anomalous; and after a written exchange on LI, as alluded to above - that first long esoteric phone call happened, prior to this face to face meeting - with interesting bits being dropped into my earpiece about his real intentions and hopeful desires - over the course of 1000's of spoken words. But, I get ahead of myself - as intentions and desires are tempered by actualization.

Space Line: The Starbucks Encounter 

After our firm handshake greeting and then deciding to order, we carried our drinks outside despite a damp environment - as it offered one thing - no eavesdroppers and semi privacy. I was at this meeting looking for clarity with this "Hollywood" contact - as our first LONG conversation left enough open about his intentions or desires from me ....for my very first line to him to be...."since I dominated our first conversation, I'll be looking for you to be the lead." Soon after, I told him about my similar encounters with investigative film makers "as a UFO researcher". More on that as this story evolves.

The Slippery Slope

Turns out, I was wrong to expect any clarity from the young, out of place, stranger.

Despite my asking repeatedly - over the next hour, he never provided a clear answer on how, or why, he was sitting with me in person - or even how I was "found" by him - and he never indicated being a fan of my UFO blogging. Nearly all my questions about the who, what, where, when and why of our meeting got answered almost like double-speak. Additionally, he never indicated being drawn to any particular line of thinking or semi-conclusions about the UFO phenomena I've drawn. 

Why did this guy want ME? Was I being pumped for information? By whom? For whom? ... To give the inside stuff shared to me as a UFO researcher, or learned by me in over a decade pursing the unknown? 

Immediately, upon the lack of clarity in his answers, I began to wonder.... Should I provide some misdirection?

My thoughts drifted back to the many times I had identified for my readers the repeated visits to my blog by NASA and various national defense contractors earlier this decade. Entities that certainly had contacts with this gentleman's parent company....and his main source of livelihood. Entities that one could only wonder about their visit to a UFO Disclosure website,  if UFO's and the phenomena were total bunk as they maintained. He seemed quite naive about how the powers that be might have incentive to keep information about the real phenomena - confused...or on the wrong track. He didn't even seem aware of the Nov.2011 UFO Disclosure answer by the US Government, or its implications.

Now, my mind drifted to our initial call, days prior,  with obscure carefully worded non-details. What was/did 'supervising crews' supposed to mean as to the reason why I was being recruited so to speak? Or 'collecting real biological evidence'; what was THAT to mean? I was expecting the NDA discussed on the phone to involve something, that he was supposedly bringing with him,  .... to be .... truly something hardcore. 

Hardcore enough, that I had friends that I told, for my safety, that I was going to meet up in an amusing 'exchange briefcases' type of scenario. Entering Starbucks, I carried in my book titled The Heavy Stuff; he had a small tote with a small notebook he would eventually remove, scribbling in it at only odd intervals during our face to face. .... Possible Wire/Bug? He was as straight looking and out of place as that new Geico Insurance Ad where the geeky nerd is asked by mobsters if he is wearing a wire.

Afterall, it's not everyday that bloggers meet unknown persons, possibly holding an NDA, before going further with you. Let alone, about subject matter like this; subject matter of possible importance to the world, even possibly, to mankind itself. 

Okay. Yes, it's worth a chuckle after you read that. Hell.... engage yourself in a full belly-laugh. 

That said, being sought after and having to deal with the "seeking UFO researcher" role, a mantle that one assumes as a blogger on this subject matter - even from movie or TV not new; and readers will remember my mentioning of previous encounters with such folks, all of which (at least 2 before) had the same characteristic....they don't/haven't  end well...and I foretold that to my fresh faced serious contact sitting directly across from me, outside, before a brief drizzle moved us inside. 

He seemed surprised at my statement.

Indeed, as we proceeded to talk, my contact seemed naive to many of the more "specific" oddities about UFOlogy... such as Bigelow's money connection to everything anomalous, NIDS, ... and importantly, ignorant of the Fake UFO crappola in the "Disclosure/Alternative" crowd and mindset, and such. .....What exactly was this Mad Man characters base of knowledge?

Over the next month...that became much clearer...from his posting on social media.

That said, he did seem to have already a hidden base of ideas that checked the boxes with some of the non governmental UFO elements - and seemed to understand... that messing too close to the truth may not be in his best interest..... the slippery slope of being on record on a subject off record. Taking everything into consideration, I wondered about the positioning of the follow up to Constellation.

