Today's post is a MAJOR post.
I referred to this just a few days ago - in my blog post - The New `Standard' UFO Experience as it seems that more and more amazing UFO experiences are seemingly occurring in a what can almost be described as an emerging phenomenology structure. (I also did this post on this in 2012 - called `three lights forming a triangle'.) And, while there can be variations in the description of the impossible perception - the crux of the real perceptual event revolves around the `development' of particular human observed Orb phenomena.
Here's the crux of my new observational analysis of the reported experiences that I have been providing of citizen reports over the last few years here at UDCC. Are you ready to hold onto your hats and any railings near to you? Is your mind ready to absorb a relatively new idea about UFOlogy?............ Yes? (LOL) - Okay, here goes.
The idea is this:
Nearly all of the observed UFO reports given to MUFON involved the proverbial `lights in the sky' report - at least upon initial observation of the `phenomenology perception anomaly' of the human who ultimately makes the UFO report based upon their observations. Nearly all folks - UFO reports are NOT of saucers cruising through the world being seen in one community and then the next community. The anomalies that ARE seen are almost always localized and `individualized' - and the report itself is often based in outcome simply on `how far away' the `lights' are.
Importantly, if the perception of the `light' or `lights' is `far away', - in the sense of being 1000's of feet in the air - or - significantly more than that if the lights are observed `near the Earth'............. then, often, - the `perception event' does not `evolve' beyond the `distant perception'.......... meaning, the `light' doesn't move or flicker or `turn into two lights', and the `anomalous event' is `contained' (more or less, at least this time around).
But, it seems that the more `attention' (consciousness) and `wonder' provided by the human consciousness element - ie: the event lasting for an extended `time-frame', - can induce a human or can sometimes induce an observation of an `evolved' portion of the UFO sequence perception that includes the `distant' light `moving around in the sky' (while at times hovering too) and `flickering with new colors' or even have the occasional Orb Light `seemingly split into two lights'. (The `mothership' phenomena.)
But, still, to the human - the `event' is `far off' seemingly - and not in the localized space of the observer. Additionally, the `event' - at this level of development - does not develop into something `concrete' that involves `structure' or `solidness'.
The above standard very cool Orb experience was the norm until the last few years when, IMO, (in my opinion) a new motif has developed - but it is still a UFO motif that is largely based on the proximity of the `anomalous phenomena space display'. In other words, I'm suggesting that `something' is capable of `projecting' into a `localized space' - an image. An image that is nearly indistinguishable from our collective consciousness reality that we all call `real' on a moment to moment basis.
So, what seems to be occurring is that -------- ORBs are the mechanism for `space projection' that has observable characteristics to humans within a localized space. In other words - the low flying, slow gliding or hovering Triangle Craft (often in hugely populated areas - but seen ONLY by this person or persons with that person) - always with three or more lights `ON' the projection craft (that is often observed with less than real characteristics such as transparency or as something more like an energy field representation of a triangle craft) - is probably something less, or different, than a `real space'. Indeed, IMO, it's a different kind of real space that only appears to conscious beings or instruments that attempt to capture `now data sensations'.
Consider the above while reading this recent report provided to me via Ken Pfeifer: (RED - Is my emphasis)
On the evening of January 14, 2011 at around 6:45 pm, I had just sent my children off for the weekend with their Nani (grandma). It seemed like a regular evening at home and as they left, I just began to go upstairs and revamp over in my head other things(chores, etc.) that I needed to do. While contemplating, I went upstairs into my bedroom and walked straight into my bathroom as I had to use it. Within my bathroom, there is a window that opens into our backyard. Often, I may look out this window just to notice the scenery of nature, trees, deer, birds, or just to look into sky, but this evening I noticed something different. What made me urge towards looking out the window this night was a distinct whirring noise that my nephew and I had heard the previous night before. So when I looked out of the window, I noticed that there were orbs of lights(between 10-20)right above the ground in the woods. They were moving and rearranging themselves in a circular fashion. When I first noticed this(in combination with the noise) I didn't know what it was. I was just trying to understand why is something so low against the earth and what was it doing. Although, I heard the whirring noise all that I saw(at first) where the orbs of lights above the floor of the earth within the woods. No sooner than when I had came to in trying to comprehend what I was seeing, the orbs stopped rearranging themselves and formed(or locked into) a triangular pattern. As soon as this occurred, I heard an ascending noise of some type of craft from where the lights were showing and then a triangular-shaped three dimensional type craft appeared above the tree tops. The distinct detail of the craft was intricate as it was a darkish blue green color but it looked as if the detail was nothing that I would have expected for the average UFO craft to look like. I had so many mixed feelings, like why am I seeing this, is this real, is it an airplane. Then telling myself no, this is not a plane because a plane would not be so low to the ground in this area and especially not within the woods behind my house. While contemplating in my head-space about what had just appeared, the craft glided sideways in mid air and it was as if time had frozen for me to see all this happen. I followed the craft with my eyes until it disappeared and then I heard another sound and saw that there were still lights that were in the woods. Next thing I knew, another craft had ascended up the same way as the other one, same detail and structure. It was as if they were giving each other a significant amount of time between each other, it was so mathematically precise on how they appeared one at a time. After the second craft appeared, it followed right behind the same path as the first one. In my mind, this was not happening to me, but it was and it was very crystal clear as to what they were but what were they doing was my main question- they were so close. No sooner than the second one was gliding off into the atmosphere, I still noticed that there were still some lights in the same spot within the woods. This is when I realized that it was a third craft had to be- I had just seen two. However, prior to this craft ascending all the way up above the trees, the third craft ascended half way and then stopped. The orbs of lights that I had seen were attached to the craft. When the third craft stopped midway I saw it and it released these orbs of lights (don't know why or what it was for) into the woods and the lights disintegrated within the woods and upon the earth floor. After this, the craft ascended above the trees and then followed the path of the prior to crafts before it. I had seen not 1, not 2, but 3 official crafts no more than about 100 ft away from me from my window. It was no loss in sight within this experience, it was as if the universe wanted me to see these crafts and what they were doing. This could not have lasted no more than 5-7 minutes but it was so surreal as it was as if time had stopped, no crafts were flying (Although I do live by a heavily populated area for the RDU Airport)- the sky was clear. And as soon as the last craft was out of sight, I saw a small helicopter appear in the sky further in the distance. We are definitely not alone here and may have never been anyway. Interestingly enough, I decided to take a walk in the back of my yard and within the area of the woods where I had seen these crafts. What was very significant to me and another friend of mine was how much richer and greener and plush the grass was in the woods versus the anatomy of the grass in the rest of the yard. I don't know the reasoning and purpose, but there is definitely one in regards to such visits. One thing is for sure, I was not scared, but was filled with deep emotion of gratitude, thankfulness and honored because I can truly say and affirm that we are not alone.
