When I got home I told my family that I think I had seen another one of those black triangles that I have seen at least 6 times before and my son has seen several times also. I told my son to keep an eye out because when we have seen them, we often have seen them more than one in the same night.
Around 9:30 that same evening, my wife and I left on a trip to Chicago. We were traveling south on Canton Center Road Approaching Ford Road when to the south west of us, maybe a half mile to mile away, we saw the black triangular object again. This was the clearest view I have had of these objects in the last 9 years and after seeing it I had absolutely no doubt that it was not an aircraft. My wife and I could both clearly see the triangle shape as it banked on its side. There were 3 bright white lights at each corner with smaller white lights (2 or 3) outlining the edge between the corner lights. And in the center was a blinking red light. Again, it traveled very low, maybe 50 feet above the trees, and fast--at least 2 to 3 times faster than conventional aircraft we see in the area all the time. It was probably about the size of a conventional airliner. I could not hear anything but we were in a closed up car.
Shaman Lujan Matus Has Answers
Canton Michigan Triangle UFO Report for the rest of the details.
Now, to my perhaps not so `far out' ideas about `Three Light UFO's' and `Orb Callers' - and a combining of the two. As I mentioned in my interview on the Kate Valentine UFO show the other day - the UK `disclosure' of a few years ago suggested that when `three orbs form a triangle - they may be able to do PROJECTIONS between the Orbs'.
Folks it is EXACTLY that phenomena that I believe this person observed as obviously large craft do not fly in populated areas at tree top level, quietly, without being seen by EVERYONE. But, that obviously is NOT the case as this is a `selective perception phenomena' - or STRUCTURE as Lujan Matus would speculate. A parallel perception event that has to do with `human expectations' as much as anything.
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