A Magic Connection

While we stayed on the subject matter of UFOlogy - before the meeting ended, his, perhaps not surprising, personal involvement in magic came up, and it's association with possible elements of the anomalous.... so, I asked the question that I've always wanted to ask, much like those who find out that I am a UFO blogger - and I finally had the answer I always wanted, and yet never wanted to hear from a magicians mouth.... YES...magic was real

He didn't wink. Was he a natural hood-winker?

My answers on real UFO's were much less straight forward. Clearly, most of our discussions were spent on the slippery slope of real.

OMG, the song, Do You Believe In Magic, by The Lovin Spoonful - came on impossibly, right then, on the in-store music service. Was some magical event going to occur? Other than his too common name being called repeatedly by the barista and another man of similar doppelganger age would walk up and claim his drink behind us. Since two other non-ordinary events I've witnessed could be loosely tied to the magic field....(in one, a ball vanished after going into a bag...just after the bag owner, a juggler, questioned the abilities of David Blaine). Seriously Spooky. 

Was something building to actualization?

Or was this meeting going to end like the lost notes of the one time historic meeting between Gurdjieff and Buckminster Fuller? Passing vessels full of different structures.

The Outcome

I perceived no event - and alas - ultimately, a month later, the contact didn't end well, as predicted.....shortly after the final and contentious shared call...and, upon looking - I noticed a FB friend total was seen to immediately diminish by one. 

Oh, to be used and discarded (he sighed) .... I haven't been to LinkedIn, even yet ...but I have a feeling.


What happened to abruptly change the UFO researchers mind? 

The beliefs and prior actions of folks associated with the follow up to Constellation  - need I say more. My phenomenology based approach to UFOlogy perhaps dashing another dream.

The enigma of wanting to prove that the anomalous occurs, in the sky nonetheless,  is understandably hard to resist for some - and some want to take the next leap of faith and say that it exists in some type of space - but, the believers want you to believe that it IS. And is here-now. 

With literally no proof.

The romantic visions of the days of 2012 are over, to all but a very few - and well past the put up or shut up moments for the far out alternative crowd. It should be remembered, that reputations precede attempts to inform; and the messenger, and approach to the public, must be nearly perfectly targeted for sensitive complex subject matter - sadly missing in some quarters.

( Suddenly you have a fuzzy image in your brain of mankind dressed in a futuristic garb - a spaceman outfit -  fading on a black and white TV in the front of your mind) Control of your TV and mindset is being returned to you not adjust the controls. I've already done my best to adjust the blurry settings. Wait...would/should Starbucks be playing White Rabbit?

That said, perhaps there is a business model in "have a lunch with a UFO Blogger"? I'm not winking either.

But here's some real news in UFOlogy .... the FB group 'In The Field' (Scott Browne) is putting together their own version of UFO Truth via those that are seeking proof from evidence gathered from being involved in observations of the sky. I've seen the trailer, set for summer release, and the good stuff will be well worth the look. - the trailer is about 6 posts down his page... Not sure what his privacy settings are for viewing - go find the impossible.
Thanks For Reading
And I Guess That Leaves Tye Hampton

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

An ALL CAPS Message

I recently indicated that Orb caller Dean Clark reached out to me twice about 11 days ago - I immediately responded to Dean's real e-mail and got NO response...this is the identical pattern to the last time he reached out to UDCC. Anyway..I thought I'd pass along the message from someone poking perhaps a bit too close to the truth of the UFO phenomena - perhaps.


I have hidden Dean's e-mail but IF you dig deep enough you can figure it out by finding the post at UDCC that he is commenting upon. But...first...let's take a look at the message from Dean to those interested in the UFO phenomena.... Over a period of years, DC has been able to call a localized "light" phenomena into his localize area ... even upon demand on occasion... I know MUFON looked and researched him close up nearly a decade ago now...He says, as you can read above - his practice can result in visits by the authorities...and finally Dean claims his method/structure for beckoning the unknown is a health benefit for him....and how what he does wants to be hidden by the powers that be. Hmm. I think we've heard that before.