It's as if the new Fortean Slap in the face is - `what is that' (and the new most believable motif is for a huge triangle) `this is impossible' (it's so close I can almost touch it, it's `for me') `why am I the only one seeing this' (often a result of interest from prior sightings that weren't as convincing - the proof of the pudding observation/perception)!
The outcome of the process is usually `very detailed' MUFON reports of the impossible perception; - in the above instance - three low flying Triangle crafts with lights that NO ONE ELSE saw in a populated area. Almost as if --- perhaps suggesting ---that the unique phenomenology perceptions of the human did repeat locally, for them, in some fashion.
Which takes us back to what exactly is being observed and how slippery our reality structure might actually be, - especially when we are only talking about the reality perception structure of one individual in a localized space. As Clockers know (the regular readers around here) - I have my own ideas about the realness of our reality perception structure and I've expressed them in the below my 8 page Kindle E-Book - that I call the read of a lifetime:

The `answer' as to `what is being observed' - if you are to believe in my answer of looking at it by a phenomenology of spaces, - is that the `object' is a `projection' of a `space' (in this case a Triangle Craft) that has the over-riding characteristic phenomenologically speaking - of BEING - `able to not be'. This able to not be projection - is generally ONLY locally available to human consciousness of a generally heightened state of awareness of selection - in this case above, a perceptual state of trying to discern the anomalous. The impossible. The perception that can be produced, actualized, from the great unknown, is the resulting human experience above.
It is WHY the TRIANGLE CRAFTS are not observed by the rest of the population, or even neighbors on the next streets - or show up on any radar - generally.
These `able to not be' perceptual spaces only have so much `energy' IMO.
Only so much of an ability to even be perceivable to the alert, focused by space and by time, to one or a limited number of
human consciousness. Just as in the case above.
Finally, and simply as an extension of this thought.........
Indeed, could the same hold true for our un-conscious experiences near the sleep state? Could so-called `alien abductions' be simply an anomalous `able-to-not-be' type of space/entity be VERY CLOSE in such a situation to highly aware folks entering the sleep un-conscious state `looking for something'? (Such as looking for one's hands in a dream to `set up' lucid dreaming - ala - Carlos Castaneda's prime idea. This very action of `looking for something' CLOSE to ones space in the dream real - may indeed be some sort of `portal' to able to not spaces `exhibiting' for the dreamer. Who now, in close space with the `anomalous space' - may have - literally - perceptions with no limits - as is often told by the `alien abductees' who have bedtime experiences. )
Is the above a crystallization of a phenomenology of space perception consciousness?
Speaking of The Heavy Stuff - I updated THS yesterday with a MUST see post. The post includes a ROBOT seeing itself in the mirror for the first time. The old `self awareness' moment. You must read the Robot's Statements And See The Video - my 155th post at THS. Go lose yourself.
I also have excellent content that I've updated at Amazing UFO Stories And Strange UFO Videos (blog) too - such as The 1909 Airships Of Austrailia and I also covered the horse and pony show of the UFO Disclosure folks - who brought their version of UFOlogy to Canada Last Week - yes, the same show that will be in Washington D.C. this spring - and that I've already dissed once in this blog. AND - I've also provided an update at The AnomalyMan Listing too - and it turns out that they did the calculations about just where might the closest Earth-like planet be located and guess what the calculation suggested - would you believe 13 Light Years Away - see the logic that is employed and the reason that the nearest one we might actually see via telescope will likely be 100 light years away. Gotta love the math of is article.
Kept you busy today - didn't I? Don't come here expecting an easy ride all the time!
Have you subscribed yet on your Kindle? FREE TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION TO UFO DISCLOSURE COUNTDOWN CLOCK - BLOGS on your Kindle is so 2013! Help support real blogging efforts on the web. Oh, much appreciated is the new person who subscribed to `Second Life' yesterday - there is a growing number of Clockers there - dozens and dozens.