As I said in my last post - I answered Dean and got no response...much like here On January 9th, 2016 - and at this link, over a year ago,  I also reprinted DC's perhaps esoteric words which you see below:

Hi, i am the Dean Clark you search for......
ufo's are very real ,and beings of another world are here among us...both day and night they are here......there is a thing called soul catchers....orbs as they have been called,,,they roam the earth both above and below out to them speak to them as you would speak to another person,they are there and they can hear you.....i have thousands of unseen videos and pictures i need to expose but it seems each time i try i am kicked off help me show the world what i have discovered...............

I reached out to DC, both this year and last year and got no response - (having been years now since we exchanged e-mails) - which is curious if Dean really wanted his best stuff out there. At one point I covered the YouTube channel that posted DC's videos...but as I've discovered in covering the many "callers" the results are often not an on demand type experience and even when they are...for most analysis is a continual lessening of the ability. (to project the intentions?) - I, of course, have no idea if DC's unseen videos are recent or truly over the top...but...I'd like to see about you? ----- Oh...almost all "orb callers" have a different set of beliefs on what is responding for them to see/comprehend...but one commonality perhaps is mindfulness.
I guess that leaves two stories I teased last time to fill out.
Another space....perhaps.
Oh...far down the slippery slope I exchanged some of my outlandish thoughts about those reports of Upright Canines in Pennsylvania with Lon Strickler yesterday - several leaps of faith required to believe my "theory". 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Seeking UFO Researcher

Hello all - thanks for still coming to UDCC - it's appreciated and I assure you if you take the time...the archive is full of wonders. Speaking of you can see - this is the very first post for me in 2017 and most likely this is NOT a return to anything regular - indeed - while I haven't posted here, some of you are aware via my sidebar that I've still been occasionally updating two of my other UFO blogspot blogs since regular posting ended here.

But, I return to elaborate a bit on my headline - seeking UFO researcher - and I guess I can't be surprised too much. You see, evidently, 8 years of posting on the phenomena and having supposedly deep connections thru the years - brings folks seeking you. First it was Tye Hampton - who I've covered before in these pages with literally a shi&load of material and thoughtful considerations about a phenomena (orb) that is seemingly connected with his reality location - yes..he has pictures...etc... I have yet to explore at any level... Then, about a month ago I was found by a producer for the upcoming follow up to Dr. Greer's overhyped movie on Alien Disclosure, among other things,  Sirius. I've had a conversation with him and an in person meeting - I will blog about this most likely in more detail in short order...and finally, once again, I was sought by Orb caller Dean Clark via the comment section of UDCC - and while I've asked Dean...for at least the 2nd time when he's reached out for videos and such...nothing after his initial contact. Dean too has an interesting tale about those who become too fascinated with pushing contact with the unknown - and being visited by authorities. --- On all three of these accounts I may provide more details...but wanted long time readers to know...the connection lives on.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

My UFO Books - And Book Giveaway

Hello Clockers - About an hour ago I started my first ever giveaway on Amazon...of my latest REAL BOOK (only E-Books prior to recent conversions) -

All you have to do is "follow' my Amazon Author page to have a 1 in 10 chance (includes free shipping and free taxes). When you are at my Author Page you will see the latest REAL BOOKS.

Thanks for your support.

Giveaway Summary:
Entry Message:Simply Follow My Amazon Page For A 1 In 10 INSTANT Chance To Win My Latest REAL BOOK. Learn the reasons why the USA UFO Disclosure Answer In 2011 Might Mean UFO Suppression Via Disclosure. Pick Up This Book Today For Your UFO Bookshelf.
Duration:Dec 4, 2016 6:53 AM PST - Dec 11, 2016 11:59 PM PST
Prize:The UFO Disclosure Destruction Papers
Number of Prizes:2

There were two winners within 1 hour and 18 minutes. Thanks For Your Participation. See my video for my new paperback below....and hey, give it a read.


Monday, August 29, 2016

A Four Paragraph Esoteric Explanation Of The UFO Phenomena And Why There Are No Longer `UFO Specials' On TV

Recently... I joined a website called - a new idea similar in a sense to Reddit - but that PAYS people who contribute to the cool new platform - via blogging or presenting links or commenting - in actual money (that is transferred into cryptocurrency - any cryptocurrency can be exchanged for Bitcoin... and Bitcoin can be easily transferred at any moment into cash). I've put the below article onto Steemit as original content first - and REprinted it here later. I'd appreciate if you would go to Steemit and upvote my article(s) - thanks. - (just go and upvote please)
Hello Steemit readers - thanks for taking the time to satisfy your inner quest for knowledge. I'll take the last question first - Why are there no longer `UFO Specials' on TV? Largely, IMO, it's because the Obama administration quietly `answered' the `Alien Disclosure' question in November 2011 as a complete - NEGATIVE. - removing any incentive for any national network to keep alive the `aliens are here' motif - and effectively silencing, once and for all, the `UFO Disclosure News Conferences' (remember those?) - popular in the build up to the `answer' - despite having some astronauts implying that they knew the `answer' to be possibly yes. Indeed - as the official government NO answer sunk in to the network executives - and the rise of `Drones' being the new answer to anything `strange' in the sky - they humbly shrunk off into the corner of rebuttal and took off their collective investigative gloves, just in time to keep the `2012 Crazies' at bay. No more CNN Larry King UFO specials or Miles O'Brian talking about aliens. - And if you wonder how any of the media reacted - only MSNBC offered up this dubious analysis -

Obviously, those in the UFO Disclosure movement thought that there would be a different answer to their submitted question -  considering the many files previously released over the years by the FBI -, the NSA and other government agencies. The Disclosure Movement was obviously wrong - and the now official explanation by the government as of 2011 - was that military officers suggesting that UFO's may have interfered with our Nukes or military fighter pilots who engaged unknown phenomena and craft - were simply lying or mistaken...... Now - if my assumption is correct -  intelligent Steemit readers hit a few of the above links - and anyone can see tons of what appears to be credible testimony from all kinds of individuals about experiences that they had with unknown sky phenomena. So - what is the `answer'? Is there a `middle ground'? Or are both sides liars....or bonkers?

Surprisingly - there is a middle ground - at least in a sense IMO. First - over the past 10 plus years of blogging about the UFO phenomena and looking at literally 1000's of UFO reports submitted to MUFON - I can tell you that at NO TIME did I see even ONE clear `saucer' or craft type UFO picture or UFO Video - NOT ONCE - and that says nearly it all - one would think - but it's not. Because there IS INDEED - something `anomalous' that happens on occasion in our skies. And...indeed... this phenomena can often be seen in the submittings to MUFON - I call it the Orb Phenomena; others simply say LITS (Lights In The Sky) Unidentified Ariel  Phenomena (UAP) - indeed I belong to a tight Facebook group of people who look to the sky for the anomalous - and find it -
- indeed the Sky Orb phenomena is NOT new... and has been studied for decades - especially in the early years of the phenomena, and later and on-going as you see here - - and - here's the UFO-SPOOKY part - some orbs seem to respond to human consciousness in these various studies - ie: coming closer or blinking upon command and other actions. I'm not kidding happens to many who get involved with the phenomena - others in the Scott Browne group will say the same thing and more.

So - let's review - despite cameras being everywhere - the only clear UFO videos are all CGI and only appear on FAKE UFO websites looking for clicks - - and there are tons of them - - so beware Steemit readers..... But all that said... please think about how dangerous it might be to the powers that be - IF it became widespread knowledge that SOME people seem to `produce anomalous phenomena' into the sky and on demand? Kinda magical - Kinda like REAL magicians; and something I blogged about here - - now let me strain your mind (and memory)  into one final example of the above and why even your local TV channel is likely to back off from the phenomena - do your remember the late Prophet Yahweh? In this clip - he did it on live TV - - since then others have done it too. Pretty mysterious... but still we seem to lack the how or why of the Orb phenomena - is it alien consciousness in some form - in a sense on the hunt for humans of a particular state of mind? Well - how deep do you want to go I ask - because in one of his final posts before his unexpected death last year - Bruce Duensing speculated that UAP's were really, perhaps a Quantum Detection System - - which I believe is about as close to the `truth' as you are likely to get without - digging into deeper phenomenology and its relation to human consciousness. I can take you to there too with my opinions - but that is for another time and space.
the previous last post will be back up next week

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Final Post - The End Of The UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock?

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there.
For readers who have been here since at least late 2011 - you are aware the US Government `Disclosed' their answer to the UFO phenomena.

In reality, there hasn't been a UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock since 2011.

I'm working on an `overlooking' post that wraps up my coverage of the phenomena since 2007.

Don't despair - my sarcastic take on the MSM coverage of the phenomena as well as new material will still be produced by myself...occasionally.... simply in other avenues such as FB, Reddit and some of my other UFO blogs.

But this blog will become a museum of the final UFO era as I slowly turn some of the best esoteric posts into new E-books too.

It won't be long until the final post... which is already a great read.

Stay Tuned.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

YouTube EVER2020 - 8 Years Filming Into The Skies Above NYC

As with most videos of the anomalous for me these days... I came into contact with Ever2020 via the FB group by Scott Browne called In The Field Found Here... exclusively for folks scanning the skies for the anomalous..... So, a few days ago Ever2020 posted within the group a video called Small Amomaly (you will find it below) - and it was fairly well received by the group... somewhat a rarity. It still has under 110 views and it is interesting.... but then I decided - who is Ever2020 - and started a journey into his YT profile of videos... which began with a Chemtrail video on Sept. 7th, 2007 - right at the cusp of much of the craziness of 2008-2011-12... 

And... he filmed the skies for YEARS and years... has probably 80 or so videos... I'm going to page through a few to give you his take to a degree. But interestingly... he STOPPED totally... and only recently felt compelled to take his look UP into the skies once again. Three weeks ago to be exact (posting nearly 20 NEW videos in three weeks) .. after a 5 year absence. 

He came back with a highlight film of sorts... that starts 5/25/2008 - a few months after the Stephenville Texas UFO incident shook up the MSM and America -  the comeback film of his to highlight.... To Me Not So Impressive... Balloons? - 50 views ..... and back in the olden days when the MSM still covered the UFO phenomena. As I've indicate.. much of his material was shot in the daytime - and much above NYC .. which had it's own event of course in Oct. 2010. 

So... what has he claimed to find in just the last three weeks of observation? Well on April 4th he says he summoned this `cluster of orbs'... but IMO... a closer look again around the 40 second mark shows... IMO... balloons...or 4 Days Ago.. when IMO... Balloons once again....and yes... he's still in NYC. (Where balloons are released nearly in an ongoing fashion and were indeed said to be the NYC event in 2010...)

Indeed, as I browse his videos - I'm sure this guy would see my post and be convinced that I simply don't GET Orbs.... when as readers know... NO ONE is more in tune with the possible anomalous nature of the Orb Phenomena..... so... not seeing anything compelling (he calls a Chemtrail an Anomaly Here)... really compelling since his comeback... I dig deeper.. back 5 years ago and more... let's see what we find back in the crazy hey-day of Orb sky hunting.

But first... the video of at least a bit of interest - called Small Anomaly - Small Daytime Anomaly - 103 views.

Now to dig into Ever2020 History
In a video called `Best UFO Video Ever' - and videotaped THE SAME Week as the Stephenville Incident - and IS indeed a pretty strange orblike phenomena - His Most Viewed Video - 36K Views.... and this one's weird too - called Serpent In Sky (2008) - 10K views,,,,, (once again the Serpent could easily be a balloon IMO)... 
Overall... no smoking gun and less likely even Orbs... but he's in there trying - even if he is probably deceiving himself mostly IMO.
Thanks for your readership

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Lost 1999 Interview With Betty Hill - First Abductee (Part Two)

Hello Clockers... well... I've listened to part two now... it also is worth the 9:59.... what was of special interest to me was the `missing time' aspect of her recollections....

I'm not going to link to the other parts as you can dig into them yourselves if you wish. She seems like she is relating a real experience... and reminds me remarkably of my own grandmother... right down to her attitude about men from other planets.
And finally for today... Mark Corbin was an U.F.O. researcher... by simply being aware and having a camera... here's his story... only 58 views... deserves many more. This man had a knack for catching orbs and the one or two objects he says are UFOs in some daytime photos ...along with the attached storyline... well worth your time.. Mark Corbin died in 2013... this is his take on UFO's in his own words.
Thanks For Your Readership

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Lost 1999 Interview With Betty Hill - First Abductee

There are at least five parts... I've watched this... it's worth it to know her story... interesting.

I'll be getting to those bin links soon.
IF you are new... take a look around.

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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition

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